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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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Don't like ember passive at all ... When i try to get on fire i die, plus the regen doesnt work while WoF is activated, which is the skill that everyone keep on using, so that is a bit stupid X_X

Oberon passive well what the point ? ...

Nekros range is too small, it should be 20m at least.

Hydroid its fun 1 minute in the simulacrum then you know that you will never see that passive ever, because why would you ground slam in first place ?

Nyx, well i don't get it, why would you like mobs to loose their weapons, when your abilities makes them hit each others ?


Edited by clemza
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we already had a Thread on this but okay...


oh great, Elec Shield limiting Weapon usage, so that means the situation is:
cast Elec Shield, oh no, i've been forced to only use my completely superior Weapon! the horror!!!!!!!!!

seriously this stupid nonsense is getting old. being forced to use your Statistically superior Weapon? what's the goddamn point.


Ash - Ash's Passive treads into Saryns' territory. i'd recommend going back to the drawing board so as to not create something that's almost identical to another Warframe.

Banshee - might want to take a look at Silence sometime after this Passive is applied, as Silence is quite niche as it is right now, losing any feature makes it harder to justify having it in the game. basically add new mechanics to it and adjust the way it works so that it's more useful in Combat.

Ember - Ember's Energy/Strength bonus is still ridiculously situational and also has zero Player engagement.

Nyx - as usual, more things that make Nyx and Loki the same Warframe. if you really can't think of anything that doesn't make these Warframe the same thing, just delete both and make a new Warframe that IS the two of them at the same time.


Shooting Gallery having two instances, so that Mesa always has a benefit from the Ability is glorious.

yes, please replace Rift Surge. it's basically worthness. especially since it isn't even a Multiplicative Damage Bonus, but an Additive one. but something that is more useful in general, yes please.



i think the ideal is that Passives are 'all of the above', something that's silly and mostly for flavor, but also something that's useful and has Player engagement plus directly impacts their Gameplay if they partake in engaging themself with it.
then everyone wins, you get flavor bands that increase the strength of the theme, with engaging things to give a more direct result to Gameplay so that every Warframe always plays a bit different from all the others.


but since i'm doing it again, i might as well say something about all of them.

neutral in regards to Banshee, Hydroid, Limbo, Loki, Booben. not un useful but also not much to say about them. i.e. generally won't notice their effects.

Mag's Vacuum effect is convenient. not much else to be said.
Nekros Health Regen is great. matches theme and helps with the Despoil loop!
Volt is neat, usually won't see much benefit but does let you get some extra out of the Abilities from time to time.
Nova knocking things down is convenient, since most of those Enemies will be close to you, so a sort of "you're coming with me".
Trinity reviving faster and from further fits Archetype so cool beans.

Edited by taiiat
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Feedback on frames I actually play:

Loki's passive is useless, nobody really uses wall latch and it doesnt complement Loki's playstyle or abilites in my opinion. I would rather have that on Ivara, where I sometimes latch to walls to shoot the rope-arrow from a good position. I suggest something that benefits his stealth and disarm ability like 10% chance for finisher attacks on melee.

Nova's passive is not good. Most enemies that knock you down are moa's, those grineer ladies and heavies and infested ancients. 2/4 of them knock you over from a distance, the passive proccs in the moment you are knocked down, so in those cases it does nothing if you are not standing in the middle of enemies, which should never be the case with squishy nova. I suggest something ability-themed like creating a small, short lasting black hole on ground slam similar to simulor's ball merging effect. It would be cool and useful, but yield a high risk because Nova isnt very durable for melee attacks. Or do something else with the knockdown effect, like have her be teleported a few meters away on knockdown...

Trinity: Didnt test it, but it sounds good. Trinity is extremely vulnerable when standing still, so reducing the revive time is a good thing.

Vauban: Its ok, since he is only played on defensive missions where players stick together. And his survivability isnt the greatest anyway :-P

Volt: In theory good, but make that attack bonus last for 3 seconds or so. Bonus for one single attack is not really worth anything.


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Can chroma finally get a legit passive yet? I don't have any ideas for it but atm the current one doesn't even feel like a real passive because its not like you can change elements while in the mission.

I mean equinox can choose which form she starts as via energy colour as well, but she can also change forms while in mission, not only that she even has her own equilibrium passive too along with it.

Just feels to me that chroma is being left in the dust.

Edited by Dragazer
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1 minute ago, Dragazer said:

its not like you can change elements while in the mission.

(even though you honestly should be able to in order to get Players to use Chroma in a highly flexible, tactical fashion)

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I said it before and I'll say it again the oberon passive is a horrible passive for 2 reasons

it only works against grineer (or infested in the derelict) but more importantly he can already turn enemies on each other with his powers


I feel this was a missed opportunity to give oberon a proper passive


with that out of the way I do feel some of the other passives are just a lil lack luster, like the nekros one can use a bit of a buff for example

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Quoted from my topic:

On May 29, 2016 at 0:03 PM, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

I want to make some suggestions about changes for passives for several frames, along with the reason I think they should be changed.


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Chroma's passive, IMO, doesn't really count as one right now. The fact that changing colors changes the frame's type requires active use and doesn't activate in missions; it's a customization tool, not a passive. Therefore it should stay, but not be considered a passive.

New passive: Chroma will do 15% extra damage to enemies who damage him. Chroma is supposed to tank, and this encourages tanking. The 15% boost may be too high, but I think 10% at the least is still good.



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Ember's current passive requires her to get hit, which IMO isn't a great passive for a squishy frame. Moreover, it's to get hit with a heat proc--which means either a fire hazard, or one of the high DPS enemies like Anti Moas or Scorches. It's also not even possible to do for many mission types.

New passive: Enemies "panicked" (the animation where they wave their hands around and don't do anything after getting heat proc'd) from any source are open to finishers from Ember. This fits Ember's theme, but is more than just a bonus to her abilities as it can happen from any source.



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Hydroid's current passive seems problematic only because tentacles are such a pain sometimes; being inaccurate and preventing you from being able to shoot targets. We're going to make a slight change.


New passive: on ground slam, Hydroid has a 50% chance to create a mini-puddle (Undertow-like) for 3-5 seconds that does damage to enemies that slip and fall onto it. Unlike Undertow, they don't fall in and out of view, thus can still be shot or stabbed.



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Limbo's passive isn't bad. The problem? I don't really think it's a passive; it's more or less just a benefit of Rift Walk/Catalyst which actively require casting.

For Limbo's passive I'm going to suggest something more "magician" thematic than rift-based.

New passive: Limbo has 20% chance to magically instantly reload his gun.



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Mag's passive seems like a bad carrier. Let's give her something more interesting.

New passive: Mag has 5% chance to disarm an enemy within 20 meters by bringing their weapons to her.



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Nyx's passive has several problems. It is not even a passive; it requires her to cast abilities. It's copping Loki's abilities (though he did that first, but that doesn't make it good design). It doesn't synergize with her kit at all, as it seems it could cause enemies players want to attack each other to stop. And it's functionality can already be found more reliably in the Pacifying Bolts augment.


New passive: Nyx has a 5% chance of causing enemies within 20 meters to downgrade or disarm alarms. In survival, this becomes a 50% chance for enemies to pick up life support for you (the small drops). In Interception, a 10% chance to hack a console for you. And in defense (and maybe Rescue), a 10% chance to make an enemy unable to attack the defense objective.



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Oberon's passive is only helpful for Grineer, only on places with Drahks or the sharks (I guess...). DE may have plans to add more wildlife, but right now they don't have it.

New passive: ranged enemies have a 7% chance to drop their weapon and attempt to honorably fight you in melee combat. This would not have a confusion animation like Mag's passive, but it has a higher chance of happening.



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His passive makes little thematic sense and is almost worthless for a 50 armor frame. My suggestion isn't passive, but I think it's okay anyway.


New ability: Vauban can hack security systems when they're not in alarm state to turn them against the enemy. This includes Void torrents, Corpus turrets, Arc Traps, Magnetic doors, and any security systems on locations now populated by Infested. That can be done on any console, and lasts 1 minute.

One last thing: please list passives under the "Abilities" tab in the Arsenal now, and on the market.

Let me know what you think.

There are definitely better alternatives to some of these, particularly Chroma's (a popular one is that he should get an extra jump due to his wings).

The main philosophy behind all of these: they need to be useful for any complete loadout (not weapon-specific buffs), on any mission, and they need to be plausible for the frame to use (unlike weak Ember lighting herself on fire, or armor-less Vauban getting a buff that doesn't work with general Vauban playstyles), and they shouldn't feel like part of the basic ability (like Limbo's passives that are just Rift Walk additions).


Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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Warframe Passives

Numerous Warframe’s have received passives! You can view each passive under the ‘Abilities’ tab on each Warframe. 

•    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer.

Nothing wrong with this.
•    Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent. 

Nothing wrong with this.
•    Ember: Receiving a Heat Status effect will regenerate energy for the duration of the Status effect (10 energy per second) and increase Power Strength by 35%.

Problem here...while this passive WOULD be excellent in the horribly situational situation, it does not happen enough for it to matter. Possible better passive would be x2 panic duration for heat procs. This'd let her have more CC and be less situational.
•    Hydroid: Every Melee Ground-Slam has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that will last 15 seconds. 

Again situational and somewhat pointless. Better passive for him would be a % boost to credits and ammo picked up within x radius for hydroid and allies.
•    Limbo: Holster Speed and Reload Speed is 50% faster while in the Rift, and movement speed increases by 10% while in the Rift.

Somewhat eh for a fragile frame. Possibly something to give him more survivability would be better.
•    Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration!

No bad but compared to other frames it feels somewhat lackluster.
•    Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump.

I feel this is also fairly lackluster compared to other frames. Should possibly change to abilities proc magnetic procs, and allow it to synergize with other abilities by letting certain abilities deal more dmg with magnetic procs rather than only magnetize itself.
•    Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health.

Again situational and radius is way too small. Possibly let it be so enemies have chance to automatically become a shadow for 20 seconds with % dmg bonus.
•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage.

Again too situational for a fragile frame. Possibly explosion ranges doubled(including blast damage and molecular primes blast radius)
•    Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ).

While many people feel this overshadows Loki, I've used a max range Chaos and the amount of disarm felt perfectly fine.
•    Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds.

Horrible, just horrible for his passive. Needs something like Health Conversion for his passive.
•    Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away.

 For only 1 second faster revive it just feels eh but idk.
•    Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour.

 I think instead of armor from allies it should be armor from enemies within 20m
•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack.

Nothing wrong here so far though as a frame he feels so eh right now. Never before have I ever actually felt bored playing a frame, annoyed maybe, but never bored.

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Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer. -- Perfectly fine, and thematically appropriate.

Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent. -- Redundant considering this is already done by her "Silence" power, which is now less worthwhile IMO.

Ember: Receiving a Heat Status effect will regenerate energy for the duration of the Status effect (10 energy per second) and increase Power Strength by 35%. -- Extremely situational at best. Moderately useful when a ship is on fire, way too dangerous to use vs Bombards, Scorches, and Hyekka Masters. Frankly, Ember does not have the damage mitigation to really benefit from this in the late game. It would have been useful if her Overheat ability was still in her kit.

Hydroid: Every Melee Ground-Slam has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that will last 15 seconds. -- Thematically appropriate, I suppose.

Limbo: Holster Speed and Reload Speed is 50% faster while in the Rift, and movement speed increases by 10% while in the Rift. -- Eh, I feel like this comes close to the mark, but still misses it. I still feel the entire Rift Mechanic needs an overhaul, then his passive should get another do-over based on the results.

Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration! -- Really doesn't fit his kit at all; Loki is supposed to be the Trickster, not the climber. Increased backstab/execution damage, chance to disarm enemies or chance to proc Radiation/confusion when blocking/parrying would be better. Or Loki could gain these increased effects whenever his decoy is destroyed. This one needs a redo.

Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump. -- It seems to work well enough, although the radius feels a little small. Consider making it scale with Ability Range mods?

Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health. -- Perfectly reasonable. It may seem small, but with a Tonkor or a Torid or a Tigris modded with Seeking Force/Fury it adds up.

Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage. -- I haven't played with this much, but it doesn't thrill me. I have no better ideas, but I'd like to hear other players' suggestions.

Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ). -- If I cast Mind Control on a Napalm or a Corrupted Bombard and they drop their weapon, I would be very unhappy. This can be more of a hindrance than a help.

Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds. -- Kind of limited use as it only benefits from the Grineer and Earth Kubrow. I suppose Kavats on Infested tiles would also fall under this, but it's of no benefit vs Corpus at all. Thematically appropriate, but not very useful.

Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away. -- No solo benefit at all, unless you want to revive your own Kubrow. I'd prefer something like increased Energy Efficiency when under 20% health to better allow for a last ditch Blessing.

Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour. -- Vauban only has 50 armor, with the Prime variant having 100 armor. Most Warframes only benefit from armor if their value is around 200 and up. Vauban is not a tank frame or a melee frame, increasing/modding his armor just doesn't seem to make sense or fit into his playstyle. Also no good whatsoever in solo play.

Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack. -- Perfectly Fine.

Edited by DaftMeat
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Ember recived a +35% addative increase on her powers with a condition a lot of people would consider not only hard to achive but near impossible in high level play.


Ash recived a +~61% base damage increase due to his passive on both his Shuriken and bladestorm that requires no condition to have. Ash passive also grants the bleed bonus to his weapons.


The only saving grace of Ember's passive would be her +10 energy per second she also get while somehow she would mange to survive the condition her passive requires and this energy regeneration does not work while her "World on Fire" is active.


Feels like Ember needs way more work on her passive since not only is she already considered a worse damage frame unless we play low on the star map, but her passive requires both a condition and the type being addative, something that is way worse than a base increase. And to top it of the values are much lower for Ember as well.

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I think Ember should have a low chance of set enemies on fire when they are in close proximity to her or rework some of her stuff to give her a chance to set herself on fire.

As for Oberon... DE's official punching bag... I don't know what to say here anymore that hasn't been already said.

Edited by Heatnix.
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Taming wild life cant be his main passive

(it add nothing to gameplay , is not really funny , overlap with radiation ability, make AI bug, ruin stealh gameplay)

Oberon really lack of way to do damages by himself , something like doing more damages on irradiated target would greatly improve synergy in his skill kit



Need a proper passive... it's weird to let him be just like that


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Here are my ideas.

Hydroid leaves pool of water after he cast his abilities that can heal if you have undertow augment or simply slow enemies down.

Oberon, as Orthelius suggested or taking damage to health casts regen, allies within 10 meters gain regen as well.

Ember, she absorbs all heat sources even from enemies, which restores her health then her energy. this should be like Rage mod which it convert 40 damage into energy, its the same here expect her passive convert less damage into health then into energy and fully maxing her health, BTW, she is immune to heat damage and she absorbs it too.

Nyx, all affected enemies ignore allies or enemies that gets close to her fall under Chaos for 10 seconds / enemies that gets too close to Nyx drops their weapons.

Nekros, killed enemies restore 20 health, range is based on Desecrate range.

Nova, when she falls the entire tiles falls including bosses!

Limbo, everything is faster while in the Rift, this affect banished allies too.

Mag, after casting any ability, Mag gains a "push" effect that push hostiles away from her for 10 seconds. 

Loki, after Loki cast Decoy should he "die" he is auto switched with his Decoy.

Vauban, each ally within 20 meters grants Vauban an increase in his states, 1 ally give him 5% more duration, effici, range and strength, 4 allies = 20%?

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Oh boy I've been waiting for this thread. Here we go:

Gonna format this as - frame: what it got - what I think of it.

•    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer. - Ok passive. Don't really see anything that needs changing.
•    Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent. - This passive makes silence almost totally redundant. It's only good as a stun now- and the skill never worked well in the first place. Banshee as a whole needs a rework so I'll just wait on that since you guys can probably fix this problem when that happens.
•    Ember: Receiving a Heat Status effect will regenerate energy for the duration of the Status effect (10 energy per second) and increase Power Strength by 35%. -This is definitely out of all of the passives you added the most problematic. Fire is rare. Most fire murders you brutally (napalm high level). Taking a SPECIFIED kind of damage to get a little bit of energy and power strength when you could use rage and intensify to get it all the time makes no sense. It makes 0 sense to INTENTIONALLY have to hurt yourself and put yourself in danger to get a passive. A passive is something that should be active all the time not just in an extremely specified situation.
•    Hydroid: Every Melee Ground-Slam has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that will last 15 seconds. - Pirates don't buy lottery tickets, they steal the reward. RNG for this is pointless people can just spam slam as much as they want anyways. Just make it consistent or change the passive.
•    Limbo: Holster Speed and Reload Speed is 50% faster while in the Rift, and movement speed increases by 10% while in the Rift. - You know what I said earlier about "passives should be something that's active all the time not just in a specified situation? Yeah. That doesn't apply here since Limbo is almost always in the rift anyways. Good passive. You guys mentioned you might remove his 3 during his rework- if that happens his passive needs to be updated to include a damage bonus in rift to make up for it- because right now he is the only true assassin in warframe and if he loses that I'm going to be quite sad.
•    Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration! - Again, this is situational but in this case it's still technically "active all the time" I personally think all frames should be able to wall-cling MUCH longer than they already can, but this does fit Loki's kit well to keep him out of firefights and stray bullets.
•    Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump. - Didn't expect this to be good, but it's actually AMAZING. Perfect how it is. Sometimes stuff bugs in the air and doesn't actually get sucked into you though. Only thing I'd say needs changing but that's more of a fix.
•    Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health. - Nekros was already almost a god of death, this can't possibly be a bad thing. It fits his theme too. I haven't tested it but frankly... I don't think I need to...
•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage. - This one I actually forgot you guys added. I haven't tested it yet and the damage imo is pointless but the CONCEPT is definitely spot on for Nova. It covers one of her biggest weaknesses. Naturally I'm still going to run handspring on her but this just further helps her survivability as a glass cannon. I have a feeling the radius might need to be taken up a smidge though. 8m, maybe 10. It could be fine though and I can't give a proper opinion until I test so if everyone else is cool with it I'm sure it's fine as is.
•    Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ). - All I'm going to say about this one is "Irradiating disarm needs to go".
•    Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds. - This one... I'm sorry Scott but cool doesn't make up for a complete lack of functionality. I'm 100% sure that the game wouldn't consider the lanx on uranus for this passive since they're not even wildlife- they're objects on rails that deal slash procs. This ability is almost as insanely situational as Ember's- if it wasn't for Hyekkas it would be. Even if all factions and tilesets had things this would apply to it would still feel mediocre. Either add another passive (plenty of frames have multiple passives so it should be fine) or change this one, please. Oberon needs a rework as it is, his passive was a nice opportunity to give him a little bit of something to hold him over and that didn't happen...
•    Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away. - Well... Trinity's team shouldn't really be dying anyways but it fits her theme and I guess if the situation is that bad it's going to help immensely so it's a pretty good passive. Doesn't need a change in my eyes.
•    Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour. - Vauban's armor is really too lacking for this to even matter. Either something needs a buff or maybe have vauban give them armor as well... idk. It needs changing but idk what to suggest. I personally think vauban still needs a proper rework since his 1 is very lacking and his 3/4 serve almost the exact same functionality.
•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack. - As a volt main I can say this passive is not bad, but I'll mainly just ignore it exists. Extra damage is extra damage I guess.

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22 minutes ago, CRCGamer said:

Mag's passive plays a very poor second fiddle if you use a carrier. Also given how combo cast heavy the rework made her she really needs *something* to help with energy recovery since newer players won't be running around with streamline + fleeting right out of the gate.

Perhaps instead have a energy reduction on enemies that have magnetic status effect on them 

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Oberon just needs a "more health received from any healing source" sort of passive. something simple that goes along with the nature and healing theme of his. that video some one posted of Oberons animal passive inside the simulacrum looked like a complete mess.

I don't dislike the idea of the current passive, it's just a bit broken and limited at the moment.
I have no doubt that it will be a great passive once everything is done, but right now I don't think anyone has the patience to wait for it to bloom out

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Ahcruna
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I think that the issues here have been talked about to death already, but I also wanted to reinforce the feel that Hydroid and Oberon could use either a new passive or a better implementation of the same one. I honestly think that a Hydroid tentacle spawning seems alright, but the execution of that feels quite more forced than it should. Maybe you guys can find a better execution system for it, perhaps when you use any ability or something.

As for Oberon, well, maybe I'd be inclined for him to get a better/new one altogether. The idea sounds good on paper, but I feel like the way the game works now it's not really going to help.

Another note: I feel Ash's passive is on the right track, and since you guys have confirmed there's work going on Bladestorm, I'd encourage you guys to take another look at Shuriken for better tracking and scaling to later levels. Mainly, that ability is what will make the passive shine, so I truly think the effort on that area would be completely worth it.

Hope you guys are able to sort all the chaos and issues soon!

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Ember's passive is too situational as well as downright lethal. Not enough enemies do fire proc from all the factions, and when they do, I notice that ember dies soon after. Even then, she doesn't last long enough to take benefit from the energy regen as well as the power buff.

Loki's wall cling is... well, who wall clings? Considering how mobile most of the gameplay in WF is geared toward to, I've never had to really use that particular skill, so it is a pretty much useless passive. Here's a thought that might make this particular skill somewhat useful. Enable decoys casted on walls to wallcling indefinitely, and then allow switch teleport to switch loki into the decoy's wall cling position.

Finally Oberon... I don't really use oberon but I can see that his passive is not very useful.. too situational as well... Corpus and Infested as well as Corrupted don't have wildlife, and natural wildlife only appears on certain tilesets. It definitely needs to be changed to a skill that will have use in any tileset and any enemy faction.


Basically overall, any passives that only offer benefits for certain tilesets with certain enemies are a bust and quite unfair compared to the others. Those skills are the passive equivalent of the "Winter Coat" mod... >.> situational use one paper, practically useless in practice.


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13 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

Nothing wrong with this

Might want to reconsider so much red in your post, it is very hard on the eyes, especially when they blend together between sentences.  Underline maybe?


These are my feedback responses to threads made this weekend.  Consider merging with that thread, lots of good feedback in it already.

13 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Only when she is fire procced, just to make sure that is clear.  It is nearly if not completely useless on a great majority of tilesets (no fire procs available from environment or enemies) and in high level missions (usually very high damage so 1 or 2 ticks = death).

It doesn't trigger with heat waves (the thing arson eximus do) so that's out, no reason to jump into those, she still pretty much fears fire just as much as anyone else.

I tried testing it on draco just for giggles, and cat lady firebomb half killed me more often than not and the buff only lasts 5(6?) seconds, a very short duration in which to go "Okay, I'm on fire! I do extra damage!  Lets find an enemy, there's one, oh its dead already, oh, I'm dead too, Whoopsie!"

I know there is Flame Repellent mod, but you really should not have to mod to take advantage of your own passive.

12 hours ago, Xekrin said:

I rather dislike both of them, for the primary reason that you must be damaged for them to activate.   I feel any ability/passive/focus that demands that goes completely against the nature of being a ninja in general.  Even, for example, valkyr's hysteria rework (can of worms opened oops), she takes damage if near enemies when deactivating due to how much damage she absorbs.  That's pretty good incentive to NOT get damaged, even while in hysteria.

I think Frost's ability should be more or less the sentinel coolant mod, enemies get close and slow with a chance to freeze completely for a few seconds, with perhaps melee strikes amplifying the effect.  Fully depending on taking damage for it to happen means the chances of it happening are just very small.

A lot of the new passives just don't synergize well with their frame at all.  Hydroid for example, produces a tentacle on ground slam, up to like 4 or five if you continue to groundslam.  Hurray free mini-ultimate, so long as you bounce up and down for 10 seconds, but if you wanted tentacles so badly, just hit 4.  A better way for his ability to actually be passive is when enemies get too close or he takes damage, a tentacle shoots up, sort of like a protective warding or pet sensing its master in danger.

Passives are straying far and away from actually being passives, ie, you do nothing to activate them, they are always active.  Excal and Mesa are good examples, as are a few others.  They just get bonuses, straight up for wielding certain weapon types.  Synergizes very well with their abilities.  Of course not all frames need offensive passives, defensive ones are fine too, so long as you don't have to actively seek to make them defend you.



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Nova passive is terrible and useless, there wasn't one time, yes not even 1 time that the passive has done something helpful to avoid my death or even help me out in a dangerous situation, most times the knockdown wave range is so small that  not even 1 enemy would get knockdown.  MY 2 cents delete the passive....


Nyx random disarm its way to random for my taste , sometimes screws up mind controled enemies when we want to refresh the power on the same enemy and they drop the weapon... or the fact that enemies will just run to you to melee after dropping the weapons when you just want them to stay at range.....im not feeling it.


these two are my main frames, for both sorties and high level content and IMHO these passives add nothing to the frames

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I've noticed that, ash's passive is affected with duration (i guess, most of you know this already, but i just figured it), so maybe put it in the notes.

Ember: make her regenerate 5 energy points, for every enemy she inflict  a fire proc on.


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13 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

Oh boy I've been waiting for this thread. Here we go:

Helpful tip, putting everything in bold emphasizes everything and therefore nothing, making it difficult to read, especially when the bold print collides from one sentence to the next, it just blends together.

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Some frames have outstanding passives synergizing with their gameplay or supporting their theme (Ash, Trin, Banshee, Volt). Others just seem to have gotten a fast treatment just so one can say they have a passive. I even feel that Limbos passive is fine, 50% more reload is quite something with guns like sobek (acid shells + the rift damage bonus!?).

I kinda feel Lokis passive is not noticeable in normal gameplay, I never even reached the maximum wall cling time with any frame, there is just too much jumping and movement to stay on a wall for that long. Maybe consider giving him a stealth finisher bonus damage?

Nekros' range is kinda underwhelming, 10 meters for a frame that either stays in the background or is simply too fragile to engage in close combat, at least make it a 5% helth regenerated.

Vauban is an ability-based frame that has horrible base armor, apart from that what does all of this have to do with his skillset, theme or approach on gameplay? I suggest giving him a 0,2 energy regen for every enemy he has under any CC ability of his. (pulled that out of my somewhere real fast, I bet there are way better possibilities)

Oberons passive is cute but not useful at all and very situational, I want to kill those beasts for the EXP and drops not have them as my friends. As oberon is supposed to be a paladin/druid I would suggest something like him getting bonus damage after healing himself or an ally.

Hydroids passive kinda sounds cool but is RNG based, the most unreliable way to make an ability work.

I feel like the other passives are fine and have some use at least.



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