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How do people manage to stick with warframe?


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I'm at Mastery 9 ATM, and the game is getting very boring to me. I've finished all the quests, I've got rich from trading (still got lots of stuff that can probably be sold for 1k+ plats), I made my own clan, I wasted some plats to make my clan look awesome, I don't have all the warframes, I can buy all of them with plats right now if I choose to. That's how much plats trading gave me. When ember prime and frost prime came back, I farmed a lot. After they get vaulted, I stopped playing for like 4-5 months because I want the price of those two to go up. I just got back on today to sell the sets, but I didn't because I don't know why I need plats. The question here is "How can people keep playing the game?" Theres people who are at master 20+ HOW DO U NOT GET BORED?!!??!

*Please don't mind my English, I'm still learning*

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By playing in a casual manner and not burning myself out by doing repetitive content on a constant loop?

I mean, I might stay logged in for upwards of 8 hours a day but I only actually play for about... 1, maybe 2 or 3 tops if there's something important going on. I get what I want done and then I leave it open in the background to do 5 minute Kuva runs every other hour or so.

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Mostly the people. I'm never focusing on the same stuff every day. One day kuva farm, one day prime farming, one day something else. But having everything immediately is never the way to get hooked on a game. I have over 1000 hours in the game and I still have stuff I need to get for my collection. 

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Well it doesnt really matter what mr you are I am 23 and its still fun for me,It gets boring at times but honestly, this is on your end. The game is as fun as you make it and considering your 9 you are missing tons of stuff that you cant get with plats and why would you want to get them with plats,if you want to buy everything and make the game boring for yourself thats on you,instead why dont you work for what you want and actually progress in the game then it will be fun fun fun.

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I play with people I know and I almost never farm. I use different frames and weapons, and I do different missions or challenges depending on my mood. I do sorties almost everyday using uncommon frames.  Basically, don't rush for the latest shiny things, try new things, experiment with builds, and play with friends.  The game is grindy if you make it grindy.

MR23 and have been playing for two years. I'm about to reach 450 day milestone.

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Just now, DrBorris said:

And of course play some other games, everything is bad in excess. 

To add to this, try to make sure the other games you play have some different goals than Warframe so you don't burn out on the overall style.

Fortunately, Monster Hunter's gameplay is so different that even though they both have a similar flow I don't burn out on either game by playing the other one.

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I play when I feel like it, I set myself challenges, I play with stupid builds and I do alerts / sorties.


and with new updates bringing more things to do on a daily basis, I think i'll happily find myself something to do while playing Warframe.

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My son ask the same thing. He hates when I play this game. 

I really don't know the answer. I've literally been doing the same thing for 2+years.

There's a part of me that WANTS to get bored of WF so I can moved on, but I'm still having too much fun for some reason.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I don't get bored because I play when I feel like playing as a space ninja. I play for prime parts or to unlock weapons I want and I do missions I enjoy. And I like the gameplay.

But this a game where If someone is FORCED to play, like in events, then yes, the game starts to get boring fast, because all you're doing is the same mission over and over and over and over. But even that can bearable if you get a nice reward at the end. But doing an event and not getting the main attraction of the event (Ignis Wraith) is indeed a deal breaker.

Shame we can no longer earn stuff with our own effort and need the unreliable help of other players to get the reward we want.

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If you're not enjoying the game anymore, try to give it a break and when you're back you'll probably enjoy it more. I'm aiming to get all of the items mastered and grab some exclusive stuff along the way. I also love this community.

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25 minutes ago, lengsis said:

"How can people keep playing the game?" Theres people who are at master 20+ HOW DO U NOT GET BORED?!!??!


If not Daily tribute I probably be gone long ago. (Mr23 I am)Gives long term goal (Azima, zenistar and upcoming rifle) and you don't have to grind and get burnout. Logging in is enough, if you don't feel in mood to play that day, you can just do something else.

Forming and using weaker weapons also helps to avoid boredom, not same op weapons.

Edited by 7Random77
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Any game will become repetitive. In wf you don't have to play nearly as much, you can do a couple of missions a day and still hit mr23 eventually.

I'm more amazed at what people find in games such as CS and Overwatch (the latter I do play but I can also take break for weeks). It's just mindless pvp. Once you played for about 100 hours you've seen literally everything, once you learned how people play that's all there's to it + there's a huge human factor in coop games like OW that is the same huge turn off at times. Also same maps over and over and over. It's also as absurd as some game (forgot what it is) that literally had ONE map and people played it for years. Like wot.

So for each their own. I like that WF don't press you into coop or pvp and you can do everything at your own pace. Play, don't play doesn't matter. If you won't play pvp game for weeks you will feel like a noob and basically will have to learn many things almost like it's a first time.

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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51 minutes ago, lengsis said:

I'm at Mastery 9 ATM, and the game is getting very boring to me. I've finished all the quests, I've got rich from trading (still got lots of stuff that can probably be sold for 1k+ plats), I made my own clan, I wasted some plats to make my clan look awesome, I don't have all the warframes, I can buy all of them with plats right now if I choose to. That's how much plats trading gave me. When ember prime and frost prime came back, I farmed a lot. After they get vaulted, I stopped playing for like 4-5 months because I want the price of those two to go up. I just got back on today to sell the sets, but I didn't because I don't know why I need plats. The question here is "How can people keep playing the game?" Theres people who are at master 20+ HOW DO U NOT GET BORED?!!??!

*Please don't mind my English, I'm still learning*

Because some people, like me, actually take breaks. I started playing Warframe in late 2013, do you honestly think I've been playing it non stop since then..? No, I've taken 5 month, sometimes even 8 month breaks from the game, because sooner or later, you burn out. And I don't force myself to keep playing when I am burning out on a game, I go to the next online game that scratches my ''want to play it again'' itch.

To put it short, if you're feeling like ''what am I supposed to do'' ''why am I still logging in'' or other such things, it's time to play a different game.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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Just chill. Don't take the game really seriously like it's your life (except when you're doing a competitive event or looking for plats).

Also, try out weapons. I think the weapon variety is the only thing that's gluing me to the game. I have tons of weapons that I can bring to high level plays and it rarely gets boring.

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Play other games on a regular basis. Especially ones of other genres. That way you'll vary your experiences, leading to both Warframe and the other games in question feeling "fresh."

For example, when I'm feeling bored with Warframe I sometimes turn to games like The Talos Principle (a first-person puzzle game), or maybe something like Fallout New Vegas (a very heavily story-focused and pretty slow-paced RPG, as opposed to WF's story-light but gameplay-focused and fast-paced, action-oriented approach).

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Login, build forma, extractors, sortie, raid, syndicates, hunt for sanctuary. Maybe do a random nitain, farm some ducats if there is a capture or a survival, check out the conflict awards, Log off. Do a event or random alert when they come. I play about 1-2 hours a day. I have 1500 hours after about 3 years. Won't be playing as much after Wildlands release. But I'm never bored. Only play when I feel like it..keep it casual.

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Just like everyone said, play the game while leveling weapons, you can do it in a few runs of the Affinity hotspots but you'll get burned out quick just like many veterans and content creators(rip :'v).

Also go on Public and make some friends, you'd be surpised

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Ok my response will be odd...

But I play and enjoy Warframe in part because of the GRIND!

I really love and yes I do mean love the endless runs and repetitive runs all for a small chance at something. 

I have always wanted a game that offered that opportunity and this game nails it. 

My personality fits well with this game, I never really enjoy the victory speech I would rather the "chase" the tough as hell hunt for something so rare. 

I like doing solo survivals.

In movies and in video games, I enjoy the long-odds; horde-fest competitions.

Warframe feeds that need so easily for me.

When I used to play Madden Football I would do a daily game where I put it on All-Madden setting (the hardest level) give the CPU the Patriots (one of the harder teams to beat) and then let the computer pick my team by hitting random. 

Now in WF, once a week I will hit the Randomize button in the Aersnal (basically allowing the computer to pick my frame, weapons etc.) and jump into a Mot Survival (or Axi Void Fissure) mission. 

I love seeing how long I can go... 

I also do something similar with my Civilization games (but that is actually way easier than going 40m with Zephyr using Javlok--uggh that was painful)

I have never had a non-sports game give me the rush that WF does. 

It also helps to give back to the community. 

I like doing missions with randoms and teaching what I have learned or just carrying folks in Kuva floods. 

That feeling just doesnt get old for me...

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4 hours ago, lengsis said:

I'm at Mastery 9 ATM, and the game is getting very boring to me. I've finished all the quests, I've got rich from trading (still got lots of stuff that can probably be sold for 1k+ plats), I made my own clan, I wasted some plats to make my clan look awesome, I don't have all the warframes, I can buy all of them with plats right now if I choose to. That's how much plats trading gave me. When ember prime and frost prime came back, I farmed a lot. After they get vaulted, I stopped playing for like 4-5 months because I want the price of those two to go up. I just got back on today to sell the sets, but I didn't because I don't know why I need plats. The question here is "How can people keep playing the game?" Theres people who are at master 20+ HOW DO U NOT GET BORED?!!??!

*Please don't mind my English, I'm still learning*

You don't have to force yourself to play it. Time exclusive stuffs or whatever are meaningless if you don't truly have fun playing. You want a game to have fun? Or just a mere skinner box? I believe you already have the answer in your mind.

I'm MR 20+ and I've been bored for almost a year. From my perspective I have to tell myself "I wasted so much time and money for this game if I quit now all my efforts will poof into nothingness" if I want to be "MR20+ who don't get bored and keep playing" like you said. 


Most of the progression are pretty linear, I don't think people get bored because of it. People hit refractory period when they look at the game as a whole then they see chronic problems, monotonous repetitive pacing or lack of creativity in gameplay modes.

Edited by Volinus7
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