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[Spoiler] Dev Workshop: New Mods Part 2!


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I'm not trying to be negative, but to be completely honest with you I have no interest in this system. I already feel I'm overpowered, so why do I need these mods locked behind layers of RNG? End game in my opinion isn't this Riven grind system. After completing the War Within, I felt very underwhelmed compared to how I felt after The Second Dream. It's like I beat the quest after a couple hours (which was a great quest by the way, keep up the good work), then boom nothing to do again... Here's looking forward to the next update. 

Edited by Drazhar14
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There are some marked improvements to a system many of us don't want at all here, so.. that's good, I guess.


But please. If you're going to stick with a variable stat list AND stat roll option, just adopt Diablo 3's approach. It's proven to work well and be reasonable.

We can fill out a non-maxed stat list at a cost (If we're going to have mods without a max stat list, like lower quality items in D3)
We can re-roll specific stats by paying a (lower) increasing fee, and get to pick either the old stat or 3 newly rolled stats for that slot - not the entire set of stats.


Since Riven mods can roll negative stats that instead add to the available stat pool, you could present 5 options. The existing stat, 2 new positives fitting the budget, and 2 new negatives.

Yeah, that's more complicated than what's being suggested, but.. again.. Pretty bad system, it's going to need more effort to make it work and be palatable.


Could have just made more augments and MR-limited them. I don't think you'd get that many complaints that it would be a little slower due to being made one by one.

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Got an idea just just wanna put it out there

Endless Mode The higher u go the higher chance for a Veiled Mod at End. Each New Wave / 5 minutes You Get A Challenge. Each challenge you complete increases the chance for A Veiled Card When you End the mission. This would be Easy To Implement. With the current Mod Challenges. Edit: Kuva rewards for completed Challenges.

Edited by Antolak
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I really dislike the idea of RNG mods. I didnt know they were in the game prior to U7 and now i kind of wonder what line of thinking got them removed/replaced in the game.

The problem with RNG stats on items in games is that 99% of those items is "garbage" that you ignore because of how useless it is or how little is fits into your build. Riven mods suffer heavily form this: impact buffs on elemental only rifle, crit values on a weapon with no valid crit build, slash dmg on impact and puncture only primary... The amount of rolling for the "perfect stats" and the amount of time you will have to spend redoing kuva siphons will drain all the fun from the experience.

RNG is not a good system to relay on when it comes to stats on items. Not in Warframe where those items are really rare and each player will only get a few of those in a year. Less then 1% of the player base will be able to enjoy the new mods because of luck or platinum. For the remaining 99%? It is a lottery with all the odds rigged against the player. 

I will agree on how these mods are obtained. I got one from sorties so far and i assume one will drop each month. You are not supposed to get them for the weapon you want, since their purpose is to encourage you to play with weapons you ignored or forgot about. Im ok with that.

But the stats on that mod coming from RNG is an absolute no go for me. Its not worth the time. And time is a valuable resource.


I would prefer the riven mods to have a system behind their stats. A massive tree starting in one node and then branching out. Each node represents a value that is added to the weapon.

Lets say the first node is 20% dmg buff. The main branch consists of 8 other nodes with 20% dmg buff, all of them give 180% dmg buff total. The player controls which nodes are active for the mod and which are not. Mod capacity (10 on rank 0 and 18 on rank 8) determines how any nodes you can mark for the mod. You have the main branch for dmg (obligatory to make any old weapon valid in high lvl content); other branches are for crit builds, physical dmg types, elemental, reload, ammo capacity, etc.

After hitting 18 nodes you can tag nodes as negative to create additional capacity for positive values. So you tag zoom 5 time and add 5 more capacity. The negative branches should be limited so that the mod doesnt become an game braking mess. But it will be much easier to balance and control the mods values both for the player and the dev team that designs the tree.

Also to deal with the gap between most powerful weapons and the weakest ones, each tree goes through a 1.0 and more multiplier. So the best weapon like tankor, dread, soma, get 1.0 multiplier and older weapons like attica or braton get 3.0 or higher.

And to justify the use of Kuva for the Riven mods, lets say that each node on the map must be unlocked before it is added to the network of nodes that you can play with. If a tree has 100 nodes, you start with 100 Kuva for first node, 200 for the second and 10000 for the last one.

You have clear path to power, you can constantly play with your creativity, you can create really interesting builds that are valid in high lvl content, the system is easy to balance for the devs, riven mods are now useful not only for veterans but for any player of any rank that manages to obtain them. There is no resource wasting on bad luck, arsenal receives its refreshment...

Damn, i cant see any weak spots on this... other then the system being OP. Help?

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

 What changes are coming soon?

The following changes are coming soon:

- You will only have to Unveil a Riven Mod one time: on first discovery.
- When Cycling a Riven with Kuva, you can now choose to "Accept" or "Decline" a Cycle result.
- Kuva Cycling costs have been reduced significantly.

- Accessing Kuva Siphons is being experimented with to not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity (like Fomorians and Negators) with a possible cooldown. To be determined!

Awesome changes across the board. I really like that the potential farming locations for Kuva Siphons shift around in that experiment there, as the Kuva Fortress roams around the Star Chart there is more reason for me to explore different planets.

Fissure missions do this sort-of, but the variety of missions isn't broad enough as they are alerts, unlike Fomorian Omega Isotopes which can be gathered from any missions on a planet it is close to. I hope with the right adjustments this can go ahead! Give vets more reason to do Star Chart missions please!

Edited by PsiWarp
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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Mastery Rank and Stats will factor into this attunement, so you can expect to see more powerful Rivens for less used weapons and vice versa

This is going to end up badly.

There are some very low mastery powerful weapons like Boltor Prime, there are high mastery weak weapons like Stradavar or Sechura Penta.

Stats will also lie. Lato or Branton will be show up as overused but only because they are beginners weapons.

Edited by -InV-igo95862
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These are great changes; really happy to see this getting iterated on so rapidly and effectively.  There are still a couple of issues I have that I do not see addressed however:

1) Sentinel weapons: why are Riven mods for these still a thing?  It does not noticeably impact your game play, and just feels bad all around.

2) The stat generation algorithm needs further tweaking to avoid useless rolls (IPS on elemental weapons, Crit on the Miter, etc.) and the variance on the values needs to be eliminated, or at the very least, significantly tightened up. (It's possible to roll a Riven mod with -100% damage.  That does not let us to use our weapons in "new ways that typical builds don't encourage or allow")

3) The stats on the mods, frankly, are not interesting.  They do not enable new builds.  They do not encourage experimentation.  They just take a gun and make parts of it better.  Sometimes a little better, other times a lot better.  Sometimes the mods make a weapon worse.  For some weapons, all they need are slightly better stats.  Most weapons however, would benefit from something more.  This system has a lot of potential to unlock brand new play experiences that players could use to personalize their favorite guns.  Just buffing the stats is not living up to that potential.  

I love the idea and potential behind this new system.  Once the changes mentioned in the OP go live, I plan to continue experimenting with my Flux Rifle mod.  However, I cannot see this system being something that occupies much of my time/energy in Warframe until something is done along the lines of my above points, particularly 2 & 3.

As an aside - Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide had a lot of issues with their loot model at first, but now they have a really good system in place (mostly).  I think the Riven Mod system would benefit from looking at what Vermintide does for their gear, rather than taking cues from games like Diablo and World of Warcraft.

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Currently, I can understand the risk and direction that DE is trying to make. They envisioned to have a system where any weapon can be uniquely modded, specialized, and balanced for multiple situations (including end-game), while making each and every weapon distinguishable. However, there is definitely a couple of implementation problems. Most of it revolves around the complicated implementation of the Riven Disposition.

Supposedly the type of weapon that the mod is tied to affects the power of the stats, where supposedly weaker, lower leveled weapons with lower mastery rank are more likely to get stronger stats. These mods are also affected by the stated Mastery rank. Higher ranks correlates to larger stats. The Riven Disposition would also have to take into account the balance of the randomly selected stats on the mod in relation to each other and other mods that would be built around them, including Prime mods and possibly other Riven mods. These mods would have to be balanced to ensure they are side-grades between each other and each re-veil. They would also have to fit different but various play-styles, while ensuring each weapon distinguishable (i.e make crit-based Riven mods work differently which each weapon). With all that in mind, this type of algorithm for randomizing Riven mods is pretty complicated in itself, thus resulting in what has currently been released. This isn't even taking into account Damage 3.0, where they can make huge changes such as re-balance enemy scaling, weapon scaling, equipment leveling, mod stats themselves, etc! At this point, DE might have to contract a team of Doctorate mathematics and computer engineers to make this work!

Reducing the overall cost of Kuva was a good move, but most people prefer the cost to be linear since re-rolling the mods should provide a side-grade rather than an upgrade. It would be really nice to allow players to choose which stat to randomize or which stat to keep at some extra cost, especially with a large pool of different stats and variables the players can receive. This might introduce some power-creep, motivating players to seek specific stats rather than utilize other stats. Limiting the amount of positive and negative stats in their respective form factors can be a further improvement, but is somewhat going to be hard to implement. For example: I would like to have a negative projectile speed Lanka mod for easier use of Ivara’s Navigator, or a Ignis Mod with extra status and multi-shot, but negative accuracy and fire-rate for more area-of-effect and ammo efficiency. Positive (e.g: + Damage on the Ogris), neutral (e.g: + critical chance on the Miter), and negative attributes (e.g: - Fire-Rate on Daikyu) would have to be extremely well defined for each weapon, which might take forever.

The Riven mod cap is pretty unnecessary. There's more than 15 different Rifle-type weapons, around 21. This isn't including beam-type weapons, snipers, and launchers, on top of the fact that some people would like to have more than one Riven mod per weapon for different play-styles. Then there's also other types of Riven mods that DE has yet to release, including Shotgun, Pistol, and Melee mods. Finally, there's also future weapons that DE has yet to release (we just recieved 5 new weapons!). The fact that there's a heafty emphasis on RNG with a large combination of stats and weapons is already a reason to mainly ensure players to most likely keep their Riven mods, apart from trading. If anything, being able to have unlimited Riven mods provides more encouragement to use more varieties of weapons without being bound as "mastery fodder", and possibly fun ways for meta-based weapons (Long duration Radiation proc Ignis build, fast reload Tonkor, large Magazine Rubico, etc). It encourages people to keep more weapons, which might correlate to more investment in weapon slots (more money for DE).

Another minute problem includes the difficulty of the challenges. The difficulty of the challenge is supposedly tied to the Mastery Rank once unveiled. However, players with lower Mastery Ranks might receive extremely difficult challenges, only to be ineligible for use once completed unless they'd like to keep it for future use (referring back to the mod cap). It would be nice if challenges was randomly generated to include three random different challenges of easy, medium, or hard difficulty for each roll that the player can choose from. Again, RNG is still there, but some control is provided. Otherwise, make the challenges associated to the player's current rank. I'm not sure if future cycles will change the Mastery requirement of the mod however.

Some people wanted to see new and more unique stats and mechanics in these mods. A current example is Status Damage, which is unseen in other mods and really nice for Slash and Gas proc builds. However, people would like to see more exclusive and unique stats. Examples include but not limited to Headshot/Weak-spot Damage, healing percentage per shot, combo damage, combined elements, armor-piercing, shield-penetration, status effectiveness (e.g: corrosive removes more armor), accuracy, conditional stats, additive physical damage (much like how elemental damage work), hit-box size, additive blast-radius, projectile bounce (being able to damage multiple times), projectile tracking, additive stats (if better weapon scaling is needed for the Riven Disposition to work), etc. However, some mechanics would have to be left for future warframes. These new mechanics and stats would also have to be balanced accordingly with the Riven Disposition, which might place a big strain on DE in coding.

Also with all these unique stats in mind, some might want to have more than one Riven mod in their weapon. To prevent power-creep, each additional Riven mod will consume around e.g six more extra mod points (affected by forma). This way players can’t fill all the mod slots with extremely powerful Riven mods and encourages careful application of Forma.

With the proper implementation of the Riven Disposition and a larger room for experimentation and combination, the game wouldn't have to worry about the chances of the majority of players achieving Rank 30 Tigris Prime mods with an insane amount of damage, additive critical chance, critical damage, and status damage and nothing else.

Edited by Peacemuser
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6 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Still was a part 1 up there though sooooo....

and neither of them talked specifically about useless stat buffs like +slash on something with no slash damage. They mentioned not wanting riven mods to buff weapons that are already in the meta as much as "discarded" weapons, and the second one was the only one that talked about Kuva & reroll changes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah...

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So, instead of making older "discarded" weapons more relevant by balancing and tweaking their stats to be on par with the current meta, you're instead going with this incredibly convoluted chance system with RNG-based mods that you can't even get until late in the game? I cannot be the only person who sees the problem with this.

Don't get me wrong, I -love- the idea of riven mods. I love the roll of the dice, randomized stats and all that. And I don't really like to lose my cool. However, after months, YEARS of pleading for more balanced weapons, "Riven Disposition" is a stupid bandaid patch for old weapons that just flies in the face of common sense. Please, reconsider.

Edited by Endorphinz
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As an addition to this, I would really like to see the amounts of what stat you can get being flat capped by weapon tier, several of the modifiers and weapons removed entirely, and the ability to lock in rolled slots for some amount of some resource. For example, currently (and after this goes live), you can roll something like + 5% stat 1, + 7% stat 2, +9% stat 3, - 11% stat 4, with the caps being +10 for the first three and -20 for the negative. I would really like to see this be changed to +10% all positives, - 20% for the negative, so you can at least eliminate one of the layers of RNG. With this, I would be fine with having to reroll the entire mod every time. Otherwise, we have a 1/??? chance to even get a Riven in the first place, followed by a 1/49? (I think) chance of getting a mod for the specific weapon you're after, followed by a 1/10? 1/20? chance to roll at least 3 positives, followed by 1/24 chance to get a stat you want, followed by a 1/23 chance to get a stat you want, followed by another 1/22 chance to get a stat you want, followed by ANOTHER 1/21 chance to get a negative you can tolerate, with a 1/20 (I think? Just an estimate on observed base range variance) chance per roll that those stats roll well in addition to being there at all. Ideally, this would get substantially reduced as well. I would like to see all Sentinel weapons, IPS, faction damage and max ammo dropped completely. No one will ever be excited to roll a mod for a Sentinel weapon. Additional IPS damage, while nice on a (very small) amount of weapons, is basically never better than flat damage (via actual raw flat damage, multi shot, fire rate, punch thru, mag size, crit chance or damage), and that's ignoring the fact that you can roll +IPS on weapons that literally don't deal a single point of IPS, meaning you have a chance to roll three positive stats that do nothing at all. On a similar note, faction damage, while not actually bad when it works, will not work more than 2/3 of the time, meaning you again have a chance to roll three more starts that will often do absolutely nothing at all. Finally, total ammo pool is basically totally irrelevant on all but a few weapons (honestly, the only ones I can think of are thrown secondaries that use sniper ammo, and even then it's barely worth mentioning), especially compared to an ammo mutation mod.

This way, you have a zero percent chance to roll a mod that no one will ever use (Sentinel weapons, seriously, even a +100,000% damage mod, not a typo, would not even be worth considering to me or most other players), a zero percent chance to roll a positive or negative modifier that does absolutely nothing, a zero percent chance to roll a mod with perfect modifiers and terrible stats, and a way to (eventually) get that perfect mod you want for that old weapon you loved that just doesn't have enough dakka or is too clunky mechanically to actually enjoy using despite it's damage.


I may be in a minority here, but for many weapons the main turn off for me isn't always (or even often) damage, it's reload speed/recoil/mag size/a combination of these things. For example, the Torid does a truckload of damage, but it's often wildly inaccurate, has slow projectiles, and an absolutely abysmal reload time. In my opinion, an ideal Riven mod for this weapon would be + reload speed + flight speed + basically anything else. The Boltor (Prime) is another good example of this, the damage is pretty decent but projectile speed and reload time leave much to be desired. Other weapons, like the Karak, feel great to use, but just don't put up the numbers.


I actually don't at all mind RNG mods. It's no different then most other RPGs. However, most other games do not have anything approaching this level of RNG for one item, at least not all in one go with no way to tilt the odds in your favor. I would even be willing to pay something outrageous like 20 or 30 or 40k Kuva per slot to lock in a perfect roll (meaning a perfect mod would cost 60/90/120k Kuva). It's not that the system is a giant grind wall (and it absolutely is in it's current iteration, hands down the worst odds I've ever personally seen on anything in a game, probably worse than anything I've personally seen ever honestly), it's that there is absolutely no realistic way to achieve any sort of progress out of this. I will never be satisfied with a mod rolled in the current system because I will always know I could roll a better one eventually, and that is a huge turn off for me. Even more so because these will eventually be on frames, arch wings, companions of all kinds and every type of weapon. There will eventually be more than 100 total Riven mods I will want ideal rolls on, and that's only counting current equipment. Again, I don't at all mind grinding, I come primarily from an MMO background and I've always had multiple characters in min/maxed perfect gear at the same time, often multiple sets per character for different specs, x2 for PVE/PVE gear, but this is just way too much. It makes Korean grind fests look like Solitaire.


Way too long, no one made it here version : remove Sentinel weapons, remove completely pointless modifiers, standardize the % values, and give us a way (however expensive) to lock in modifiers as well as another way to acquire them other than a single daily chance. These changes are a start, but not the end.



Edited by Racter
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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

- Accessing Kuva Siphons is being experimented with to not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity (like Fomorians and Negators) with a possible cooldown. To be determined!


That would be cool. I would have been happy if the current kuva-reverse extraction became it's own game mode with it's own node, but this is much better idea, do this.

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One thing I would like the dev team to look at is what happens with mods that are effectively useless.

After the Quest, the main (currently only) source of Riven mods are Sorties. Unfortunately not all Riven mods are created equal- there's Sentinel mods, Paracyst mods, and so on. We also have a limit of 15 Riven mods total, which isn't an issue right now but in the long term will mean players only want to hang on to the 14 best with room to maybe find one more.

Mods for weapons that are regarded as bad have little to no sale value, so the only two ways to get rid of it is either to sell it or dissolve it for Endo.

However, it's something we get in place of two to four thousand Endo in a Sortie. But if I dissolve it to get rid of it, it's worth a whole 23 Endo. If I sell it, the credits I get are not in line with the effort to acquire and unveil it either.

As a suggestion, if the Rivens could be dissolved for 1, 500 Endo (not as good as a Sortie reward, but still at least worth doing) or if two Rivens could be mutated together into an entirely new Riven mod that would be helpful.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Accessing Kuva Siphons is being experimented with to not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity (like Fomorians and Negators) with a possible cooldown. To be determined!

TBH I love this idea, it makes it so people move around the star chart more and go to different planets, but it also makes farming the stuff less of a grind, a win win in my books (Plus it makes sense with lore sort of)

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4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

RNG Mods in Warframe!?
We should certainly take some time to speak to the doom that RNG Mods being a sign of nefarious dealings. While it may pre-date many accounts, Warframe already had RNG Mods in the game. In fact RNG Mods used to be the only type of Mod you could find for Upgrading your gear. We switched to a static Mod system in Update 7, and now 12 Major Updates later we are revisiting the concept with completely different intentions: an End-Game option rather than the only path

Given this was the case we can only presume you had good reason back then to make mods static rather than keeping them random (despite the change to the way mods were used), is that reasoning not still valid?  Why was it valid then and not now?

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2 hours ago, DarkOvion said:


Digital Extremes are referring to the Riven Mods as an 'end game option'.

But as you point out - there isn't an end game, just more grind. That is your 'reward' for getting to MR21/22.

The rivens aren't an end game item, they said they were for the sake of lesser weapons, the reward is a mod that's supposed to level the playing field for less popular/used weapons, and they're working on them as we speak, hold your horses before you make sarcastic quips doesn't take a genius to figure out that we need to wait for tweaks and constructive feedback to make them better. 

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These proposed changes still won't provide exotic and interesting buffs to under-performing weapons, as you espouse.  Unless the mods make changes to baseline stats, the only possible result of any riven mod is to buff the preexisting strengths of any particular gun (assuming you got a "perfect roll").  You will not turn a Panthera into an interesting crit gun by slapping +1000% crit on it because basic elementary math tells us that 1000 x 0 = 0. 

While the reduction in kuva requirements is nice, it still doesn't address the fact that it could literally take a lifetime of farming to get that perfect roll for any given gun.  IF rejecting a reroll refunds the spent kuva, then this could work, but I HIGHLY doubt you guys would ever do something like that.  Speaking of refunds, how about all those thousands of kuva that've already been spent rerolling mods that are in play?  I've got some pretty useless mods right now that cost way more they're worth and can't be transmuted into something else.  Will Rivens get reset to un-rolled and their associated kuva reimbursed?  Will we get to transmute rivens into other rivens, possible costing kuva?  How is it that I can roll and reroll a mod some ten million times and still have a mod that's not as good as another players mod, by total random chance?  Didn't DE move away from completely random mods specifically to provide some sort of parity between players, predictability, and better game play balance?  How is it at all good for the game for some players to RNG or plat their way into unmatchably powerful equipment?  Isn't that basically pay-to-win?  Bill randomly rolls the best mod ever, literally 1 in 10^10000000 chance of getting something on par with it, and suddenly he's the most powerful person in the game.  Ted, the richest guy in the game buys said mod for all the plat and now he's got all the power...  Bill's happy cuz he's now rich.  Ted's happy cuz he's now finally compensating just enough.  Everyone else is left out to dry because they'll never be able to match that mod.  That's very bad for the game community as a whole.

There's also the fact that I honestly don't want any of the Rivens I have, cuz I'm not at all interested in the guns they buff.  There're plenty of low level guns that I'd love to make meta-level, but there's no telling when or if I'll ever get a mod for one of them, much less how many rolls it'll take to get decent stats on said hypothetical mod.  Also, that 15 riven limit doesn't promote creativity and options.  It restricts them.  Why should I have to eventually choose between having rivens for my favorite melees and my favorite primaries?  What if i like certain primaries with certain frames, and others with other frames?  I hate running self-damaging guns on squishy casters, but I love doing it on immortal tanks and terminators.  Do i have to choose which loadout I grace with the glory of a riven mod, and leave the others to fester, unloved and sub-par?  What if I get a riven that turns my gun into a status monster, and another riven for the same gun that turns it into a crit monster?  Why can't I keep both, and enjoy both loadouts when I see fit, rather than needing to prune my collection of things that I don't have the luxury for.  That'll inevitably lead to the selling of the least optimal rivens, not the least "exotic and interesting".  Everyone will have 15 rivens for meta weapons, and that's it.  If there's no room for rivens for lower tier weapons, then why bother with them when the meta's do the job better?  Like it's been said, non-meta guns aren't going to become meta level simply by tacking on %-based increases to already-low stats.

Why aren't we even considering unique modifiers on specific weapon types?  Beam weapon range, blast radius, ricochet, homing projectiles, explosive death, creative CC effects, deployable automatons, +/- self-damage effects, life leech, energy leech, arcane-type effects, etc.  All those things could be rolled into this system to create a lot of really interesting and powerful game play on really weak guns that no one uses.


Bottom line: this entire system is not living up to it's intended purpose and your proposed changes appear to be the bare minimum you think are needed to appease people.  The fact remains that the stated goal of the system will not be achieved in any way without completely reworking it from the ground up.


I'm starting to feel like the player community is just a crazy guy in the park screaming at the pigeons, who are completely indifferent to anything he has to say...

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I'm actually really happy with the way you guys have taken this! If all proceeds smoothly then the game's weapon scaling might have a bright future.

Only 2 suggestions however, there shouldn't be a limit on riven's at all imo. It may actually be a good business move as well because lots of people could buy plat for more weapon slots but hey, what do I know about business. The second thing I would suggest is to allow people to do multiple sorties in one day or to create a different way of attaining rivens. I personally love sorties and I do them with my friends because to me they do act as a form of endgame content however I find no real purpose in staying online after I've complete them because it's a daily thing. Maybe create some sort of diminishing return effect when it comes to the endo however. Anyways, good work DE!

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