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Oberon Prime offensive on a cultural/religious level

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I know i may be jumping the gun a bit but just hear me out. The images of oberon prime have been datamined and leaked. I wont share them here as datamining is frowned upon but i found them online and you can too. 

Heres the point. The helmet looks like a bull n not just any bull, but specifically the hindu deity Nandi or a decorated cow from india. Cows are sacred to these people to the point that they dont so much as interfere with the daily life of wandering cows. Violence against them is a sacreligious outrage. They dont even honk at these creatures when they are in the road. This is something that stops traffic in one of the most populated countries in the world on a daily basis.

And youre going to take that image, and plaster it on a character that gets blasted in the face with rocketfire? It wouldnt be an issue if it wasnt very outwardly inspired by Nandi, or the combo of bovine and hindu inspired design asthetic wasnt so prominent, but this is asking for trouble. If the rising sun was an issue worth changing, and didnt offend ppl on a religious level, id assume this is worth taking one more look at before release.

Why would i bother making this post even though im a white american with no religion? Because i looked at the images with a friend last night who is hindi and within moments he and his brother then uninstalled the game immediately. I asked him why not make a feedback thread and i was answered with "because most people will never understand why that was so upsetting, its almost ready to be released, and therefore it wont get changed" 

In other words, its already offended people.

On that note, i ask u, DE, please look at this issue with that community of people in mind.

If u want solutions, change the helmet to be anything but a bovine, which barely fits oberon to begin with. Can even keep the gold horn tips n indian design elements but dont make a hindu cow frame. Make it a stag, an antelope, a markhor (really cool spiral horns) anything but a cow. This isnt greek, roman, norse, eqyptian, sumerian, etc, etc. Its a living religion with a very large population of members that take offense to the exact thing ur doing. Just to stick the point home, you wouldnt make a bearded "mohammad" helmet for a frame or a "christ" skin with wounds in its ribs, hands, and feet. How is this all that different?

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Yeah no. Enough with this offensive thing people are lately trying to make out of anything. They shouldn't have given in when the whole Saita Prime suit thing happened because it was not their intention, and it should not happen again.

I mean it. People should stop having such a soft skin over everything.

Stop making the game altogether otherwise, weapons can be used to kill people.



I want everyone to save this picture.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Sorry, but please don't bring Political Correctness and SJW BS into this game...

Majority of players of Warframe are WESTERN players, not people from India, or Middle East or something, China got somethings different because they own a part of DE.

If they don't like it they can quit, other people don't need to be forced their religious or backward views, what will be next, Burqas for female Warframes?

Edited by Ricardo58
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You do realise that a majority of the warframes in the game are based off religious, mythological or historical characters....

And if you're referring to the datamined images they're severely distorted due to them being stretched vertically and personally I think it looks more like a goat than a cow... ironically the goat is a symbol of satan for some so rather than offend anyone lets just not give oberon a head full stop lol

Edited by LSG501
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15 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Yeah no. Enough with this offensive thing people are lately trying to make out of anything. They shouldn't have given in when the whole Saita Prime suit thing happened because it was not their intention, and it should not happen again.

I mean it. People should stop having such a soft skin over everything.

Stop making the game altogether otherwise, weapons can be used to kill people.

Agree. Enough of this " getting offended " BS ! 

Also almost all frames and some of weapons' names based on mythology or some kind of events ( remember someone got triggered cuz of secondary weapon called " Pox " or even complained about Saryn's name )

So what ? Do they get offended everytime they see bulls or cows in games / movies etc ? -.-

Edited by Aeon94
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I'd like to get a Hindu person's perspective on this before passing judgement on something like this.

Also, the people complaining about "political correctness" are hilarious. If a Warframe design featured a crucified Jesus, I can guarantee that almost everyone would find it distasteful. Just because you don't personally find something offensive doesn't mean that no one does.

Edited by Brachion
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Just now, Brachion said:

I'd like to get a Hindu person's perspective on this before passing judgement on something like this.

The problem with this is that I can come here, say I am an hindu person, and say that I find it or not offensive. There's no guarantee that someone's being honest and is trying to get a design changed because they don't like it or something.

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This post is very reminiscent to one that said the 'Priest' Frame now known as Harrow was very offensive to their religion as with that one I kinda see this topic being closed since you're not really supposed to post about this kinda stuff I think but I could be wrong

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O.o wait.. minotaurs are a hindi thing? I thought they were a mythical thing. 

I'm looking forward to it. I haven't seen any pictures, nor have i seen any of the weapons, but it'll be awesome. Especially if it's a minotaur. 


You can't milk those. 

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8 minutes ago, Brachion said:

I'd like to get a Hindu person's perspective on this before passing judgement on something like this.

Also, the people complaining about "political correctness" are hilarious. If a Warframe design featured a crucified Jesus, I can guarantee that almost everyone would find it distasteful. Just because you don't personally find something offensive doesn't mean that no one does.

Sorry, but you must understand the following: Saita Prime released, someone made a thread about how it looked like the rising sun flag of Japan. DE heeded and changed that.

Okay, well, seems legit enough, we move on. Months pass, Chroma's deluxe releases and someone makes a thread about how he has "swatiskas". Then Harrow. Now we have this thread (a shame we can't discuss it yet because, well, it's absurd in all aspects).

I don't know, at this rate we're going to end up being playing with only Excalibur and a foam sword.

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2 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

Did I missed something?

Where is the info about Oberon Prime release? Or even his look?


Banshee Access ends on May 30 , it seems we will get Oberon PA at same time or a few days later. His images are leaked. Can't give more info due to forum rules :(

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And thats where you're wrong, kiddo.
idk if you're salty because you don't agree with the whole, UNFINISHED design of Oberon-P so you pull that story out of your VOID, or if this story is actually true and your VOIDhurted friends are offended.

The nice thing about freedom of speech is, we don't need to care about anything.
As long as you don't harm people on a physical level you are good to go. And the good thing is that Art (at least in the States) is covered with similar laws and rules.
Your friend did the right thing. He uninstalled the game and abra-hecking-cadabra problem solved.

There is no way you can satisfy everyone. Every offended Snowflake on that earth.
Want some Examples?  Loki is an old norse god from an old almost forgotton religion. But hey there are still people who belives in him and did you see some people throwing a tantrum? No. You didnt. AND HE EVEN GOT HORNS. HE GOT FREAKING HORNS MAN. TWO OF THEM. So Loki could potentially offend TWO Groups of people.

Just stop.
i liked warframe alot before i got bored.
don't kill it yet with weird stupid cultural appropriation crap.
The whole game is one big cultural appropriation. This whole mixing up the cultures of Japanese and Chinese warrior history ect.
But did you see anyone crying about it? No of course not. because its fiction. And so is the Oberon-P design fiction.

Also: A Action-Christ skin would be nice. With a Cross as a Weapon like in Trigun.

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Seriously where are these data mined/leaked Oberon Prime images?  And seriously, someone is getting butt blasted over an in game image?  For the love of Lotus people need to seriously quit being such pussies.....

Im surprised people dont get mad that in game we shoot cats and dogs, and that the game is based around playing as child soldiers, and child endangerment/labor since we play as children, who both kill and are being hunted and have been murdered.  Then, I mean, you guys should get offended that space mom used to murder her kids, so she should be in prison cuz lol killing kids.  Then there is the tree huggers who should get offended that the Grineer have polluted earth with thier toxin machines.  Hmmm, what else is there to get all butt blasted about?  Like dear god, its a goddamn game, no need to get offended over every little damn thing...

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2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Sorry, but you must understand the following: Saita Prime released, someone made a thread about how it looked like the rising sun flag of Japan. DE heeded and changed that.

Okay, well, seems legit enough, we move on. Months pass, Chroma's deluxe releases and someone makes a thread about how he has "swatiskas". Then Harrow. Now we have this thread (a shame we can't discuss it yet because, well, it's absurd in all aspects).

I don't know, at this rate we're going to end up being playing with only Excalibur and a foam sword.

They look like fans not swastikas , its so silly to think that way -.-

Still wonder how do ppl get triggered and offended by everything.

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Offense could be taken by any number of things in this game, if you wanted to, if you were looking for a topic to rattle your cage about...

1. Original Oberon: very much the "white stag" image, a sacred creature in many indigenous cultures of Europe and even Japan.

2. The deluxe skin/syandana for Nova: multiple arms much like various Hindu/Buddhist deities/figures.

3. Titania: a "pixie" frame, derived from the wee folk found throughout western European indigenous culture, particularly Ireland.

4. Nezha: Taken pretty much directly from Chinese mythos.

5. Wukong: The Monkey King, also taken directly from Chinese mythos.

6. Chroma deluxe skin: "Swastikas" that are actually more like fans or the Northern Star of Buddhist iconography (let's also not ignore the heavy Chinese design influences).

7. The Corpus: Much like large corporations at their worst, could be spun to echo the capitalism culture of the United States.

8. Grineer: Echoes of the genocidal military campaigns of many nations in human history.

9. Kubrows/Kavats: Killing animals and then genetically messing around with them to make your own.

10. Inaros: a "mummy" frame, mummification is a burial ritual found all over the world in various cultures.

Pick your target...there are plenty more, if you go hunting, Tenno...

Point is, there's really no need to go looking for things to be offended about. Life is offensive enough for real. A game, an entertainment source, doesn't need to get bogged down with the rhetoric of being needlessly offended. It's really rather counter productive.

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17 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Yeah no. Enough with this offensive thing people are lately trying to make out of anything. They shouldn't have given in when the whole Saita Prime suit thing happened because it was not their intention, and it should not happen again.

2 things here....

1.  People don't wake up and decide to go and get offended by things.  It just doesn't happen.

2.  Intent is not magic.  That someone didn't intend to offend others doesn't mean that what they did didn't offend or cause harm.

And, you seem to be rather offended by this, which seems a bit hypocritical, to say the least.

13 minutes ago, Ricardo58 said:

Sorry, but please don't bring Political Correctness and SJW BS into this game...

Majority of players of Warframe are WESTERN players, not people from India, or Middle East or something, China got somethings different because they own a part of DE.

If they don't like it they can quit, other people don't need to be forced their religious or backward views, what will be next, Burqas for female Warframes?

Who cares if most of the players are "WESTERN" players?  That's not an argument for insensitivity or being offensive.  Most of the people in the building I'm currently in are white, but that doesn't mean I'm OK to run around yelling the N-word.

As to the post, I don't know how I feel about it.  I haven't really seen the Oberon Prime artwork, so I can't say for myself.  But, the OP had an experience that concerned them and brought it up.  Is it really that terrible for someone to bring up an experience and relay the information to DE to maybe inform them of something they had not thought about?  In the end, it's DE's call to decide how to do their artwork and whether they want to make changes.  Isn't it better if they have more information instead of less (because players didn't speak up for fear of being yelled at for being SJWs or whatever)?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

But I only googled Nandi and I don't think it really looks like that. 

Did same when I read OP , still wonder how did those 2 got offended for it. Oberon Prime has nothing similar to Nandi.

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23 minutes ago, Brachion said:

I'd like to get a Hindu person's perspective on this before passing judgement on something like this.

As a fairly devout Hindu, I don't GAF. Saying that this is offensive is being oversensitive.... cranked up to eleven. There's nothing offensive about putting horns on someone's head. It has literally no religious connotation.

22 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

O.o wait.. minotaurs are a hindi thing? I thought they were a mythical thing. 

 Firstly - Hindu, not Hindi. One's a religion/faith, the other is a language. Secondly, Indian mythology predates ancient Greek by a long time. We had it before anyone else came up with it.

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