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Plains of Eidolon


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10 hours ago, -Amaterasu- said:

From what I saw it looked like it was all just pre-rendered world space like any mmo and would probably be hosted on a server like the relays so that the enviornment persists when things aren't being rendered so I doubt moving "too" fast would ever be an issue if you ever had issues with rendering things it would be something for you to fix in your settings like lowering your rendering distance so you don't load and unload half the map every 3 seconds because you like playing with your glaive with Ivara.

The zone is still limited to 4 players, why wouldn't it use Host Connection?

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Hilariously enough, I'd bet Zephyr is going to be a pretty bad mobility Warframe in her current state in PoE. For some ungodly reason it was decided that it would be OP if Zephyr could combo Tailwind together to stay in the air, so DE added an additional gravity multiplier for every time you use it. So after casting Tailwind like three times you are dropping like a rock.


Nova shall be the queen of the plains IMO, Wormhole's speed (combined with its augment) is going to be just too good. Then of course Nova is Nova so she has some other amazing abilities to complement that speed. 

Fingers crossed for a Zephyr rework after Hydroid, she is not a bad Warframe (Mostly because Turbulence is amazing), but she falls on her face when you compare her kit to her theme (Note that I am not saying she should fly, but her description is "Zephyr dominates from above", she should at least be able to hover). 


I am super excited for using Ivara as a scouting Warframe with Glaive... many good times are to be had. Valkyr's Ripline will also be interesting. 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:


How about a Lobby System?



Add into the party-list, that a Party-Leader, can create 2 teams (list splited in 2 parts) and can give each of both party groups a name. Blue/Red or what ever. Now just saying "Blue" and followed by the ping "Assist me"...

(if we ever get our 'marking system improved into a tool for squads to ping different stuff like need assisten/on my way/ Need healing ect..),...

everyone in team knows which 2 players are meant, where to go and why...and this all in one go...very effectiv and smooth.



Going into 'Navigation', could show up a new option button; Create Party. Clicking on it, will give the player 2 new party options. Since he is the person starting it, he will be the 'Party-Leader'. This status grands him to do some arrangments to the party-list. The 2 options he can pick after choosing 'Create Party' are 'Quick Game' & 'Lobby Game'.

'Quick Game';  this option is nothing different to the current one. But choosing this will still grand the party-leader, to setup 2/3 party-groups in the list plus give each group, a seperated name (Blue/Red ect.). He can also switch players from a group to another one in this list, at any given time, also durring mission. So a group can arrange theire team-setup flexible to changing situations InGame.

'Lobby Game'; is a more tactical version. A player choosing this party option, get also the same group arrangment options as in 'Quick Game'.

The differents here is, the Party-Leader (PL), invites any player joining to beam inside his Liset. The hole party will be joining first visualy on board to PL, to the 'comando-bridge' if you will.

Here, all players can talk about stuff and tactics. Every player joined, can also use the interior of the PL's Liset. But using any of it will directly connect to each own players liset interior. So everyone can still use/build/switch/arrange theire own stuff for themselfe on PL's Liset.

Additionaly the PL can setup a 'minimum' time, a party should go.  30min/1h/2h/...ect after all confirmed that.

After all players accepting the current party setup/settings and knot/mission to join, they start the mission togerher but well prepared. 

At mission end they all will meet each others again at PL's Liset. If PL got DCed they all meet on the player liset with the best conection.

Edit: Forgot to add this; If a PL, wants to leave (RL problems ect..) he should be able to pass 'Party-Leadership' to another player in this party, after this player accepted this. (Accepting buttons should never disrupt the gameflow while playing! The accept 'PL-Tranfer' button will appear on the side at the choosen players name at the list. So he can still play and accept when he wants or got time to move his mouse to it.

Edited by P0Pz
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On 08/07/2017 at 10:56 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

If they are not a threat nor important enough, or if they actually pay their dues demanded of them by the factions, then they'd have no reason to be killed off. They are probably just one of many colonies that exist all over the place.

I could see this being the case for the Corpus, but the Grineer canonically have a hatred for "all things not Grineer". We've seen them destroy colonies with no stated motive (Sands of Inaros, the whatever colony they're targeting in Kuva Fortress Assault, etc).

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7 hours ago, QuietBiro said:

3 square kilometers is 1,5 km in each direction. It's not actually that big.

It depends on how fast you can traverse the terrain. Slower speed means the world is bigger.

Discounting mobility abilities in Warframe you can traverse a 100m straight in about 4 seconds with parkour. Let's increase that time by 25% for an open world terrain with hills, caves and other uneven ground. 5 seconds for 100 meters means 150 seconds from end to end, and maybe 75 with an archwing.

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I will be the first one to admit that after four years of playing this is the most hyped and excited I have ever been about what's coming next in Warframe and I can't wait. Finally something that will actually feel like you are making a difference in the game. Imagine coming upon a small village that you have to defend against hordes of enemies like in the Magnificent Seven (The Original). The idea of what comes out only at night gives a creepy vibe to the game as well. To those worrying about if your machine can handle all this apparently Steve has stated that they are working to make sure even potato machines can run it. I also think that with this cross country traveling Archwing will finally come into its own. Imagine being high up in the air and using your sniper gun, which also will finally see some value as well. All in all i'm really looking forward to this and what they will do ith this new direction in the future moving forward.

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On 7/9/2017 at 0:51 AM, MillbrookWest said:


I see whatchu mean, but I think the plains would be way too empty if the room between the 2 doors was your last chance at getting into a squad or solo, which is where my suggestion comes in, keeping general areas multiplayer so it is lively in some spots.

Then again we don't even know if squads in Plains of Eidolon will be the standard 4, perhaps they also raise it to 8 or maybe more, but it would still kinda leave a sense of emptiness across the entire playable surface. (Unless they raise squads to 30 members lol imagine)



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4 hours ago, Nickishero said:

3x3 km.. wow.. what about the enemy levels? Near entrance low level enemies, at borders high levels perhaps?

Conclave rating is still under the hood. So the open world can potentially be scaled around the host and their mod levels.

And with troops that require weak point attacks to actually cause damage, level is negligible. Remember, they said they will do nothing with current "required" mods. Last i remember about damage 2.5, or 3.0 or whatever, They opted to design gimmicks instead, that make the best dps/crit/element/power combos void on most anything higher than grunts in the future. Balance jumped the shark ages ago.

Edited by Firetempest
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Personally, once Plains of Eidolon gets released, I'm probably going to role play for like 5 hours straight. Just imagine the possibilities.

I don't know about you, but I for my part already made some plans, such as:


-Bomb some Grineer Base with my Elytron while pretending to be someones air support. Would work best if I actually had some friends down there.

-Get my Mesa or Nyx Prime w/ white Graxx skin and go sniping.

-Build myself a nice scythe or sword. After all they showed that we will be able to create our own blades and name them.

-Once that new Frame releases (the one that looks like a knight), I'm gonna color that one Black with 2 swords and go full Sword Art Online/Gun Gale Online.

-Take a slow walk across some town. It ain't roleplaying if you're never casually walking around a town.

-Since we could see some enemies from Archwing mode, I hope I will be able to do some dogfighting.

-Mod my Nyx with the Assimilate augment and walk around a base like some kind of Terminator.

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

That's probably not even a bad idea. Since the whole starting area will be full of players like some kind of parade.

Yeah, Cetus will be filled over the top with players, but hopefully Landscape will be playable solo, i dont want someone to troll there

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