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What will you rename your melee?


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6 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I'm naming a pistol Winona. I will fill my enemies with little yellow bolts of light.


6 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

Fine, Qualta Blade :devil:


Oh, and it will be a Gun Blade.

Farscape Fans get +1's


On topic:

I'm not sure yet... 

If I build a PoE weapon that I really, seriously, love to pieces...It will tell me what its' name is and I will pay to ensure it has it.

Pistols might get names if that gets added but melee weapons don't wind me up so much currently (those new stances might change that though) 

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7 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Surprised I haven't seen "Kindness" listed lol

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Image result for no one wants to be killed by a sword named

Image result for no one wants to be killed by a sword named fluffy bunny

A Tenno after my own heart.

17 minutes ago, TqLxQuanZ said:

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 for my glaives, throwable and explosion.

Top kekz

I might take the trouble for custom made weapons but otherwise I don't think i'll drop dosh on a rename.

How is DE going to handle copyrighted IP based names? 

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Not going to bother. I've never seen the sense in this feature in any game.

A weapon is a tool and should be treated as one. That's all it is. It doesn't have a secret life.

I have enough trouble coming up with names for assorted kavats and kubrows. I'm not about to attempt any such things with tools.

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18 hours ago, Archistopheles said:

You forgot to include context...


... and I'm not renaming anything. It's a silly add-on.

This. I didn't mind the new crafted weapons being namable, but having normal weapons being renamable is stupid and annoying. We're just going to get memes that are going to explode on twitch. It's just going to get extremely annoying. I'm keeping my weapons default names

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Well, I actually like the feature and am glad it's in the game. It's not something that's forced on you, so no need to be so bitter about it. As for names, idk what I'll name my weapons. I'll probably only rename a couple of them. Might pick some mythological name or something for some of them.

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