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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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11 hours ago, Volkrotia said:

I'm surprised no one in this thread has thought about sacrificing your Operator. As we know from the teaser clip where Ballas says, "All miracles require sacrifice," followed by the eclipsing sun (the shadow being a reference to Umbra), don't you think sacrificing your Operator would be more fitting to unlock such a dark power? 

Hunhow refers to The Stalker as a 'Shadow,' maybe Umbra is a Warframe that has consumed it's Operator?

I don't wanna sacrifice my Saita Prime suit, as well as all the plat spent on other operator accessories.

This option is very, very unlikely.

Edited by Ksaero
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11 hours ago, Volkrotia said:

I have a feeling they won't make Umbra a harsh commitment to sacrificing your precious Void child but maybe using Umbra will deny you from using Operator abilities or Focus.

Alternatively, maybe the Light side of the morality wheel will enhance Focus 2.0 (whatever it may be) and the Dark side enhances Umbra. One does not necessarily lock the other out of acquisition but your moral standing will enhance one over the other. 

If there will be no means to switch morality sides by that time, many players would be raged.

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On 4/07/2017 at 5:40 AM, mythicsful said:

Prove that you got that information (the outcry for it to be a thing) from DE and I'll respect it. Otherwise, you're making your own false ideas up.


On 4/07/2017 at 2:59 PM, LazerSkink said:

There is no proof and there never has been. I don't know where the multitude of people saying this are getting the information, but it's false.

It's worse than I thought


The idea of Excalibur Umbra came from Chinaframes Excalibur Umbra Prime. This warframe is exactly the same as Excalibur Prime but they did not want to release Excalibur Prime into Chinaframe as they wanted it to stay an exclusive for the founders of the english game, so they changed what he looked like and called him something different. People saw this and, despite him being the exact same as Excalibur Prime, thought he was something completely new and different and thought it was unfair that they did not have it, so there was a lot of outcry and people asking for it to be added to english warframe, DE decided to do it but obv there was never plans to do it so they have had to make up something and figure out how to fit it in with the game.

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1 hour ago, skelo0 said:


It's worse than I thought


The idea of Excalibur Umbra came from Chinaframes Excalibur Umbra Prime. This warframe is exactly the same as Excalibur Prime but they did not want to release Excalibur Prime into Chinaframe as they wanted it to stay an exclusive for the founders of the english game, so they changed what he looked like and called him something different. People saw this and, despite him being the exact same as Excalibur Prime, thought he was something completely new and different and thought it was unfair that they did not have it, so there was a lot of outcry and people asking for it to be added to english warframe, DE decided to do it but obv there was never plans to do it so they have had to make up something and figure out how to fit it in with the game.

It wasn't like that.

First of all, Umbra is better in stats. 50 more energy at level zero.

Global community perfectly knew Umbra is a substitute for Excal Prime. Many wanted their upgraded Excal version and never had a chance to get it. And here it is, but guess what? You can't have it because it's exclusive to Chinaframe. That's what people were raged about. You can read thousands of posts about Umbra and you'll see that most players who want Umbra in global version couldn't care less about what's new coming with it, they just want an upgraded Excal. And his scarf.

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5 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

It wasn't like that.

First of all, Umbra is better in stats. 50 more energy at level zero.

Global community perfectly knew Umbra is a substitute for Excal Prime. Many wanted their upgraded Excal version and never had a chance to get it. And here it is, but guess what? You can't have it because it's exclusive to Chinaframe. That's what people were raged about. You can read thousands of posts about Umbra and you'll see that most players who want Umbra in global version couldn't care less about what's new coming with it, they just want an upgraded Excal. And his scarf.

But thats not what they want, they want a frame completely different and changed from other frames with different mechanics and such. EUP is just chinaframes version of EP and has no new mechanics or anything like that

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1 hour ago, skelo0 said:

But thats not what they want, they want a frame completely different and changed from other frames with different mechanics and such. EUP is just chinaframes version of EP and has no new mechanics or anything like that

I'm monitoring Umbra info since the very beginning and I've never seen a player who was initially hyped because of the reason you mentioned.

Currently, some players expect Umbra to be something special because:

- DE stated they want Umbra to be something special;

- Umbra was ready to deploy in 2015 but we are still waiting.

Edited by Ksaero
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So here are my thoughts, on... well everything. I'm putting it all in a spoiler since it will contain everything from pre-
second dream tidbits to end of Harrow quest and a bit of speculation on what we're looking at going forward.


Here are my thoughts on the text. 'Where the sand meets the sea, a spire of flesh and porcelain, it gives so we live.' Per Palladino Rell 'guarded the divide between Dust and Void' and note that the subtitles had them capitalized. The Void has been referred to in the past as 'The Void Ocean' so to me the 'where the sand meets the sea' is referring directly to the divide between our reality and the Void. 'a spire of flesh and porcelain' sounds to me like it could easily be referencing an Orokin Tower, perhaps that's been taken by infestation, or if you consider the corrupted that inhabit the tower as part of the tower post-corruption then that would work too. Now for 'it gives so we live' ... that I'm lost on, perhaps it's from the perspective of an Orokin who would have taken refuge in the towers or perhaps from the perspective of a Corrupted (Though I doubt the Corrupted have a mind of their own). If I have any ideas pop up I'll come back to it but that's all I've got at the moment for the text.

On the Stalker, we know, for a fact, that the Stalker is a Tenno, the Lotus said as much during The Second Dream, stating that 'showing him the truth (his operator) is what drove him to madness' he was once one of us, but he stripped himself of that and apparently got rid of his original body, thus Hunhow saying 'You're asking yourself, was I one of these wretched things? You know the answer, you still hate them... you still hate... yourself'. Perhaps The Stalker's mind now exists within his Warframe, or perhaps he went back to sleep to dream a new dream; or, perhaps what truly drove him to madness was not realizing what he was, but something else in his mind, 'it', 'him', 'The Man in the Wall'. In the end, the stalker was a Tenno, a Tenno who bears frame that looks to bear a body of the first 'Frame ever created; but not it's gleaming, golden iteration, it's dark shadowed reflection, it's 'Umbra' like the Stalker himself is our Umbra.

Since I mentioned 'It', let us touch on The Man in the Wall and The chains of Harrow. Rell Seemed to believe that this thing was some living, maleficent entity. we've seen it before though, at the end of The War Within something takes hold of us briefly saying 'You mad at me, kiddo? Did you forget? You owe me.', 'Just remember kiddo, you're nothing without me.' or 'Hey, kiddo, what took you so long?' depending on your choice to destroy, control, or consume the red vial, the Kuva from the scepter. But then after we destroy 'The Harrowing Vessel' that Rell had moved his consciousness to completely it speaks to us again, but this time... seemingly possessing our body as it sits somewhere behind us and playfully says 'Hey, Kiddo' before it disappears.

One thing I want to bring up is that DE has stated that Umbra would be related to the next major cinematic quest post The War Within. and they have also stated that the next quest would reveal more information on the Warframes themselves.

Now to Umbra itself. My thoughts are that they could possibly be 'low guardian' Warframes, a la The stalker saying he was a low guardian.

(This is unfinished but I've kind of burned my self out on this at 5 in the morning so I may expand on this later.)



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Guess : they are normal frames upgraded so they are called umbras (it could have something to do with void or energy or chemistry)  but its anybodys guess atp

Umbra =shadow of darknesss 

so try to connect the dots in lore aint that hard. 

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18 hours ago, skelo0 said:

It's worse than I thought


The idea of Excalibur Umbra came from Chinaframes Excalibur Umbra Prime. This warframe is exactly the same as Excalibur Prime but they did not want to release Excalibur Prime into Chinaframe as they wanted it to stay an exclusive for the founders of the english game, so they changed what he looked like and called him something different. People saw this and, despite him being the exact same as Excalibur Prime, thought he was something completely new and different and thought it was unfair that they did not have it, so there was a lot of outcry and people asking for it to be added to english warframe, DE decided to do it but obv there was never plans to do it so they have had to make up something and figure out how to fit it in with the game.

That was never the case. Again, there is no proof at all that DE is releasing it due to outcry. If someone can provide an official source stating otherwise (which has never been presented so far if I may add), I'll swallow my words and admit I'm wrong.

16 hours ago, skelo0 said:

But thats not what they want, they want a frame completely different and changed from other frames with different mechanics and such. EUP is just chinaframes version of EP and has no new mechanics or anything like that

Sorry, but that isn't true. Sure, today some people want it to be something entirely different from Excalibur. However, initially, many just wanted the frame for what it is, or a skin.

Please refer to one of the very first threads on the forums discussing the topic, primarily the reactions. You'll see little to none stating they wish for it to be unique, because at that time, no information was given until the following Monday (so it was hard to make a wishlist if no one was even sure global would receive). Some were worried, some were outraged, some were disappointed, some were excited, but the one thing I can safely say everyone speaking had in common? Confused.


Edited by LazerSkink
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If I had to guess what an Umbra Warframe is I say it has to do with a Special Warframe that can actually kill Orokin in a Permanent matter... Since Orokin are like this Sninny Godly Sun like ascended beings... being Umbra to them may mean taking away their light or a darkness that swallows light...or in this case their "Oro". The Conclave is implied directly and indirectly that it may be training of some sort to accomplish this task.

So I think in theory Umbra Warframe are a special weapon of sorts against the Golden Gods... just like an Eclipse was believe in superstition to be a Darkness that swallows the Sun or Sun Deities, so the Umbra could be a code name to represent the weapon to permanently kill the Orokin. 

Yeah I know, that's a long theory and speculation...sorry. I read tons of books of fantasy and human cultures mythos. :satisfied:

Edited by 0zryel
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16 hours ago, Ksaero said:

If there will be no means to switch morality sides by that time, many players would be raged.

I think the point of a morality wheel is that it is NOT very easy to switch. It wouldn't be a permanent commitment (as I stated already) maybe it would require a semi-rare new drop item for a re spec on morality. eg. Dark Souls 2 has an item in limited quantity that allows a full stat re spec but there are only 4-5 per NG+

Also on topic for your previous reply, no it would not be a 100% wipe of your Operator more like a power decrease dependent on your light/dark balance.

Tenno Con shall reveal answers and I'm excited to actually be there! :D 

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If Prime frames are final products of Orokin frames, I doubt Umbra frames would be R&D versions of those frames since they are also considered upgrades of current frames and counterparts of Prime frames. If I had to guess, once the Orokin had fallen and their technology was lost, the Tenno kept researching and finally got it right. With current frames being the Tenno's R&D tech and Umbra being Tenno's final and Prime variant. Slightly different then the original Orokin Primed frames but still as powerful. Just a guess.

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On 7/5/2017 at 5:27 AM, Tarak said:

So here are my thoughts, on... well everything. I'm putting it all in a spoiler since it will contain everything from pre-
second dream tidbits to end of Harrow quest and a bit of speculation on what we're looking at going forward.

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Here are my thoughts on the text. 'Where the sand meets the sea, a spire of flesh and porcelain, it gives so we live.' Per Palladino Rell 'guarded the divide between Dust and Void' and note that the subtitles had them capitalized. The Void has been referred to in the past as 'The Void Ocean' so to me the 'where the sand meets the sea' is referring directly to the divide between our reality and the Void. 'a spire of flesh and porcelain' sounds to me like it could easily be referencing an Orokin Tower, perhaps that's been taken by infestation, or if you consider the corrupted that inhabit the tower as part of the tower post-corruption then that would work too. Now for 'it gives so we live' ... that I'm lost on, perhaps it's from the perspective of an Orokin who would have taken refuge in the towers or perhaps from the perspective of a Corrupted (Though I doubt the Corrupted have a mind of their own). If I have any ideas pop up I'll come back to it but that's all I've got at the moment for the text.

On the Stalker, we know, for a fact, that the Stalker is a Tenno, the Lotus said as much during The Second Dream, stating that 'showing him the truth (his operator) is what drove him to madness' he was once one of us, but he stripped himself of that and apparently got rid of his original body, thus Hunhow saying 'You're asking yourself, was I one of these wretched things? You know the answer, you still hate them... you still hate... yourself'. Perhaps The Stalker's mind now exists within his Warframe, or perhaps he went back to sleep to dream a new dream; or, perhaps what truly drove him to madness was not realizing what he was, but something else in his mind, 'it', 'him', 'The Man in the Wall'. In the end, the stalker was a Tenno, a Tenno who bears frame that looks to bear a body of the first 'Frame ever created; but not it's gleaming, golden iteration, it's dark shadowed reflection, it's 'Umbra' like the Stalker himself is our Umbra.

Since I mentioned 'It', let us touch on The Man in the Wall and The chains of Harrow. Rell Seemed to believe that this thing was some living, maleficent entity. we've seen it before though, at the end of The War Within something takes hold of us briefly saying 'You mad at me, kiddo? Did you forget? You owe me.', 'Just remember kiddo, you're nothing without me.' or 'Hey, kiddo, what took you so long?' depending on your choice to destroy, control, or consume the red vial, the Kuva from the scepter. But then after we destroy 'The Harrowing Vessel' that Rell had moved his consciousness to completely it speaks to us again, but this time... seemingly possessing our body as it sits somewhere behind us and playfully says 'Hey, Kiddo' before it disappears.

One thing I want to bring up is that DE has stated that Umbra would be related to the next major cinematic quest post The War Within. and they have also stated that the next quest would reveal more information on the Warframes themselves.

Now to Umbra itself. My thoughts are that they could possibly be 'low guardian' Warframes, a la The stalker saying he was a low guardian.

(This is unfinished but I've kind of burned my self out on this at 5 in the morning so I may expand on this later.)



lots of food for thought  

48 minutes ago, (Xbox One)LATIN S0LDIER said:

If Prime frames are final products of Orokin frames, I doubt Umbra frames would be R&D versions of those frames since they are also considered upgrades of current frames and counterparts of Prime frames. If I had to guess, once the Orokin had fallen and their technology was lost, the Tenno kept researching and finally got it right. With current frames being the Tenno's R&D tech and Umbra being Tenno's final and Prime variant. Slightly different then the original Orokin Primed frames but still as powerful. Just a guess.

that dosnt seem to be the case though , as with dakra prime we the tenno made it, but since lost the technology to create weapons of that calibur, let alone something as complex as a frame right? maybe some new method or tech arises in this new quest that gives us the ability

thus lots of possibilities pop up on the umbra frames , as to how they come about 

some ideas proposed ..that i remember off hand  

  • sentient empowered 
  • sentient created 
  • frames from  a reality beyond void 
  • prototype frames 
  • royal guardians as apposed to low guardians 
  • stalker types before orokin fall 
  • created  recently with new methods 
  • adapting stalker/shadow stalker tech to new frames 
  • new enemies created them to fight us
  • created by other tenno who were not involved with lotus 
  • ect 

the list goes on a long way, but we will know soon enough 

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On 05/07/2017 at 1:27 PM, Tarak said:

So here are my thoughts, on... well everything. I'm putting it all in a spoiler since it will contain everything from pre-
second dream tidbits to end of Harrow quest and a bit of speculation on what we're looking at going forward.

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Here are my thoughts on the text. 'Where the sand meets the sea, a spire of flesh and porcelain, it gives so we live.' Per Palladino Rell 'guarded the divide between Dust and Void' and note that the subtitles had them capitalized. The Void has been referred to in the past as 'The Void Ocean' so to me the 'where the sand meets the sea' is referring directly to the divide between our reality and the Void. 'a spire of flesh and porcelain' sounds to me like it could easily be referencing an Orokin Tower, perhaps that's been taken by infestation, or if you consider the corrupted that inhabit the tower as part of the tower post-corruption then that would work too. Now for 'it gives so we live' ... that I'm lost on, perhaps it's from the perspective of an Orokin who would have taken refuge in the towers or perhaps from the perspective of a Corrupted (Though I doubt the Corrupted have a mind of their own). If I have any ideas pop up I'll come back to it but that's all I've got at the moment for the text.

On the Stalker, we know, for a fact, that the Stalker is a Tenno, the Lotus said as much during The Second Dream, stating that 'showing him the truth (his operator) is what drove him to madness' he was once one of us, but he stripped himself of that and apparently got rid of his original body, thus Hunhow saying 'You're asking yourself, was I one of these wretched things? You know the answer, you still hate them... you still hate... yourself'. Perhaps The Stalker's mind now exists within his Warframe, or perhaps he went back to sleep to dream a new dream; or, perhaps what truly drove him to madness was not realizing what he was, but something else in his mind, 'it', 'him', 'The Man in the Wall'. In the end, the stalker was a Tenno, a Tenno who bears frame that looks to bear a body of the first 'Frame ever created; but not it's gleaming, golden iteration, it's dark shadowed reflection, it's 'Umbra' like the Stalker himself is our Umbra.

Since I mentioned 'It', let us touch on The Man in the Wall and The chains of Harrow. Rell Seemed to believe that this thing was some living, maleficent entity. we've seen it before though, at the end of The War Within something takes hold of us briefly saying 'You mad at me, kiddo? Did you forget? You owe me.', 'Just remember kiddo, you're nothing without me.' or 'Hey, kiddo, what took you so long?' depending on your choice to destroy, control, or consume the red vial, the Kuva from the scepter. But then after we destroy 'The Harrowing Vessel' that Rell had moved his consciousness to completely it speaks to us again, but this time... seemingly possessing our body as it sits somewhere behind us and playfully says 'Hey, Kiddo' before it disappears.

One thing I want to bring up is that DE has stated that Umbra would be related to the next major cinematic quest post The War Within. and they have also stated that the next quest would reveal more information on the Warframes themselves.

Now to Umbra itself. My thoughts are that they could possibly be 'low guardian' Warframes, a la The stalker saying he was a low guardian.

(This is unfinished but I've kind of burned my self out on this at 5 in the morning so I may expand on this later.)



Somehow, this makes me thing that the Warframes are more than vessels for your void. More than just gathered metal and flesh but something more astral like, something pertaining to another dimension than just simply a vessel. 

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I think the biggest question is not necessarily what are Umbra's but what makes them so special? Yes, they have superior stats to normal frames but what makes them so special that they require sacrifice? It must be big enough that they are more than just fashion frame and more than just hitting a void object to get 250 energy. It has to be something more. 

Maybe their unique mechanic is related to Focus? What if "dark focus" makes focus powers and stuff stronger.


Do you have to offer a Human sacrifice or something? 

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So basically, from all the theories and speculation so far, we can hypothesize that:

1. Umbras will indeed be "shadow frames", and that in order to acquire them, we'll need to sacrifice something of value to us (some people have been saying that we'll have to sacrifice the prime variant to get the Umbra version, hence why the next quest will reward us the Excalibur Umbra, since not everyone has or can get Excalibur Prime). 

2. That Umbra involves the focus system, and that perhaps we'll have turn to the "dark side" in order to unlock Umbra. 

3. That becoming an Umbra will somehow affect the Warframe's relationship with the operator. Perhaps there is a dark side to the operator, and perhaps the whole question is about what caused the Warframe to move on its own in the final act of the Second Dream. Basically, do Warframes have free will?

Here's my theory: I think it's quite possible that the next quest will allow people to take a new turn and really form two groups of players: those who choose to make the "sacrifice" and obtain Umbra, and those who don't. I don't think DE will ever get rid of operators since that has become a core part of the lore, but I'm really curious as to what's going to happen with the focus system. The reason why I say this is because Umbra just seems too evil, to dark, to twisted, to fit into the normal operator mechanics.

I don't think Umbra is just going to be a 6th overpowered focus. Now, the word "Umbra" is already in the game officially, since "Umbra Lance" is the name of one of the active abilities triggered by the Zenurik focus ability. I don't think this was a mistake, and that description of said "lance" ability states that it involves "harmful lashes of void energy". 

As for the Man in the Wall, I really hope they don't turn it into something really cheesy...

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