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Exterminate feels a bit more cruel and sadistic now


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Well sure.

I have been pro adding short story lines to missions for AGES.

the setup is simple. DE writes a few lists that contain possible choices like a vips NAME a military installation name, a Special Unis name, then add this to a list of REASONS why they have to die. Spread of infection, weapon smugglers, holding Tenno hostage, knowing secrets, connected to a boss or to a certain warframe or node.

Then the rewards we get are added based on the previous choices. 

"Tenno, a small covert Grineer facility known as Deep 7 is holding and experimenting on warframe and tenno technology.

They are working for Tyl Regor, and they are on the verge of a breakthrough.

If they leave the base it will mean Tyl Regor will gain an advantage in this war. We can not allow this to happen. 

Every personal must be destroyed, leave no one alive. We will secure the site when the mission is completed.

The mods they have been uncovering will be added to your inventory upon Extraction.

Good luck Tenno. "

Reason, who we go after, and reward all neatly bundled by a few tables and rng.

What you think?

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10 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Now it feels like we're just harassing the enemy, and killing for the pure fun of killing.

Is that not why we play the game? Fun.

I see your point, certainly. But mechanically the mission has been made less tedious and more fun. Thats the main thing.

Nothing wrong with a bit of sadism either.

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6 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Is that not why we play the game? Fun.

I see your point, certainly. But mechanically the mission has been made less tedious and more fun. Thats the main thing.

Nothing wrong with a bit of sadism either.

100% this. The mission type is a lot more enjoyable now from such a tiny change.

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15 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Is that not why we play the game? Fun.

I see your point, certainly. But mechanically the mission has been made less tedious and more fun. Thats the main thing.

Nothing wrong with a bit of sadism either.

No, I agree that the mission works a bit better now with less chance for the last enemy to bug out and get lost. I'm sure that was the main reason for the change, it's an issue they've been dealing with for a while.

That said, like another poster said,  it feels more like terrorism than a mission with a militaristic purpose.

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30 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It feels more like terrorism than a mission with a militaristic purpose.

Without getting too deep into this, is terrorism not a mission with militaristic purpose?

Each act of terrorism is quite literally to incite terror and demoralise the public of the nation they are fighting. That certainly fits ''mission with a militaristic purpose'' imo.

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:


That said, like another poster said,  it feels more like terrorism than a mission with a militaristic purpose.

Come on, we are honorable tenno warriors, right? Especially when shoot some Grineer dock workers and the kiddo says "we fought with honor". That is hilarious.

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It's not like we're less brutal/sadistic when it comes to shiny things, potatos or just a single mod: raped by wet tentacles to get killed to get desecrated. Yay to genocide in the name of syandana/potato/mod :^)


1 hour ago, Myscho said:

Now feels more real, because was pretty weird when those big ships only have for example 120 soldiers on board and no one else, now you see there is always more members of  ship crew

My thoughts exactly. At least Nighmare Exterminate was close to it with 400+ enemies.


Now I just hope that we'll also get much more immersion with the real crew(men) doing their job in the tileset rather than patrolling the ship 24/7. A man can dream.


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3 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

When you expected to be a space ninja and turned out a space terrorist, eh?

The thing is, the Tenno really ARE terrorists. We operate in secretive cells, striking from the shadows at critical targets meant to maximize damage to infrastructure and morale, never accepting surrender, utilizing all manner of terrible weapons and tactics to cause the most harm, and even on the rare times we take a prisoner, it is clearly not a pleasant or humane process. The only thing we havnt done is slaughter civilians... unless you consider corpus crewmen civilians, which they might be.


We claim to uphold the balance, and impose our morals on the system, but we are the extreme minority. We claim to protect the free colonies, but the only colony we have ever seen are the myconians, and they seem to *generally* coexist with the corpus. When the corpus DID overstep their bounds and screw them, we didnt go on a sneaky ninja assassin infiltration and rescue or murder spree. We gambled for them.

The way i see it, we have no moral high ground, because there really arent any good or moral (by modern standards, thats the key part) forces. There is only corrupt capitalism  (corpus) vs fascist communism  (grineer).

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39 minutes ago, Crashen said:

 The only thing we havnt done is slaughter civilians...

The Grineer workers in the shipyard, could they not be considered civilians? I mean, they never seem to attack me on sight unlike everything else in this game.

Edited by DeMonkey
I only got a B in English :'(
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23 minutes ago, Crashen said:

The thing is, the Tenno really ARE terrorists. We operate in secretive cells, striking from the shadows at critical targets meant to maximize damage to infrastructure and morale, never accepting surrender, utilizing all manner of terrible weapons and tactics to cause the most harm, and even on the rare times we take a prisoner, it is clearly not a pleasant or humane process. The only thing we havnt done is slaughter civilians... unless you consider corpus crewmen civilians, which they might be.

They are not. They are purpose-bred workers/soldiers, according to the entry about them in the Cephalon Fragments.

26 minutes ago, Crashen said:

We claim to uphold the balance, and impose our morals on the system, but we are the extreme minority. We claim to protect the free colonies, but the only colony we have ever seen are the myconians, and they seem to *generally* coexist with the corpus. When the corpus DID overstep their bounds and screw them, we didnt go on a sneaky ninja assassin infiltration and rescue or murder spree. We gambled for them.

The way i see it, we have no moral high ground, because there really arent any good or moral (by modern standards, thats the key part) forces. There is only corrupt capitalism  (corpus) vs fascist communism  (grineer).

They coexist with the Infested, not the Corpus. Myconians are basically human-infested hybrids that live on abandoned Infested Corpus ships. Their Triuna, Neewa, is what makes it possible for them to coexist.

There was never any overstepping bounds, because Corpus operated like they normally do, which is to obtain something that is potentially profitable through violent/unsavory means. They found out about them, kidnapped some individuals to run experiments, and to milk them for money/profit as the ultimate goal.

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I am assuming that the "change" was in lieu of actually doing the work to make sure that players did not join fissure missions too late to get 10 reactant.     It seems symptomatic of DE no longer putting the time and resources into the game that they did from CB to late 2015

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Warframes already feel like demented demi-gods to me. Killing hundreds of thousands as if nothing, and piloted by children at that.

The only thing really disturbing thus far is the hemlith charger, feels like we kidnapped a grineer soldier and mutated him into a pet to have run around.

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17 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

With the old exterminate, it at least felt like maybe we were accomplishing a goal. Exterminate all enemies, leave the post empty for what ever reason. Now it feels like we're just harassing the enemy, and killing for the pure fun of killing. We kill 100 or so, then just leave when we're bored.

Its a bit more sadistic no? Lotus is brutal

"These were the queen's bravest men. I will leave them a gibbering terrified mess. I had two options, kill most of them and leave a few terrified survivors. Or kill a few of them and let the others tell the tale, no doubt with great exageration. A single warrior striking from the shadows may seem like an army."

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17 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

With the old exterminate, it at least felt like maybe we were accomplishing a goal. Exterminate all enemies, leave the post empty for what ever reason. Now it feels like we're just harassing the enemy, and killing for the pure fun of killing. We kill 100 or so, then just leave when we're bored.

Whether or not you continue to kill enemies after the kill count is met is completely up to you. It's about what action you decide to pursue and the intent behind that action - WHY you're doing it. If you decide to pursue fleeing enemies and slaughter them because you actively enjoy / derive pleasure from inflicting terror and death on your foes, that makes you the sadist, not DE.

DE only provides the situation and the options for dealing with that situation. Nothing more.

In fact...I think DE needs to do a bit more with Exterminate. I like this change, but they should do more with it....like have it affect your alignment. If you decide to stay behind and keep slaughtering enemies, even though you've met your kill count, it pushes the gauge more towards Moon. That said, DE could have it so that running rescue missions and saving the hostage / prisoner can push alignment towards Sun....and so on.

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