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How do you feel About Oberons Passive


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It's a useful ability, but only on certain tilesets / and if certain Grineer units are present.

That being said, it would be better for all concerned if Oberon had a passive that wasn't so situational...like a defensive aura or something.


On a related note, it would also be nice if there was more wildlife on maps, stuff suited to the tilesets. I'm sure even Grineer Galleons and bases have space rats and such.

Edited by MirageKnight
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1 minute ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

It's literal trash, passive has no use against infested. Only usable if you play on earth (who does that) or you find drakk master even then it's still not good

It's useful vs Hyekka masters for sure. Just saying.

But agreed - it's useless on a lot of tilesets, although that could be partly remedied by introducing more exotic fauna that Oberon could manipulate.

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4 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

literal trash

Man, I'm so glad this literal trash has completely saved me from swarming Hyekkas when I was reviving people.

It's not good. It has some use and if they expand the wildlife then it'll actually be really neat. Until then, though, it's too situational to be considered useful.

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It's not meant to be another ability. It's useful at times. That's all it needs to be. I don't think the intention was powercreeep. More of a "better than nothing" kind of a passive. 

I personally think Oberon had one of the better passives compared to others.

48 minutes ago, Vulpei said:

At least his passive has a small amount of utility, especially when fighting grineer.  Some frames don't even have that.

Looking at you, Meg Mag.

Mag's is useful if you don't use vacuum or greedy pull.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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9 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Man, I'm so glad this literal trash has completely saved me from swarming Hyekkas when I was reviving people.

It's not good. It has some use and if they expand the wildlife then it'll actually be really neat. Until then, though, it's too situational to be considered useful.

If you put his powers in mind, healing, reckoning and even augments for his first that spreads radiation you can make the passive basically pointless. Considering how some passives are extremely useful a passive that can only be used on certain tilesets isn't good. Not to mention there isn't enough wild life to make it useful enough and the other problem is if you're on the tileset it can be used how many times will it truly come in to play.

As a completely different example it's like Vaubans he gives armor buff to you and your teammates around you, well if you're playing solo that passive means nothing. Basically what I'm saying is there's many passives that really need to be looked at once again due to them being far to situational. 

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Just now, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

If you put his powers in mind, healing, reckoning and even augments for his first that spreads radiation you can make the passive basically pointless. Considering how some passives are extremely useful a passive that can only be used on certain tilesets isn't good. Not to mention there isn't enough wild life to make it useful enough and the other problem is if you're on the tileset it can be used how many times will it truly come in to play.

As a completely different example it's like Vaubans he gives armor buff to you and your teammates around you, well if you're playing solo that passive means nothing. Basically what I'm saying is there's many passives that really need to be looked at once again due to them being far to situational. 

As much as people call it bad for being "situational"... I've been in plenty situations where Oberon's passive actually helped.

No, it didn't nuke the map for me, but it has done enough for me to appreciate it.

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*Looks at Inaros' Passive* Hmm, a lot of cool details going on there, could scale better, but still.

*Looks at Nidus' Passive* Wow, really nice details and synergies with his kit.

*Glances at Oberon's Passive* And Obie gets Beastmaster? M'kay...

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I actually think Oberon's entire ability set needs an overhaul. I personally quite like Beast master, and would love for more wildlife to be added, however, Oberon suffers from trying to be both a paladin(abilities) and a druid(everything else). I feel that, considering his appearance, what he is based off of, his passive, ect, Oberon's paladin aspect(which I personally feel doesn't suit him) has got to go.

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10 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

I actually think Oberon's entire ability set needs an overhaul. I personally quite like Beast master, and would love for more wildlife to be added, however, Oberon suffers from trying to be both a paladin(abilities) and a druid(everything else). I feel that, considering his appearance, what he is based off of, his passive, ect, Oberon's paladin aspect(which I personally feel doesn't suit him) has got to go.

I think you would find most Oberon fans would be upset if they just made him a druid and no longer considered him a paladin/druid. And as far as appearance I've always found him to look quite regal, especially with his surcoat/tabard. But thats just my opinion. I do agree with his kit getting a looking over. 

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