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[Update 20] General Feedback Megathread


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The UI is really messed up. Sometimes when you end a session you get teleported in a random clan. The game is becoming more unplayable for people with a bad computer like me. So hard to handle on low performance PC's every update you release. This is the most heavy until now. 

Though, Octavia is awesome and the changes you did to the "forgotten" weapons are appreciable.

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it was mentioned some time ago that the intention was to bring updates mid week. as i understand the idea was that there are some workdays left where fixes can get done and no one of DE has to work at the weekends. where has this gone?

the last big updates either went live before weekends, holidays etc. where a few hotfixes went live right after (which i appreciate), but then a lot of things stay broken until the next workweek. so can you please release these either in smaller parts or if you doing a big update midweek. the intention is not to say you need to fix thing right after, if it's weekend/time off from work people usally want to do something else, totally fine. i want to say please look over the planing of the update release dates.

especially this one could have been split for example to limbo rework, octavia quest, ui rework, anniversary event. if things are time sensitive like the anniversary weapon where you need a special date, then totaly do that fridays. but other things are probably not and no one will mind if you either do that mid week before or after the weekend. the few days more waiting is no big deal.

fight on tenno

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I like the nullifier changes, but since " Projector Drone health scales with enemy level" could the projector drones at least not be considered objects, so they can take critical damage, and be affected by status effects?
As it is now they are able to soak up about 160 fully modded Latron Wraith shots, when the nullifier is at lvl 140.

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Thank you for the hard work and great update DE ! Lots of and lots of cool stuff ! :D enjoing the Octavia quest at the moment !

But I have to say, I was really looking forward to the real OLD archwing mechanics, and not the fake "old" ones. It's basically the new flight mechanic with blocked extra axis. Can't you please make the real OLD archwing mechanics come back ? Just remove the new ones completely and replace with the old ones... I'm sure that 99% of players that loved archwing before the "big Change" would agree with me on this .. I'm sorry that I have to "complain" but I was really super excited about this and in the end nothing changed... :( 

But still, thanks for everything else that was done right ! :)


Edited by weirdichigo
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My feedback is that I just did ODS Rotation C and had Octavia's Neuroptics drop only for them to be replaced by a Lith S4 Relic, this is unacceptable DE. If you're going to have people farm for your stuff you can't ALSO have droptables bugged to the point people don't recieve the intended items!

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Captura mode needs some tweaking and additional feature.

Tweaks required

  • Walking/Running/Sliding animation is not correctly show
  • Semi-Auto weapons do not continuously fire

Additional feature

  • Ability to lock camera position & rotation
  • Extra Key binding for PC players
  • Set enemy behaviour

There is always a room for improvement.



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21 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

Can we get the option to advance time in the captura from a keybind so we can record motion? So you dont have that huge menu on the right.

There actually is a keybind for that :) If you open up the camera, you can hold "enter" to advance time and get the perfect screenshot. Hope this helps! 

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3 hours ago, Coverop said:

Captura mode needs some tweaking and additional feature.

Tweaks required

  • Walking/Running/Sliding animation is not correctly show
  • Semi-Auto weapons do not continuously fire

Additional feature

  • Ability to lock camera position & rotation
  • Extra Key binding for PC players
  • Set enemy behaviour

There is always a room for improvement.



I'd like to see us have the ability to pose our Warframes with static animations. For example, I'd like to be able to use the Nekros Prime animation at the end of the Nekros Prime Trailer, where he's standing with the Galatine Prime, his arm outstretched and the blade touching the floor.

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On 25/3/2017 at 5:18 PM, Vilmera said:

does anyone else experiencing huge performance problems after U20?

game takes about 30% more memory comparing to U19 and loading after mission now can last minute or even two

This! At times it became unplayable the queue times for public missions takes a longer time too  and end of mission rewards take about 1 min to appear

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7 hours ago, Coverop said:

Additional feature

  • Ability to lock camera position & rotation
  • Extra Key binding for PC players
  • Set enemy behaviour

All of my yes! Games like Sims 3 allow for custom camera locks determined by the numbers 5 to 9, so you can switch from one camera to the next (with additional settings to control transition speed, allowing for cool views in video-making).

Additionally, concerning enemy behavior, games like Skyrim allow you to toggle enemy AI and detection with console commands. This is great to get the right shot instead of having hostile enemies all the time (think Invasion missions, or maybe a Nidus walking among infested in his control).

Edited by Casardis
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Building each specter regiment in the dojo for the first time gives clan affinity, so even solo clans are supposed to build them if they want that affinity, did I get this right? I really want to be wrong, because even the Hema seems very bleak compared to 2500 specters. A single player just won't be able to build that many.

And yes, I do feel obliged to get all the affinity there is, because it's there and it's supposed to be obtainable without putting hundreds hours worth efforts into building a tiny little army no one will even be able to use because of the armistice.

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Alright Digital Extremes. Let's have ye.


I have said some very  mean things about your game over the past few months, generally because I felt that you guys kept doing daft stuff. However, I am now here to say some very nice things indeed about Update 20.


- New quest, Octavia's Anthem, is fantastic. I loved it. Introduced some neat little mechanics, brought us through some of my favourite tilesets and reminded me of how much work you've put into the graphical upgrades for those tilesets, had wonderful interactions from the established NPC's, the Mandachord is an intricate little concept, I enjoyed bringing my A game against hordes of Sentients, and the final confrontation was probably the single most fun engagement I'd had in Warframe in over a year. That boss battle arena and the mechanics of it was really sweet, I loved how it was done. I won't say ten out of ten, because Second Dream got ten and Octavia's Anthem still isn't quite up there, but I will say nine.

- I like the little touches added to the UI, the little alerts on item pickups, that's nice.

- More attention paid to Dojos, sweet!

- I am fully in favour of the weapon rebalancing, good job, keep it up.

- New Warframe, Octavia, I haven't built her yet, but her acquisition is way better handled than Nidus' was. Speaking of her acquisition, good job on putting part of her in the Derelict. I'm serious. Now, people farming for the Hema can actually multi-task and pick up a few hundred samples while they get Octavia. I mean, I still think the entire Hema thing is a frigging shambles, but this is a baby step in the right direction, so I'll take it.

- Her associated weapons are great. The Tenora is gorgeous! It's just a beautiful weapon, insofar as a weapon can be morally considered beautiful, and its stats are nice too, plus its research cost is surprisingly reasonable. Nice one.

- New Dance emotes are cute, although seriously, guys, get it together on the topic of Operators and animations. You gotta make up your minds on whether you want Operators to be expressly and specifically lame as balls, or to be capable fighters, the minds of spess ninja in adolescent bodies.

- A proper model for the Helminth Charger! Sweet, now I'll actually take Bio Subject 001 out of cryostasis.




Overall, great. Thanks DE.

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since there is no real quest feedback topic i guess this goes here.


overall i very much liked the quest. the mission were different enough for me to enjoy. it was not super long, not super short, just the right size from the time amount. they were different so you are not stuck doing one thing over and over. i liked it ;)

things that maybe i would have improved is mostly ui/visual stuff or minor stuff:

in the first mission the light wisp sometimes seem to be a bit stuck, not sure, but the path finding sometimes seemed a bit odd. when i stop to kill some enemys or are to fast.

same mission the containers could be maybe a bit different from the rest form the stuff. you pick up these wierd manacord parts, but if you look in mission, you just have a box. yes they are packed/stored by the corpus. but maybe have some sort of glass container or metallframe where the part is floating in the middle. i just would have wished for some better visual seperation for the things you search from all other boxes. since the wisp already stops at them they are not hard to find, so this is mostly a minor thing.

in the last part in the matrix or whatever this computer mind thing was called the wrong notes are sometimes a bit hard to see. if you have a lot "work" to do left this is okay, but if you just have a few on the other end of the circle, in front of a red sky background, with a glowing ticker arm making the rounds and a big sparkle thing at the middle, well if you do not have a good zoom weapon with you, then good luck finidng the last ones. so maybe a one liner from ordis/simaris like "you are nearly done tenno" if you only have about 3 false notes left or so. then these would be waypointed. it would prevent some searching near the end, when you just run around the circle and look where the false note is. yes i know you can hear them, so as before a really minor thing. with the enemy spawns later on things may get a little bit hectic, so some waypoints might help. but this way you would not get overwelmed at the start by a bunch of waypoints. the notes you need to active with the yellowish glow were much easier to make out,then the false red ones.

the enemys in the last stage "occupying the notes and spawning out of these sometimes float a bit away. so the player will stand on a seemingly empty field, but can not activate the note. so maybe some tether visual (yellow electic sparkly line form field to enemy) might be nice to show visualy that the enemy is connected to the field in some way. so if it would not activate the player would look at it and could follow the "line" to the enemy and see an enemy shooting, which would usally mean, maybe i should kill it. there could be some line from mission control here to support this thought process "cut the link to enemys ...".

on a lore note, i find the revelation, that ordis and all the other computer minds are "backups" of the old orokin (if i understood the comic and quest right) a pretty big deal. and i think it might have some impact for future quests. since the octavia quest overall is just a "sidequest" this might become a problem. i mean if you do not want the frame you do not have to start/do the quest. so in theory you would not get that info as a player (as said before not sure if it is revealed otherwise before here). but that would mean if it would be need to understand future major questlines some players, that do them out of order will be a bit confused. i maybe would have loved to see these information in the sidequests more vague and maybe just hints. the things that are need to progress in the main story and the information needed to understand that main story should be given to the players in these main quests. so far this is the case, so might only be an issue for future quests referencing this information.

so yeah, i really enjoyed the quest thx for making it ;)


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My feedback:

1. Fix the UI

2. Quest was well written and fun to play

3. Captura mode needs some improvements/more scenes and the filters need to be fixed (selecting one doesn't work for me). An improvement I would recommend is letting players access their arsenal in Captura Mode in a similar way to when you're in a Relay.

4. Fix the UI

5. Octavia is a well thought-out warframe gameplay wise, disregarding the synergy between her first and second ability (maybe this was done for balance reasons?) My only complaint is that the songs are annoying and an option to turn them off would be appreciated

6. The Tenora/Pandero are cool but their MR requirements are too high, MR10 for a discount Soma Prime? Doesn't make sense. The charge shot doesn't warrant the extra MR. And MR7 for a discount Lex Prime? Again, the alt-fire is cool but doesn't warrant a player needing an extra 7 extra ranks when they can just get a Lex Prime and do better with it. And speaking of weapons, the buffs of old weapons are in my opinion something to be encouraged and looked more into as the year goes on

That's all for this update, it was pretty solid despite some obvious fails (U *cough* I *cough* *cough*)

There's one more thing I would suggest, and that has to deal with Kuva. Please add Kuva as a reward to the Fortress in Endless missions. I like the tileset a lot and there's absolutely no reason to go back there. Grinding kuva siphons is one thing but it gets so tedious playing the same missions over and over when I can actually have fun sitting down in  along survival mission and grinding out the amount of kuva I want at my own pace (this sounds paradoxical I know, but rushing through rescue/capture/exterminate missions, finding the siphon then leaving is more boring to me than joining a survival, playing for an hour and having fun the whole time)

It wouldn't even have to be a lot of Kuva, make it appear on rotation A along with Endo and Credits and make it an amount like 150 (or 300 with a booster). Just a thought, cheers.

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After messing around with it post-nerf, I still think the Tonkor change was a bit too much.  If self-damage wasn't inconsistent at best I wouldn't be as annoyed, but why nerf the crit chance on it?  The main appeal of the Tonkor was similar to that of the Soma or Dex Sybaris: 100% crit chance funtimes.  Bringing that down after making some mechanical changes to it is a bit of a slap to the face really, although I get where it's coming from.  


A better way to hit the Tonkor's damage so it isn't so ridiculous is to bring down the base damage and the rather high crit multiplier.  Changing the Tonkor to something like this would hit the damage far more than bringing down the crit chance by so much:
Crit chance: 32.5%-35%

Crit Multiplier: x1.5-x2.0 (if brought all the way down to 1.5, bring the crit chance back up to 35 to compensate)

Puncture: 40-60

Blast: 200-300


This way, 100% crit chance fun can still be had without requiring a riven mod (or argon scope headshots), but the damage you get from it isn't so ridiculous.  You have a bunch of levers to pull in order to balance weapons, use them.

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this update killed the game experience for me. i used to love this game. but the bugs and stability issues coupled with the changes this update brought have left me feeling alienated. items i was invested in are no longer fun or usable in high level content. why nerf fun things and let ember take the fun out of half the game anyway?

Edited by zeppelin_down
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