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Not much hype for a hype site


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Is it just me, or does the PoE hype site seem to have much less hype than previous? Don't they usually do something cool thematically with their hype sites? There's no countdown, riddles, animations, promos etc. For such a big update, you'd think they wouldn't go all out.... Unless I'm missing something?

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I also think it's because we've seen a lot so far so there actually may be little to tease? I do wonder what else there is they haven't shown us and if there is maybe they want to keep it unknown for now.

I imagine there's still a ton left but a small part of me wonders whether that 'ton' may be actually quite small instead.

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Just now, Valiant said:

I also think it's because we've seen a lot so far so there actually may be little to tease? I do wonder what else there is they haven't shown us and if there is maybe they want to keep it unknown for now.

I imagine there's still a ton left but a small part of me wonders whether that 'ton' may be actually quite small instead.

The thing is they recently stopped things like dataminers from ruining stuff they wanted to keep a surprise. They have mentioned stuff like new arcanes, new operator weapons/armour, but they are keeping specifics very undercover until the update drops cuz they want to make it a surprise.

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They seems learned how not to hype the game anymore. The last one hypes most of them was a little fiasco to them because they said they will release but in the end DE'lays' happend. Also the best surprise if they not sharing much at all because we players wish to explore these new things and systems one by one. Like the guy said above me 'they do not want spoil us'.


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33 minutes ago, Weidro said:

there cant be a countdown cuz DE doesn't know the exact time yet

they wont hold anything back and they will release it when its done
which is fine
more time spent = less bugs

they've missed countdowns before.

anyway, thats not the point. Im just saying thats its surprising that the hype site is so tame compared to big event hype sites theyve done in the past

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23 minutes ago, Gr3vi3R said:

Is today the day?

Their projected launch date is Friday, which is 10 days after their post last week.

I'm not really sure where that post is, but iirc it was posted on wensday and it was just about saying how far the development of PoE was going. (Not much info beyond the 10 day estimate till telease date was given)

Nore that this can still change.

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I’m assuming that behind the scenes, DE are freaking out, because what they’re doing is simultaneously more ambitious than literally anything they have done before, and yet also not going to be able to keep up with the hype. 


The Warframe community could generally do with a bit less hype and a bit more cool, dispassionate evaluation of stuff. Sometimes y’all make me feel old.

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:


The Warframe community could generally do with a bit less hype and a bit more cool, dispassionate evaluation of stuff. Sometimes y’all make me feel old.

You can't really blame the community when DE themselves hype the game constantly. 

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Well, it is quest a different update to second dream or war within which are lore heavy. This is like between a quest update and specter of the rail kinda update if you ask me.

I personally think it has okay hype. Never over-hype things. Give enough insight to make people interested. Imo, anyways.

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21 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Thats because [DE] has announced so much stuff already regarding PoE that there isnt much news to put up on the site. The Hype is in us already. :3

That is true. Normally they would've revealed each part of update piece by piece. We already know pretty much everything.

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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

So true, Plains of Eidolon is going to be the biggest update to warframe ever, I believe. From the last I remember The War Within update was 2.5gb and PoE is 3.4gb.

Wasn't Specters of the Rail 4 GB or something, with all the graphical improvements? This is still huge mind you, but not the biggest.

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