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Is EARTH gonna be ''fixed'' before POA or after ?


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1 minute ago, Sziklamester said:

This is partly true because I have a relatively good pc which 1 and  half years old and should run the next 10 years games with ease. I detect some lag on Earth when some enemies are there but it seems on random points lags a little. Mostly happens when 4 person playing but this is similar on other planets aswell. I checked my settings and it run very well on high prefferences with ease and not using not needed option but yet I detect some lags here and there. This is mostly can happen when they improving the game and adding more content. The game engine can handle a said amount of items so if oyu want to make it smooth then you need to upgrade the engine too. Another stuff is like have in the sims games the more content they have the more issues come because the sims is practically a full gam which cut into pieces and these pieces not often works together well. Warframe in size also improved a lot from a relatively small game into a large-more complex state and maybe the built in systems not fixed here and there. These are opinions and I think partly this can be the truth but also the other hande is there are many peoples whom using 5+10+ years old builds and surprised the game cannot run well on.

I had a small bit of occasional stuttering on a fresh install of windows 10 and it turned out it was down to steam and xbox app both having their 'video capture' rubbish enabled.  If you're using windows 10, check to make sure it's all turned off because it made a difference for me. 

Also I hate to tell you this, I very much doubt any gpu hardware bought in the last 2 years will still be good enough for a 'modern' game in 10 years time, hell gpu's from 5 years ago can't manage modern games now that well so..... 

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6 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

As I said earlier, the other 90% of the content in the game is still designed like '4 year old games' (ie when warframe came out) while earth rework is closer to modern games in the techniques it's using.  People need to stop thinking the non earth maps are the done in the same way same as the reworked earth maps because they're not.  Earth is heavier on system resources so it will work pc's harder and as such can make toasters drop down to low fps, that doesn't mean it's not optimised....those of us with semi decent pc's (ie not toasters) are not complaining about the performance on Earth for a reason.


Yes, but here is the thing. 
This is not true. Warframe may have showed up in 2013 (U7 to be more specific), but majority of the current assets (outside of Earth) are from 2015/2016-ish. So the statement about "4 years old game" falls flat on its face when you consider what came out exactly when. 
Here, browse at your own free time, but without thinking about it too nuch - Uranus and Lua are 2015, a lot of the UI overhaul came in 2016 and so on.  
"Those of us with semi..." climb down please and stop dodging the question, considering why a tile set is created in a way that requires a lot more from your rig, while the same tile set is used in under 5% of the game content?  

PS: Don't assume that "if you have issues with the Earth rework, your config is old", please. I can run it on relatively high, that does not mean I am blind to the issues and the fps dip.

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13 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

Something is for sure wrong with Earth. All other parts of the game run wonderfully on maxed graphics settings but then go to Earth having turned everything to low and it still lags.

except infested room

and outdoor Ceres

and when multiple Octavias in a mission

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6 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Yes, but here is the thing. 
This is not true. Warframe may have showed up in 2013 (U7 to be more specific), but majority of the current assets (outside of Earth) are from 2015/2016-ish. So the statement about "4 years old game" falls flat on its face when you consider what came out exactly when. 
Here, browse at your own free time, but without thinking about it too nuch - Uranus and Lua are 2015, a lot of the UI overhaul came in 2016 and so on.  
"Those of us with semi..." climb down please and stop dodging the question, considering why a tile set is created in a way that requires a lot more from your rig, while the same tile set is used in under 5% of the game content?  

PS: Don't assume that "if you have issues with the Earth rework, your config is old", please. I can run it on relatively high, that does not mean I am blind to the issues and the fps dip.

Assets might be new but the techniques are not.....you only have to look at the design and graphics techniques (I work in 3D design by the way) being used in Earth versus the older work and see that the methods being used and approaches are different.  The new technique will be more taxing on hardware and where their old rigs might have been ok on the older maps their systems might already be running at 100% and as such you would need to have more available performance to get the same performance on earth.  Because the pc can't give any more performance, because it's already being maxed out, they then suffer lag etc.  It doesn't matter how much optimisation is done if the pc hasn't got the performance to get there in the first place. 


I'm not dodging anything when most of the posts about 'earth rework' and low fps are because the players expect their old pc's to still work with current games like they did with games from when it was purchased.  As I said you don't see players with semi decent hardware complaining.... If someone came in here with a high spec machine and said they were going from playable to non playable framerates then yes you can argue that it's a bug/optimisation issue but it's not is it...(note what I said earlier that they never seem to say what spec's they're using so odds are they already know it's low end)

Also all pc's will have a dip in fps when stuff is happening in the game, more stuff on screen means more stuff to process, meaning pc is working harder, higher spec pc's will see less of a drop because they have more overheads, a lower spec machine will have a larger fps drop because they have less overheads if any for use on the extra stuff on screen.... it really is that simple....


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I have an i5 processor with integrated graphics, I´ve been able to run the game on low settings rather averagely, or very slow if you are use to more than 30fps, I usually played around 20 to 25 fps, but when the earth tileset was renewed it drop to 7 fps, until I saw someone mention to lower the resolution and then use a zoom function on the window to play at full screen, I did lower my resolution but haven´t done the zoom part, now I can play  on Earth with 30 fps and the rest of the game plays around 45 -55 fps 

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You think earth is bad, try farming for Nidus.. I know of two people who can play the game reasonably well on their old hardware but the level you need to go for Nidus will absolutely fry their PC, even with everything set to minimum.. They get about 6 to 12 fps in that map...

As to why I can only guess, but my days modding for HL&HL2 make me think it's because the engine tries to render too many surfaces it thinks you can see. A single small map-leak in either earth or the more intricate infested maps (or the ice caves of Europa) will kill all the framerates...

My current PC, which I build with playing Crysis3 on ultra in mind, is also showing signs of lag in these areas. So yeah, I think I'm more hyped about the optimization then the open world thing TBH...

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16 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I had a small bit of occasional stuttering on a fresh install of windows 10 and it turned out it was down to steam and xbox app both having their 'video capture' rubbish enabled.  If you're using windows 10, check to make sure it's all turned off because it made a difference for me. 

Also I hate to tell you this, I very much doubt any gpu hardware bought in the last 2 years will still be good enough for a 'modern' game in 10 years time, hell gpu's from 5 years ago can't manage modern games now that well so..... 

Maybe true but I played 10 year with a build and that was fine for the later games too. There are no that great gaps between the games of in this era so totally acceptable that a build can run far advanced games too only in that time the build goes slower and slower because of the lifespan soon ends. I played with a celeron 8 year and was fine and not needed to reduce the settings so drastically. These games which coming out soon for me not that bad because my build far okay to run them with the best prefferences and if need I can adjust enough to run them. I will also improve my pc sooner with more rams just for fun so it will be better just. All is depend on what pc you made and what hardware in your pc. Each are different and I am always collecting the best possible medium grade items and it works just fine.   

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17 hours ago, Pavelord said:

I have an i5 processor with integrated graphics, I´ve been able to run the game on low settings rather averagely, or very slow if you are use to more than 30fps, I usually played around 20 to 25 fps, but when the earth tileset was renewed it drop to 7 fps, until I saw someone mention to lower the resolution and then use a zoom function on the window to play at full screen, I did lower my resolution but haven´t done the zoom part, now I can play  on Earth with 30 fps and the rest of the game plays around 45 -55 fps 

This is actually pretty impressive optimisation. When my GPU died I experimented with a lot of games on my integrated graphics and not many from the last 4 years can do 30fps. Was before I started Warframe though, so never tried that.

One issue that crops up when people complain about performance issues is they use 'lag' and 'frame drops' interchangeably, so it confuses the issue. Frame rate is an issue with the player's PC. Lag is a network issue and that could be their internet, the host's internet, or netcode issues. DE needs to make sure that their published specs are accurate, but at the end of the day they can't keep optimising for 2013's low/mid range PCs.

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5 hours ago, Avenwing said:

Eventually people are going to have to upgrade their PCs, and if you can't scrape enough money together to upgrade a few parts every 6-8 years you probably have more S#&$ to worry about than being able to play a video game.

You are absolutely right... In all honesty, I should be out looking for work!!  There's rumors on CryENGINE 4 coming - with some games to cry over. This ofcourse means a new monsterbeast-pc...

But... you know...  I HAVE a job... I'm protecting the solar system against two factions hell bent on domination and a space disease... 

Ah.. choices.. choices... :awkward:

You know.. seriously  though, just as a thought.. maybe there should be some localized tenno-teams that pool their older hardware to support tenno with potatos (in their region). Not for me, I'll have a job soon and then plenty of "disposable" income. And my older hardware supports my two boys, who are tenno too (and need to use MY pc to farm for Nidus :crylaugh:). But there'll be plenty Tenno out there who could help their brethren with a GP or some RAMz etc.. 
Just saying :laugh::laugh:

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I'm sure I can relate with this...but it seems everyone forget to turn the V-sync off because I've been running on my potato setting and it turns out that I could barely run on Earth Remaster. It seems it is almost playable to me whenever i got 10 to 15 fps. Well I'm not sure if DE is having alot of problems with optimizations because we are entering into new era. 

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On 25/9/2017 at 12:21 AM, TennoPain said:

DE wont address this issue EARTH is unplayable for a lot of ppl (i LAG super hard ) and avoid any missions on earth 

(something is wrong on earth even my friends who have x3 times better PC than me lag on earth) internet is not the problem.


If they decide not to do anything im afraid all other planets will be ''reworked'' too and than i wont be able to play WARFRAME anymore 

I dont even wanna talk about POE since i have been watching last stream even DE pc lag a bit (from time to time / glich) 

Can you DE guys pls do something about it i asked on region chat also (like 10 or more ppl agreed they all LAG there) 


i think its your computer. update it.

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A simple option on Grass would probably help with this a lot. Whether is it render distance, render amount or just outright disabling majority of the grass on the ground. Personally, I've always hated grass in games because it affects frame rates significantly for something that is mostly insignificant.

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On 9/26/2017 at 12:33 AM, InDueTime-EN- said:

Well, in any case, those people playing in old hardware will eventually need to upgrade as Steve have mentioned that they will soon be phasing out D9. 

Good thing NVIDIA made their old Fermi line DX12 compatible, then, if that's DE's benchmark, because those goo all the way back to the 400 series. So either way they'll still have to optimize for low end systems! :satisfied:

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On 25.9.2017 at 2:21 AM, TennoPain said:

DE wont address this issue EARTH is unplayable for a lot of ppl (i LAG super hard ) and avoid any missions on earth 

(something is wrong on earth even my friends who have x3 times better PC than me lag on earth) internet is not the problem.


If they decide not to do anything im afraid all other planets will be ''reworked'' too and than i wont be able to play WARFRAME anymore 

I dont even wanna talk about POE since i have been watching last stream even DE pc lag a bit (from time to time / glich) 

Can you DE guys pls do something about it i asked on region chat also (like 10 or more ppl agreed they all LAG there) 


Steve already showcased that you can lower 'Rendering' to majorly increase fps with the cost of graphics. It does really help out toasters. Dw. Source in Steves Twitter. 

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