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Valkyr Prime design lore discussion


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1 hour ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I'm just not impressed. It's boring and not awesome like Vauban Prime's or Nekros Prime's. Also, does anyone have all the parts for Valkyr Prime yet? I want to know the build requirements.

Nor as good as Saryn's. Those all had moving cutscenes and lore implications.

Edited by UrielColtan
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If primes are the original version, and the Gersemi skin for Valkyr is the untouched version, before Alad V twisted Valkyr to look like it does in the base model, WHY does Valkyr Prime have the arm bonds of Alad V's Valkyr?  Chordalla Prime should not be a thing. Valkyr prime, at the very least, should be free of bonds, like Gersemi Valkyr.

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2 minutes ago, Cook-EN- said:

Based on lore, Valkyr Prime was the original. Salad was trying to make the Valkyr we know now to look like the original. Which is the Prime, not Gersemi

So... the Orokin also chain Valkyr like the Corpus did? Interesting...makes total sense... Just like the operator says about the Corpus missions: "These Corpus remind me of the Orokin, selfish, greedy." Poor Valkyr even as soon as came to be she was enslave... so her Proto-skin means that was her baby skin before Orokin Prime her?

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Because DE can't into lore or writing and love to retcon things

34 minutes ago, Cook-EN- said:

Based on lore, Valkyr Prime was the original. Salad was trying to make the Valkyr we know now to look like the original. Which is the Prime, not Gersemi

That explains the general looks, not the bonds

Besides, based on lore, Valkyr Prime should not exist

Edited by Monchopin
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So I was thinking after noticing quite a few people (rightfully so) upset about Valkyr prime having her Corpus "bonds".

How could this be? This is the prime, the OG Valkyr, there was no experiment.

Cut to the chase: You know how when Valkyr rages, she whips out those dank energy claws?

What if those "bonds" on the side of her forearms, are not actually bonds? What if instead, they are like power gauntlets batteries, that house the energy for those op energy claws?

Now I know what your saying next, "But Instinction! The dangly bits!" Now yes, I agree the tubes on the BASE version (non-prime) of Valkyr are indeed a form of Corpus bonds (like they plugged her into something as part of the experiment).

However, you will notice Valkyr prime ALSO has dangly bits, which are most definitely not Corpus bond/experiment tubing.

SO, maaaaaybe, the Corpus just ripped out the base version Valkyr's dangly bits, and used the "slots" and/or "outlets" to implant their own tubing for the experimentation?


And there I rest my case. Please feel free to debate/conjecture, but let's keep it civil. This is not a bashing thread, this is to debate the explanation of Valkyr/Valkyr prime's lore.

Edited by Instinction
Fixed multiple typos
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Considering the "restraints" of her Prime are stated to be ribbons of honor or something I don't see the torture part from the Orokin. I see more overt claw emitters than what the deluxe skin had but it could be a higher grade of work that was stripped off for the mass run version. If you look you will be parts of both the deluxe and the base Valkyr in the new prime, which makes sense. 

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1 hour ago, morningstar999 said:

considering how cool the Vauban and Necros ones where why was this one so phoned in and rushed? 

This is a lower quality than previous Trailer Primes, yes. But why? Why?!

Hmmm, I wonder if they'd been busy working on a huge amount of new art, voice acting, sound design and animation content for the game at the time they would also have been working on this trailer. I wonder what that might have been. Hmmm....


The War Within. It's the bloody War Within. New planet, tileset, structures, enemies, a movie's worth of voice and cutscenes, new enemies, new weapons and moveable Operators. They. Have. Been. Busy.


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People are thinking way too much into this. First off, she's NEVER (EVER EVER EVER) going to ever have lore that makes sense, unless pre-corpus Valk is a completely different frame, simply because her current movesets are POST-corpus regardless what era.

Even for some reason she was already a super berserker frame in her Orokin form, then it's the Gersemi skin that's hurting lore. People are so crazy with aesthetics like things can't be worn (OH... LIKE SYANDANAS), I'm a pants guy but I can wear shorts, skirts, and everything in between, too.

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Maybe the Orokin also experimented with her. She was tortured by the Orokin and restrained because she was a nuisance for her Beserk attitude and her uncontrollable rage. Maybe the Primed Valkyr had anger management issues so they had to keep her restrained or else she will wreck everything. This is speculation.

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5 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

They're not bonds.

8 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Ceremonial ribbons, worn with pride.


This goes along with my lines of thinking. The Corpus could have possibly removed her dangly bits on the base version, to implant their own devices.

Edited by Instinction
more typos
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50 minutes ago, Cook-EN- said:

Based on lore, Valkyr Prime was the original. Salad was trying to make the Valkyr we know now to look like the original. Which is the Prime, not Gersemi

I like how you start your sentence with "Based on lore" then use your own assumption.

45 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

They're decorative ribbons, not chains.

Remnants of the bonds that restrained the original Valkyr during her time in 'the lab'. A reminder to never forget the torment.


Don't tell me those are "decorative ribbons".

Also hi Beard o/

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18 minutes ago, TheLocalHentai said:

People are thinking way too much into this. First off, she's NEVER (EVER EVER EVER) going to ever have lore that makes sense, unless pre-corpus Valk is a completely different frame, simply because her current movesets are POST-corpus regardless what era.

Even for some reason she was already a super berserker frame in her Orokin form, then it's the Gersemi skin that's hurting lore. People are so crazy with aesthetics like things can't be worn (OH... LIKE SYANDANAS), I'm a pants guy but I can wear shorts, skirts, and everything in between, too.

Only two possible outcomes from this. First, either the Gersemi skin is invalidated.... In which case I want my platinum back. Or second, the break in lore invalidates the last 3 years with all the reference and influence made with all of the tactical alerts, quests, and events that have involved reference of Alad V and his experiments on warframes and abuse of valkyr.... which makes the players experience nothing more than a money grab attempt.  In which case, I still want my platinum back.

In either case, there is enough false advertising to really make somebody angry.

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54 minutes ago, Instinction said:

What if those "bonds" on the side of her forearms, are not actually bonds? What if instead, they are like power gauntlets batteries, that house the energy for those op energy claws?


Those are restraints. 

55 minutes ago, Instinction said:

However, you will notice Valkyr prime ALSO has dangly bits, which are most definitely not Corpus bond/experiment tubing.

See, this is here i have a huge problem. If the game tells you those on her prime are Ceremonial ribbons, then she doesn't need them. Unless, she needs ribbons to make herself angry? lmao

I see it as DE screwing up, that's it. 

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15 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

I like how you start your sentence with "Based on lore" then use your own assumption.

Remnants of the bonds that restrained the original Valkyr during her time in 'the lab'. A reminder to never forget the torment.


Don't tell me those are "decorative ribbons".

Also hi Beard o/

DE Megan > Wiki. Sorry but they are ribbons

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