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Harrow feedback and discussion


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7 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Mesa can actually kill things. Harrow didn't look too exciting to play imo.


1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

I agree. Harrow might be the first frame imma actually farm for rather than just buy with platnuim 


I honestly don't see the fun in Mesa. You just activate her 2 and 3 then his 4 and fire away. Harrow looks like he has a lot more depth to him, more team play and requires a bit more thought. Not that I'm trying to sound elitist here, but I think he's going to be far more enjoyable to play.

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

I agree. Harrow might be the first frame imma actually farm for rather than just buy with platnuim 

My disappointment kinda scurried me away from what the OP was asking~ didn't notice ally headshots healed energy too.

Anyways yeah... All these female frames get game changing mechanics and male ones come out pretty dull like this one. Support itself is already not very exciting (Trinity zzzz) toss it on a male frame and it's a real sleeper since they seem to get less work put into it..

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

You understand that there are mission types where you dont run everywhere... right? And you don't have to get full charge on it if you have any aiming capability.

I understand that. I also understand that there are a handful of nuke abilities or allies just quickly taking out enemies before you even land a headshot. It's still a problem either way. Rather or not you don't have to run anywhere.

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Mesa's Peacemaker is considered an Exalted ability.  As with other Exalted abilities when the ability is active the list of mechanics that allow you to regain energy is reduced.  It's entirely possible that the interaction between Peacemaker and Harrow's ability won't allow Mesa to regain energy that way.

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Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

I understand that. I also understand that there are a handful of nuke abilities or allies just quickly taking out enemies before you even land a headshot. It's still a problem either way. Rather or not you don't have to run anywhere.

Nuke abilities tend to fall off, damage in general does, CC though? Harrow can easily CC a full row of enemies and stop em dead in their tracks, which only leads to making headshots easier and thus not needing a full charge when you have a large number of enemies frozen in front of you. Seems plenty powerful to me.

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From what I can see, ATM Thurible has a set range (not Affinity Range, you can see the range circle and Thurible buff pop up when Rebecca moves in and out) and the charge-up time can take a long while to reach desirable energy amounts. Condemn makes it easy to get headshots, but as you said, it takes mere seconds for players to clear out the whole room.

It now depends if Thurible grants energy to only the player who performed the headshot or to all players in range when at least 1 player performs a headshot. At the very least that should provide a high chance to get energy back in a slaughterfest team.

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Usually I'm not too fussed or have doom thoughts prior to a warframe's actual release but I'm not happy with headshot frame Harrow.

Seems slightly gimmicky to be relying on headshots with a reasonably fast paced game. While I'm trying to line up shots I can see either my allies killing everything already or me doing it and by the time I've got somewhere again, my allies are way ahead of me.




Wasn't what I was expecting which is an absolute shame considering that cosmetically he looks great.

Will await a rework in 2020...

Edited by Naith
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pretty sure they'll have thought of that, as well as synergy (or lack thereof) with all other exalted weapons. you'll have to get the headshot with your weapons to trigger his ability, not that it's difficult to get headshots when many automatic Rifles have no recoil in this game anyway..

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2 hours ago, IANOBW said:



I honestly don't see the fun in Mesa. You just activate her 2 and 3 then his 4 and fire away. Harrow looks like he has a lot more depth to him, more team play and requires a bit more thought. Not that I'm trying to sound elitist here, but I think he's going to be far more enjoyable to play.

That's how everyframe is thought of before release, just wait until you've played it to really flesh him out

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Harrow looks very boring and ill-suited to Warframe's swarm content. His abilities may grant slightly different effects, but his entire kit is based around a single type of gameplay, headshots. Pretty much every ability is based around either rewarding or boosting headshots. I would argue they could've rolled a majority of his skill's effects into a passive and allowed him skills to do more interesting things.

Even worse, is that he doesn't have a summoned weapon that takes advantage of his abilities. His abilities actively rely on him having a weapon that can land headshots. What happens when he drops into a Melee Only Sortie or event? Is he going to rely on players having Glaives and Gunblades?

I don't suppose there's time to ask DE to rethink his concept? What is he thematically based on anyways? Seems like someone in art drew up a "priest" frame, but then slapped it with skills that should go with a "sniper" frame.

Edited by Ryme
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  • [PH]Condemn: Harrow swings his spectral thurible to cast a wave forward that restrains enemies in energy chains, completely immobilizing them for a duration. Enemies hit by the wave restores an amount of shields to Harrow which can overflow into Overshield.
  • [PH]Penance: Harrow sacrifices his shields to gain weapon fire rate and reload speed bonuses, as well as healing allies within Affinity Range.
  • [PH]Thurible: Hold 3  to gradually transfer Harrow's energy into his thurible. Release to leave a spectral thurible in place which swings in constant motion. Harrow and his allies can perform headshots while in range of the thurible to gain the charged amount of energy per headshot.
  • [PH]War Pact: Harrow (and likely his allies as well) gains temporary invulnerability. Damage prevented during this time accumulates, granting a variable headshot critical chance bonus after the invulnerability phase, upon which the ability undergoes a cooldown.

It's bummed me out a little bit since his first skill kind of sounds like the 3rd ability in a warframe concept I've been working on since November of last year. Felt like this would be a force to redo all of that but I'm not since his is only a single front wave, what I came up with is a fully chained room. Though my frame concept is also shield related but I was surprised that warframe came up with one too. Even if there are similarities, I'm not changing mine since I worked for a while on it and came up with it months before de announced this frame. Plus I just found someone willing to help me draw my warframe concept. 

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I thought DE said they weren't doing cooldowns on abilities? But also, I expected more tbh. Kind of let down currently but, I guess we'll see further down the line if that changes. I do like those high shields though. I like his one the most just because it looks cool lol.


Guess I'll see if it ends up fodder. Hope not.

Edited by (XB1)Onyx Guarrd
forgot stuff.
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1 hour ago, Ryme said:

Harrow looks very boring and ill-suited to Warframe's swarm content. His abilities may grant slightly different effects, but his entire kit is based around a single type of gameplay, headshots. Pretty much every ability is based around either rewarding or boosting headshots. I would argue they could've rolled a majority of his skill's effects into a passive and allowed him skills to do more interesting things.

Even worse, is that he doesn't have a summoned weapon that takes advantage of his abilities. His abilities actively rely on him having a weapon that can land headshots. What happens when he drops into a Melee Only Sortie or event? Is he going to rely on players having Glaives and Gunblades?

I don't suppose there's time to ask DE to rethink his concept? What is he thematically based on anyways? Seems like someone in art drew up a "priest" frame, but then slapped it with skills that should go with a "sniper" frame.

It's about to be released, even if they wanted to totally redo his skills (hint: they don't) it would send him months away in the pipeline. Why not also point out he doesn't have Nidus's stacks, nebulous "scaling" for "hard" content or an ability to wipe every enemy from the chosen planet.

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10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Onyx Guarrd said:

I thought DE said they weren't doing cooldowns on abilities? But also, I expected more tbh. Kind of let down currently but, I guess we'll see further down the line if that changes. I do like those high shields though. I like his one the most just because it looks cool lol.


Guess I'll see if it ends up fodder. Hope not.


De was delusional when they thought they could make warframe without any cooldowns, I mean they can, it's just that doing that limits how powerful warframe abilities can be, restraining how creative they can be, in other words, not having cooldowns would either make some warframes impossible to balance or would create a massive amount of power creep.

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Look, i don't mean to bash the work and dedication that went into harrow but......headshots? seriously? 
you hyped up the "PRIEST" frame to be a sharpshooter like mesa? if anything this should be something MESA does. 

He has a badass incense flail-thing and man oh man, was i happy to see that. but looking at his abilities in dev-stream #92, i'm extremely let down.

Ofcourse it's only my opinion on the matter, but man. I would REALLY love it if they reworked his abilities to be emphasized around his spirit flail. 


  • His 1st is amazing imo (visually speaking). Although we have to be realistic here and admit that, a lot of warframes already have this paralysis power.
    • Perhaps have his flail be swinged in a cone AOE in front of him with that ghastly smoke/firery effect follow it.
  • His 2nd ability is just...not convenient at all. Sacrifice shields for a buff on reload and fire rate...? Again, this is mesa 101. I remember back when he was announced that he would sacrifice himself in return for something but i didn't think it would be this barely-useful buff. I was thinking sacrificing shields to benefit your team-mates and your self alike with like a heal over time or something.
  • His 3rd Ability...Although cool visually, it could:
    • Have it's animation reworked to be more lively than a simple boring stand and fling.
    • Perhaps have it's mechanics reworked to follow you as a ghastly arm flailing.
  • His 4th ability is an invincible mode....as if we didn't have enough of those.

I know i sound butt-hurt, but it's just that they hyped him up THEORETICALLY as a priest (To be fair, the player base hyped him up as a priest judging from the incense flail), a sort of support/CC frame which he slightly is, just not built appropriately  IMO. 

I'm just expressing my thoughts on this frame and hopefully i have some people with the same mindset.


Edited by CrimeHole
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His kit seems too focused around headshots, but we will know more with his release. From what I saw in the stream....his ultimate only boosts headshot crit chance? Which...kinda meh. If it was just a flat crit chance boost, with extra headshot damage, i'd be fine.

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