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PoE map with details from what we have seen in both gameplays.


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11 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

Cetus is just the black square. Though, he also commended you on your work on Twitter and didn't say anything but, so I don't know.


miscommunication there, the black square is just the gates, the entire city cant fit in a square smaller than 85x85

Edited by JeyciKon
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6 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

But out in the planes that ice skating is going to be awesome for dodging fire and sliding in.


1 hour ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Speed Charge Rhino...

Grineer 5921: What is that sound?

Max Strenght + All Slide Mods Nezha: Wwweeeeeeeree!

*all Grineer are set on fire*

Grineer 1730: What in the name of the almighty flying spaghetti monster was that?!

Max Strenght Volt: Bep Beeeepp!

*All Grineer are electrified*

Grineer 7293: Please... n-no more-e...

Max Duration Rhino: FffffoooooooowwwwwwaaaaaaawwwaaaawwwwaaaaAAAAAA!!!!

*Grineer are send flying all over the Plains*

Edited by Kaotyke
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I dont care how big is the map,Im more for mini quests and operator as the monster slayer... all looks and sounds good like some new sci fi witcher game but with ninjas 😂 and hope 2 see soon more news on operator worrior mode... (please DE show some more operator images in action or new armors) 😊🙏 and what if we have new looking map like some sci fi 3D map. After all this is sci fi game not some viking strategy game...

Edited by Vlada91
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Yeah the map does seem kinda small but I'm sure PoE will be a learning experience for DE on dealing with an open world. Who knows maybe future maps like PoE will be larger. Either way im excited to see PoE when it's all primed up and ready to go.:satisfied:

Edited by RoninJed
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53 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

This is amazing. Since Rebecca has posted in here I'll just post a small question to try my luck.

To any of DE, will future 'open spaces' be larger than PoE or smaller? Since Venus is aimed for next.

they have said that poe is smaller because it is the first, its an experiment, probably every open map after this will be bigger.

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10 hours ago, -Trey- said:

If you think about it it's really not all that big. Not even 3x3 that was promissed initially, guess only time will tell how much there really is to explore.

To my memory, 3x3 km wasn't so much a "promise" as it was an offhanded estimation on Steve's part.

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14 hours ago, Kaotyke said:


Grineer 5921: What is that sound?

Max Strenght + All Slide Mods Nezha: Wwweeeeeeeree!

*all Grineer are set on fire*

Grineer 1730: What in the name of the almighty flying spaghetti monster was that?!

Max Strenght Volt: Bep Beeeepp!

*All Grineer are electrified*

Grineer 7293: Please... n-no more-e...

Max Duration Rhino: FffffoooooooowwwwwwaaaaaaawwwaaaawwwwaaaaAAAAAA!!!!

*Grineer are send flying all over the Plains*


11 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Holy smokes this is awesome!

if this isnt in game as some sort of comic relief from all the grinding...well.....*play it in the relays or the city lol)

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Remember, this is likely going to be the smallest of the open maps. The vast majority of dev time was just making the engine not catch on fire and implode.

Pretty sure they said Venus was already shaping up to be a larger map. I just hope they make it as dense with areas of interest as PoE looks because despite how impressive say the size of Breath of the wild is or GTA5, Just cause 2/3. They are just built for traveling and being a time vampire. We don't have have the fun choice of hijacking vehicles... yet.

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5 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

Poor animal has no arms.

Well, I can see the raccoon's elbows; at the very beginning the raccoon does pivot on its arms and immediately tucks them into its belly to roll down the hallway and pivots again right before going off camera.

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