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What do you remember most about the early days of Warframe?


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the warframes ability mods, running ember only WoF (old wof), loki only invisibility and disarm
the stamina, it putted a limit to what you could do and gave a more strategical meaning to movement
playing stealth all the mission in pubs because there were so few players that in most of the mission you had problems finding a squad

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the first time my RL mates who got me into this game took me to the void (defense) and standing in a frost bubble for 40 minutes hacking it up with an orthos prime i was given as a welcome to warframe gift then extracting with a ton of loot and prime parts is one thing i will always remember, And my 6 forma 500 round sniper shotgun Penta.

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No chat between missions, This awesome red effect when you activated WoF. Frost nuking entire Xini (old,old Xini;)) and using Loki decoy to open the door because this one enemy was always behind them.

And, of course loved by all players Seekers ;)

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Doing missions as stealthily as possible (which was damn hard back then due to the AI), listening to "Hey! Leave my mother out of this!" from Grineers over and over again...
When ancients were just oversized runners, and you had to shoot their foot with the boots on to do "headshot" damage.

I also remember how much I loved the Braton.

And how fun it was when the Kestler was first introduced. "There's your assasi..." *throws Kestler, rag-dolls boss into ravine* "...Good job taking down the target!"

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Not guaranteed frame part drops, skills as mods, only corpus ship tileset.

And Lotus actually was talking in Russian, although it was cringeworthy and pretty fun (Only was on Russian client) However, huge respect to DE for doing their best at trying to localize warframe, soon this was removed. I believe that @[DE]Rebecca herself was speaking russian, but i'm not sure.

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2 hours ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

5. The old story for warframe. Instead of operators we were suppose to be people inside suits who taken a religious like silence and we had some sort of telekinesis that allowed us to talk to one another.



None of that was ever anything more than player headcanon though.

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I've been playing for around 3 years (maybe a little less) so I dare say I am a Veteran too.

Things I remember? Well, there's...


EDIT: - Valkyr pre-rework. Death was not an option.

          - Nuke Saryn. Need I say more?

          - Old Draco.

-Stamina. I never understood that one. I'm a walking arsenal of mass murder, and my greatest weakness is running for 20 seconds.

-Coptering to counter the Stamina system. I remember when I just started playing and all players around me were spinning around with their swords, until I finally figured out what the hell they were doing.

-Not realizing I could upgrade mods until Mastery 7.

-Wall running. I miss it so much.

-The old void T1-T4. I remember going into public chat und instantly getting spammed with "T4 DEFENSE 3/4 NEED FROST". Good times.

-Mesa pre-rework. The kills were just raining from above.

-Excal's old 3rd skill. You know, that super-jump? I always thought it was useless, still do.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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 I miss the old corpus sounds and the lady on the speakers.

Oh and HA remember the broken lights of Doom they added in before they changed the to arc traps.

I also miss destroying entire waves of enemies with my excal and heavy impact back when it was broken.

Edited by nickelshark
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Slide attacks, shotgun meta, people excited for upcoming clan updates that never quite came & people excited for solutions to vaulting items that never quite came.
So, it's not that different. Instead of zorens it's whips & polearms. Instead of tigris & hek it's tigris prime & vaykor hek. Instead of trophy room with a customizable trophy of a chosen clanmate it's the nemesis system. Instead of Baro coming with random vaulted prime parts every other week it's the relic system.

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