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Coming Soon: Weapon Balance Pass.


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Just now, existingdark said:

Well.... RIP the best melee weapon in the game. Betting it doesn't even worth with Relentless Combination anymore.

Well, at least we won't be seeing people sliding all over the place as much in warframe. 

It encourages people to "spin to win" less.

Also, I can see the buzlok being pretty beast once the buff kicks in. 50% crit chance on tagged enemies. What not to love

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As long as the Telos Boltace will have that Aoe for opening crates and only that slash proc will disappear should be that bad of a nerf.

Other then that my 21 forma invested in these weapons will result 4 free forma and 12 days affinity booster so I will be happy because I haven't really used them too much in the last year.

Edited by PETI258
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All good for me except a few:

Not really feeling that telos boltance nerf, while i understand the need to complicate everything, i can't stop to feel that the simplicity of it are what made it a fun weapon to slide around with.

Another one would be self-damage as a WHOLE, not just the tonkor (though the weapon had well deserved nerfs), but in general. It feels counterintuitive in a fun co-op game for me. It leads often to unpredictable and undeserving deaths, considering that we have no way to really measure if we are within blast radius and how sometimes enemies can make the most heroic sacrifices for their comrades and stand right up in front of the player suddenly. 


Can we just remove self damage as a whole? At least as a test run, to see how fun it would be? 

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7 minutes ago, Noabettiet said:

Can we just remove self damage as a whole? At least as a test run, to see how fun it would be? 

Nope, launcher/explosives weapons were made to deal a strong as fk damage but you need to have safety measurement in order to do so or you will just kys. It has always been designed to be like that. Give and Take, capable of dealing a S#&$ ton of damage to lot of enemies but you can risk yourself getting into the aoe.

Edited by Xsoskeleton
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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


The Ice Beam weapon: the Glaxion. Probably one of the most exciting weapons to imagine in combat, yet it has received a cold reception.

  • Cold Damage has increased to 333 from 250.
  • The rate at which ammo is consumed has been decreased.
  • Increased the Accuracy of the Glaxion.
  • Reduced the range from 30 meters to 24 meters.

Wow, my favorite weapon is being buffed!

But... Can I have a legacy variant of Glaxion without the underlined changes? Pretty please?

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Everything below is subject to change.


Edited by Raniu
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1 minute ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Nope, launcher weapons were made to deal a strong as fk damage but you need to have safety measurement in order to do so or you will just kys. It has always been designed to be like that. Give and Take, capable of dealing a S#&$ ton of damage to lot of enemies but you can risk yourself getting into the aoe.

Good point!

Except launcher weapons are not the only ones that cause self damage. Plus some of them having stronger rivaling weapons that don't even deal self-damage at all.

IMO: The least they could do is change it in a way that would still deal quite a substantial amount of damage, but not one shot us.

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8 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

give me all my formas + catalysts back and i am fine with the nerfs


This is pretty disappointing.  I'm sad that DE caved in to the vocal minority that wants to tell other people how to play.  Sorry, solos, DE doesn't care at all about you.

Edited by Zepp_
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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


The Harpak's stats aren't the worst in the scheme of Primaries, but it has received some love since it is often overlooked.

  • Recoil has been reduced on the Primary Fire.
  • The Alt-Fire Charge time has been removed - it is now an instant harpoon.
  • The Critical Chance has been increased to 20%.
  • Increased the range of the Alt-Fire from 15 meters to 40 meters.
  • Increased the flight speed of the Alt-Fire and updated the FX.


my +crit chance and +crit damage riven thanks you

3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Like the Miter, the Panthera is a killer idea with lackluster execution. We've made the following changes:

  • Primary Fire has been switched to Automatic, and the fire rate has been increased.
  • The Status Chance of Primary Fire has been increased to 20%
  • Critical Hit Chance of Primary Fire is now 10%
  • The Critical Multiplier is now 2x.
  • Ammo Requirement is reduced to 2.
  • Secondary Fire Status chance is now 35%
  • Critical hit Chance of Secondary is now 25%
  • Mastery Rank is now 7.

ooohhhh... i can finally live up to my ign now 0_0

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Some pretty good stuff in here. But... rework the mechanics of beam weapons next please. I suffer for my flux rifle. I'm dying over here

Operator "kuva farm mode" fist beam has better mechanics than actual beam weapons. Ticks way more often...

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Weapon Balance Pass.

Ohhhh shiet. O.O


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Charge time is nbd, but I won't complain.
Higher projectile speed is lovely.
That said, please please increase the sawblades' hitbox.


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Mutalist Quanta

Can't comment about any of these, haven't used them since maxing and nuking them.


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


So, it now overlaps with the Stradavar?

Speaking of which - Nothing to distinguish the Stradavar's fullauto from the semi-auto? For instance, a higher status chance?
As it stands, there's very little reason to ever use the fullauto aside from possibly bursting down Nullifier bubbles.


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Lower tag ammo cost is nice.
But honestly, its biggest problem has always been the tagger's travel speed - The targets you want to put it on tend to be past mid-range, and the tagger has no easier a time hitting them than the regular shots.
All the lower tag cost does is make that less punishing - though I'm optimistic about the travel speed increase.

Honestly, I'd prefer it if were left at 10 cost, but made hitscan.


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


With a Satiata riven, the Glaxion currently runs out of ammo midway through a level 40+ exterm.
Hopefully the ammo economy will be improved enough that that's no longer the case.

Beyond that, however, the Glaxion is - correct me if I'm mistaken here - supposed to be a status vehicle.
This doesn't really work, due to how continuous weapons and status interact.

Any chance that continuous weapon mechanics will be looked at, or are do you consider them to be in a good place?


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


My stealth-kill weapon of choice gets a buff.
All the better to kill myself with  :P


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Wait, so how does it stack up against the (mechanically identical) Zhuge?
Are they differentiated from each other now, as opposed to the Zhuge basically being a straight upgrade all around?


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


self damage

About time.
Does this mean the grenade-jump has been removed?


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


So the S/S is still a straight upgrade over the vanilla,
Stacking is easier, but has much reduced AoE power,
Most of the damage is now done by detonation.

I think I can live with that.


2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Telos Boltace

RIP can-opener.
Back to running Equinox in synd missions.

Oh, and I guess the new CC might be useful. We'll see.
More melee options can't be a bad thing.



Does this mean that you consider the
Daikyu, Flux Rifle, vanilla Gorgon
to be fine?

Also, does this mean Sniper hipfire accuracy penalty is staying?
Sniper scopes already incentivize scoping in, do you really need to make hipfire useless past 7m?

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a lot of this seems fine to me. but a lot of this doesn't make much sense to me either. i understand that the simulor and the telos boltaces were getting nerfed eventually because so many people complained about them, i never liked the simulor and i wont even begin to comment on it (it never bothered me by being in a group either though), but the boltace rework... this "cooldown" period seems like a bad idea to me. if im running a melee weapon, i want the effects that it can provide to be provided when i friggin need them and not when its cooldown is ready again.  and maybe its just me but doesnt "a radial blast that ragdolls enemies away from you" sound WAY MORE ANNOYING then how it is now?

i mean, your lining up that shot... its all perfect.. you go to pull the trigger.. .and BOOM, whole room just ragdolled every which way you can imagine. that is going to annoy me as much as trying to shoot something in hydroids henticles. every akkad wave will have half of them thrown out into the abyss, forcing you to wait for ages in between EVERY wave, ugh, horrible.

couldn't you just nerf the range a little or something? or lower the attack speed so its not as spammable? why make it potentially more annoying? o.O


as for the explosive weapons, maybe you have not noticed but weapons that kill the user tend to be used a lot less then weapons that kill the enemy~ maybe work on that a bit? also how did the angstrum get passed by in this? i have put 7 forma and a riven into that thing and its still utter trash no matter how hard i try. WTB -spread mod for pistols.

ogris gets a decent buff, so it will be a self kill for SURE when your trolling squad mates step infront of you as you fire it to watch it blow up in your face. no mention of changes to the fact enemies can shoot the missile as soon as you launch it.

the harpak and the paracyst i still wont use, i have no interest in pulling things towards me with my primary weapon. give me a harpoon that works like a bow/bolt projectile and can stick them to a wall or will push them AWAY from me and we will talk.

glaxion, no buff to status/second, still useless.

buzlok has had some of its major flaws dealt with, the homing thing sticking to rocks/walls/floors was annoying. im glad that was changed. "crit chance increased by 50% to targets.." i wonder if thats 50% flat? or 50% of its new 15% crit chance? or 50% of its fully modded crit chance? either way, 90% of the time whatever you marked with your homing shot will be long dead before you land your shots on it because your squad already killed it. but good buffs to it none the less.

attica is the clear winner here today. 


and, i would wager DE chose these weapons purely based on statistics that said they were the least played, which makes me a bit sad, considering the angstrum, flux rifle, bronco's, and dual cestra's got skipped because SOMEONE out there likes trying to make them work.

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Why on earth are you nerfing the tonkor, I don't see anyone using it anyway, it's barely good at clearing groups of armorless mid level opponents and that's it ... 

Simulor change may be good, weapon will still be extremly powerful with mirage but will require us to detonate the stacks for maximum damage.

The Telos Boltace change will depend on the famous CD : if it's low, it may be even better than before as the pull will gather the loot, if it's long the weapon will become garbage. I just hope they won't change the radial blast and that it will still break containers ... All in one I don't really understand the love / hate ppl have with this weapon, it's handy to clear maps of low to mid level ennemies and break containers, it's anything but OP on high level content where other weapons that are a lot more broken reign supreme ...


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