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Nidus discussion Post Devstream 84


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11 minutes ago, NobleParadox96 said:

this is too soon for augment mods lol... the frame isn't even out yet and they only gave the demo of it's abilities... there could be some last-minute changes before he's out so for now leave the augments out of it for some time until at least the majority of players gets to try the new frame out

There's no such thing as "too soon" in Warframe. I'm aware that stuff can/will ALWAYS change in Warframe. But the demo gave us a pretty good idea of what to expect in terms of basic mechanics for Nidus' abilities. Given that they're planning on getting him out this month on pc, I don't expect the mechanics to change much before release. And from what I saw, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot they could do to change his third ability that would invalidate the augment mod idea. About the only thing I can think of would be if the link did damage and didn't put the enemy to sleep. But that could be fixed just by adding the sleep effect to the augment mod. Of course they could always scrap the ability entirely. But until something like that happens, I see no harm in playing around with ideas.

That being said, if people don't like the idea itself, then that's an entirely separate issue, lol.

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I was excited for Nidus, but he looks very plain. As an infested frame I expected something completely off-the-wall and new to experience, a lot of his abilities feel like recycled or re-imagined versions of existing abilities, while using a limiting "stack counter."

DE seems to feel comfortable with the direction they are taking Nidus though, and I doubt any sort of community feedback this early would convince DE to change his abilities.

In particular I dislike the parasitic link (3rd) ability, it has very little interactivity and seems like something you would just want to keep up 100% of the time, like Mesa's shatter shield or Rhino's iron skin, it isn't really fun.


I may as well throw in a couple ideas I had anyway in-case I am wrong about abilities potentially changing:

Infest: Does what you would expect it to, you look at a target and "infest" it, the enemy is similar to one of Nekros or Inaros' shadows. HOWEVER, Nidus saves a "blueprint" of the infested enemy.

Gestate (idk about names): Spawn a gross looking bulge that grows the last enemy you infested, using said "blueprint", until it bursts and makes a new "shadow". there would be some REALLY FANCY graphical effects in play here!
The infested enemy starts off with a scale of 0, and grows over time inside of the bulge. The bulge would have a cool "net" mesh effect that hugs the shape of the shadow as it increases in size, the colors of the shadow "blend" with the colors of the net mesh so that it looks like a thin membrane. Once the shadow reaches full size, the bulge bursts open and liquid-like particles spew out; the shadow is spawned and thrown out as a ragdoll, but then stands up and does *shadow things* as usual.
Maybe you could spawn multiple bulges like a Boiler.
Also if this idea isn't going to be implemented at all, I would love to see it implemented on the Boiler enemy!


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I'm liking the way he looks, especially the way his body morphs.


Definitely creepy, but that's what I like about it.

I can see a possibly good synergy with his link ability where it could connect to all the enemies caught by a tendril, and with how many stacks you have connecting to even more enemies.

There's some good potential for him, but I still wanna see more before completely judging...like, when he's actually in the game.

Edited by Spot.
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No shield inaros works because of his 4th ability, and when he starts facing things like nullifers he isn't as good

I really do not see the infested frame being viable in late game due to a health pool that seems low, and obviously wouldn't have much in the way of armor. The infested fraems ultimate seems only good for crowd control and in Mobile defense, or Defense missions.

Probly be the same group as wukong and titania.  Fun, but not really useful

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37 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

I wonder... his powers are creating INFESTATION... will Nullifier bubbles work on that? Its not necessarily a void power.

nullifiers are going to wreck his life.  Oh, you spent 4 stacks on a pretty, moldy shag carpet?  Cute...  gone..

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Looks to me like he had frosts 2, oberons 2, and trinitys 3, 

Overall the gameplay on the devstream left me very under-whelmed and not really looking forward to him. 

Spam skill 1 to be able to use skill 2, use skill 2 so you can more quickly use skill 3, use skills 1 2 and 3 to be able to use oberons 2. hmmmm those maggots where dealing next to no damage and where very gimmicky, maybe would have been better with a new asset created instead of using brood mother's maggots.

Of course I may be totally wrong and I hope I am but as of right now I cannot say that I am looking forward to it.

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The devstream shows him against 10-15 lvl enemies and his health's going down pretty fast, isn't it scary?

I don't see a niche of this frame, something that makes him different from others. I also don't see anything that will scale well with level of mobs. What's the point of Nidus?

Isn't his 2 similar to Voban's Vortex? For me it looks the same

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Honestly, i don't see a point in using anything other than his 2...  build for max range and some duration, grip a whole room to one spot and lob an explosive their way.  Done.  His 4 looks completely stupid and lackluster.  I can't wait to see a nullifier touch the edge of it and the whole thing vanishes.  With nothing else in his kit benefiting from building stacks, I see no point in even thinking about doing so.

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5 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Honestly, i don't see a point in using anything other than his 2...  build for max range and some duration, grip a whole room to one spot and lob an explosive their way.  Done.  His 4 looks completely stupid and lackluster.  I can't wait to see a nullifier touch the edge of it and the whole thing vanishes.  With nothing else in his kit benefiting from building stacks, I see no point in even thinking about doing so.

I wonder if his powers ignore the Nullifier's bubble and dont act like a Void power...

It would be interessting, a Warframe whose powers are immune to immunity.

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His unique resource is novel, and could make for interesting game play IF they make it useful for something other than his S#&$ty 4.  So far, that's the only thing it's used for, and it looks pretty bad in its current state.  Fighting lvl 15 enemies, he was getting his butt kicked in regards to how much damage he was taking.  His 1 did terrible damage, which is bad considering it's supposed to be the staple of his kit.  Who's gonna run around spamming an ability that does nearly nothing, just to build charges for an ultimate that ALSO does nearly nothing?  His 2 and 3 have potential, if only because the 2 has strategic value and the 3 makes him basically unkillable so long as there's a single enemy to use it on.


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13 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

I wonder if his powers ignore the Nullifier's bubble and dont act like a Void power...

It would be interessting, a Warframe whose powers are immune to immunity.

Would make sense too, them being based on physical materials rather than energy.

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I generally hate secondary resources as a mechanic. There's just something utterly annoying having to spend mana/energy/whatever on a skill to get the resources you need to cast the skill you actually want to cast. It's just unnecessary complication in my opinion. Pretty much the only secondary resource I liked in WoW was the death knights' runes because they regenerated passively. Although it sometimes resulted in unnecessary downtime, making you feel useless.

I'm gonna try the new frame out first and see how DE pulls it off before I judge it though.

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Why not call it "parasitic link".  It's very much not a symbiotic relationship once you're wearing your victims skin as a coat...  It sounds like a fantastic idea, with some cool, unique gameplay possibilities.  Perhaps there could also be an effect while the target is left alive, such as gaining a buff from the enemy based on the enemy type, akin to titania's tribute buffs.

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Ok so the new infested frame lead me to think... what will happen when DE will release the prime version of it?

We aren't aware of the lore of it yet, however we can assume that there is a prime version of it... cause it's a Warframe.


So I imagine Ballas going like this: "Hi Orokin overlords, remember that infestation virus that almost destroyed us? Well we made a brand new ugly-vomitting-melting Infested Warframe!

and it also has gold spores on it! 

In all seriousness.. how will it work as a prime? I honestly can't see the orokin overlords approving such frame, simply because of the fact that they will find it disgusting, and lore wise The Orokin didn't approve of anything that's not perfect

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