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Is there a point to Operators?


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I just don't get it.  It's not that I dislike the whole operator/kid thing.  I just don't understand the point.  Ok, so there's two times it's actually useful, kuva farming and eidolon farming.  Beyond that though, is anyone going to actually shift to kid in the middle of a standard combat?  It's damage, mobility, and survivability are all lower than that of a warframe with weapons.  I just don't see myself or anyone else ever doing this other than to justify all the work they put in to it. "I spent 100+ hours working on this little kid, even though it's outclassed in every way.  Might as well use it, right?"

The concept is kinda neat I suppose, I just don't get the point in all the work.  Yes, I get the whole eidolons and kuva thing, but why the heavy focus on something that's only going to be used when DE actually forces us to use it?  

IDK, that plus the crazy amount of time it's going to take to grind focus just doesn't seem worth it beyond (just like before) getting passives.  Oh, except now we have an amp to work on as well and from everything I hear the grind for that is pretty insane also.

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When you crouch/sneak as Operator (VoidMode) you are invulnerable. Nice for revives etc.

And depending on your Focus-Way (Naramon, Zenurik etc) there are some more or less nice additions.
More affinity, energy reg etc.

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Actually if you allow yourself to think otherwise and just play the plains the point is starting to come. Having amps, focus 2.0, armor and Teraylists actually makes the operator fun. It gives a new dimension to the game and makes sense. Yes there will be grinding but the grinding is fun and really not that hard.

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Yes, there is a point to use operators (minus Eidolons and Kuva farming), and quite a few to boot:
- Proccing focus passives
- Zenurik's "energy bubble"
- Unairu's shield
- Instant CC, even though your frames have their own in the for of bulletjump
- Getting to talk to a certain person in Cetus
See, they have uses.

Okay, I should seriously stop. The operator is a joke TBH. Press 5, press 5, run mission. Add in extra steps for Zenurik bubble, and that's it.

Make the operators actually effing useful

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1 minute ago, saradonin said:

Also this poncey little kid wrecks poor old Stalker with Pencha headshots.

Yes with the buffs it got (health, armor etc) and a good amp it actually can be a boss killer in some instances. It can compete with some weapons now so you have endless possibilities to discover. Heard allot of veteran players having thoughts about the operator and where it could become useful or fun. 

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

there's two times it's actually useful, kuva farming and eidolon farming

DE already said there'd be more eidolons and sentient in general to fight against and Operator will be crucial in the combat.


27 minutes ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

Beyond that though, is anyone going to actually shift to kid in the middle of a standard combat?

Yeah. For fun.

It's the games' point, right? To have fun? I'm having fun playing as the Operator and I doubt I'm the only one.

Besides, invinsibility and invincibility while reviving or hacking a console are pretty handy abilities.

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Right now Operators take a MASSIVE grind to get anywhere good, but once you do, you're basically playing Hyper-light Drifter in a game with Space Ninjas, and playing two Warframe Units at once. You can combo a crowd control Star Child with your non-Crowd Control Frames, or combo an Energy Regen child with your Energy Heavy Spammers, Etc.

Now, that said, you don't put a CC Star Child right next to Rhino and go "AUGH! Worthless Sh*t can't compare to my Main Frame!!!". No, you pair a Stealth Child with your Rhino, or an Energy Regen one, or a Healer one. This is the point of them. Not to bring Outclassed Gear to the Battle Field, but to bring MORE gear to the battle field.

(But still though that grind and farm uuuuuuuugh.)

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people have to wait, this isnt WoW where they introduce new gaming mechanic and whole year of content that supports it, I doubt they are just going to ditch it, so more stuff will come ...

they could add more stats to them, with arcanes and all way bound passives operators are really durable and proper amp can keep you alive in survivals for 30 minutes, they might add more abilities, maybe teshin could stop wasting time with conclaves and start teaching dax powers, more enemies could come those kuva guardians should appear in normal missions too, corpus could come with some new proxy that can be hurt with void powers, maybe next "PoE" will have its own sentients ... they will have more uses than just farming teralysts so you can farm teralysts faster


I personally dont like the operators, I preferred when your operator was your 5min cd ultimate to either nuke something or cc something, giving you secondary frame is kinda boring

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Now that you can transfer back and forth more fluidly, I'm finding they're a lot more useful. Void Mode makes reviving allies way easier. Chaining Void Dash can cover a lot of distance, can go through things like spy vault lasers, and is usable after bullet jumping. Many of the focus improvements to Void Dash/Blast make it worth hotswapping for a few moments. The non-starter amps are actually quite useful even against non-Sentient enemies; depending on which parts you use, they can help cover weak spots in your main loadout, or at the very least serve as a backup weapon when you're low on ammo.

Your Operator won't replace your warframe, by any means. But they do provide enough that it's worth tagging out every now and then--which, as I understand it, was kind of DE's goal with the whole setup anyways.

Edited by NinthAria
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You know, I came to the conclusion a while back, that it's a Reverse RPG function.

Okay, think about regular RPG games; you pick your character, you choose their role, then you spec experience into their given tech tree. As you go you pick up gear, weapons, armour, and you level that up, or forge it better, or add mods. And a lot of people reading this can see where I'm going already, but let's take it further. Eventually you get to the point where you've spec'd as far into your tree as you can, and you start building end-game gear, with the super-specialised, or generalised, or bias towards certain builds that play well for you.

Only Warframe has reversed that.

We start off with the end-game gear. The Warframe. We level that up and specialise it with mods. We play the game as an OP end-game character for a bit. Then we discover that there's actually a character driving it. We only then, after all that grinding and collecting the end-game gear, working through the weapons, unlocking the map... only then do we realise there's actually our actual character there doing the combat.

Now that we have it, we have to do all the grinding and levelling up of that character, choose a role (Vazarin the Cleric, Naramon the Rogue, Unairu the Paladin, Madurai the Warrior and Zenurik the Mage) spec into their tech tree, spec into multiple trees to get their passives unlocked to get a truly OP base character, and pick up their base weapons and gear in the form of Amps and Arcanes. Of course they're going to feel a little... off, at first. They're literally our Level 0 character starting the game when our account and our gear is full levelled and modded.

So if you think about it like that, Operators make a lot more sense. As the game progresses we'll be given more and more options as to what we can do with them. Our Amps and Arcanes will grow, our interactions with the Warframes will improve... As our characters actually progress... who knows where we'll end up?

Imagine if DE have planned far enough in advance that as we go through quests in the future our characters will actually age... grow up to actual warriors, able to be the Demons that the Orokin feared us to be, or the Saviours that Margulis believed we were. There's possibility there... And I like where it's going ^^

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:


*Grabs Gangalito by the ear and pulls them to the thread they are supposed to follow*

I Void Dash throught the almost dead behinds of my teammates and they get 75% of their HP recovered, smae with my Warframe, Void Dash throught a horde of enemies to ragdoll them, use my invincible Void Aegis to protect an Excavator, use the extra 4 Instant Revives as the Operator, revive them as the Operator when it runs out (To get to that point....).

I heard that Electrifiyng Dash of Zenurik is stupid powerfull when used in the middle of a crowd, even if its electric damage.

Ah, the Warframe is also Invincible during that, if you are about to go down you can go as the Operator, Dash to safety and call the Warframe to you.

Amps do FULL DAMAGE against Infested. Must be because they dont usually have Armor.

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The PoE update got me using my Operator for a lot of things. Most have nothing to do with the actual update, but the obvious stuff that came with Focus 2.0 are definitely useful. Hunting Eidolons just helped me learn new way to play and I carried over a lot of that playstyle to the rest of the game. Your Operator is incredible for added survivability. Fighting Kela De Thaym is a perfect example. Why run from orbital strikes when you can just go into void mode? I basically use my Operator to avoid things that could normally kill me. They are also great for getting around even faster, especially once you upgrade their movement speed. Operators can basically be used to teleport your Warframe away from danger or just to do things in the middle of danger without taking any damage. I also use my Operator to kill Nullifiers. You can sneak right into their bubble and just murder them. I also love using my Operator for spy missions. Mainly for the moving lasers that require timing to get passed. Void dash is very fast and precise so it's perfect for any obstacle that requires timing. 

I didn't like the idea of Operators at first, but I actually really enjoy using them now. They add a lot to the gameplay if you use their abilities. They can basically make it feel like you're using two frames at once. You can be a healer and a damage dealer at the same time, give yourself energy, boost your damage, leave trails of fire all over the place, etc. I would just suggest you test stuff out with your Operator. If something seems difficult or even impossible for your frame to do, try it with your Operator. If you're trying to keep your stealth multiplier going and you notice some enemies are becoming alerted, switch to your Operator and kill them. They have their uses. Just experiment. 

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Solely from the operator and focus ability :

-You can void mode by crouching, avoiding all damages, be it to revive or preventing a status proc to kill you or an incoming boss attack from gibbing you

-Maxed Naramon void dash + maxed zenurik operator energy is practically 120m void dash. Huge mobility boost in large map, your operator is practically discount portal nova.

-Void dash allows you to bypass some security in spy vault such as laser screen or grineer scanner screen.

-While in operator your warframe isn't taking damage, so you can avoid getting killed by stalker when he comes for you

-Discount radial blind in madurai tree with passives that the school increase physical damage by 30% also 30% elemental

-Discount invisibility in Unairu tree.

Honestly, what the operator can offer is basically augmenting your playstyle, and provide convenient ability depending on what school you want to take.


Then there are some operator arcanes that can heal your warframe when you're transferring out or % chance when you're transferring in to your warframe, so you can regen HP all by yourself and when you're using zenurik, you get to regen energy. Self sustaining, and you can rely even less on HP or energy pads, decreasing your resource upkeep.

Edited by Lockhart77
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