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The War Within: Update 19.4.2 +


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Another patch, another set of nerfs, another loss of weeks worth of work on my Tonkor/Simulor riven mods. I get it but really with no compensation in endo cost or anything I'm getting hosed down every single patch. If you wanted to buff weak weapons, why even make rivens for the strong ones? Why not just put in the work to fix crappy guns instead of giving us a carrot that we chase for said weeks, spend endo and time and maybe plat to get those mods, then take it away in one fell swoop with a nerf. Unbelievable.

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10 hours ago, issh0man said:

DE please change the Sari Syandana back, 90% of the people who bought it did so because it was open wings. Now it just looks like the other cape syandanas that have been around for ages, this one just has a butterfly pattern and cost $7.


Not too sure why my thread about the Sari Syandana was deleted with 0 notification of doing so (imo it looks fishy). Multiple people in the thread were voicing their complaints about the syandana now being closed rather than open, and were requesting a toggle feature to have them open permanently.

A lot of people are requesting them be open while jumping, or flying (Titania) but I still want to reiterate the fact that I and many others bought this syandana for the idle open wings. I had zero issues, it didn't block my menu, it didn't block while shooting, it didn't block anything for me and that seems to be the case for a lot of people.

DE please give us back our wings, give us a toggle feature so we can have them either open or closed, I didn't pay for an overpriced Bombyx, Foxglove, Izavara, Nelumbo, or Sami syandana.


EDIT: the post was moved into a different subsection of feedback, i've not posted much in the warframe forums before, so was caught offguard by the "no permission" message. ty DeltaPhantom for clearing this up. :)

Edited by issh0man
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Cateno prime sugatra bug

The sugatra is crumpled up and looks horrible. happens regardless of weapon.


Image also shows Dark-split sword bug. Deluxe dual swords skins do not save. Please fix this. DE has known about it since 19.0

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I don't get why in a game about "space ninjas" with special powers which is kind of a concept that screams OP we cant actually have OP stuff. People complain about stuff being op removing challenge and they just need to be told one thing, "don't use it then you dunce" because the constant nerfs to things just ruins the fun for those that enjoy power fantasy that so many joined this game to have. Also PLEASE buff some of the bad weapons base stats rather than give another layer of RNG.

P.S Please fix Ash's Fatal Teleport not working at random.

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12 minutes ago, issh0man said:

Not too sure why my thread about the Sari Syandana was deleted with 0 notification of doing so (imo it looks fishy). Multiple people in the thread were voicing their complaints about the syandana now being closed rather than open, and were requesting a toggle feature to have them open permanently.

A lot of people are requesting them be open while jumping, or flying (Titania) but I still want to reiterate the fact that I and many others bought this syandana for the idle open wings. I had zero issues, it didn't block my menu, it didn't block while shooting, it didn't block anything for me and that seems to be the case for a lot of people.

DE please give us back our wings, give us a toggle feature so we can have them either open or closed, I didn't pay for an overpriced Bombyx, Foxglove, Izavara, Nelumbo, or Sami syandana.


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12 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

You sure you weren't megathreaded? Check your post history.

ah it looks like it was moved. :) i've never really posted in the forums up until now, so i just saw the "you don't have permission to access this" and figured it was deleted. thank you for clearing that up!!


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18 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Removed possible Riven Mod Challenge that requires players to kill Sentients while aim-gliding.

Removing this but keeping the Challenge that requires players to get 3 headshots during 1 aim-glide. really? D:

at least you can prepare sentients by making them low..

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1 minute ago, Mokofestation said:

Removing this but keeping the Challenge that requires players to get 3 headshots during 1 aim-glide. really? D:

at least you can prepare sentients by making them low..

Yeah, their vision of 'frustrating challenges' isn't really the same with the actual players' side, otherwise scanning a Simaris target without abilities or traps with Hobbled Dragon Key and taking no damage wouldn't be enforced further, let alone be a thing to begin with.

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2 minutes ago, Mokofestation said:

Removing this but keeping the Challenge that requires players to get 3 headshots during 1 aim-glide. really? D:

at least you can prepare sentients by making them low..

I did that with Brakk. Pretty easy because if target dies and at least one pellet hits its head then it counts as a headshot

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1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

To recap my recent posts: 

There was a mistake in the notes where Vulkar Rivens were listed as having their Disposition increased, when in reality the Buzlok was meant to be listed in its place. The notes have been edited to reflect this. 

The stat changes to the Vulkar Rivens were definitely not intended. After some investigating we found what went wrong and will be adjusting stats back to their higher intended value before 19.4.2 went live. You can expect to see this change in 19.5! 

Thanks for reporting! 



:heart: Thank you !

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  • Changed Sari Syandana and Spitfire Syandana to be closed by default, but will open when Bullet Jumping or Aim Gliding. Appendages will now close after 5 seconds, during weapon fire, or when opening the menu. 

Oh come on, that's a very big no from me! I bought the syandana exactly because it was this big and something different! Please at least make it an option, otherwise I feel I've been ripped off :awkward:

The rest of the changes are great though, I like the Nullifier changes.

Edited by TheCyberBrick
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Yay, thanks for many nice things! ;-)

Very nice to see the Sicarus Prime get buffed.

SO... this:

Arcane Changes:

  • Distilling Arcanes no longer consumes a distiller

Is this what we're getting then for being able to move around Arcanes? Not "no longer require Distillers" but we buy one and it'll stick around and keep doing that job?

Well I guess it's a big improvement and One is not hard to get. Must have been a coding thing over just making arcanes able to just be moved around I guess(?!).

Time to buy a Distiller, heh.

Oh and some new Helmets and Syandanas!


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18 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Sortie Changes:

  • Removed Nitain from Sortie Reward table and added 3-day Boosters in its place.
  • Changed Exilus Adapter BP reward to a fully-crafted Exilus Adapter
  • Reduced length of "endless" mission variants as follows: 
  • Survival - was 15 minutes, now 10 minutes 
  • Excavation - was 1000 cryotic, now 500 cryotic.

Whoop-dee-doo.. no one really cared about those aspects of the sorties - does no one at DE read and/or digest the feedback?

So Forma is still in the rewards table, honestly why.. just why?? >.>
Riven Mods still have less of a chance to obtain compared to Endo, Forma and lenses according to the majority of players and myself. Regardless if it shows up as "common" in the rewards list, we aren't stupid enough to believe that is actually the case. The lists "colour coding" to indicate drop rarity is either completely false or bugged. Either way, I am not at all enthused about completing the sorties like I used to be. I've never been so disappointed with them in all the time I've played this game.

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4 hours ago, DamagedB64 said:

Did ember get nerfed? my WoF power per second is 1.71, before this update it was 0.75. My power efficiency is still 175%

Did you lower your duration ? Duration is a factor here, not purely efficiency.

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2 hours ago, Rhyenne said:

bug? - When I extract resources from a planet it asks me if I want to "SELL" them instead of asking me if I would like to retrieve them.

Probably you have your Titan destroyed and the only option is to sell it for 100cr. Have no other ideas what are you talking about

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3 hours ago, Midnighthowl101 said:

I would like to point out not to just you but to others complaining about this. We are playing this game for free and they work hard to please us with new content and fix issues we have, asking for refund is rather rude. Especially if its over a minor thing like a wings being opened or closed. at the very least its still apart of the content you can have.

Well maybe you just started and you didint spend a single dolar. But i personaly bought few thausands platinum for real money. So i do support this game.

But if you buy something again for real money..its tenogen not a skin for plat and they change it few days after that i have feeling that i did not get what i paid for.

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Thanks for the pre-update. Should let us find some bugs. That said, here's my bug report:

  • Glaive Prime's stats were not buffed. And it needs those buffs.
  • Javlok's alternate kills don't count as rifle kills and eliminate any Stealth multiplier you might have accumulated.
  • During a Sortie, my targeting reticle (that little dot that tells you where you're shooting at) vanished. I think it was when I went down while casting an ability, but not sure. Going into Operator Mode fixed it.

That's it for now :D


Even MORE bugs! Hurray!

  • Nullifiers that don't have a bubble (due to them being unaware) still prevent you from killing them. They simply have an INVISIBLE bubble. Try firing a weapon with travel speed and you'll see it. Very obvious in Javlok.
  • Javlok needs some work on the throw mode; I've had it respawn in my hands again, stay stuck in an enemy as they are desecrated and then it despawns and respawns in the room's 'enemy spawn' point (where enemies spawn if you're quick enough and don't let them move at all, or where a Void Reactant will respawn when it falls into a pit that players can't get to).
Edited by Lyravain
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