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Ivara's augment insults design council, Titania's augment is beyond terrible


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Why have a Design Council?

It sounds a little like in England we have a public consultation period for National Health Service changes. Often despite overwhelming opposition the changes are pushed through.

The consultation period pays lip service to the public in order to justify unwelcome change. In other words, they were listening but didn't hear a thing!

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17 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

Now that i have read up, i would say DE no matter what, would never allow it ingame, Cause loki switch tp and ash tp already allows people to cheese alot, and Ivara with infinite invis and able to sleep people is already op enough, and now giving her pin point ability to tp outside map or through walls would be way too op.

Spies would become trivial due to this and might end up creating a cheese meta.

So imo the only feasible one would be reduced cost per enemy hit rather than killed, that would give scalability to mod at higher levels.

If DE weren't going to allow another teleport in game, then why put it up as a suggestion for people to vote on? Why put up a bait and switch if DE already had something planned for Ivara in the first place? Seems very rude to me, unless DE are going to put out another augment for Ivara.

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after looing at the news, I'd say that Inaros' augment tis the only one that's of any use, and even then, Inaros doesn't exactly need a lot of help tanking, unlike frames such as Nezha, Ivara and Titania. I may as well post some alternatives off the top of my head here (these are literally on the spot, so ignore the names if you dislike them)


Quiver Augment: "Nock & Loose":  using any arrow, then switching to and using a second type of arrow increases the duration of the second arrow's effect, e.g. switching quickly from Dashwire to Sleep increases the duration of the Sleep effect on enemies. this encourages players to use Quiver a little more often.

Navigator Augment: "Thermal Flight": when in Navigator mode, enemies are highlighted through walls and manoeuvring ability of the projectile is increased to allow easier steering around walls. after Navigator is disabled, enemies remain highlighted for 10 seconds. this may be useful for team mates who wish to try an use snipers, or Ivara's who want to remain at long range to pick off targets behind cover.

Prowl already has an amazing Augment, so that stays as is.

Artemis Bow Augment: "Hunter's blessing" : shooting an ally with Artemis Bow heals 50 health for each arrow hit and turns them invisible for 15 seconds. now Ivara's ult benefits the team as well as kill enemies easily. 


firewalker Augment: "Road to Ruin": Firewalker now melts the floor, producing a sticky liquid that greatly slows enemies who walk into the Fire trail. works like Ice Wave Impedance essentially, but lasts longer.

Nezha already has augments for Blazing Chakram and Warding Halo.

Divine Spears Augment: "blazing Spears": Divine Spears now deal heat damage to enemies near them. this makes Nezha's best CC skill capable of dealing some DPS as well. heat Procs can also occur, furthering his CC ability.


Lantern Augment: "radiating Lantern": enemies within 15m of Lantern get radiation Proc'd, enemies within 10m are Proc'd and also take radiation damage over time.

can't really think of other ones for Titania honeslty, I don't know her powers well enough.





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I agree that those augments are pretty meh, both don't add much to the abilities nor change them.

And I too wonder why they wasted time asking suggestions to the DC, doing polls and so on, just to scrap everything. It doesn't make much sense and it is a bit disrespectful to the DC.

Edited by Drufo
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

after looing at the news, I'd say that Inaros' augment tis the only one that's of any use



Not really. Nezha's augment gives him quite a good damage potential, it's devastating in cramped spaces like hallways and doors if you charge it decently. 

Edited by aligatorno
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From what I understand the Design Council decisions on polls were never intended to be anything but a suggestion? I don't think they ever suggested they are promising to follow what the DC suggests. Someone in the DC can correct me if I am wrong, but if they decided they don't like any of the options in the poll, I am pretty sure they have always made it clear they reserve the right to make a different augment instead. And they have exercised this right before if I recall, from previous forum drama. 

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11 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

From what I understand the Design Council decisions on polls were never intended to be anything but a suggestion? I don't think they ever suggested they are promising to follow what the DC suggests. Someone in the DC can correct me if I am wrong, but if they decided they don't like any of the options in the poll, I am pretty sure they have always made it clear they reserve the right to make a different augment instead. And they have exercised this right before if I recall, from previous forum drama. 

if they didn't want this drama that should have said something. every poll option has made it into the game but 2017 is the year it stops?

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Just now, Wevi said:

if they didn't want this drama that should have said something. every poll option has made it into the game but 2017 is the year it stops?

I swear I have heard people from DC complain before that DE either didn't pick the top option for augment, or didn't pick anything from a poll. I don't think I've heard it often, but I am certain I have heard that complaint before.

Should they listen to you guys more if they have you? Yeah, don't get me wrong there... but what I am saying is, it isn't like there isn't precedent for this. This is DE, we all know how they operate, they've done stuff like this before. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

But if they were bad, why would DE put them at options in the poll? 

DC poll options are generally taken from DC suggestions, so Digital Extremes is picking options for the Polls based on what was suggested - and tbh usually 40%+ of suggestions are very uninspired, to put it lightly.

so choosing the best of what's there as that's how the Poll works, and then going from there.

41 minutes ago, Wevi said:

if they didn't want this drama that should have said something. every poll option has made it into the game but 2017 is the year it stops?

that's not true. things have been thrown out before despite voting. sometimes it's for the best, sometimes it isn't.

Edited by taiiat
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12 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

A name change is due i think for the council ~ The Whine Council seems to fit it better given almost everything i see related to it.

How dare the council to be disappointed for having voted for their favorite augment only to get "Nope, lolz"d by DE, idea thrown out of the window and instead of an interesting mechanic, receiving a moar damage augment for navigator, because it totally needed that.

Must be some pretty whiny dudes indeed. Can't they just accept that awesome decision and move on? Tz tz tz...

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Not a fan of how it sounds, but frankly I dislike all the DC suggestions that were in the vote more.  Couldn't tell you why exactly, Finals season is approaching and my brain's a bit fried.

The other three sound great, Proc immunity for a pittance of health, a high-damage ending for one of my favorite frame's abilities, and a good deal more damage if you or someone in your squad likes melee.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

after looing at the news, I'd say that Inaros' augment tis the only one that's of any use, and even then, Inaros doesn't exactly need a lot of help tanking, unlike frames such as Nezha, Ivara and Titania. I may as well post some alternatives off the top of my head here


4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

firewalker Augment: "Road to Ruin": Firewalker now melts the floor, producing a sticky liquid that greatly slows enemies who walk into the Fire trail. works like Ice Wave Impedance essentially, but lasts longer.

Okay, but Firewalker already Heat procs enemies, which holds them in place anyways. A slow is redundant.

Have you tried Nezha's augment? I recommend it. It adds some scaling damage to Firewalker's (admittedly kind of boring) normal execution. Been messing around with it today and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

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1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

How dare the council to be disappointed for having voted for their favorite augment only to get "Nope, lolz"d by DE, idea thrown out of the window and instead of an interesting mechanic, receiving a moar damage augment for navigator, because it totally needed that.

Must be some pretty whiny dudes indeed. Can't they just accept that awesome decision and move on? Tz tz tz...

I'm referring to the greater sum of what i see in reference to the so call design council ~ not just this lil bout of *@##$iness.


48 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

They all are pretty crappy, the best being Inaros one but it's still hardly anything and imo waste of slot.


That's Augments in general, a lot of Chaff and some that make you wonder as to why its not inherent in the ability.

Edited by AzureTerra
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