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Anndddd it's already October.


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Thank you for the update on this passive that every sentinel will gain!  I would like a option to "expand" it's reach in the future, but for right now this is nice :)

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4 minutes ago, Zia_Avenicia said:

As someone who has experience developing games, and as someone who knows how the business behind the scenes works, the reason games get rushed/are of poor quality is because of investors/higher-ups. Remember the flop that Spectres of the Rail was? That was because DE had to meet an investor deadline. Sonic Boom was rushed due to Sega's deals with other companies.

As for the game development side of it, yes, a motivated team can get things done fast and still deliver quality, they may have extremely high quality standards, and every time they go through and test the quest, it doesn't meet those standards. Game development is a lot of trail and error, and it's also about innovation, because if the War Within were to be something we've already seen, and if it weren't to bring anything new to the table, then it would be quite a disappointment. 

The War Within is already quite a disappointment. No matter what is in it, I doubt people will turn around and think "yea that was definitely worth eleven months of waiting". Are you saying that even after all this time, TWW still isn't meeting acceptable standards? 

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1 minute ago, Zachles said:

Nope, what I'm saying is there are solutions to your problem. Instead of being impatient and complaining about something that is out of your control, you should do something that is worth your time. Ask yourself this: would Digital Extremes be holding onto the update if it weren't in their absolute best interest to do so?

And, for the record, Digital Extremes has the best track record for community involvement and update times, quality of life fixes, things like that. Complaining about an update that has been (so far, only ten months in the making, while considering the fact that they have been releasing gradual updates and fixes along the way) is nothing short of selfish. Also, I say only ten months, because just because they claim it will be over another month, doesn't necessarily make it true. They've said it might come sooner, but ultimately they are human beings and they cannot see the future.

I'm not impatient and the problem isn't mine either, I can live without Warframe but Warframe can't live without the players.

I'm extremely disappointed by how DE has managed this update's development; they could have splitted the quest like they did with Natah and The Second Dream, make it episodic, but instead they tried to do the impossible and now we're all paying for it. How many times is this gonna happen? Are we really going to get the next quest (after TWW) next year or even later? At this rate they'll kill the game with their very own hands, if they don't do something about it.

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16 minutes ago, Parthieon said:

Honestly, I believe you guys are just messing with us at this point. Why is it so hard to implement a passive for not just sentinels, but kavats/kubrows as well? Not to mention, you made this new sentinel passive less than half the range of normal carrier.

Dont get me wrong, im glad you guys made it a passives to sentinels, but just why only sentinels? The hole idea was so that people could use their pets too, otherwise i dont feel like i have any reason to keep my pet out at all. At least its a step up from having 3 vacuum mods.

the funny thing is that archwing  does have a passive universal vacuum  and it's also too short !

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Why 5m? Why can't it be 10 or like it is now? Why does it need to be nerfed when it doesn't break the game?

Speechless about TWW....another whole month...it doesn't need to be a masterpiece or another thing that blows people's mind again like SD. It just needs to be solid and fulfilling to warframe lore. Heck even seeing the Queens is satisfying (Still hoping they look beautiful and not like a grineer turd).

I think you guys added too much pressure and tried too hard to out do yourselves which is commendable but not to extent where it's taking months of delay. I'm not glad where the major time spent when other core problems with Warframe such fixing player retention by making a true end game to keep us in the game is more crucial then a 2 hour quest no matter how amazing it is. 

I have a friend list of over 200 players and only 10 of them have logged in the past 30 days. Some don't bother coming on for over months after finishing SD. Some were founders and people who loved the game but just lost interest.

So my proposal is why don't you analyze how many inactive players you have vs active players and figure out whats the problem and implement solutions to that for next year. I'm sure our community can provide feedbacks on things we want for end game and things that will keep us interested. 

One thing for sure, it's not a quest that takes a year to make but an hour to finish. 

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Sounds awesome, looking forward to the update

But guys

Guys, please

Just finish The War Within before you start or continue anything else.

It's been too long, too hyped; doing anything else at this point is good, but it really makes me wonder "Why were they talking about TWW if they were working on something else, and why were they working on something else if they still needed to finish TWW?"

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Just now, PapaFragolino said:

I'm not impatient and the problem isn't mine either, I can live without Warframe but Warframe can't live without the players.

I'm extremely disappointed by how DE has managed this update's development; they could have splitted the quest like they did with Natah and The Second Dream, make it episodic, but instead they tried to do the impossible and now we're all paying for it. How many times is this gonna happen? Are we really going to get the next quest (after TWW) next year or even later? At this rate they'll kill the game with their very own hands, if they don't do something about it.

They already killing their game,look on the player number,look at ps4 player number,my friend tell me he feeling this game is ......
we like this game so we complain,if we don't like this game why we bother?People just don't knw how great warframe are before,maybe this is the limit,and time...

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

The War Within is already quite a disappointment. No matter what is in it, I doubt people will turn around and think "yea that was definitely worth eleven months of waiting". Are you saying that even after all this time, TWW still isn't meeting acceptable standards? 

The only logical reason it would be a disappointment if it was good would be because people over-hyped it and expected too much. As for quality standards, as long as they're holding the quest to a high standard, it doesn't really matter how long it takes for them to get it done, and their standards could always be changing each time they re-do the quest.

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at least we got a tactical alert, amirite? DE, get your S#&$ togheter. TWW might make you guys all excited, but since the Starchart rework there is little to do in your game... meaning less reason to spend money. if TWW ties so many resources it's time to pull the plug. it's ok, maybe you can finish it some other year, but for now please come back to the actual game.

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Just now, PapaFragolino said:

I'm not impatient and the problem isn't mine either, I can live without Warframe but Warframe can't live without the players.

I'm extremely disappointed by how DE has managed this update's development; they could have splitted the quest like they did with Natah and The Second Dream, make it episodic, but instead they tried to do the impossible and now we're all paying for it. How many times is this gonna happen? Are we really going to get the next quest (after TWW) next year or even later? At this rate they'll kill the game with their very own hands, if they don't do something about it.

I seriously doubt that. You have to consider that it might be in their best interest, financially, to delay a little longer. Consider the fact that the holidays are fast approaching, too. Also consider that Warframe has players who are not as further along, who actually have a lot of content to play through.

Digital Extremes has always exceeded my expectations, 100% of the time. They've always gone above and beyond, and for a free to play game, I think that is exceptional. Also, the last update, The Silver Grove, was only released two months ago. They've been delivering updates incrementally to try and keep their players attention. Their focus is divided, and it hasn't been solely on The War Within.

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Just now, Zia_Avenicia said:

The only logical reason it would be a disappointment if it was good would be because people over-hyped it and expected too much. As for quality standards, as long as they're holding the quest to a high standard, it doesn't really matter how long it takes for them to get it done, and their standards could always be changing each time they re-do the quest.

People only over-hyped because it was delayed for so long, therefore allowing the hype to continuously build up and up until it surpasses common sense and will inevitably come crashing down when the update comes out. 

This really is the chicken and the egg situation isn't it.

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ok first this is a whine about all the whining i am reading, so yeah here goes.

1. whine about how fast ther burn up content but whine about how rng or hard the resources to come by that keeps player around.

2. whine about a anything because it is OP  ask for nerf then whine again because it is useless ask for buff.

3. asking features like it was a fastfood restaurant. 

4. doomsayers... seriously folks? after seeing a lot of people wearing those new sayandanas? and still seeing a lot of newb asking for info? if you feel there are less player try to invite people and say the good points of the game instead of shooing away new players because of the bad points.

5. saying the game is no challenge but whine how enemy level scales?

this is why sometimes i dont go to forums some people are toxic and literally destroying the game. but on the other hand there are information i need here and possibly help new players.

sometimes it helps to think that the game wont revolve around you. other tennos are in different situation.

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All I'm going to say is, that this update better be filled to the brim with awesome content.

If the update comes out and it's no bigger than previous updates, we're going to have a problem.

I don't mind waiting.

Yet waiting for something that's only marginally bigger than previous updates is a no-go in my book.

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

People only over-hyped because it was delayed for so long, therefore allowing the hype to continuously build up and up until it surpasses common sense and will inevitably come crashing down when the update comes out. 

This really is the chicken and the egg situation isn't it.

Then the main issue isn't DE, it's how people over-hype things and expect too much. I can understand how putting some pressure on the developers can motivate them, but there's such a thing as too much pressure.

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1 minute ago, Zia_Avenicia said:

Then the main issue isn't DE, it's how people over-hype things and expect too much. I can understand how putting some pressure on the developers can motivate them, but there's such a thing as too much pressure.

Yeah, those people really need to chill. Overhyping leads to disappointment and forums S#&$storms (with some exceptions)

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

ok first this is a whine about all the whining i am reading, so yeah here goes.

1. whine about how fast ther burn up content but whine about how rng or hard the resources to come by that keeps player around.

2. whine about a anything because it is OP  ask for nerf then whine again because it is useless ask for buff.

3. asking features like it was a fastfood restaurant. 

4. doomsayers... seriously folks? after seeing a lot of people wearing those new sayandanas? and still seeing a lot of newb asking for info? if you feel there are less player try to invite people and say the good points of the game instead of shooing away new players because of the bad points.

5. saying the game is no challenge but whine how enemy level scales?

this is why sometimes i dont go to forums some people are toxic and literally destroying the game. but on the other hand there are information i need here and possibly help new players.

sometimes it helps to think that the game wont revolve around you. other tennos are in different situation.

Geezus man, thanks for this.

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What about making the pickup range of health/energy/ammo 5 meters and resources 12 meters? Also the passive just needs to be on Warframes, as now you will just see the use of sentinels go up while Kavats and Kubrows will remain in the minority. Though I assume you know that, and are just collecting data on the vacuum changes.

Edited by Afropenguinn
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