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Corrosive projection shouldn't affect bosses


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I'd rather they just made the Teralyst vulnerable to status effects like Corrosive so that teams that do not have 4 Corrosive projection auras can strip the boss of its armor.


The only way I would accept the boss being made aura immune otherwise is if they massively bumped up the value of intact cores. As currently the only effective way to climb in rep with the quills is to speed farm the Teralyst as much as possible since intact cores are still effectively worthless and only exceptional and flawless cores come close to even the first 2 levels of other syndicate medallions.

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Wait a min... are you telling me that they nuked the shield aura into the ground but left the corrosive one alone?

34 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

It's okay, you dont have to run 7 per night. Solo it and you'll get half of one done


You know, you can solo one in a night run with time to spare. I've done it twice with no issues. Didn't even use a debuff aura since I thought they nuked those already.

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27 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

Wait a min... are you telling me that they nuked the shield aura into the ground but left the corrosive one alone?

You know, you can solo one in a night run with time to spare. I've done it twice with no issues. Didn't even use a debuff aura since I thought they nuked those already.

Corrosive Projection doesn't significantly hasten the Eidolon fight, unlike Shield Disruption which allowed you to basically skip the very justifiably loathed forced kiddo mode segment. Oh and of course the fact that it doesn't skip the kiddo mode segment matter, since kiddo mode is all the rage now in DE's dev team and they can't possibly let you find any way to not use their pet project.

But really, with an "optimal" team setup, 4x CP is more formality than actually practical, since whatever part that is vulnerable will be destroyed in one shot regardless.

Edited by Mattoropael
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31 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

Wait a min... are you telling me that they nuked the shield aura into the ground but left the corrosive one alone?

You know, you can solo one in a night run with time to spare. I've done it twice with no issues. Didn't even use a debuff aura since I thought they nuked those already.

They made the boss immune to any auras that affect a raw health or raw shield value.

Armor is completely different in that regard as it only changes the damage resistance but not the actual raw health amount.

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You know, if you're such a fan of not getting anything done you can always just solo the boss with Mk-1 braton and mote amp. No one's forcing you to be efficient, just play the game your own way and let the rest of us suffer a little less burnout.

Also, way to attention @#&*( with the title, what are you, 12?

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at the beginn from PoE it was possibil but , it was no differenc between armor and no armor only the Element you

need is changed he has still a lot of HP, the bigger problem is is the Schild but now where 2 of 4 player have operator

weapons even the T1 weapons after the beginner am , you can feeling the speed up.


Sure not everybody has the possebility of all frames ,

my opinion is you can choose the lvl of the Eidolon like st. 5 for beginner st 20 normal .st50 hard . st 100 for nigthmare and resonabel loot for killing the higher ones , to make it more feeling endgame now in a good grp we kill the boss 4 - 5 time at the nigth the only thing we had is to find the drones dont let them stuck in a stone or water or a cabel (they can fly why an good dam cabel stuck .....)and bring them to the boss,

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24 minutes ago, __FriendlyScammerEver__ said:

i know everyone love ez life, even me. but CP broken nearly any challange have armor in this game for too long. too meta and unbalance. everyone can hate me but i think that about what the game need, not us.
my Engrisk not good enough if im missing something. 

8 minutes ago, giantconch said:

Whats the point in even giving the eidolon armor if it can just be so easily stripped with auras? Same goes for literally every boss fight in this game where the boss has armor.


Corrosive projection; still the only aura you need.


CP wouldnt be needed if the armor in this game wouldnt be soo broken. A lv100 ballista has enough  armor to negate 96% damage and they are considered to be part of the fodder mobs. This combined with the sacling damage and the scaling hp turns the avarage grineer into reinforced meatwalls armed with heavy gattlings.

If the armor would be capped at X value then CP could be balanced but currently if you have less than 4 most armored enemies are simply too beefy to deal with.



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Auras are meant to give some bonus to entire team (CP/SD in case of enemies, HP/energy regen in case of players, etc.). Guys, if you haven't noticed yet, We have so many aura mods but 90% of they just lies there and is unused. SD finally had some use before DE patched it. I am okay with Auras to work on Eidolon, but...

Limit effect. Let's say Eidolon can lose max 50% of armor/shield when team have auras, rest will be solid and permanent. Yeah, it ruins challenge when aura affects bosses, mobs and everything else but seriously, we have these kind of mods so why are they taking away ways to use them?

18 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:


CP wouldnt be needed if the armor in this game wouldnt be soo broken. A lv100 ballista has enough  armor to negate 96% damage and they are considered to be part of the fodder mobs. This combined with the sacling damage and the scaling hp turns the avarage grineer into reinforced meatwalls armed with heavy gattlings.

If the armor would be capped at X value then CP could be balanced but currently if you have less than 4 most armored enemies are simply too beefy to deal with.



Agreed that scaling is broken. Just look at Eidolon's lvl, I would expect bigger number from such boss, one that fits armor/shield stats.

Edited by CoreXCZ
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7 hours ago, TankHunter678 said:

I'd rather they just made the Teralyst vulnerable to status effects like Corrosive so that teams that do not have 4 Corrosive projection auras can strip the boss of its armor.

Good idea, this way a single player with Pox can remove 100% of its armor in a few second.

7 hours ago, TankHunter678 said:

The only way I would accept the boss being made aura immune otherwise is if they massively bumped up the value of intact cores. As currently the only effective way to climb in rep with the quills is to speed farm the Teralyst as much as possible since intact cores are still effectively worthless and only exceptional and flawless cores come close to even the first 2 levels of other syndicate medallions.

You're kidding right ?

I find it ridiculous that killing a teralyst grant 6x500+1200 = 4200 standing while the 20-30 intact cores I get during the fight grant 2000-3000

I could get more standing by leaving the teralyst half dead and waiting for him to summon as many vomvalyst as possible in the 50min night by simply collecting the intact cores.

7 hours ago, __FriendlyScammerEver__ said:


That's probably the best post i've seen. No really, the title is supposed to be a summup of your thread, and then post something.


As many players spotted, the issue is rather with aura stacking and armor scaling, 4CP wouldn't be needed if enemies didn't have scaling armor like this.

(and even without corrosive projection, chroma can still kill the teralyst in 1-5 shots)

(also, people should stop saying shield disrupt is useless, -96% shield is great when fighting corpus)

Edited by Trichouette
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I'm tired of DE just disabling tactics, because they make fights easier. It's forcing the entire playerbase into very specific metas just make the content boring. Recruit chat is full of groups only looking for Trin/Harrow/Chroma/Rhino.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:


CP wouldnt be needed if the armor in this game wouldnt be soo broken. A lv100 ballista has enough  armor to negate 96% damage and they are considered to be part of the fodder mobs. This combined with the sacling damage and the scaling hp turns the avarage grineer into reinforced meatwalls armed with heavy gattlings.

If the armor would be capped at X value then CP could be balanced but currently if you have less than 4 most armored enemies are simply too beefy to deal with.




Ok thats cool and all, but a level 100 ballista and broken armor scaling isnt the subject at hand.

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Sure, and while we're at it all frame abilities that deal damage should hurt your frame instead of bosses, bosses should be able to see invisible frames, and using your guns or swords should heal the boss. /s


Auras should scale up, at least to the equivalent of having a 3 person squad, for solo play.  Proper planning and good group composition should be rewarded and encouraged instead of punished so shield disruption should function (maybe at a slightly reduced effectiveness).  Operators need to deal more damage or at least allow us to use magnetic procs to reduce the Teralyst's shield.  Finally, corrosive procs should work so that corrosive projection isn't as necessary.

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OP Then don't play on public? Play with your friends and tell them not to use aura's, the world doesn't revolve around your warframe experience, just cause you can't keep up with the rest of the faster players doesn't mean you can bring us down to your level.

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