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Buff Avenging Truth


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25% of damage taken while blocking into next charge attack is kinda...well, underwhelming.

For 25% of damage taken to be of any use, the enemies would have to be pretty high-leveled, but since blocking doesn't reduce all damage taken, you'd be dead before you can perform the charge attack.

For this to even be advantageous, it would need 75% damage taken into next charge attack instead, 


25% of damage taken into all melee attacks for about 5 seconds after releasing block

Edited by Scarachus
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I don't understand. Your feedback seems to be implying you're only making one exchange with the enemies and you're not channeling? Does it only store 25% of one hit or something? Does it not work with channeling to prevent 100%?

I haven't used it yet but the way the mod reads, you would be saving up damage from lots of blocking to add to just one charge attack when you needed to spend it. Block some stuff, save it, murder an eximus or an invader with a big heavy hit. Usefulness would mostly depend on what kind of cap they've put on stored damage I guess.

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3 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

I don't understand. Your feedback seems to be implying you're only making one exchange with the enemies and you're not channeling? Does it only store 25% of one hit or something? Does it not work with channeling to prevent 100%?

I haven't used it yet but the way the mod reads, you would be saving up damage from lots of blocking to add to just one charge attack when you needed to spend it. Block some stuff, save it, murder an eximus or an invader with a big heavy hit. Usefulness would mostly depend on what kind of cap they've put on stored damage I guess.

You can indeed just block and save the damage, but overall, I don't think it's really worth it. 25% of each enemy attack takes too long until the damage increase matters.

Another thing is that with Sword and Shield stances, holding 'E' will instead do the shield-throw combo, so charge attacks take more time to perform than other weapons.

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Is there a damage stack cap? You must stack in a single blocking session (like with Vaykor Sydon) or you can stack damage little by little?

Because if it just preserves damage you blocked (25% of each attack) untill you do a charged attack....Then its awesome.

You can basically stack a nuke, and use it when needed. And since its elemental based weapon, you can also proc GAS and kill whole bunch. 

If it works that way, then its good.

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Just now, Kainosh said:

Is there a damage stack cap? You must stack in a single blocking session (like with Vaykor Sydon) or you can stack damage little by little?

Because if it just preserves damage you blocked (25% of each attack) untill you do a charged attack....Then its awesome.

You can basically stack a nuke, and use it when needed. And since its elemental based weapon, you can also proc GAS and kill whole bunch. 

If it works that way, then its good.

It does work that way.

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Got it, tested it....

Its totally fine. It even has hud damage stack indicator.   Lacks visual effect on "release" though... And sound is a bit dull.  I think it would be awesome with small fiery explosion on hit, and killed enemies should be charred (heat proc death "textures").

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41 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

What if charge attack released a flame wave kinda like how caustacist drops the puddle?

THAT'd be something worthwhile and useful in a hordefighting game...

Edited by Azamagon
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Silva & aegis's effect;Blocking increases crit and status chance by 15% (max60%) for the next attack. Nice, but it doesn't work with the Augment.

You can't do a charge attack with the Final harbinger or Eleventh storm stance unless you do 2 normal attacks before attempting a charge attack, otherwise you start a combo. (Dark light, Bide and bleed) which sounds really awkward and slow.

The weapons innate ability should be able to work with the augment, and as far as I can tell, it doesn't.

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The mod has a hidden bonus in the text.

The 25% damage it absorbs is 25% damage mitigated, damage that would otherwise hit your frame.

If I understand correctly, that 25% mitigation is taken after armor/buffs/blocking. Combine it with an Ice Chroma with Rejuv/Grace, and it's the best tanking melee in the game. If you use Guardian Derision, being an aggro tank is finally a reality!

So, defensive wise (and dat Truth proc), the augment is great. Offensive wise...I blocked over 40k damage, and tickled a level 145 Gunner on a charge with a max buffed Chroma.

My idea? Damage taken is stored at the same percentage. Upon performing a charge attack (which is tricky for Final Harbinger), your stored damage is applied to your weapon for every hit, but decreases at a rate of 5-10% per hit (maybe a flat decrease per second, dunno). Basically, this change would let the player store up damage, then go into a berserker mode at a time of their choosing and unleash hell. It would be balanced by the fact that to gain uber damage, they have to take high amounts of damage/wait for the damage to be taken, allowing for tactical usage of a super-amped melee.

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Either sword & shield need some love.

Ack & Brunt is a fine crit weapon but it's Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding screams to NOT use them unless you really, just really must do something as stupid as taking damage for someone else. Who would agree for that?! I did! That was the worst idea I could think of. Yeah I already hear all those pretending to be a good fellow Tenno, who always protect his/hers teammates... that's bull#$%! man, bull$%^#! Sword/Blunt is to slash/smash enemies and shield is... to protect YOURSELF and smash enemies faces eventually, not to protecting others.

Silva & Aegis need a huge buff and augment that will add "a punch in da face" and protection for you (yes, again, you, not others). This new mod from Ergo Glast is simply useless and "half-baked" ... who the hek would block incoming "lethal" blow, just to receive OMG so much 25% dmg to next charge attack? Who the hek would be THAT stupid?

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From what I hear, the 25% damage isn't based on the total damage of the incoming attack but instead is based on the bleedthrough damage which is 15%, making the damage actually stored 3.75%

Also charge attacks are pretty difficult to execute with both stances having a hold combo.

If I could suggest a solution, I would change the 25% to be based on the full damage and change from storing damage to enhance the next charge attack to each attack blocked gives a stacking buff of that amount of damage added to every melee attack for 5 seconds.

So block a 100 damage attack, and for 5 seconds you get +25 damage on all attacks. Block another one 2 seconds in, and your buff would be +50 for 3 more seconds after which it would be +25 for 2 more seconds.


Edited by Kinetos
3.75%, not 3.5%. Super relevant difference right?
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Blocking damage in order to deal more damage is massively useless, anyway. By the time it actually matters you're not really able to block much damage, to begin with. The only reason to get the augment is so that you can fart all over everything and get a bonus 60% Condition Overload damage from the gas procs.

I would much rather it be something more useful, like while blocking status procs are prevented, or something. Specifically only while blocking, specifically only while using this augment on your Silva and Aegis.

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Yeah with the way it works now it's pretty useless.  Fun for a novelty, but with how hard it is to actually build up any real amount of extra damage, they could have made it just add to the base attack of the weapon for the whole mission and it still wouldn't make that much of a difference :/

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Yes, just straight up change it. Nobody uses charge attack. Ever. It's even worse if you use Final Harbinger because charging does the E + Hold combo instead, so you have to swing once and then use the charge attack making it terribly awkward to use. The shield also has innate 85% DR, which means you actually absorb 3.75% of enemy damage instead of 25% as advertised. Silva & Aegis is also trash stat-wise. 

The only reason you'd want to use the augment is for the syndicate proc which is completely pathetic. Not that the other augment in this batch isn't pathetic but still, giving a trash weapon a trash augment is just insulting. 

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