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Coming THURSDAY: Devstream #90!


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47 minutes ago, DiBBz said:

the melee question has all ready been discussed about when they where in the processing of going melee 2.0


it would only add to more complexion of keys that need to be in use. i mean if they where to add a heavy charge attack key seperatly from holding E where would you place it let alone on controller ?


there is no comfortable  location to naturally position your hands near. cause you're either those few that actually remap all your keys like me or you are those that simply learn the controls as is.

for me everything is the same except

T = Waypoint 

v = Switch camera positions

z = bind to gear slot

alt = bind to gear slot 


this allows me to be within a keys reach of what ever it is i need to press for the intended purpose. z obviously being the hardest but thats genuinely reserved for codex scanner / synthesis scanner witch is very rarely used. and console mapping must be a right pain enough as is. 


personally i feel adding more keybinds that are all ready perfectly fine where they are just over complicates the gameplay. and thats coming from someone that feels the game is very easy to pickup and play easily enough as is.


that doesn't mean tho im not entirely happy with the way the melee system works right now. i feel it could be a bit more improved but i understand the constraints that comes with this sort of issue especially with an all ready packed keybinding area around WASD


The existing keybinds of reload and secondary fire are accessible to you and are unused. 

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Looking forward to seeing what you guys have been working on!

Will you be finishing off the resource models at some point? The Oxium, Detonite Ampules, Mutagen/Fieldron Samples drops are still using the old orange\blue cake style drops.

Also, would it be possible to see the Melee counter while wielding a weapon?

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5 hours ago, ENGINEEEEER said:

Any plans for limbo changes? His ability to troll teammates with stasis is contentious. Also cataclysm is the strongest instant nuke in the game with a pretty incredible range as well. 

I think cutting the range and removing the shrink would be enough personally. 

Focus changes? 

Any thoughts on faster holstering? The current holstering doesn't fit the game. 

I think for the frailty of limbo, having a powerful nuke isn't that bad, and if the team doesn't want to deal with stasis they can just exit the rift plane. Take this with a grain of salt, because I use limbo a ton.

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5 hours ago, tsubasakuroi said:

Any hope for a fix for the Nyx Assimilate augment so friendly fire doesn't pointlessly drain massive chunks of energy?


Yes please.  Every time there's nyx in the mission, I have to pussyfoot around them, trying to avoid destroying their energy.


Better melee system.  1st-swing charge attacks.  Companion overhauls.  New augment mods (frame and weapon).  Hi-res UI fixes.  Endless Kuva missions.  Oberon / Hydroid / Zephyr reworks.  Tenno shotgun.  Focus rework.  Transference bug fixes (dead pets have been there since the start).  ETC ETC ETC...  When is this stuff happening?

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23 minutes ago, EldritchRose said:

I think for the frailty of limbo, having a powerful nuke isn't that bad, and if the team doesn't want to deal with stasis they can just exit the rift plane. Take this with a grain of salt, because I use limbo a ton.

I don't think he needs a nuke. He is intended to be a frame who controls areas and separates VIPs and enemies from each other. 

That aside, the nuke isn't the issue. It's that cataclysm can lock down a 40m radius, which can be abused by trolls to bring games to a grinding halt. 

I think he'd be just as effective in his intended role with reduce range. He could still cover a pod or protect a teammate or lock down a hallway. 

This seems in line with DE's recent efforts to scale back power 4 nukes such as Ash bladestorm, saryn miasma and mag shield polarize. 

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Several questions, in order of personal importance:

#1 - Enemy models and abilities:  Are there any plans to go back over currently existing enemies and remodel them, even add to their "kit?"  Grineer Napalms and Bombards for example are really just scaled up lancers.  Could they be remade to look more like, for example, a walking tank that maybe has a frontal shield that functions similarly to the shield lancer's shield?  Or Corpus techs possibly looking like normal crewman in an exo-suit, or even look like a "super battle droid" among the Moa proxies?  This extends even to the "fodder," like elite lancers (just a hood?) and elite crewman (formerly, just a recolor?)  Just seems tacky to have so many recolors of enemies, and our enemies do need a little oomph.

#2 - Acquiring riven mods - Will the tiers of riven mods be split into different methods to acquire them, such as the 2-stat riven mods being acquired through "normal" challenge scenarios like hidden caches or even Baro Ki'teer, while three-fers and the four-fers require trial or sortie runs to acquire?  The 2-stats are good, but obviously MORE on one riven is better, making the 2-stat rivens more akin to stepping stones/fodder until One acquires the same plus more in a similar riven mod.  I feel as though this system would be great if the reward itself didn't feel too random.

#3 - Have you considered new or even putting more abilities on eximus?  I look to Diablo III, and I think how much of a challenge it might be if an eximus could trap a Tenno in a box for 3 or 4 seconds, but bullets and powers can still travel both ways.  Or a higher level eximus (like 30 or so) having ice globe AND fire strike, etc.

#4 - Will wraith/vandal/prime/prisma weapons ever have access to their normal counter-part skins?  Especially the wraith and vandal, as they can't be recolored, clashing with many a color scheme, and fashion frame is pretty serious business.

#5 - Why still can I not gib elite crewman into chunky kibble, and why do they look exactly like their standard counter-parts now?


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Are there any plans or significant progress in the "Damage 3.0" system we heard about, where "mandatory mods" were to be removed or has that idea been scrapped? What about the multishot changes that were planned, any progress there?

Has there been any progress on going back and modifying older mods that have lost their use, such as Rifle Aptitude, warm coat, ect, to make them useful again? Because let's be honest, no one is going to put rifle aptitude on their weapon over one of the dual status mods if given the choice, and very few people put warm coat on their frame over an intensify or vitality or one of the drift mods even...

Are there any plans for the next big "overhaul"? Like we just had the star chart overhaul not long ago, and before that was the melee, and before that was damage, can we expect a "Weapons 2.0" overhaul sometime this or next year? I am reminded that the dev's wanted to give weapons some sort of feeling of progression as they are leveled up, because as warframes level up they get more power, shields, health, in the middle of the mission, when weapons level up they have to leave, then spend 10 minutes modifying their weapon, so on and so forth, to make it feel likes weapons have more progression to them other than "Oh hey, I can finally fit max serration AND split chamber on my braton now." We are warriors of GUN and BLADE after all, as we get more skilled with using said weapon, shouldn't there be some benefits besides the amount of mods we can put on them?

A while ago there was the plan to move companion abilities from mod cards to being built into the companions themselves, such as the smeeta kavat wouldn't need the mod card equipped to use it's dice roll power, or carrier wouldn't need the mod to convert ammo, it would just "do it", basically what the devs did for the warframes a long time ago.

When are sentient's going to become a more "common" enemy? Something that isn't so RNG based or limited to only one tileset? I've been around for a while and am just itching for a new faction to sink my teeth into, and would really love for sentient's to be more common, to have their own little area we can go in and just wreck em.

Edit Addition: Marketplace, someone gifts me a skin from a bundle, but not the bundle itself, why don't I get a discount towards the bundle? This could be said about all the bundles but at the very least for cosmetics it should be a thing, or at least let us buy all the parts separately.

Edited by Hixlysss
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5 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

Any future plans on giving the players the possibility of gathering kuva from endless type missions with (maybe) even scaling rewards? Kuva fortress would be a good place to make it possible. Could give advanced players something fun to do instead of only doing the repetitive kuva missions while also allowing players the risk to go further for the price of gathering higher rewards (more kuva).


I agree, finding caches of kuva on the fortress tile set would be a logical addition.


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Some questions which boggled my mind:

Can you increase the maximum brightness? At times it is really hard to see something. :/

Will you ever reintroduce the „Broken Light“ environmental hazard? Maybe as sortie condition on applicable tilesets? (And yes, I am aware some players will sent hitmen on my &#! just for suggesting that.)

Would it be possible to make invasions to show missions types BEFORE you enter them? I mean,... it’s kinda annoying... :S

Are there plans to make heavy weapons actually heavy? Like reducing mobility and stuff like that? So far “heavy weapons” are more like “sluggish weapons” imho. (maybe with dmg 3.0?)

Can you make the Dryad Bow’s arrow skin (from the Oberon Deluxe Bundle) usable separately from the bow itself? I really like the arrow skin and was kinda disappointed to find out I couldn’t use it without its bow.

Basically a similar request as the one above, though probably much harder to realize: Is it possible to make the orchid on Saryn’s Orchyd skin a shoulder attachment similar to the one Banshee’s Soprana skin has? I would love to use it on my Saryn P.

LET’S TALK ARROW SKINS – again. I think it would be pretty cool if you could unlock the “basic” arrows of all the bows by mastering it. Would that be possible at some point?

Do you consider to rework passives? Because some passives just feel lacking or even useless (Ember, Rhino, Zephyr, Limbo, to name a few) (Ember is not useless as much as simply too conditional, as it forces you to hurt yourself in order to use it, also it relies on opponents/surroundings)

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6 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I think there is a disconnect between what is considered fun and challenging by the devs and the community. Invulnerable enemies are not fun. Enemies that force us to switch our strategies, prioritize and think are fun. What portions of the community say they want isn't always what is positively responded to.

What can we as a community do to help bridge this gap? What portions of the community say they want isn't always what is positively responded to.


Can we get a revisited melee system?

  1. With a two button melee system of light and heavy attacks combo will make more sense to use. Ambiguous timing that currently plagues the system with pauses can be removed all together. 
  2. Current charge attack can be replaced with heavy button press.

I so agree with OP. 4 yrs of this game and I couldn't say it better...

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- Inaros change:

I am playing inaros these days, and nulifier and comba / scrambus are really anoying when they run to you and instantly remove your scarab armor. It should work the same way as nidus stacks and decrease over the time instead of being instantly removed.


- New mission type:

Battlefront space battle game mod in warframe.

We have to defend the ship and his reactor and destroy the other ship or the reactor.


It would work as an endless survival mission (without life support) with an objective to defend and one to destroy.

To be able to get into the enemie space ship you will have to destroy the ship shields, some of its defence turrets while protecting yours in archwing mod.

Then once landing into the enemie ship, you will have to sabotage some doors to reach the main reactor and to hack some consoles which temporary remove the reactor shield for few seconds and to destroy it.


This game mod could also work as dark sector conflic pvpve game mod.


- Re use spawn maps and add new ones

You could re use the spawn areas/maps as comon part of the map, some of them looks cool and it feels sad that we only see them once we spawn :(

Like the one on earth, which we saw the reworked version, it would be a shame to only see it for few seconds at the start of the mission until the next time you do a mission on earth.

I also like the one on Ceres.

Anyway we need some new maps/areas or old ones to be back into the game.

Edited by clemza
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We all know how the Warframes enter a mission by coming down from a vent and exits by riding back to their respective ships.

Can we get a different introductory and exiting scenes?

Will the previous Prime Warframes get their own trailer?

Can we get a clue on what would be the next major update such as the Second Dream and The War Within?

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I have just 3 questions for now:

  1. Is there any chance we could get a faster dual sword stance? The current ones feel rather slow. A stance that alternates between each hand often to preserve speed would be my first thought.
  2. Could the arcane system get a second look? The more accessories get released the more I'm starting to get annoyed by the fact each frame has a different syandana but also would prefer the same arcane effect. Currently you either sacrifice looks for stats, or sacrifice stats for looks. The distilling process is just too much of a hassle to do in between (for example: sortie) missions.
  3. Any chance the Zephyr deluxe skin's energy(?) wings will be auxilliary just like Chroma's? It's more or less related to my question about arcanes too since they don't work without a syandana (or helmet obviously).

Also totally not hoping for some Zephyr tweaks and QoL stuff along with the skin... *cough Tornado/Dive Bomb cough*

Other than that, keep up the great work and this game will just keep growing into something even more amazing.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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If you could answer this question, would be very happy:
1. If Baro Ki’Teer (or invasions) could bring old event weapons (Braton vandal, Lato vandal, Gorgon Wraith, Snipetron,...)

2. Any plans to bring any hard core missions, so veteran players have something new to do? (At the moment, i hardly do anything else beside sortie...)

3. Any date/update for the clan missions?


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