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Kinetic energy, aka, physics.  Why wouldn't a space faring civilization exploring the void worship the thing that is, I'm assuming, completely destroyed by this hell space?

Passive: Rest - When 33rd is stationary, he suffers less damage from all sources.

1 - Push: 33rd casts forward a long wall of force that damages and knocks down enemies, and prevents enemies from passing through it for a duration.  [Enemies can not see the wall, and those that touch it will be knocked down.] [Impact or blast damage.]

2 - Reaction:  33rd casts out a wave, shielding himself and his allies with kinetic energy and redirecting a portion of all damage back at his attackers.

3 - Friction:  33rd deploys a zone where enemies moving through it are slowed and damaged as they move.

4 - Pendulum: 33rd draws his weapon of choice - a flail - and uses it to strike down enemies.  His damage and armor increases as he both suffers damage and deals damage.

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11 hours ago, SirKeksalot said:

Passive--A percentage of all damage Osiris [that's his name now, heck off] takes is returned to his team as healing. If he has no team or all of his allies are at full shields and health, the damage is instead mitigated.

Mummify--Osiris wraps up enemies at a target location. They will be unable to move and deal reduced damage for the next 6 seconds.

Enlightenment--Osiris gains movement speed as he hovers in the air. Enemies beneath him will take damage and be forced to attack him. While hovering, his shields will recharge at 50% speed when he is taken damage.

Jesus, Take the Wheel--Osiris gets in a boat, then immediately gets out as Jesus drives it into enemies, damaging them and knocking them aside. Jesus only stops when he hits a wall. Osiris or allies near him can press C to drive the boat themselves for up to 4 seconds.

I Need Healing: While bleeding out, Osiris heals his team. If he dies, all allies are healed for a percentage of their health and shields. Also, Osiris may move around and use his melee weapon while bleeding out, but sustaining more damage makes him die sooner. He heals himself as he does damage, and if he heals himself above a certain point, he revives himself.

He's a priest, not another Inaros.

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15 hours ago, Nelizar said:

So far we've gotten almost no information as to the general feeling of the 'Frames power's besides the; "Supporting his allies at any cost" <-- Not sure as to the direct quote but, yeh!

What kind of power-set would you like with this upcoming 'Frame? Any unique idea's come to mind that may fit the theme of "Priest"?
Keep in mind as well, "Priest" in this sense can be a Priest of the Void, Priest of Souls, etc.

My guess in a nutshell?

Oberon + Inaros = "The 33rd"...or as I call him:. THE Deacon

His 3rd/4th is probably built up like Nidus' Undying but YOKES him up (and team) when his death triggers it.



Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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1 hour ago, Evanescent said:

I'll need to know more about his powers tbh...but if I had to suggest:


Based on Pelican, a symbol of self-sacrifice.

Kudos to you!

The mother pelican bleeding itself to feed its chick when there is no food around

This is brilliant!

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The new upcoming Warframe is a Priest frame, while we have a young child operator at the back of our ships, coincidence? I think not

I don't know about you guys, but this frame is staying in the infested chair till I know for sure what his intentions are.

Edited by Midrib
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Martire->martyr in english, same meaning, italian word.

Fato-> fate in english, because well...u know everyone die xD

Etereo-> ethereal


Fatuo-> Fatuous

Caronte->  maybe ur familiar with this name, the one who bring souls trough the river of the afterlife in the Dante divine comedy

Fantasma-> Ghost


just some italian word if u want to mix things up, i can help only this way :D

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So, it's been stuck in my mind since I saw the Priest-frame on the dev stream. Is it just me, or he looks (well, at least that cool art piece, not the model) like he came straight out of Bloodborne?





With Limbo getting the bloodborne dash, am I wrong in hoping for him to be just as agile and cool?

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idk. these priest/cleric tags sound misleading imo if his "support" nature relies on your aiming. cleric sounds noice. but i dont wanna have to get 5 headshots in order to bind a mob's soul and make it a puppet of mines. unless there's some sort of stacking nature a la nidus. then sure.

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