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Fomorians & Razorbacks - Fun Event, or Annoying Intimidation?


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I was aware of this new invasion mechanic, wherein support results in construction of Razorbacks or a Fomorian, for some time, but I haven't been paying attention to it.  I logged in today, eager to do some void fissure-ing, when what to my wondering eyes should appear?  A fomorian en-route to destroy the Orcus relay.  Fan-f***ing-tastic.  Honestly, this is the last thing I feel like doing at the moment.  I don't care to farm Omega Isotopes, and I don't care to farm the fomorian sabotage mission.  But now I feel pressured to do so, because I rather like that relay (and relays in general), and don't want it destroyed.  I don't care for this aspect of the game at all.  I do not like being strong-armed into playing what the community, or DE, wants me to play.  "Play what we tell you to play, or we will permanently remove part of your game"?  Is that really what's happening, here?  To me, this isn't fun--it's intimidation.

Now, I understand that no one is forcing me to play the fomorian sabotage, but as I already stated, I very much do not want to see Orcus destroyed, so I feel rather stuck.  I guess that's the point?  I also understand that DE said something about new and different relays being built in the future to replace the destroyed ones.  Well....forgive me if that comes as little comfort in the interim.  I want to play what appeals to me the most.  I don't want to be pressured to play a specific mission to avoid losing and entire piece of the game.  Frankly, I am still rather shocked that such a mechanic exists in this game in the first place.  This is the kind of thing I'd expect to find in a game like Eve Online, which is why I never cared to play such a game.  I do not want a pastime to feel like a profession in which I feel stress over whether or not we have time to finish this event and save our facilities.  I welcome challenge, but I want to know that the game I love will still be here when I get back.  Real life has enough things that are permanently destroyed.  I don't want that in the game.

Now, perhaps I am the minority, here.  Perhaps the majority of players love this new aspect, and greatly welcome the real-time demand and sense of urgency, and the community participation.  Perhaps most of you want more events like this.  That's a perfectly valid opinion.  It's just not one that I share.  I vote that DE ceases events that permanently destroy parts of the game.

Before I close, I'd like to put something to the table: what if, as a community, we unanimously boycotted these events?  What if no one did a single one of these missions, and let every last relay burn?  Would DE really let that happen?  Are they really prepared to go that far?  I say we call their bluff.

I apologize if I have upset or offended anyone, and I'm sure that mine is a very unpopular opinion, but it is, nevertheless, my opinion.  I have decided that I must make my stand, so I will not participate in this, or any future fomorian or razorback event.


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I dont mind with how long there was between the implementation of this system and only now having the fomorian appear. Like it has been filling up for months.

(btw from the description the corpus do not destroy the relay, they take it over)

I'd be annoyed if this was a regular thing, but its not.

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I have more of an issue with the drop rates (imperator vandal receiver specifically) and cost of disruptors (although this is better than razorback ciphers due to being more common resources) than I do the system..... could I give a monkey's about the 'high level' relay going up in smoke, not in the slightest because 1) we have others and 2) we've already seen leaked in devbuild the 'rebuild a relay' challenge. 

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Another post that can be resumed in "I don't like this, complain". 

Also this is nothing new, this fomorian thing is around since archwing implementation (and way before, but in a different way) is just really rare now. Theorically a fomorian/razorback will appear once in 2-3 months so i just don't see the problem. 

Also i think that nothing prevents you to do 1 fomorian run /day (that 3 runs, wow), but on the other hand you are not forced eaither. 

I don't see the point. if you don't want to help, just don't do it, why are you raging on the forums? 


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Yeah, receiver drops are pretty much non existent.     Actually enjoy the runs themselves, take close to 2 min per run, if that.   Previously, enjoyed the 5 gold cores, now don't need the endo so much, but for those that do, pretty easy way to earn it.

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Yeah, I can understand not finding the mission type rewarding or fun, perhaps if it was opened up eventually to allowing us to board and sabotage the Fomorian itself after damaging its outer core and if rewards were improved the mission would be more appealing.

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When Razzorback first appeared, I was sad that I missed my chance to fight it whille listening to Metal Gear Rising music. The second time I didn't miss my chance sure, but not only were the ciphers too expensive AND costed Polymer which was a recource I didn't have much of, but also had absalutly no idea what was going on during the fight. Would rather never see that thing again, as for Fomorians, I suppose I don't mind them as much.

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RNG can't be put behind a temporary event.

I'm usually very unlucky with RNG, there are high chances that I will run the event 100 times in 3 days when it releases on PS4 and not be able to get every piece, leading me to give insane tantrums, while other will like get 15 rare pieces in 30 runs.

With Ambulas and tokens I was able to pick everything I needed and had spare beacons at the end, because I kept helping friends; and having taken all the rewards didn't stop me from playing the event.

It's not like trying to get Rapid Resiliance and farming V-Prime with Prowl Ivara...you make a couple of attempts daily then you hop on another day, you have all the time of the World.

But when these 3days-weekly events happen, every player who puts effort/time must have the chance to get all the rewards.

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Annoying at best. I just don't like how these "events" are built, took around an entire year to fill the fomorian for a 2% chance on Imperator V receiver and probably around 60% chance on endo. As someone stated already, that insane amount of RNG over this kind of timed events is just a pain.

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I couldn't care less if the Orcus Relay was blown up. If anything, I would like for it to be removed so that Baro has one less location to go (as I find it suspicious that DE has Baro bring the better weapons and mods (Jolt, P Cont., PPP, PPB, etc.) whenever he is in a location that newer players cannot go).

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You're in protest of how Events make you play on DE's time but you were fine doing Void Fissures which are far worse offenders of this?

I've had to wait 3 days to get a certain tile set Survival or Defense endless mission to test or re-test builds....

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PcElites all complaining about having these events and we all Consoleville are asking- WHEN????

Still waiting for even one of these events to hit us over here.....but they are taking fiveever to get them up. And the fact that players have no idea how to make them go is funny. Does fighting against or for the factions increase the time or does it decrease it? 

If the wiki has that info....i am not looking in it. The game should have some info as the tracker is in game. So too should be the way that fills it. 

The relays getting destroyed seems to be something most players do not care about and that is understandable. If you go to one....you go to them all. There is no difference between them once you are on it. Nothing that one has that the others do not. This is what they need once they get destroyed and rebuilt- give it that each Syndicate has different missions depending on the relay. Darvo sells different items depending on each area. 

And when is something else going to open up in the relays? 

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@Justin_Case001 I like this post because it made me ponder over what I really think of these mini-events, because I share you view on the fact that they are indirectly forcing us to play (please notice heavy emphasis on indirectly), but I also like the aspect of us working together as a community, towards a common goal. I wonder if that is the best way to go? To get us to work together they force us to play?
That said I also like the story aspect of it. It gives me a sense of reality, because I am not only kicking Vay Heks face with tiny arms attached in raids, but he also attacks us.
I don't think they are bluffing though, I just think they won't let it go that far because they want us to enjoy what they have to offer, such as Simaris and Baro so they will implement something else if we were to let Vay Hek destroy Relays.

@Bouldershoulder I am greatly jealous of you avatar and want it! Gimme! :heart:

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I actually want to see if Relays can be armed, so we get to play some mini games. Aw, c'mon, I don't want to always fight a Formorian, I prefer Grineer ships suddenly warp in out of nowhere, and attempt to board relays to kill everyone. You, as Tenno, have to go in there and wipe out onboard foes, later to control some laser guns to destroy Grineer Warships. Destroy as much as you can as the turret site you're controlling is unstable, after its destruction, Space mom tells you go ahead and extract. That'll be the first phase.

2nd phase, Space mom tells you go ahead and kill Grineer commanders on those surplus surviving Warships. Killing them will give you a Nav that will guide you directly to someone's Commanding Ship or Post, I'll explain later.

3rd phase, fight different leaders based your preference. Like you get to have General Ruk, Captain Vor, Vey Hek, Kela something (Sorry I forgot your name, girl), and Lt. Kril? Kreil? (WHATEVER!), to fight against in the end. But you can only choose one of them to fight, as the rest will flee away (OH GOD! THIS ONE OP LEGEND 27 TENNO IS KICKING ME IN THE BUTT SO BADLY! Gotta go!) And yea, it must be 5 rewards for 5 bosses, each has 1 reward for players.

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I have to agree in that I dislike the event. It's boring and archwing will pretty much stay a mess until DE decides to actually do something with it and really start developing it. Instead, DE spent the better portion of a year messing with controls and orientation before finally handing the option to us to go back to classic mode for it. Now we're stuck playing with an under developed game mode for an event that's little more than an attempted gun to our heads and hollow threat. 

General chat in game has been rather interesting on the matter as well in regards to the fate and role of Orcus. To point, Orcus and the other relays don't have anything to them that gives and indication of any uniqueness to each relay. To that end, they might as well all be the same one relay. The interesting point that I've seen made as of late in this has to be the question of what happens if it and really most of the others go down. What's the drawback here?... So we have what?... one relay or so to work with? Ok, so that also means that Baro will only show at the one relay and at this rate it will be an early enough access that everyone should be pretty quick to have access to Baro goods. That's really the only differentiating point to the relays currently. Where exactly will Baro appear next? By ending those options, it becomes limiting on him and where he can go. We'll still have access to all the quests and such if their is only the one relay anyway.

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I didn't enjoy Eyes of Blight and have opted to skip every Fomorian since. I also happen to believe the fate of the relay isn't in the hands of the community. It's just a game, do the things you enjoy, ignore the things you don't; it's as simple as that. The only relay that matters is the low MR relay anyway, and it wouldn't be good for new player retention to destroy that one.

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

I didn't enjoy Eyes of Blight and have opted to skip every Fomorian since. I also happen to believe the fate of the relay isn't in the hands of the community. It's just a game, do the things you enjoy, ignore the things you don't; it's as simple as that. The only relay that matters is the low MR relay anyway, and it wouldn't be good for new player retention to destroy that one.

If its not in the hands of the community, why have the event except as pointless busy work? If that was the case, why would anyone play this game?

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