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Dev Workshop Part 2: ...& more Warframe Changes.


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2 minutes ago, TheRandomHunter said:

Paralysis is utterly worthless and straight up needs replaced.

Last I checked, Paralysis opens enemies up to finishers. And Hysteria does absolutely bonkers damage on finishers, 64x if I remember correctly.

I still agree, but going in a different direction: Valkyr needs good abilities that AREN'T Hysteria.

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3 minutes ago, MINDL3SSVIOLNC3 said:

Im pretty much in line with this as a few other posters are as well. And in the case of of the full damage reduction of 99% it is still time limited, requires that trinity takes an extreme risk (reducing life to 1) and requires a high casting cost (i think? in my build it does anyways).

So I also call out not to touch trinity...she has been through enough already. And if that isnt enough for you then think back to the Viver days when you set forth the nerf hammer upon trinity and mag and remember how well that went over.

Thanks for the great game! I know you will make the right choice!

Precisely. If Valk's Hysteria is fine, I don't see any problem with Trin's 99% reductions that, like you said, are limited in duration and come at extreme risk to Trin.


If you wish to support no nerfs to Trin, go here:


Thank you.


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Even though the only Warframe relevant to me that I play is Mirage, I'm really liking the changes so far for all of them!

Especially Slight Of Hand. It's my favourite of her's (and one of top ones in general for me), so it's nice to see it get some treatment!


Lastly I hope to hear more news regarding Limbo if there is any by tomorrow (;

Assuming you guys figured out that "sweet spot" for him! Well, so to speak lol.

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Just now, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Prism was unbalanced and you know it.

Exalted Blade was spammed like a turret, and not used to slice up enemies like a normal blade, and you know it.

Bladestorm is too easy to use for what it is, and you know it.

Blessing... well, not actually sure what they'll do with it but... I'm sure it will be justified.

Slighty Agree.

Kind of boarder line disagree but well see the nerf fall off.

100% nerf it into the ground!!

*Crys tears* old trinity was way more fun she's to easy to kill.

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5 minutes ago, -Mr.Meeseeks- said:

The nerfening begins... Loki nerfs when?

Probably never.
Loki is alright in my eyes. But DE is handling things with the major problem frames atm. Not even sure if Loki has any real issues, despite rendering rooms of enemies disarmed. 

At least they can move and fight back... unlike having a Blind Mirage render them completely helpless and unable to move, while prone to Stealth Damage.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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Blind nerf is nice, it was too strong to begin with, surprised it took you so long to understand it.

But about Valkyr not so sure, while rignt now it's braindead "push ult - live forever", you need to make people want to reuse it as much as possible since ripline and paralysis are gimmicky, increased drain with no benefits sounds meh. Considering you most likely would add useless kittens to her passive, few sec taunt on activation would be nice.

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1 minute ago, CanisLaticanis said:

Last I checked, Paralysis opens enemies up to finishers. And Hysteria does absolutely bonkers damage on finishers, 64x if I remember correctly.

I still agree, but going in a different direction: Valkyr needs good abilities that AREN'T Hysteria.

Paralysis' range is terrible, it stops you cold, doesn't really blind, stun, or give any other beneficial effect, it's pretty much just opening things up to finishers. Know what else opens things up to finishers? A ground slam. Doesn't cost energy to use or slow me down quite as much, and it deals damage. It also doesn't work on anything that's immune to crowd control, and can't be used in a nullifier bubble. It's effectively worthless.

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Just now, TheRandomHunter said:

Paralysis' range is terrible, it stops you cold, doesn't really blind, stun, or give any other beneficial effect, it's pretty much just opening things up to finishers. Know what else opens things up to finishers? A ground slam. Doesn't cost energy to use or slow me down quite as much, and it deals damage. It also doesn't work on anything that's immune to crowd control, and can't be used in a nullifier bubble. It's effectively worthless.

except ground finishers dont ignore armor

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53 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Excalibur's rework made him an indisputable lethal force - a role he will continue to shine in, but now with more reasonable parameters on his Exalted Blade waves.

Exalted Blade’s damage will now diminish according to distance traveled and enemies punctured, and Exalted Blade’s built-in Radial Blind on spin will now cost ½ the Energy of a regular Radial Blind. Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost. The powerful range on Exalted Blade turned Excalibur into more of a turret than a swordsman. This change means that Exalted Blade is more effective when used in close range and using Radial Blind is now a calculated choice. The ability will simply become more engaging in all encounters.

Does this mean there will not be any way to slide melee while in exalted blade without it costing energy?

This makes me wonder if ever, maybe far into the future, it is possible we could have customize our abilities. Customizing each of our 4 skills individually, beyond and in addition to mods and augments. i.e. complete removing the mini-blind to be able to slide attack freely. Or maybe removing the homing on slash dash, to be able to aim past enemies. I'm sure lots of frames has similar peculiarities, where changing little mechanics of individual abilities wouldn't really skew balance, but would allow players to tweak their use of each ability.

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1 minute ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Probably never.
Loki is alright in my eyes. But DE is handling things with the major problem frames atm. Not even sure if Loki has any real issues, despite rendering rooms of enemies disarmed. 

At least they can move and fight back... unlike having a Blind Mirage render them completely helpless and unable to move, while prone to Stealth Damage.

So being completely undetectable (especially with his invisibility augment) is completely cool? Banshee silence being used as a stealth tool can't even compare.

And turning rooms of enemies into mindless swarms of zombies whom need only be dealt with by moving at a decent pace while taking popshots is totally alright and balanced? Meanwhile Nyx sits in the corner doing nothing.

Come on now. I like abusing Loki's abilities as much the next person, but to say that he's balanced compared to other frames is a straight up lie.

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Hey folks, just a friendly reminder, the developers are looking for feedback regarding Warframe ability changes.

This means that if you don't like how things are being changed, you should voice your opinion following these 3 core guidelines for making good feedback:

  1. Identify what you think should (or should not) be changed,
  2. Propose alternatives for how you think it should be changed such that it benefits the game,
  3. Do so in a respectful, constructive and civil manner.

Making your feedback respectful, constructive and civil in nature makes it more likely to be regarded. Using sarcasm or rudeness as a vehicle for feedback is not recommended. Good feedback doesn't have to be positive, and some of the best feedback is negative (in that it suggests changes or things that can be done to improve the game). But if your feedback fails to remain respectful, it's likely to get removed.

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Wish there was a way to disable the 'spin blind' on Exalted Blade

Been playing since 'coptering' and just spin attack as 2nd nature, not trying to waste energy for a sub copy of an existing ability but I slide attack A lot and each time mini-blind goes off I'm like whoops, now it'll be "****" lol, time to retrain my brain on that one.

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While the balance changes are mostly welcome, i feel like the time spent on them should have been in pushing existing underdog warframe abilities up, rather than putting others down.

If i am to assume you make a game to be fun, why not make older or less used warframes more fun to play with?


Edit: you guys should take a look at Oberon/Hydroid and banshee. I remember seeing some threads on feedback with awesome ideas regarding them, last time i was here.

Edited by Noabettiet
\_( ´-´ )_/
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1 minute ago, NightBlitz said:

except ground finishers dont ignore armor

True, but Hysteria finishers do so much damage it barely matters. You'll never get far enough for that to come into play without permanent crowd control like Mirage, or permanent hysteria.

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3 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

Hey folks, just a friendly reminder, the developers are looking for feedback regarding Warframe ability changes.

This means that if you don't like how things are being changed, you should voice your opinion following these 3 core guidelines for making good feedback:

  1. Identify what you think should (or should not) be changed,
  2. Propose alternatives for how you think it should be changed such that it benefits the game,
  3. Do so in a respectful, constructive and civil manner.

Making your feedback respectful, constructive and civil in nature makes it more likely to be regarded. Using sarcasm or rudeness as a vehicle for feedback is not recommended. 

Posting memes/videos with no explanation is not constructive either!

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Trinity's Blessing & Ash's Bladestorm are both under review as well. If we determine a course of action for either of these powers, we will let you know here. Feel free to link us threads on either of these with your thoughts!

I'm hoping for just a simple effect change like half damage resist for teammates or cap it for them.  It's really just the shared effect that is a balance problem isn't it?

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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13 minutes ago, MINDL3SSVIOLNC3 said:

Im pretty much in line with this as a few other posters are as well. And in the case of of the full damage reduction of 99% it is still time limited, requires that trinity takes an extreme risk (reducing life to 1) and requires a high casting cost (i think? in my build it does anyways).

So I also call out not to touch trinity...she has been through enough already. And if that isnt enough for you then think back to the Viver days when you set forth the nerf hammer upon trinity and mag and remember how well that went over.

Thanks for the great game! I know you will make the right choice!

The problem with this "extreme risk" with Blessing is that it doesn't actually exist. A Trinity set up specifically for Blessing will be using Quick Thinking (keeping them at 2 health instead of dying) alongside a source of controlled self-damage such as throwing a Glaive at the ground. Duration of blessing can reach almost 30 seconds without an Arcane helmet.

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losing energy on your spin attack while in a channeled ability is downright stupid, remove that cost or totally rework the ability or remove spin attack all together from the melee system..if that is the case why melee or channel anymore when every move you do costs energy which Excalibur doesn't even have a lot of?? really you gotta do better than what you all are suggesting..

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I think changing core functionality of abilities that allow players to cope with infinitely scaling enemies will result in a heavy handed reduction in power that will make these abilities less effective at killing enemies found in lower level content. 

Instead of altering the core functionality, I suggest that enemy scaling be reviewed given a buffs to cope with a fighting against deities. (Diminishing returns on CC, Corrosive procs to remove armor, the ability to parry "Ranged" melee attacks) 

Thank you for your time. 

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Excalibur's rework made him an indisputable lethal force - a role he will continue to shine in, but now with more reasonable parameters on his Exalted Blade waves.

Exalted Blade’s damage will now diminish according to distance traveled and enemies punctured, and Exalted Blade’s built-in Radial Blind on spin will now cost ½ the Energy of a regular Radial Blind. Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost. The powerful range on Exalted Blade turned Excalibur into more of a turret than a swordsman. This change means that Exalted Blade is more effective when used in close range and using Radial Blind is now a calculated choice. The ability will simply become more engaging in all encounters.

My thoughts:

"Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost."
You do know that you could also buff his other abilities so that they're actually worth building for... right?

Regarding Exalted Blade - The damage dropoff over distance isn't such a bad idea, but perhaps set a range that it does full damage to (like 10-15m or something I don't know) then have the damage taper off from that point out to its end range/damage.  Then at least we know we're going to hit full damage up close.  The built in Radial Blind is basically useless anyway, giving it an energy cost will make it even more useless, making spin attacks completely worthless while in Exalted Blade.  Might as well just remove the built in Radial Blind if you're going to go that route because almost nobody's going to use it unless it's accidental.  Also, not sure I agree with Exalted Blade's punch through reducing damage, I think that's going too far.

Additionally, enemy scaling fix when?

Edited by Talevon
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Well as i valkyr player i do feel the change is justified. My only concern is that i only hope hysteria doesnt consume too much energy/sec so i dont have to put flow on her for hysteria to last more then 5 seconds

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I really like this, a lot of key reworks are coming finally.

DE finally got a hold of the most abused mechanics of the game, however,  even with these grasps, we will wait for the extremely high backlash of players that use abilties.

For example

Mirage is used for Raids.

Ash is used for press 4 to win sorites on incredibly annoying missions.

Bless trinity is literally giving invulnerability to everyone again.


I do prefer reworks on frames->Reworks on enimies.

But I don't prefer sorties or raids to be less manageable with under-skilled players that rely heavily on these tools.

I hope these changes makes trinity and the other frames do their "Spam Job" a bit worse, and do their actual intention to be significantly much better.

I like that these frames finally have disadvantages to make other frames a viable choice, but I don't want these frames to become a trend to become very picky, like Mesa.

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