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Focus rework incoming


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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Naramon on the otherhand has two overpowered abilities working in conjunction with each other. One boosts crits which already makes the most op melee builds even more op, and it turns you invisible with each crit which makes you divert enemy aggro away from you. How they don't see this as an issue is obvious. It's their favorite toy and you're trying to take it away.

Fixed that for you.

You can still get one-shotted by enemies if their indirect fire is within Line of Sight of you unexpectedly or if you get caught in some form of splash damage.

edit: Like I said before, the only Focus school that really needs attention is Unairu. I'd really like to see the other schools get untouched if you ask me.

Heck, if need be, I'd take away the crit passive on Naramon away and keep the invisibility on crit passive intact. That's just me. Otherwise, Unairu is the big Pink Elephant in the room that no one is looking at.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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18 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Heck, if need be, I'd take away the crit passive on Naramon away and keep the invisibility on crit passive intact. That's just me. Otherwise, Unairu is the big Pink Elephant in the room that no one is looking at.

No, the crit boost is the only part of the Naramon tree that actually fits its theme of "Know your enemy."

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21 hours ago, Miser_able said:

Focus is supposed to be OP. It's the true power of the Tenno after all. So buff the bad schools don't nerf the good ones. 

No, hammer everything to ground.

Get rid of the cooldown mechanic, make it the Avatar State/Devil Trigger Steve talked about, make it worth using constantly instead of Fire once and forget (except for Vazarin because New Moon), with actives WORTH using, damnit!

Edited by Kaotyke
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Assuming they're actually serious about updating the focus system, I would expect the entire active branch for each school to be entirely remade if not removed entirely. DE has the usage data, and I'm sure it's utterly abysmal. Focus 1.0 is defined by each school's passives, specifically the ones that last the whole mission. Even if they nerf the popular passives (Energy Overflow, Shadow Step, etc) that's not going to make people buy into the actives as they stand.

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Focus was supposed to be an end game fearure. Nerf naramon cheese and balance the rest to be good. Today we have 5-6 good features and rest is useless. If the update means to balance around the horrible useless powers, just scrap the hole thing. I dont need another wait 5 minutes to increase something for 10 seconds power.

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2 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Well when Steve says things like taking a sledgehammer I imagine nerfs will be included, or they will be made to synergize with the tenno.

One might note given the nature of a sledgehammer that synergy and intact form is not an end result. You could interpret however, that if such has been said is that the focus system is to be scrapped and replaced with something else.

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Nerf Naramon? Then how am I supposed to play lvl 40+ content? T^T xD

I have neither the time nor will to put 8 formas on Galatine Prime and swing it everywhere I go. I want to play different frames, without having to limit myself to a specific one for a specific type of mission. Naramon allows me to even play Ivara on 40+ survival if I so desire. Also, often I have other things to do and want to complete a high lvl mission as quickly as possible. Rather than nerf Naramon, fix the absurd scaling of enemies. One of the major issues with Warframe is that most of the combat comes down to using large numbers to empty large enemy health pools. At high levels, the game becomes a FX fest as you are bombarded by NPC AOE auras. Furthermore, what is fun about a Grineer smacking you to death with a rusty clunk of steel in one hit? Combat in Warframe needs to depend more on skill - tactics, fancy manouvers, and stealth. Not the current stealth gameplay, which is akin to those top-down prison escape flash games; we need proper stealth where walking itself can alert an enemy and proximity plays a role.

The recent Nox unit is an example of good combat mechanics. Unfortunately, all the good NPCs are rare in the game, while most of the time you face the same old boring enemies.

I'd gladly give up the large number of NPCs in missions for less, but more diverse, interesting, and challenging enemies. Slashing through hordes of enemies is fun, but it gets old pretty fast. If it is going to stay that way, then limit it to the Infestation - at least it makes sense given the nature of the Infested.

This is why I am looking forward to the Plains of Eidolon - encounters with small patrols of units coupled with drop ships and outposts which result in fun and challenging combat.

Edited by grigorije
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23 minutes ago, grigorije said:

Nerf Naramon? Then how am I supposed to play lvl 40+ content? T^T xD


40? Then you should really read about modding accordingly if your weapons can't handle mid level. You don't need fully formaed weapons or farmes to handle even sortie 3 enemies with modifiers, you just need a potato and to mod for the situation and pair it with a good frame.  Naramon is far from being a requirement for high level content. 


Ivara is also the best frame for long solo survival so far btw, she doesn't need naramon. 

Edited by aligatorno
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1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

40? Then you should really read about modding accordingly if your weapons can't handle mid level. You don't need fully formaed weapons or farmes to handle even sortie 3 enemies with modifiers, you just need a potato and to mod for the situation and pair it with a good frame.  Naramon is far from being a requirement for high level content. 

I'm more of a 'one solution to all problems' kind of guy. :)

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On 8/30/2017 at 3:58 PM, -N7-Leonhart said:

Lmao, you talk like you are new here. Buffing the other schools to match the unlimited cheese of Naramon or the easy spamming of Zenurik is a tall order and nothing short of folly. And if they happen to overbuff one of them what then? Buff the others again to match it? :crylaugh:

Obviously they are going to nerf 1 passive from Naramon and 1 passive from Zenurik. Easy, case closed.

 Yeah, because making Zenurik/Naramon worse is completely going to make people use something like Madurai, so they can tickle enemies with their wet noodle beam.

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10 hours ago, grigorije said:

Naramon allows me to even play Ivara on 40+ survival if I so desire.

^^This is just too damn funny.  The one frame that absolutely doesn't need Naramon at all to get up to lvl 9999 enemies.  Yet you feel that you need it for her.  LMAO!!!  I do hope that you meant this as a joke.  

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I sure hope that the Zenurik school of Focus does not get nerfed.  I think that it is perfectly good the way it currently is in terms of power level.

I would like to see a rework of Focus that allows us to endlessly earn incrementally small buffs to either stats or passive abilities - similar to Diablo 3's paragon point system.

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The only nerf naramon's shadow step needs is the invisibility to not be refreshable while invisible. That is to say that you will be visible after 10 seconds, and can't extend that time at all. Probably can add a timer on the HUD to compensate (it should have a visible timer anyway, but my suggested nerf would basically require it). Now it's balanced. No longer will you be perma invisible, you'll just be invisible 95% of the time, which is infinitely less broken than 100% invisibility. Maybe reduce the time to 8 seconds but even that might not be necessary.

Zenurik is fine, as all it gives is more freedom to use abilities, and can only be as broken as the warframe spamming the abilities (and even then you still need high efficiency to spam with Zenurik). Also energy pads exist :P. It doesn't work with channeled abilities anyway, so it's literally worthless on 4 frames (ember, excalibur, oberon, wukong) and worthless for certain builds on other frames (Hysteria valkyr, Maimquinox, puddle hydroid, Ivara, Assimilate Nyx, Titania). So yeah, Zenurik isn't as OP as Naramon, as Naramon is nigh universally useful while Zenurik has hard limitations. 

When focus gets reworked, I'd want the focus ability to be usable every 60 seconds and never increase (and decrease with the mastery node) so the things that are activated for a limited time after using the ability are worthwhile, and every school (including naramon and zenurik) get additional passives and actives that are actually good.

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