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Devstream #80 Overview


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"The devs are keenly aware of a lot of the key issues with Warframe, including damage and armor scaling, and endless mission rewards"

Aware but won't do anything about it, it seems. Well, still got nothing to do in the farm--I mean, game. I guess I'll just have to keep waiting for it unless they decide to kill another aspect of the game like they did the void.

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200 lines of Operator Voices.

2,5 HOURS scriptreading.

New weapon requiring the animationteam to do 2 per Warframe for ALL warframes.

Working to make Warframe run in super high resolution.


No wonder things in War Within is taking forever. They are all over the place.

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I didn't really expect to be excited for anything specific but that system for Maroo is cool. I kinda guessed TWW would be [DE]layed again. Now to continue taking a break until something decent drops and log in only to get the log in rewards. The Syn melees were a disappointment they could've done something awesome with them but missed the chance. This year has changed from the year of cinematic story to the year of [DE]lays. Just my 2 plat.

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2 hours ago, Oranji said:

There you are. Thanks
About time we get vacuum for all sentinels. It's been long overdue.
Remember Glenn's joke?

Yes, I totally agree that all sentinels need vacuum.

It also would be nice to see more Prime versions of sentinels & their weapons.  We currently only have 2 Prime sentinels: Carrier Prime & Wyrm Prime.

I'd also like to see a new set of sentinels that we can take into Archwing ( and Sharkwing) missions.

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Thanks Bunny!

I wonder what's going on with DE this year? They are literally going against the players, they keep saying they listen and are aware of the issues but month after month they keep making things NOBODY asked for. Now they are going to nerf vacuum and making it into a 3 mandatory mods? What?

Seriously, what's going on? Another delay for TWW again, at this rate they are going to celebrate The Second Dream's first anniversary by releasing TWW on December 8th... 

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2 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

It's hard to trust any of the Endo values we've seen since they're probably just placeholder numbers... but this GIF makes it look like they're worth a pretty minuscule amount.


Hm... well, if those are the final numbers, my ship will have the shiniest interior in the history of forever.

But, I get them feels that this ain't the case.

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This game is so boring lately. Can we please ditch the cinematic crap, operator personalities, etc? The whole reason the game became what it is was on making frequent updates unlike any other game in addition to a constantly evolving set of base mechanics.

Now we've trickled down to updates that are longer than AAA waits AND nowhere near the quality.

I know I'm not alone in waiting until TWW drops to play again. For DE's sake I hope isn't longer than a month. They waaaaay over committed themselves on this.

Edited by Sapphic-Sandra
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2 hours ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

Fast work, thanks.

Massive thumbs down for carrier rework, not so much his rework but vacuum. Lol, who has room on their sentinal for even one more mod, let alone 3? Wish players would just stop complaining about stuff, this is what happens.

I have room. There are two mods on my Carrier that are only equipped because nothing else will help it or me survive. It has Fired Up, even though 90% of the time I don't let it equip a weapon because its target prioritization screws up many frames' playstyles (Mag, Saryn, Ash, Loki, Ivara, a lot of hit-based augments, etc., etc.).

The issue with Carrier isn't about loot. It's about orbs. It's the same problem Nekros had forever; his survivability is directly tied to a drop spawned by one of his abilities, which he must spam perpetually to generate, or else quickly die. With Carrier, the issue is energy orbs. They're too important not to have Vacuum on many builds (fewer now with Zenurik, but even low-efficiency Zenurik builds need at least two orbs to break even after a big cast/combo). If survivability isn't something you care about, use the Resource Vacuum mod. If survivability is your beef with Carrier, then this is a 100% tradeup. Diriga + Orb Vacuum = RIP Carrier.

2 hours ago, Sputnik said:

HAH as if they gonna let you equip all 3 mods at one sentinel they never gonna do that

Based on what? You'd be trading survivability or utility for draw. That's the reason they're making it three mods instead of a single universal mod.

Personally, I would argue that if only sentinels can use these mods, then splitting Vacuum into three mods is unnecessarily harsh. But it took them this long to cave on draw at all, so I don't see them budging any further. Otherwise I'd take this opportunity to start pushing for better survivability on sents.

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thanks once again bunny!

I'm liking the sound of this Syndicate assassination thing, I just hope they aren't resprayed Capture targets, and are actually new and interesting enemies that pose a real threat. they'd have to be pretty tough if you need a Tenno to kill them, right? I'm also glad to hear about the Carrier changes; finally people can start using other Sentinels without worrying about missing pickups. personally I find an Adarza far more useful, but I suppose it's easy to say that when you have mountains of resources.

bring on the speargun!


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3 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

Vacuum Update
• The devs are investigating removing Carrier's Vacuum
• Carrier will instead increase a player's max ammo and give ammo mutation
• Vacuum would be split into 3 different kinds of Vacuums that will be equippable on all Seninels

Why or why does it need to be 3 mods....nobody has ever asked for vacuum to be split into 3 different kinds.... we just want the vacuum mod made universal...why are they even doing it, it's actually more work for the dev's than changing the current one to a universal mod...

3 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

Syndicate Expansion
• VIP Assassination system is being added
• You'll be able to visit Syndicates and ask for a VIP target
• These VIP targets will be specific targets for you as a player, not global targets like Acolytes
• The difficulty and rewards will scale according to the player level
• If you are defeated by the target, the target will grow stronger, like Shadows of Mordor's Nemesis system
• If you are unable to defeat the VIP target within a timeframe, you will lose standing with the Syndicate
• There will be a separate Syndicate system that will be the reverse of this assassination system that will involve rescuing and protecting VIP targets

I hope these are 'optional' things because the fact you can lose standing is bad enough but if it's something we are forced to do to keep our standing then it's not going to go down well.


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Remove vacuum..?


Carrier overused? Remove vacuum. Damage mods like Serration too mandatory? Remove Serration.

Christ sake, stop taking the easy route, countless people have suggested to just make vacuum as it is a mod for all sentinels, why the ever living F*** would I want three vacuum mods that ultimately is just an excuse for you guys to nerf the function itself?

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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Once again you are breaking something old that works and implementing something new that most probably wouldn't.
Why am I skeptical about the new stuff? Least favorite of the old game modes is twice more popular than PVP and Archwing combined.
Why do I consider making 3 vacuum mods out of 1 braking something working? Because carrier is not a problem. Carrier was never a problem. “Guano-like” other sentinels were. And are.
“Guano-like” Diriga that can't hit a broad side of a Galleon is a problem.
“Guano-like” Helios that takes more time to scan his target than to kill it is a problem.
“Guano-like” sentinels that die faster than a single Toxic Ancient are a problem.
“Guano-like” chesa kubrow unable to get a single item in a 40 minutes survival is a problem.
Carrier is the only sentinel that is not… And now you nerf him.
Brilliant! Freaking brilliant!
And about all that beating your chest with “7th iteration” roar… You should be kind of ashamed of that. 7th iteration means you screwed 6 times with that quest by now.

That is not something to be proud of.

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Lol i can't believe how the "part of the community who post on the warframe forums" is never happy. Bless the ones thanking devs for their hard work you are the only lights in this pool of negativity:p there is already comments on how people hate the not-even-started rework of things like carrier, wp. 

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I feel like even if DE dropped everything new they wanna show and give us for TWW, people would still complain how they rushed it then mention how we didnt get new content they promised. Yes, I get that they promised this and that but things happen. I'm pretty sure they're not on their butts twiddling their thumbs. They said they're aware and it means that they'll do something about it. When? Not sure but compare to other places i.e. TF2, at least we get something.


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