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Octavia Abilities Triggering Epileptic Seizures


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Hey, I was wondering if Octavia's visual FX could be tweaked/changed a little bit? The way her abilties pulse out and change in variation etc causes me to have fits. This is the only ability/warframe in the game so far that has caused this for me, but I understand if you don't want to change it too. I really love your game, but running into Octavia causes the game to actually be unplayable for me at times depending on the player's settings. Thank you if you read this.

Edited by Ayyboss
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I promise you Ayyboss, if something in the game is triggering seizures for you, DE takes it seriously, and I'm sure they'll be willing to change it. Don't be afraid to call attention to it.

And if you have something you think is important for someone to read, the forum has a tagging feature. You can access it by typing @ followed by a screen name. It'll bring up a dropdown. Just click on the name you want and they'll be alerted to the post. For example, @[DE]Rebecca

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25 minutes ago, Archeyef said:

I promise you Ayyboss, if something in the game is triggering seizures for you, DE takes it seriously, and I'm sure they'll be willing to change it. Don't be afraid to call attention to it.

And if you have something you think is important for someone to read, the forum has a tagging feature. You can access it by typing @ followed by a screen name. It'll bring up a dropdown. Just click on the name you want and they'll be alerted to the post. For example, @[DE]Rebecca

Thank you for the reply, it is relieving to me that you pinged rebecca for me. Thank you.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

Have you tried to change energy color to one harder to see.

He's actually referring to other players that he's ran into also causing it in this snippet here

2 hours ago, Ayyboss said:

Hey, I was wondering if Octavia's visual FX could be tweaked/changed a little bit? The way her abilties pulse out and change in variation etc causes me to have fits. This is the only ability/warframe in the game so far that has caused this for me, but I understand if you don't want to change it too. I really love your game, but running into Octavia causes the game to actually be unplayable for me at times depending on the player's settings. Thank you if you read this.


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Hell I don't have the problem and even I cant look at octavias 3 when its bright and filled in at every slot on melody. So I see how it could start such a fit.

Its why I only use 3 melody notes in each quadrant instead of the full 16 like most players seem to do.

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One of my first thoughts when I saw her powers in action is that it could trigger seizures.  I'm not gonna argue that DE could/should fix it - but aren't people susceptible to this not supposed to play video games in the first place?

As a temporary solution, I would turn the bloom down to 0.  It will help alot with the "flash" of it all.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

One of my first thoughts when I saw her powers in action is that it could trigger seizures.  I'm not gonna argue that DE could/should fix it - but aren't people susceptible to this not supposed to play video games in the first place?

As a temporary solution, I would turn the bloom down to 0.  It will help alot with the "flash" of it all.

Yea, but hold on a second. When the game first came out there was no "over the top" effects. All of that happened later AND they are getting worse as time goes on, and that is what needs clamping down.

I had a Defense mission with an Octavia and she jumped on the Pod and then activates the radial ability and I has a pulsing grid at face level and had to move away from that spot.

There is ZERO need for me to see super-colorful effects of ALL the other players ALL the time, especially when people pick bright pink.

Everything in moderation, please.


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Seriously. I don't have these problems myself, but DE doesn't seem to be learning the lesson about dramatic flashing effects. Nezha came out. They had to tone down his spinning disc. Octavia was first previewed in a devstream and I immediately thought "flashy neon rave party.. This is totally gonna trigger someone's epilepsy.. who thought this was a good idea?". Later comes Banshee Prime. They have to tone down his quake effects that pollute the entire screen.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

One of my first thoughts when I saw her powers in action is that it could trigger seizures.  I'm not gonna argue that DE could/should fix it - but aren't people susceptible to this not supposed to play video games in the first place?

As a temporary solution, I would turn the bloom down to 0.  It will help alot with the "flash" of it all.

Just jumping in here real quick, I don't have epilepsy but I get migraines and I am very sensitive to flashing/bright lights, etc. I can easily get headaches or get nauseous. 

I have been a gamer since I was a very young kid, and I have been gaming since the early 90's. Most games I don't have any issue with most of the time, even on high settings. Many games I can play, and I know epileptics who can play most games, they just have to be careful sometimes, depending on how sensitive they are -- not everyone epileptic is as sensitive as everyone else who is. With many games, if I have any issue it all, it is fairly slight, I just get dizzy/slighty sick feeling after playing for too long at once. 

But Warframe, I have had recurring problems as long as I have played. They tend to be very good about fixing these issues when one power is specifically troublesome, but even with low brightness/color/graphics etc, Warframe has always been one of the brightest, most colorful, colors popping and exploding and pulsing and flashing games that I have ever played in my life, possibly the most. And I have played a ridiculous litany of games in my lifetime. For a full on epileptic, I am sure warframe is definitely something that usually requires keeping the settings all the way down and turning off a lot of extra effects, but it could be safe to play for the most part. 

Like I said, they tend to be good at dealing with the issues so I'm not complaining, but people who are sensitive or have epilepsy can still play video games, and most video games aren't a problem if you are careful with your settings, etc. Warframe just tends to be a repeat offender, mainly because they really like bright popping visuals and effects. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Well I will support this as well. I use the highest bpm I can but unlike everybody else I am considerate.

I turn the ability volume all the way down with black from the smoke color palette which makes the ability effects nearly invisible. So it doesn't matter to me what they do. 

I hope they can change this quickly.

Edited by (XB1)YummyYummYum
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I would like to add that i'd like an option to turn off visuals for teammates skills please. Octavia can be painful to look at but I also find the game very hard when vauban bastilles are spammed by the hundreds around rooms or vortexes with bright colors on dimly lit maps. Add to that radial blinds or mirage disco balls and banshee sonars. I like these abilities but i really think i'd rather not see them flashed every couple of seconds. Especially in already hard to see missions like raids

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46 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

I would like to add that i'd like an option to turn off visuals for teammates skills please. Octavia can be painful to look at but I also find the game very hard when vauban bastilles are spammed by the hundreds around rooms or vortexes with bright colors on dimly lit maps. Add to that radial blinds or mirage disco balls and banshee sonars. I like these abilities but i really think i'd rather not see them flashed every couple of seconds. Especially in already hard to see missions like raids

I have problems with team Limbo and would love for this.  The flashier it's gotten, the more painful Warframe has become to look at over time.

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Not even an epileptic, but I +1 anyway. I couldn't even continue playing Octavia lol. I ranked her up, formad her once, thoroughly enjoyed her kit, but I can only take so much of the visual and auditory clusterfrak that is her abilities. So I can't imagine how it is for someone that does have these issues. Granted most games typically do have a seizure warning, but that doesn't mean devs should become complacent about these issues. Even if it means putting they're own Octavia Settings in the visual settings that override how her abilities show on their screen... Hey that's not a bad idea...

Edited by (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Made the floor FX of Octavia’s Metronome smaller for Clients out of respect to players sensitive to seizures as per: link

Yay, they fixed it!

Edited by Raf42
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I think they should add an option for players sensitive to motion sickness and epileptic seizures, to disable other players' energy colours to a default, acceptable one. Because it's not only the FX that causes issues, it's also malign players who use really intense energy colours, most notably from the infected colour palette. I purposely changed all energy colours on all my warframes and weapons to dark tones out of respect. Being able to hide/convert allies' energy colours to something the eye can tolerate, will be a huge help to players who want to enjoy the game without having to suffer.

Edited by Chalef
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i'd like to suggest a slider to adjust other players' effects, not just for octavia. have it scale from 0 to 100%, where 0 is turn off all other players' effects and 100 is full-on warframe LSD. or maybe a toggle to desaturate and lower the luminance of other frames and/or abilities would be helpful too (those neon hydroids with neon tentacles.. ugh.. x_x ). will be more future-proof than making adjustments with every rave frame that is released.

some recent mmos like black desert have sliders for camera effects, zoom effects, camera shake, etc. and they're nice for people who just want to tone things down a bit instead of completely turning them off or having everything at 100%. might not be achievable with warframe tech, but then at least give us a toggle for other players' effects.

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