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The Great Plains of Eidolon Feedback Survey


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25 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

It gives raw numbers, but no reasons behind those numbers nor how the playerbase would like DE to make changes. 

DE used to have a sub-forum where the main post had survey questions, and then players were able to make posts, expanding on their answers, and these topics were moderated.  For whatever reason, DE shut down that sub-forum.

Sorry, but I just don't think having the survey is a good idea when it isn't integrated into the forum.  People wont see any point, any value, in making feedback topics.  This will basically kill the feedback sub-forums.

yes I do agree that survey's wont have efficient feedback, but scrolling through thousands of suggestions, looking for the most common suggestions, plus being burried in a WHOLE post about it with an essay isnt exactly the way to go. Plus they already said that the amount of player suggestions are growing too much. But yes I am confused as to why they shut down that sub-forum since it was still partially useful.

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To me Plains of Exile brought a beautiful scenery that was nice to look at for the first few hours trying what was new. However I quickly reached a point of complete burnout and here's my reasons, bugs aside:

1) Whenever I am in the plains I feel I am wasting time moving from A to B.

2) Archwing suddenly runs on Plains exclusive resources. To collect said resources I feel I am wasting time.

3) To progress standing at a reasonable pace fishing is a must. Fishing and mining feels like I am wasting my time.

4) For a chance at Gara bp's I have to play a single bounty, go back and pick another one, this is tedious and wastes my time with the "seamless" loading screen.

5) Plains is the same map every time.

Everything I do in the Plains only makes me feel I am wasting my time and not having fun. I managed to burn out in everything Plains related before even fighting an Eidolon.

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Just now, Tennomancer said:

yes I do agree that survey's wont have efficient feedback, but scrolling through thousands of suggestions, looking for the most common suggestions, plus being burried in a WHOLE post about it with an essay isnt exactly the way to go. Plus they already said that the amount of player suggestions are growing too much. But yes I am confused as to why they shut down that sub-forum since it was still partially useful.

They stopped doing those (probably didn't have time to do them), and it was a special selection of feedback options that really didn't allow for players to speak their minds. It wasn't the best way to gather feedback, honestly, so I don't miss that.

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"Please rank the members of the Ostron Community in order of how valuable you believe they are to your experience. (1 for most valuable, 7 for least valuable)"

What is this question even asking?
Like do I care about them?
Are we entirely dependent on them if we want to do the things they're relevant to (they're basically just the WF ship segments)?
Do they provide valuable deals or offerings?
Are they cool and interesting?
A poorly worded question that is neither useful to us or to you, unless you know what its asking...lets see what else this survey gets at...


"Do you feel that the difficulty scaling of Grineer enemies progresses fairly throughout the Plains of Eidolon?"

There's barely any scaling -_-
Mobs go up to 60.

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4 minutes ago, Tennomancer said:

yes I do agree that survey's wont have efficient feedback, but scrolling through thousands of suggestions, looking for the most common suggestions, plus being burried in a WHOLE post about it with an essay isnt exactly the way to go. Plus they already said that the amount of player suggestions are growing too much. But yes I am confused as to why they shut down that sub-forum since it was still partially useful.

Honestly, get more Com Mods.  Part of their job was to comb through the feedback and bring the important things to DE's attention.  These days, the English Com Mods are rarely seen. 

I'd get behind a revival of the Hot Topics sub-forum tbh.

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I think there could be space in the survey itself to explain your answers, because I feel like some just won't make sense without context. I feel like the design of the Teralyst fight is a pretty cool step, there's a good amount of planning involved, and that it's fair to experienced players, but ranked low on how much I enjoy the fight. There's no explanation on how any of it works except Onkko telling you vaguely to use the lures, and if you're not an experienced player with an optimized build for it, it's an awful slog to take out just one weak point, not even to capture it.

Edited by (PS4)Storm2356
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1 hour ago, TEK-5 said:

I just find the Ogma , way too tanky for the speed he's moving at 


Same here. As soon as I hear one I think "There goes the fun." They immediately turn the plains from something to be enjoyed to something to be endured.


But overall I love PoE and can't wait for more open world stuff.

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the survey is a good thing, but making people log into a google account is not - not because this isn't anonymous anymore, but because a lot of people who otherwise would answer the questions won't do it therefore. the reasons go from not having or wanting an account with google (or creating one) to not trusting google.

i advice you do the querry here on the forum next time (yes, WITH people loged in - afterall, who can say what google will tell you about the people who loged into their account, or not).

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29 minutes ago, mrfluffydeath said:

If there was one change I could implement. When doing pick-up groups *AT NIGHT* On the plains.

I've stopped trying to PUG all together at night.  Most of the time people are fishing on public for me.  There should be a proper raid queue or something to prevent this easy troll/leach. 

Completed the survey, but the questions in it are not very useful if you want to determine direction for new open areas.  The questions are way too subjective to provide good feedback.  Vex armor cheese, infested showing up after I throw bait and hit my glowfish button EVERY time, explosion of new resources only valid for plains content, lack of things to do after you get sick of the same handful of missions, Bullet jumping for 1000+ meters only to have to do so again for the next stage if you don't have the archwing segment built, stunning lack of warframe utility for powers designed and balanced for corridors, etc.

There is a lot of things I like about open world, but I almost think it should have been designed for operator only content.  Just like Archwing, people that don't like the playstyle could have just skipped it for everything but mastery fodder.

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I'm glad there's a survey. :thumbup:

Devs have done a spectacular job on this update. I know it took lots of work, and I look forward to future open world type areas.

I wish the survey had a short answer/suggestion box (limited number of characters). I understand that it would require someone to read those responses and that the multiple choice is easier/more time effective to calculate, but it may not provide a full picture of player experience.

What would I put in the short answer box?

  •      Add base credit reward to each bounty level. (I've come away from a tier 4 bounty with less than 1k credits. As a newer player, credits are still important.)
  •      Some rewards seem lacking (eg. nistlepods, iradite) and quite unnecessary as rewards.
  •            Uncommon/Rare reward rates seem VERY uncommon and rare, but perhaps this is just my poor RNG. I've still not gotten a single Gara part.
  •      Would be nice to be able to select bounty and go straight to the PoE from your orbiter, thus bypassing Cetus and the extra load times.


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> Overall, how much do you enjoy Cetus as a hub for the Plains of Eidolon?

As much as I like Cetus as a market hub, as a mission hub it's pants. No Likert scale can properly convey my utter disdain for the Cetus gate area. It's the Warframe equivalent of purgatory. Squads get busted up, you sometimes can't return to Cetus and lose all rewards, it makes me only want to go out on the plains solo.

Losing eidolon shards due to gate malfunctions is very frustrating given how many are needed and the fact that I can generally only experience a single 50 minute night cycle a day. For multiple Teralyst runs in a night the best approach has been to go directly to the plains from the orbiter. You must leave Cetus (disbanding the squad) after each battle and re-invite.

The gate would be great if you could just walk up to it and have it magically open onto the plains, but that's not going to happen so it needs to be locked and the key thrown away.

> Do you feel that the mining gameplay mechanics are intuitive/easy to pick up?

I think mining is pretty well done (proximity sound and map marker for last cutter, etc.)...except it works quite poorly with a controller. So while I understand what needs to happen, the best I can do is try to scribble circles as fast as possible.


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A few post survey thoughts.




I want to like Nakak and Tensonai more, but they don't really have much to sell. A wider selection or items I would want more than 1 of would be nice.

There's not much I can get in Cetus that feels like it matters outside of the Plains.



A lot of players don't like getting relics, but as long as those change with each Prime access, I have no complaints there. However, I do think Kuva rewards should be higher. And I'm not a fan of void traces as a reward since there's a cap.

A few more mission types would be nice. Preferably something other than "go to this location and kill everything until we tell you to stop". If there was some way to integrate spy missions into the plains (possibly the caves?) that could be interesting (as long as it's doable with non stealth frames).



There could be more explanation for what hotspots are, when certain fish show up, and what types of spears are best at catching them. Fish codex entries (which are filled by catching fish, not scanning) would help.



Gem/ore veins should be more visible.

There's no way to improve my chances of getting Eidolon gems. And if those are all I care about, then there's no benefit to mining carefully. 



The lures can be a pain to deal with. Looking forward to more Eidolon types.



Too easy to get knocked out of Skywing. Would be better if you only get knocked off when you take lethal damage. Also, a short invincibility period when first going into Skywing would be nice.

Would like a way to continue doing bounties without heading back to Cetus. Perhaps have a screen pop up like in interception/defense missions where you decide whether to continue doing bounties or stay in the plains without a bounty.

Hostile wildlife.


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2 hours ago, MagPrime said:

The tone of my post came off wrong, I admit, but the point I was trying to make is that you have an existing feedback platform that is now invalidated due to switching to a survey method for feedback.

It just screams that there's no point in making a feedback topic, you guys aren't going to read it.  You're just going to make surveys now, and use questions that don't really capture your playerbases experiences, opinions and feedback.

In short, RIP Feedback section.

Reddit has been the REAL feedback section for some time now anyway...

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Since surveys arent clear information, but a matter of  interpretation, here is my view:


- Fishing, mining and scanning are extremely not fun, warframe is a fighting game, an action game, those activities like fishing are not enjoyable, and they should definitely have alternatives, to adquire the items and resources. (As the matter os scanning and the codex, you failed big time, you completely missed the goal, of having a codex as an information guide, instead its just another not fun, not useful feature, that is grindy and bad.)

- As an open world POE is very very poor. It's a huge area with little content, and 90% emptiness; unnecessary, bad design, all the actual content could have been compressed in 1/8 of the map size, and it would be more engaging, dynamic and interesting. Quality, not quantity.

- Enemy difficulty and challenge, you went the wrong way, you made enemies powerful enough too kill the player in 2 seconds, instead make the enemies resistant, the player should take a wile to kill them, but they shouldn't insta kill if the player is actively moving and evading. Make them drop mining, fishing and any other new POE resources, and alternative to those activities is needed.

- Cetus is another pointless relay instance. The only thing I get with this failed immersion is "excalibur ghosts" (when the frame/character is constantly loading), cetus is therefor unneeded, would rather had seen it on POE itself with no HUB features, and we could have had instant access to start a new bounty, instead of the huge amount of time we loose loading in and out of cetus. A waypoint in POE, to show were the cetus entrance is, is very needed, any waypoint orientation, a north or a south marker at the very least (and the augmented mini-map is terrible, unusable, you didnt put one single effort of making it barely practical, shame on you)

- Archwing on POE (skywing), it fails to reach its purpose. This was a huge red flag when i saw it on teaser before POE was released, for a dev to go to the trouble of adding a vehicle in a open world, it was a sign that this open world would be big and empty, and it is. But, what I find to be the worse problem of all this issue, is the lack of keeping a consistent design logic, you know the players waste a huge time navigating the map, so you create an alternative, only to get lost in your own solution, and block it behind grind and consumable items, its either an all time all access tool or it isnt, make you mind. In the same way, we saw the use of the liset during the quest, and right after you block the possibility of extracting with the liset as a regular exiting mechanic. Make a fast travel/ teleportation possible to extract to cetus, and also extraction with the liset possible. There was a point in time (2014) you forgot player experience and practicality is more important then immersion, forcing us to to go tot cetus just to exit or restart a new bounty is a immersion nightmare, bad design.

- Resources and ammo, this is not has bad as archwing mode, but its the same mistake you made there, in archwing missions you knew the guns needed to be self rechargeable, because in a full 360ª place it would be unpractical to catch ammo and keep on fighting, and then you failed right after by making all loot fly out trough the space. In the same way, you know POE has the same problem, why else would you design ammo dispensers trough the map, and again repeating the same mistakes, POE is a place were tall grass vegetation etc, makes it unpractical to catch loot, and you do know this, again you created ammo dispensers. Stop being constrained by our own old designs, in both archiwing missions and POE, all drops need to be adquire on enemy death, instantly added to the inventory, not even universal vacuum is acceptable.

- Future open worlds, dont rush it, make them have live, fallow the "30 seconds rule" in a open world a players should be a able to walk at any direction and within 30 seconds he should find something interesting, something to do, any content. Dont make another huge flat map, dont even make another natural environment map, make a city, make a big outpost, make something that uses also vertical navigation, any kind of tall building or towers, warframe is a sci-fi game after all, and the population, doesn't have to be restricted to enemies, pacific people and any other allies also make good content for open world pieces.

Eidelons, I still see no point of playing this content, stop pushing your agenda of operators, its not working, just like archwing will never be a thing. I see no point in grinding for operator content, when these are not more powerful tools then the ones we have (warframes and weapons), nor they cant be more powerful then warframes, because warframes are the main heroes of the game. You should have picked up the operators and schools, and made them the universal tool for stealth gameplay, this is were operators and focus could have had a tangible useful place, and be something important.


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