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Loot boxes and why I would be ok with them...


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If anything, other companies should strive to be more like DE. The dev team behind Dauntless opted to REMOVE lootboxes from their business model because they saw how bad players hated it. I love Warframe because its a great game with the best business model that I've seen and on top of that its free to play.  We have companies out here now putting out AAA games at AAA prices with the crappy version of a f2p business model and look how well thats going for them.  I mean lootboxes in a singleplayer game?  Just why...?   

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No, “everybody else is doing it, so we should do it too” is not an excuse. And “grabbing HUGE AMOUNT of money” as driving motive to create video games is what makes EA what they are right now. I think what makes me like studio like DE and CD Project Red is their attitude toward their games. They love creating and caring their games and they want to show the players a good time at the same time making some profit. I don’t mind designers making money from games, because that’s their deserved reward, but I do mind designers making money first and consider their game only as a mean to that end.


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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:


Rivens and Relics are pretty much lootboxes if you think about it. 

I'd have to say no to more, sorry.

The different between those and EA lootboxes is that it’s only a loot box if you playing it free. If you actually buy primes or riven with plat or real money in case of prime access, you are paying for exactly what you want, not a chance to get it. That’s the main reason why warframe’s micro-transaction model is fine to me. If you want to earn it in game you play a rng looter game, and the rng is reasonable too, but if you choose to pay, you get exactly what you want not another rng lootbox.

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On 09/12/2017 at 1:55 PM, Glavenusaur said:

I get that, but people seem to forget that this game is completely FREE! we should be willing to support them somehow, as i personally have yet to find any legitimate reason to spend my plat except for just slots...

We already pay for plat packs and Prime Access AND we make sure the game is given a good word around the industry. If that doesn't count as support then I don't know what does. I seriously don't understand why some people think that you can only support a developer by giving them money. 

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On 09/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, Glavenusaur said:

As much as i  myself would like loot-boxes to disappear myself, the fact of the matter will be that they wont,

Certainly not with that attitude. If you just lie back and take it, then of course they are not going to disappear. Did you not see the Battlefront 2 controversy? You know the one where the public got so outraged at Electronic Arts and their "predatory business model" that they actually removed lootboxes from the game. If enough people say no, they will stop doing it. You make it sound like lootboxes are going to stick in games whether or not people purchase them. Do you honestly believe they would still be putting these crappy lootboxes in, if people didn't buy them? 

On 09/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, Glavenusaur said:

As much as i  myself would like loot-boxes to disappear myself

You really don't give off an impression of someone who wants them to disappear.

On 09/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, Glavenusaur said:

what SHOULD and SHOULDN'T be in a game is not upto us, we have no right to dictate how a company chooses to sell their own IP

Actually it is up to us and we do have a right to tell companies whether they are being douchebags or saints. We are the consumer, we are the life-blood of gaming companies, we ultimately call the shots. Xbox wanted to always be online, we refused that. EA wanted to squeeze as much money out of us as possible, we closed our wallets and made them loose 3 billion dollars.

"The Customer is always right".

You remind me of asset flippers on Steam.

On 09/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, Glavenusaur said:

it wouldn't make any business sense to not incorporate this mechanic in some fashion or another

That guy who said you were an EA employee might actually be onto something....

On 09/12/2017 at 3:44 PM, Glavenusaur said:

they are first and foremost a business, and I strongly believe they will incorporate it fairly "WHEN" that time comes.

They will NOT be implementing lootboxes, because the community will not accept it. YOU might accept it because you're either a filthy rich person who likes to spend heaps on a fruit machine, or you will personally financially benefit from lootboxes. 

On 09/12/2017 at 3:47 PM, Glavenusaur said:

the money in loot-boxes is so substantial, its borderline scary. What difference would a few thousand players leaving make

Wow, you think it'll just be a "few thousand" players leaving.

Stop talking about lootboxes, nobody wants them and DE would be in the S#&$ if they added them. 

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Christ!! No loot boxes!! They are ruining the gaming industry. Please stop being 'ok' with it, and see the bigger picture. Do you really want every single game to be plagued with gambling? 

I'm not against MTX in f2p games, as long as I get the item from the in game store for a price, I don't want just a chance of of getting an item from a sh*tty loot box.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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Alright, my two cents into this bucket

Lootboxes are, at their core, a massive cash grab. They provide nothing to a game besides hatred and salt. Warframe already has microtransactions, and I'm fairly certain that DE aren't too worried about their current financial position (as shown by the amount of plat they throw out during streams (incidentally... 39.9kg))

And as many have already pointed out, warframe already has lootboxes, in the form of relic packs and mod packs. And how many people actually purchase these packs? Feel free to correct me if you do, but I'd wager that no veteran player (veteran in this context meaning 3+ months) actually buys them, as literally every other use of platinum is better than a chance of getting what you want

So, frankly OP, no, I don't think it's a good idea for them to add lootboxes into warframe, and frankly, if that is your attitude towards it, then why don't you roll over so the AAA devs of the world can stamp on the other side of your face?



...too much?

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Well Im no particular fan of lootboxes aswell, but I have to admit that riven rng in itself is as stupid as lootboxes:

Its RNG to even get a riven;
its RNG to get a riven for your wanted weapon class:
its RNG to get a riven for a particular weapon you want/use/are interested in
and in the end its RNG if you get a decent roll in the first 1-20 or in the first 1-60 rolls so yh.. not really amazing either ;)

Edited by God_of_Salt
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DE won't go down this path, they wouldn't dare mess with what is already an effective F2P system. they aren't greedy like EA and Activision are, they make plenty money from Fashionframe and PA packs already, and more new players are coming in. there's already enough RNG in the game as is, and there'd be one HELL of a shish storm if they tried to put loot boxes in Warframe.

Microtransactions are fine, if not essential for F2P games as otherwise they can't make enough money to sustain themselves. DE even allows Warframe's Premium Currency :platinum: to be obtainable via trading with other players, while most other Devs gate it behind Microtransactions only. DE have also ensured their system is "pay for convenience" rather than "Pay to win" ( but many haters outside Warframe won't accept it, you'd be better off telling this to a brick wall in their case). my issue is when Microtransactions, Loot boxes etc. start appearing in games that charge full retail price; like seriously, I just gave you £60, and now you want more? just take food from my mouth why don't you.

if you're gonna have lootboxes, then use them to fund free DLC for the players, like what GTA does. or vice versa, paid expansions but make any premium currencies for buying items obtainable in game. both paid expansions AND Loot Boxes (a la Destiny)? no. just no.


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I play Overwatch, would have stopped long ago but I paid for the game, I am back to Warframe after like 2 years and a different mindset (basically expecting almost nothing from the devs in general, just playing to kill some time), you don't wan't loot boxes even cosmetic only, Blizzard has its own way of coercing people to buy boxes by putting usually the best skins under very low drop rates and insane prices for credits, not even bought loot boxes guarantee good drops and they don't even give you credits with that purchase, unless you live in China where you can get just enough to get a victory pose from the highest bundle, BTW, a victory pose costs around 75 credits, a legendary skin (that is, different costume and not just a recolor) costs 1000 credits for an off-season skin or 3000 credits for an event skin which will also be vaulted for a year unless you get it during the 2 weeks an event runs.

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On 12/9/2017 at 3:17 PM, Glavenusaur said:

Not entirely true, The issue with Destiny 2 was more in the lines of a complete lack off end game content over its loot-boxes, where-as with "Shadow of war" it was the fact that loot boxes where borderline needed to unlock the true ending of the game, Well as for star wars... "Pay to win" mechanics in a full priced game should never be ok,

As for good games with huge player bases that still have loot-boxes, lets not forget about "Overwatch" (obviously) and Rainbow six seige, PUBG and even CS:GO

I mean if you care for getting short time cash but losing the trust of your customers, feel free.. I'd think its a stupid decision because I wont play a game that tries to focus on that S#&$ bc I have an addictive personality also.

its not inevitable just because you want to make it so.

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I'm with the "I'd rather quit than play with lootboxes" brigade. I've watched too many of my favourite games degenerate in the last few years thanks to lockboxes and the total shift in game design and play that they bring. See Rift now versus Rift before Storm Legion. See Secret World: Legends versus The Secret World before mystery crates. See Star Trek Online at the start before lootboxes clogged the drop tables. See Champions Online, mimicing it's sister game Star Trek Online.

The mod packs are dubious enough. Relics are an in-game RNG mechanic that don't require any real money or plat. Ditto Rivens. (I have my own grumbles there but they're not gambling-with-money systems.)

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On 09/12/2017 at 1:43 PM, Glavenusaur said:

where as the revenue generated from just micro-transactions and that too on PC alone generated around 19 billion dollars... In other words any game developer and/or publisher who doesn't include micro-transactions is literally saying no to free HUGE AMOUNTS of money,

Micros transactions are already heavily embedded in WFs finacial model.

Why would you want loot boxes tho

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