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[The Glast Gambit] General Feedback


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What happened to releasing Riven mod types one at a time so that you have a better chance to get the new stuff??? That was a solid idea that's been scrapped for apparently no reason!

Honestly, at this point can we make Rivens a guarantee when you finish a sortie, on top of other rewards? It's so diluted that the chances of getting what you want are extremely low right now.

Edited by Yonm
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1 minute ago, Yonm said:

What happened to releasing Riven mod types one at a time so that you have a better chance to get the new stuff??? That was a solid idea that's been scrapped for apparently no reason!

That idea was met with a large amount of dissent, so we added them to the existing pool. :) 

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

That idea was met with a large amount of dissent, so we added them to the existing pool. :) 

Bu-... wha-... :scared:

:facepalm: I guess the people got what they wanted... for better or for worse...


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The new mission type, Infested Salvage, sucks. Not because it is bad mechanically, but because it is tedious and almost mandates a specific team comp to overcome the one blaring issue...


It doesn't spawn enough enemies. Seriously, the mission actually seems like it could be pretty fun and an interesting horde massacre mode, but in order to have a horde massacre you need a horde. Right now there aren't even enough enemies to keep the three terminals up, let alone enough to keep 4 players entertained.


So... it is an easy fix IMO, just have a lot more enemies spawn.

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The new Infested mission is inetresting and fun.


The Quest itself is inetresting but the Index parts are annoying. Having to pay to enter is not so nice, but having to win 3 rounds, especially with the 10 units margin in one of the missions is simply annoying. The Index is nothing else than conclave and there are reasony why ppl dont like it.


Just now, Yonm said:

Honestly, at this point can we make Rivens a guarantee when you finish a sortie, on top of other rewards? It's so diluted that the chances of getting what you want are extremely low right now.

Extremely low is an understatement. Taking the Data from reddit the chance for Rivens is 20%. The pool now contains 100+ weapons...

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45 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

That idea was met with a large amount of dissent, so we added them to the existing pool. :) 

And what about that idea ?

The thread is "popular" now, isn't it enough to show you guys what we want ?

Isn't it enough to make you understand that we are SICK of the RNG ?


And talking about feedback, The quest itself isn't bad, but did we have to do 5 index missions, with 3 rounds each time ?

The story is nice, but all these index missions ? please, stop it already.

And while I'm at it, what about this ?


Seems a bit tough for a storm clan, and ghost clans need 5k mutagen sample, 10k plastids, 45k nano spores and 50 neurodes. What the hell is going on ??


Oh and by the way, may I suggest you STOP creating mission type that INVOLVE KILLING ENEMIES like survival and this new "salvage" ?

What are we supposed to do when the game completely bug and we can't kill any enemy because there aren't any spawning ? Well, we lose, because there is nothing we can do.

(also, the armor integrity decrease rate is way too high)

Edited by Trichouette
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These Hema research requirements have to be some sort of mistake. Five THOUSAND mutagen samples, for ghost clan research? Ten THOUSAND plastids, and FIFTY neurodes!? These are moon-clan level requirements, not ghost clan. For comparison, the Torid needs ten mutagen samples. A more recent addition, the Toxocyst, requires 20.

FIVE THOUSAND mutagen samples, TEN THOUSAND plastids and FIFTY neurodes. Come on, guys. This is just downright ridiculous.

Actually fair and feasible and fitting and worthwhile amounts for ghost clan would be fifty (tops) mutagen samples, 1000 plastids and five neurodes. That's how it should be. You must have gotten the numbers wrong because I refuse to believe you guys would consciously choose such ridiculous amounts for this weapon, and I would very much not like to be surprised.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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The new game mode is so slow, dear god, even played near-perfectly a single rotation is longer than the average for any other endless mission, excluding maybe survival

The percentage needs to tick up faster. Boosted enemy spawns/serum drop rates in multiplayer would also be nice. There's so little serum dropping in multiplayer that it's near impossible to get to a C rotation in pubs

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The first part of the quest was great, had fun with it. The rest is rubbish. Margin of 10. Can't do it with the AI because they don't stop killing and scoring. Can't do it with other players because they don't stop killing and scoring.


Not impressed by the one-shot cheating Nef Anyo does either. That's straight up lame.

Edited by Wolfchild07
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I have a few gripes with the quest.


1) I am well and thoroughly burned out of the Index gamemode thanks to this quest. Repeating the same fight 3 times per match for 4-5 entire matches (assuming you win everything, which seems unlikely from the sheer amount of bugs I encountered) means that I lost all investment in the quest halfway through.

2) Logically, Glast and Perrin should have funded us for the Index. I don't understand why we were expected to throw in money and lose it over a quest. Quests are meant to be challenging and fun, not repetitive and penalizing. I lost upwards of 600k credits from just nonsense bugs coupled with frustrating AI during the matches. I have never actually lost anything in any other game from questing. 

3) Why does Nidus need 2000 Kuva? Is there any specific lore related reason why the Warframe needs Orokin blood to function? Because it seems blatantly obvious the reason he needs Kuva to manufacture is because it's the new Oxium and Nitain. I'm expecting every single new thing released for the next while to require Kuva. It's frustrating when we have hundreds of thousands of other resources, yet the devs ensure that we always have to grind for the newest, rarest shiny. 

4) 5000 mutagen samples for a Ghost clan to research the new primary. Are you serious? That number is daft. I've played this game for 3 years and I barely ever had more than 750 on me. For clans with newer players in it (mine not included, it's a solo clan), expecting each player to shell out such a stupid amount of mats doesn't make any sense, and is not friendly towards the players. We want to play your game, not mindlessly farm to fill up a bar. 

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May I suggest not starting quests from the relay? 

As many of us have issues of going to relay because it will cause the game to have insufficient memory thus the game literally crashed.

We have to try many times and it is like RNG when we finally can access it.

That goes for all baro visits too. 

Really a pain when we can play the game with no problem but only all the relay causing problem.

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The Index part of the quest needs to stop when ever I load up it Disconnects me and I lose 160k credits even though I didnt even get a chance to win since I was only in the game for about 2sec. DE pls fix this issue

Every time I go into a mission I connect it loads in and then it says "The connection to the host has been lost. You will be returned to the multiplayer menu." How can I have lost connection when I hear the players abilitys being used and enemies.

Edited by MadHatter567
Found out something else
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Hey! New frame! Here's quest for it. It's boring.
But you know? We don't wanna give you new frame for it. Just a blueprint.
How do you get bp for his parts? Stand still and press E for half an hour on a new boring mission type. And YOU DON'T GET THE PARTS GUARANTEED. 
G fuckin' G DE, u make the most boring and time-sucking update of all time.

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59 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

That idea was met with a large amount of dissent, so we added them to the existing pool. :) 

People dissented to the idea of rifle rivens being taken away. But now our 20% drop chance for a riven is split among 3 weapon types. Just revise the sortie drop tables so rivens aren't such a rarity. We don't need lenses from sorties, make them drop in the void or something.

Or just make unveiled rivens free to be unveiled into any type of weapon we want based on what we equip it on. 

And please give us a weekly riven quest. The system is only reliably usable by traders as it is now. 

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the first part of the quest was amazing! the index part? one of the worst and most boring "quests" I've ever witnessed! by the end of it I was just blindly running around and shooting and what do I get for this incredible waste of my freaking time? A GODDAMN BLUEPRINT! BLUEPRINT!!!!!!!!! The rest of the frame is in a brand spankin' new game mode that's just an interception mission with a new paint of coat basically and the chance of actually getting the freaking part is as low as god knows what!!! by this time I couldn't hold the urge to ALT+F4 down and just quit! dissapointed with this one...

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I have a ton of criticism for this quest. But for now I copied it and deleted it before I pressed enter, so I'm first going to wait and see if there will be a few changes with hotfixes within the day. Otherwise currently in short version, the creativity and balance of the quest, especially when it comes to the "point margin" part is not something I would except from DE, I would not even slightly except it from them. It's gives the impression that they fired everybody and hired internet trolls for the ideas.

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Suggestion: Buff the drop rate for mutagen samples to that of the other research resources.

Mutagen samples only drop from Eris and the Derelict (if I'm not mistaken). When I run a 20 wave DSD, I obtain, at most, 10 mutagen samples. However, in a Grineer or Corpus exterminate mission, I can easily obtain 10+ research resources just by opening all the lockers and breaking containers -- No loot enhancements required (boosters, Nekros, etc).

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I think bringing back the Index is a good idea and i don't have complains about that but I have encountered a very annoying bug in th Glast Gambit.

Sometimes, when I finish one round in the Glast Gambit, I stuck at the sceen when it closes on the monitor with the Cephalon on it. It's really annoying because I have to close the
game with Alt+F4 or otherwise i could sit in front of the monitor for eterinty. The worst part of this is that I already lost 360K credits because of this and I'm only at the 3rd match. Please do something about it.

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I did the quest i got the bp and i bought the warframe so i opened the infested door and the creature there want to feed him, so wat i need to do to feed it? the first time i entered i sit on the chair and it do something to my warframe  head 
any vlues on what to do from now on to feed it? 

[Sorry for bad language] 

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The new mission type to grind Nidus' parts sucks.

It's anti-cooperative. In order to progress the mission, you need to continually kill enemies for antiserum injectors to fill the vaporizers (which are misspelled, by the way). However, as more people are in the squad, the drop rate for injectors decreases. Anecdotally, I've found that with four people, the drop rate is so low that its impossible to maintain all three consoles in an average pub game, even in the first wave. I did five pub games before I gave up and did it solo where I've had no problem maintaining all three vaporizers and keeping all consoles at 100% health.

The extract or battle screen continues to punish cooperative play. As a solo player, one can press "battle" after each wave and go directly to the next wave and not have to wait fifteen seconds. This bypasses the fact that the injectors deplete during the fifteen second extract or battle screen, which is plenty of time for all of the vaporizers to become empty. This forces the party to repeat the slowest part of the mission: having to top off all three vaporizers. This part is even more frustrating with more people in the squad, given the lowered drop rate of injectors.

The drop table doesn't make sense.

While the A and B rotations are somewhat generous with Neo relics in A and Axi relics in B, the C rotation doesn't make sense. Why does the C rotation contain 80 endo, stretch, and vital sense along with Nidus' parts? Getting such underwhelming rewards instead of a Nidus part feels like a huge slap in the face after a grueling four waves.

I'm also bothered by the fact that DE decided to turn what I believe is the most boring part of JV into an endless mission type. An endless version of the elevator segment would have been much more interesting than running in a circle refilling vaporizers for three minutes (I'm hoping it's only three minutes, it feels much much longer). Rewards could have been given out based on how high a squad could lift the elevator while fighting ever more powerful enemies for injectors. Why take the worst part of JV and turn it into a mission?

Overall, my experience with the new mission type has been negative and there are improvements that ought to be made.

Edited by Teahouse
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