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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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If you are bother by it DE wins...

5 hours ago, Teljaxx said:

I just wish we could use our Warframe powers in our ship. I would go burn it all away with Ember if it weren't for that silly rule.

I LIKE MY HOSE CLEAN, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I can smell it from my throne all the way in the back, and it stinks. Smells like burning rubber and moldy cheese...


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8 hours ago, ultiga said:

The warframe is probably not immune. Remember the Infested Mesa?

Infested Mesa has Alad V's collar on her, just like when fighting Mutalist Alad V and he throws his collar on your Warframe and you lose control of your Warframe for a time. It's not the infestation infecting, it's the Mutalist Collar controlling.

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I just realized, I hear that there are these bombs in the warframe universe that can destroy anything that is organic, could we use that to remove the crap from our liset?

Edited by M.E.A.O
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10 hours ago, Grayfigure said:

It hit me while I was thinking about how anticlimactic it is to have an infestation on our ship, cus we run through that stuff like grass on a spring day.....

Then it hits me...the Question:

Are WE (Tenno) Immune to the Infestation, or are our WARFRAMES Immune to it?

two very different questions, with two Very different answers, and two VERY different consequences.....especially since its RIGHT DOWN THE HALLWAY......

Need Infested Exterminators STAT!!

WE are the Infested exterminators. The infestation on our ship (and our current apathy toward it) is like a highly recommended professional exterminator seeing both rats and cockroaches running around his home and being like "Meh... I'll get to it later...". Then he gets into his truck and takes a mission to kill the infested on a planet  thoroughly does his job at a clients home. In other words, it makes little sense.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea of it and I think it's great that DE does this stuff. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense in this case.


Edited by Silvus-Sol
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

If you want to destroy your operator and half the system you're residing in at that moment. You monster.

Well, we may as well drop our stuff including the operator on Earth so we can picnic while we wait for the bomb to detonate. Then Dad (Ordis) can come in and pick us up. But when you said half the system... nope. I recall some guy saying that Corpus, Orokin, and maybe the Grinier used the bombs to clear out the infestation from their ships. I mean, the distance from Phobos to Earth is what, 48 mil miles away? May as well blow the bomb while in the middle, and I'm pretty sure that no faction has made a bomb that could cover that much distance.

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Are we, the operator, immune to the infestation?

The answer is unclear. While we have seen the operator saying “we're immune to the infestation, yet they still try to kill us” one could interpret that the “we” part could refer to the operator and warframe, OR its warframe and your ally warframe.

This is because several of the operator's line seem to be directed at other people, such as “waypoint marked”.


Can't we just destroy the liset along with infested?

Unfortunately. The infested is inside the orbiter compartment, meaning is in the main aircraft. Your landing craft doesnt contain it.


Lets just burn it all off then! Problem solved.

Look the the left of the infested door. Its spread into the wiring. If we recklessly fire the ignis about, we could end up destroying the entire ship.


So what can we do?

Nothing but research ways to tame kavats. Either that or B̵͡eç͞ò̴m̡̡e̵͝ ̷o͜͡͡ne̛͡ ̢w̛͢i̵̧͢t̶̸h͜ ͟͞u̴̕s̶̀. :)



Immersion aside, waiting for DE to release kavats is gonna be whats going to solve our infested problem most like.


Edit on record: i hate the autoformatting. It never works for me.

Edited by 321agemo
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Who did we piss off recently that could cause infestation to a sealed off section of the orbiter?

Also, we may be able to kill infested organics (the enemies you fight during mission) but we cant kill the infestation that you see on the walls (the stuff on our orbiter). Say that Kavats can do this (get rid of the environmental infestation), we get a new room at the end of a quest to get another damn pet, but what is that room used for? My guess is either at an entirely new system to improve your gear or something related to space combat (the room that is there when you preview an archwing does not look like anywhere on the current ship, however the other uninfested door may lead to the archwing room, so this is less likely)

Lastly, I am willing to bet with money that the early post with the Lotus (DERebecca) saying 'OMG' is supposed to confirm we are on the right track with the 'new quest for U19' thing, or to indicate that it is not a bug or accidental release (if it was an accident, it would not be there anymore, unless it was an accident and they thought that if they removed it people would notice the change)

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I was goofing off around my ship looking at stuff and I see that the locked door to the left of the room with (Second dream spoiler stuff) there was infestation stuff growing on my floor and walls. There was also an infested voice like Phorid behind the door. I didn't see this stuff till after I did Sands of Inaros, but some in-game said something about Atlas. Why are the infested on my ship and does it have anything to do with a specific frame?

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2 minutes ago, Zisruj said:

I was goofing off around my ship looking at stuff and I see that the locked door to the left of the room with (Second dream spoiler stuff) there was infestation stuff growing on my floor and walls. There was also an infested voice like Phorid behind the door. I didn't see this stuff till after I did Sands of Inaros, but some in-game said something about Atlas. Why are the infested on my ship and does it have anything to do with a specific frame?

Yes, with Ember - BURN IT WITH FIRE!

Jokes aside, this is a know fact and we await some Lore related stuff.

PS: If someone does not know 

And... @DERebecca I REALLY want to use my weapons in the orbiter now.

Edited by phoenix1992
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18 minutes ago, Zisruj said:

I was goofing off around my ship looking at stuff and I see that the locked door to the left of the room with (Second dream spoiler stuff) there was infestation stuff growing on my floor and walls. There was also an infested voice like Phorid behind the door. I didn't see this stuff till after I did Sands of Inaros, but some in-game said something about Atlas. Why are the infested on my ship and does it have anything to do with a specific frame?

It's probably a quest hook for U19's Kavat companion, which eats infested tissue.  So there will probably be a quest to obtain one so you can clear out that room.

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8 minutes ago, arch111 said:

So what do everyone make of the fact that the right door now have a thick fog outside? It was not there a week ago.

This interests me even more than the infested door to the left. 

Starboard and Port please, I know we aren't all sailors but left and right depend on your point of view. 

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23 hours ago, M.E.A.O said:

I just realized, I hear that there are these bombs in the warframe universe that can destroy anything that is organic, could we use that to remove the crap from our liset?

You referring to the Cascade bomb? If so, that would kill everything that is organic but probably not the Operator. As it contains destructive void energy. Additionally, more likely it would leave a hole on the ship and sucking away the oxygen into space. Which Operator would die. The only person who would service that would be Ordis

1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

What if we aren't gonna go through the Infested looking door? What if the growths damage it and screw it all up, so to get to it, we have to go the long way around, through the other door?

At least would see the most of the ship.

Edited by Ibro156
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2 hours ago, Ibro156 said:

Has anyone noticed in U18.7 that that are more cables and the infested goo expanded to the left side of the wall


2 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

Didn't notice any extra, though I didn't really check....,


Nah, same as before. No changes.

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