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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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1) Pay more attention to the calendar for console releases when planning seasonal events and cosmetics, and get them done and ready to unlock early enough that all platforms will reliably get them each time.


2) Eliminate the failed Host Migration.  There's no good reason that each client shouldn't have enough information to create a 'good enough' solo instance in the worst case scenario for non key-gated missions.


3) More things for clans.  This includes getting something going with Dark Sectors again, bringing back ranked events, as well as another round of Dojo decorations. (We should, at the very least, have had Alliance banners a long time ago.)

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1. Resolve the RNG issue

The evergrowing ammount of content in the game is spoiled greatly by the RNG factor. While grind is obviously necesarry for an f2p game (and even for non f2p mmo games) the RNG factor in this game has chased away a lot of good gamer friends of mine that would have otherwise loved the game, and I'm certain there are even more people that were chased off by the RNG. The fact that we may technically never get whatever we want when we are chasing after an item is extremely frustrating for most people, and I'm certain I can say that I'm not the only one that would prefer, for example to have to do a certain type of void mission multiple times (a number that wouldn't make things too easy. Perhaps somewhere along the lines of 20-30 missions?) and being allowed to chose what I get. A token system that would ensure people would in the end earn what they want in a fair way without eliminating the need to play in order to earn an item, would be a great benefit for the game in the long run.


2. A bit more weapon balance

Warframe has an astonishing ammount of weapons, each with a different playstyle, look and feel. Unfortunately, as certainly showed by the new sortie missions, only a few are actually viable late game even with formas, catalysts and high ranking mods. Two weapon classes in particular, melee and snipers are very weak in general when compared to other weapon classes.


Melee is certainly interesting and very unique in this game - I believe in fact that it is one of its many defining factors that set it apart from most video games these days! In its current state however, melee is greatly underwhelming on anything but low to mid level missions. The risk to exposing yourself and charging in is far too great even while parrying and while the combo system is a good idea, the combo duration is far too short to be of any use unless all enemies in a room are clumped up together.


The issue with snipers is that in a game where you face so many enemies and have to be on the move most of the time, sniper rifles have always been the underdog. The new sniper changes have unfortunately had the opposite desired effect, since now snipers are even more difficult to use thanks to zoom sway and unzoomed spread. While such mechanics are common in most shooter games, in warframe you have to face multiple opponents (and some of them are often charging at you in melee) in often crowded corridors, and as such these changes has only put the final nail in the coffin for sniper rifles. In order to be able to keep up with other weapons, snipers require mechanics meant to help us deal with waves of enemies and the removal of the sway and unzoomed spread would be a step forward in the right direction.


2. Please, stop being afraid to listen to the player base more often.

I know that first and foremost Digital Extremes is a company, and like any company, the objective is to make a profit. However I am afraid that if the game keeps going in the current direction things will turn out for the worst in a few years. Stop being so scared of replacing mechanics such as RNG, or slowing down a bit with development in order to look back to some of the other issues the game has and that players have been posting about for years. Some of the best free to play game developers have been doing such in a long time and they are doing great without having to add a new dice roll requiring mechanic or a giant grindwall with every update in order to keep people buying. TF2 and LoL for example are great games and while the addition of new content is certainly a lot slower then warframe, they are profiting greatly with cosmetics instead of having to rely on people to use premium currency to buy their way into content because of the difficulty to unlock said content.


You guys are a great bunch and the very reason I am posting this is because I love the game but please consider taking a bit more time with whatever issues players are posting about in the forums.

Edited by Cabadath5
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1 Less grind and RNG behind it: I think its safe to say a lot of playerbase wanted less RNG and grind, a currency system was tumbled around and we got Baro in the end... not really less RNG I would say more grind. So please next year try to alleviate the RNG parts ( I know you guys want us to play more and longer the game, but it's making me less wanting to play it every update ).
Focus and Sorties are seriously took a toll on me and don't even want to bother with them.

2 More smarter difficulty: I mean less number scaling and more interesting Ai tactics that are telegraphed, less one shotting and bullet sponging with cheap tactics and invincibility frames, more interesting designs and mechanics around the fight ( Hey, shadow Stalker was a nice addition I do enjoy kicking his butt ).

and 3rd for my sake, give us a new Braton Variant *Dex Braton with new gun sound and model wink* wink* nudge* nudge* ?

Edited by Ognj
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My wishlist for Warframe....


For one, I love the reworks, but they are only focusing on the warframes. I think there needs to be some buffs to the "lower-tier" weapons, like the Miter or Tetra, and some sniper rifles still need some love despite the new rework, as they still don't fit into the game.


Another thing, I'd love to see a few more weapons and weapon types. Melee is feeling great, it's got a lot of variety, and with the coming rapier it's looking good. Let's give guns a bit more love. Let's talk about a proper heavy weapon as we have before, held more like a minigun. A rapid and deadly weapon with a tight-ish spread, meant to storm an area with bullets. Augments for them would be cool.


Finally, I hope you make 2016's Warframes as amazingly as you've been making them this year. They've had so many new and interesting mechanics and such, and I can't wait to see what the new year has in store.


Keep up the good work, DE! I hope to see some cool things coming, and I don't doubt you'll deliver. Take care, have a great holiday!

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1) an actual stealth patch, hiding places, body removal, I should be able to go undetected with any frame using some new tricks and tools


2) a spider frame (multiple arms or legs maybe for powers)


3) a lance weapon/ spear weapon class, with a stance that'll let you charge and skewer grineer

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Have a nice break guys, you've earned it.


I have for my wishlist two tiny wishes, then one big one...


Wish 1: Nova's antimatter drop (afaik ever since release) does not take critical damage into account. For some time I considered maybe this was meant as a balancing factor, but eventually decided that is probably not the case. It seriously hurts using AMD with certain weapons including but not limited to: Soma, all sniper rifles, akmagnus, aksomati, sybaris, and most bows. I believe the reason for this is that AMD is treated to have the same "health" type as objects- which afaik has no resistances nor weaknesses, but is also unable to receive crits. My wish is simple. Please update nova's Antimatter Drop so that it is finally able to take critical damage into account, so that Nova's choice of weapons isn't seriously impacted on people who want to use this ability, rather than just spam her 4.


Wish 2: Inventory in dojo. More times than I can count I have done a trade, sat in trade chat, not known whether I had a thing, and had to fly all the way back to my orbiter just to be able to check and see if I have something- because I refuse to message someone when I only THINK I have something. Plain and simple this makes trading incredibly clunky- and the simple addition of accessing our inventory while in the dojo would have a MAJOR impact on trading as a whole. It would also make it much more feasible to actually have trading as a reason to hang out in our dojos- rather than have them barren like they are now.


This last part is- without a doubt in my mind- the ONLY thing that I truly want and care about to be seen. If I could only ask to have one thing on my wish list, this would be it.


Wish 3: Here's the big enchilada. AoE. I have seen this reported many times since what I'm about to bring up has started- and not a single time has it seemed to catch the attention of the team or get a response.


What I am referring to is headshots. In a certain update/hotfix- there was a note made in the Fixes section.  "Fixed AoE damage counting towards earning a 'headshot'.". At first I assumed this was to finally fix a long standing bug that AoE damage had- headshotting no matter where on the enemy it hit. When I got in game though, I quickly realized- whether intended or not- that AoE on MOST weapons/abilities (but not ALL) became COMPLETELY unable to headshot, no matter where you hit on the enemy. I cannot bring myself to believe this is what was intended.


There are many reasons I can't. Firstly, it's not on all abilities or weapons. Secondly, removing all 'skill bonus' from an entire slew of weapons and abilities in Warframe seems very unrealistic to me. Thirdly, in the loading screens when flying to a mission, there still exists a tip of "Aim high with the penta to score headshots!"; with the penta being one of the weapons that can no longer headshot.


My wish is for you guys to look into this (now long-standing) issue/bug/topic and to let us know whether or not this is intentional. If it is not intentional, naturally I would love to see it fixed, as it hurts a LOT of stuff. If it IS intentional, I would love for you guys to look at it again and reconsider, even if you end up deciding you like it the way it is. Either way, more than anything I really just want confirmation as to why this happened, and if it's going to stay this way. It's been driving me mad for the longest time now wondering "why".


Thank you guys again for your hard work, and especially The Second Dream. It's been an amazing year- a true year of quality.

Edited by Stratego89
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Happy holidays DE and thank you for another solid year of gaming.

This has been my favorite year in Warframe yet!

Wish list...

1. A dedicated Augment Mod slot for Warframes.

2. A dedicated Utility Mod slot for all weapons (except melee). These should include reload, fire rate, and PUNCTURE mods especially. Make it an weapon Elixus slot... I have spares!

3. Ammo belts/ vests/ holster sets... Just like armor sets except they include magazines from specific guns/ factions. Say you like using Grineer weapons (like myself) so one set of cosmetics includes the round Grakata mags in a set of three that wrap around your waist. Or a set of Supra 'batteries' that holster to the back of your frame (waist line). The individual pieces could even be placed around various areas of a frames body... Giving us more customizations!

Hell, I would love to have a set of leg armor like the typical Grineer soldier wears for all my frames. Those bulky, magazine holding thigh pieces look really cool. I could go on and on... Basically let us have some simple but easily customized ammo accessories.

When my frame reaches to reload I'd like to actually have something there for him/ her to grab... Not just air ;)

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My favorite thing to see in 2016 would be some expansion to the colony life or life in general of the system. Maybe some city streets as a tile set or seeing the life of people not in militaries rushing through a bar with people running out of it and grineer attacking walking through streets with landing craft overhead and some shops and people having side conversations. I think it would help the universe feel much more alive and large.

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1. Kubrow Commands. I want my dog to stay by my side during a defense and not run off or attack specific targets when I need them to.

2. Madurai Focus overhaul, it needs to at least deal finisher damage and be able to scale into sorties.

3. Augments can be used in Exilus Slots

Edited by Juebev
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My wishes are

1: Umbra excal... Yee

2: double sided scythes ( What? They're cool ).

3: more of those beautiful cinematic cutscenes.

Edit:( my fourth secret wish: To know how the Stalker became Shadow stalker ( how he became umbra excal ) )

Happy holidays!

Edited by Strikeblade
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Happy Holidays from a proud Founder since May 2013! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication!

1.) Better trading system

Systemic Override zenurik passive made to give less efficiency, but for the full duration of the mission

3.) Primed Streamline/Stretch/Intensify

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1. be it your decision and you may have decided this in concrete before, but seeing your work id adore the idea of the opposite sex of every warframe.


2. more direct selection of items from baro ki teer, with a rework on accessing his gear, like a rare key to his domain or perhaps directed via a new tileset


3. more stealth gameplay mechanics, low light actualy makes you harder to be dedicted, while having certain enemys have nightvision/whatever, hiding spots in plain sight/sortof, like hiding on the ceiling.

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#1: More Archwing expansion. A new Archwing itself would be great, since it's been over a year and a half since the Itzal arrived, but also more mission types, more tilesets, more...all the usual stuff, basically. If I had to pick a singular thing, I would LOVE to see Archwing missions in the Void.


#2: More syndicate stuff. Melee weapons, more weapon augments, weekly missions a la Darvo and Clem, important characters to interact with, actual assassins/operatives for the specters/death squads instead of (or in addition to) regular enemies, quests, whatever. There's a lot of potential to make syndicates a really rich facet of the universe.


#3: More Corpus weaponry in weapon categories where there's little representation. In particular we still don't have a Corpus shotgun--a real one, not like the Convectrix--and I for one would love to see a Metal Gear Rising style plasma katana.



You guys enjoy your holiday. You've earned it.

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1. Balancing heroes and diversifying roles. There's a huge over-reliance on a handle of frames because they are the only ones that fill that niche. Trinity is the prime example of this, she's the only frame that can give everyone on the team lots of energy and and instant heal, so she's pretty much required for everything late game.  I know that releasing new warframes makes money, but making the player base happy with rebalancing existing warframes is only a good thing. 


2. Arcane Enchantments to be obtainable for solo players (maybe  as a sortie reward?). As someone who is almost always playing solo, I really feel like I'm missing out on a powerful part of the game, since I don't want to fork over 1-3k platinum for a set. 


3. Survival, defense and interception loot tables to buffed to compete with excavation. Really irritates just how much better Excavation is, I love playing survival, but why bother when in excavation I can get twice as much in half the amount of time.

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