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The Silver Grove: U4+4.1


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6 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Tactical Alert completed. Resorting to previous process: Awaiting a War Within.

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POTATOds* are in the oven.

Now, what else are the Nightwatch going to do other than die or try to kill us with their very durable Reavers, which virtually one-shot anyone who isn't Rhino, Valkyr or Inaros? If this is running for 3 days, then surely there's more to this Tactical Alert than just another Stratos Emblem?

And, DE, why is there another Marelok with less stats in the Arsenal under Secondaries, but not in the Codex? What is this?

Conclusion: Thanks for the Catalyst and Exilus Adapter, but "I expected more! I deserve a challenge!" - General Sargas Ruk.

*Potent Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive devices; Reactor and Catalyst respectively.



Are you talking about this ? HAHA funny.




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8 minutes ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Tactical Alert completed. Resorting to previous process: Awaiting a War Within.

i noticed two different marelok aswell

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POTATOds* are in the oven.

Now, what else are the Nightwatch going to do other than die or try to kill us with their very durable Reavers, which virtually one-shot anyone who isn't Rhino, Valkyr or Inaros? If this is running for 3 days, then surely there's more to this Tactical Alert than just another Stratos Emblem?

And, DE, why is there another Marelok with less stats in the Arsenal under Secondaries, but not in the Codex? What is this?

Conclusion: Thanks for the Catalyst and Exilus Adapter, but "I expected more! I deserve a challenge!" - General Sargas Ruk.

*Potent Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive devices; Reactor and Catalyst respectively.




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At the 3rd mission using Chroma atm... Steel Fiber 299% Strength and Ice Elemental ward active.. Vex Armor buffs maxed(that means (735 + (350* 4,485)) * 10,465 = ~24k armor / 98,8% dmg reduction)....  and still Nightwatch Manics just 1hit kill me with their animation throwing me to the ground... that means this attack deals 740/0,012 = ~61k damage... Is this intended?

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I'm not surprised at all by the 'balance adjustments' to the Zenistar, but the solution is terrible. The clumsy mechanic for launching the disc means that I simply will not be using this weapon anymore. How many people who complained loudly and bitterly about the Zenistar actually had it? People were harping that it was game changing. It was not. Yes, it provided a nice convenience and another tool for for some low to mid level missions, but don't be deluded into thinking it was allowing people to AFK and solo sortie missions with it.

I was so pleased when I got the Zenistar for my 300th login. It felt like a true reward, something special. It felt like a new weapon with a unique ability that was fun to use. It was almost like DE finally delivered something nice to long time players. Now it's just another piece of mastery fodder to throw into the pile with the rest of the unused junk.

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4 minutes ago, uncaringbear said:

I'm not surprised at all by the 'balance adjustments' to the Zenistar, but the solution is terrible. The clumsy mechanic for launching the disc means that I simply will not be using this weapon anymore. How many people who complained loudly and bitterly about the Zenistar actually had it? People were harping that it was game changing. It was not. Yes, it provided a nice convenience and another tool for for some low to mid level missions, but don't be deluded into thinking it was allowing people to AFK and solo sortie missions with it.

I was so pleased when I got the Zenistar for my 300th login. It felt like a true reward, something special. It felt like a new weapon with a unique ability that was fun to use. It was almost like DE finally delivered something nice to long time players. Now it's just another piece of mastery fodder to throw into the pile with the rest of the unused junk.

tbh i think they should compete remove weapons from login rewards n just give us skins or armor..... they cant give out good enough weapons or it be unfair. " but i loged in ton of days" thats cool and all but if u just started WF OR u 100% cant get on every day due to life or w.e, it SUCKS. and if u just start WF today... it be like this " hi timmy :3 you wana do really well in wf? sorry but u wont have BiS melee still u log in 300 days  ^^"  a time wall this huge is easy as bad as a pay wall.... all login rewards have to be toy weapons then good ones for this fact

before ppl think i am one of them that i listed. no i have it, its ok. its a fun lil toy

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I've made some field testing with Sarpa, since an action has been taken about the issue of it firing "blanks".

After some testing, it seems to me that the bug still exist. It can be replicated by:

Performing Automatic Rhumba combo of the Bullet Dance stance:
[E], [down]+[E], [E], [E], [E], [E]

I have faith in Sarpa, and I hope that this current issue will be re-fixed

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Zenistar Pre "change": An amazing tool a maintenance free melee field for me support with my guns; perhaps a little over-powered on Infested defense type missions (Defense and Mobile).

Zenistar post "change": Garbage tier weapon that has a gimmicky perk that requires continuous maintenance and isn't really worth it; sure I can switch and re-launch the disk, or I can spin my Galatine Tempo Royale once or twice and be just as effective without a slow as heck switch-charge-switch in there.

I get that there is a "Time Wall" and that the bulk of the WF community won't be able to get it for quite sometime; but that does not mean it should be garbage.

TL;DR: Whining is no excuse to break everyone but the whiner's toys.

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1 hour ago, Achronus said:

Zenistar Pre "change": An amazing tool a maintenance free melee field for me support with my guns; perhaps a little over-powered on Infested defense type missions (Defense and Mobile).

Zenistar post "change": Garbage tier weapon that has a gimmicky perk that requires continuous maintenance and isn't really worth it; sure I can switch and re-launch the disk, or I can spin my Galatine Tempo Royale once or twice and be just as effective without a slow as heck switch-charge-switch in there.

I get that there is a "Time Wall" and that the bulk of the WF community won't be able to get it for quite sometime; but that does not mean it should be garbage.

TL;DR: Whining is no excuse to break everyone but the whiner's toys.

Who still play with tempo royal on Galatine anyway ? Have you ever heard about .......... Oh wait, do you follow, like 90% ppl, old builds on youtube ? (free taunt)

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The event was fun enough, but what were they up to? Was it going after the target we protect in the Defense on Ceres? Will anything be revealed later?

Or was the Nightwatch experimenting with new defenses, such as the Fire and Ice hazards?

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