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Mirage prime it's next but who's after her?


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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

another thread about this....can't we just get one nice big thread where everyone just types the same as everyone else after the same prime frame as them

Or no thread like this at all. C'mon Mirage Prime isn't even out yet and people go crazy about digital character or rather skin (pretty but still). :|

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I hope it's Zephyr. Not just because she ought to be next due to release order, but because her first two skills REALLY need looking at. I'd use her far more if her 1 was more intuitive and useful and her 2 was completely redone or replaced with something that makes more sense. Face-planting from high altitude for AoE damage...honestly it's just dumb.

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Maybe it's gonna be Trinity! She's been needing to be Primed again for a long time now. Ya know, like, the super days of old Trinity, with the awesome invulnerability builds, the better buff Trinity Wednesdays, the gonna-heal-you-from-kilometers-away, and all the fun heal tank times in the Dark Sectors.

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5 hours ago, krc473 said:

Most likely Zephyr. 

By release order, Zephyr is technically the next to be primed (before Mirage)

By release order:

  1. Zephyr
  2. Mirage
  3. Limbo
  4. Chroma
  5. MESA
  6. Equinox

Assuming Mirage does come next, switch Mirage with Zephyr on the list.

*sighs* Would people just stop already. Release order might be a factor but it isn't a controlling factor. We are now on 6 of 20 prime frames, or 30%, they do not follow release schedule on. There is nothing requiring DE to follow such a schedule. Hell, DE could shock everyone and stop using the male male female female pattern to. The only consideration at work here seems to be time the original has been out now. So they aren't going to release a Harrow or Gara prime anytime soon.

Edited by ChampionSheWolf
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9 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

I hope it's Zephyr. Not just because she ought to be next due to release order, but because her first two skills REALLY need looking at. I'd use her far more if her 1 was more intuitive and useful and her 2 was completely redone or replaced with something that makes more sense. Face-planting from high altitude for AoE damage...honestly it's just dumb.

She’ll get a rework with her deluxe skin hopefully, since I think that’ll come earlier than her prime 

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4 hours ago, ChampionSheWolf said:

Would people just stop already. Release order might be a factor but it isn't a controlling factor

I mean, I did say: "By release order". I think most people realise by now that DE is allowed to do whatever they want. I do not doubt that the order I posted could be changed. The point in my post was to say, based on the release order, this is what should happen. Not: I know the order, this is what it is. It is only an estimation of the order.

Can you suggest a better method for estimating the order of the prime frames?


Edited by krc473
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On 11/26/2017 at 1:25 AM, krc473 said:

Can you suggest a better method for estimating the order of the prime frames?


Here's a basic suggestion; Don't. Your best bet is to pick a pool and say these are the most likely because say they are the oldest, and not centering out a frame just because it is the oldest. Other factors have to be gauged to like how much work would be involved because a frame might be completely broken for the games meta as it stands (for instance Zephyr). Hell, while DE seems to be adhering to the male male female female ordering, looking ahead that might not even be possible since many frames that have been released don't follow that. It's clear that DE does what DE wants to do based on factors like how cool they think the idea is.


Honestly, people saying "these frames are suppose to be next" sound like they are holding the keys to DE's destiny and that everything they say is the rule of law and that any deviation that DE does is just not allowed by some mystical sky fairy that arbitrarily decided this, and not a factor that DE can and has changed their mind constantly. Hell, one of the arguments often used is that if a frame gets a rework they will be getting primed, despite we have a few frames that are examples of this not being true (Mesa and Limbo for example). Honestly, if I were to look at it from marketing and business, I would have jumped ahead in the list to pick a more favorable frame than Mirage or Zephyr, but that's me as well.

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4 hours ago, ChampionSheWolf said:

Here's a basic suggestion; Don't.

Have you even bothered to read the topic of the thread?

This whole thread was about “which prime frame comes after mirage” I see no issue in people saying what they think is next. OP said Mesa. I said Zephyr. I pointed out Mesa’s more likely spot. 


Anyone can can look at the past trends and see it is most likely not going to be the case. Instead of discussing why the frame list is probably not correct, answer the question stipulated in the OP.

Here are the current release dates, if anyone is interested: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison/Release_Dates

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And? How does that message I just stated not apply to this whole thread? And really stop posting that link. Again, 30% of the frames that have been primed have not followed that schedule. AKA nearly a full 3rd of them. That is not a reliable representation. Saying you hope frame X is primed next is one thing, which is more or less what the OP says by saying "My money is on Mesa" it's not saying that it will be. It's more or less a hope. It's a hope leaning on almost certainty, but it is not saying it will be.

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1 hour ago, ChampionSheWolf said:

And? How does that message I just stated not apply to this whole thread? And really stop posting that link. Again, 30% of the frames that have been primed have not followed that schedule. AKA nearly a full 3rd of them. That is not a reliable representation. Saying you hope frame X is primed next is one thing, which is more or less what the OP says by saying "My money is on Mesa" it's not saying that it will be. It's more or less a hope. It's a hope leaning on almost certainty, but it is not saying it will be.

Actually, if you count Mirage, it's a little lower than that. 5 frames out of a total 19 and, counting Mirage again, 4 of those frames that jump out of order being in the 'female' category, is a little suspicious, especially when, after Frost's early release (due to him being the most popular frame at the time), every 'male' frame since has come out in the 'predicted' order.

It's mostly the 'male' frames all being released in this specific order that's given rise to the 'predicted' order too.

But... I'm not defending the 'predicted' order to the death here, just saying that there is some precedence for it, and that predicting what the next Prime will be isn't harmful in the slightest, it's more of a combo between an educated guess and a non-monetary wager with other people. You get to feel good if you call the next Prime ahead of its release and have the forum post to back it up.

I mean... I have posts going back to the release of Banshee predicting that this December's release was - providing there was no sign of a Zephyr rework - going to be Mirage. I called it ahead of the game, and it turned out to be right on the nose. Unless DE have pulled a fast one and this datamined info is all a cover for the fact that they've fully reworked Zephyr and are going to release that rework on this week's DevStream 102 and really muddy the waters.

That all said...

Considering that the 'predicted' was going to be Zephyr I'm actually kind of glad. Zephyr needs a buff to everything she does (apart from Turbulence, that's doing great), and unless that's done her Prime will be completely pointless as a Prime Access for DE, nobody would buy that unless it came bundled with something insane like a three prime weapon combo of... I don't know, the Rubico, Pyrana and Destreza Primes, or one of the most amazing Prime Armour sets we've yet seen to bribe the players. Kind of sad, but also kind of true.

This way, at least, Zephyr can get a full rework to her kit (and before anyone starts filling in with their theories on what that will be, please don't, I've read 600 of them so far... it's depressing) and be properly hyped and released later.

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On 25/11/2017 at 6:24 PM, krc473 said:

Most likely Zephyr. 

By release order, Zephyr is technically the next to be primed (before Mirage)

By release order:

  1. Zephyr
  2. Mirage
  3. Limbo
  4. Chroma
  5. MESA
  6. Equinox

Assuming Mirage does come next, switch Mirage with Zephyr on the list.

Mesa came well before Chroma. She's from U15, Chroma is from U16

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58 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

It doesn't matter. If you haven't been realizing, Primes follow a male, male, female, female order.

I think they just pick the next 3 frames in release order, put their faces on a die (2 on each face) then roll it. That's why Banshee took so long

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