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Arca Plasmor Change


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1 minute ago, MillbrookWest said:

For the uninitiated... what was the nerf (i don't read patch notes outside the 'big' ones)?

I used it to power level my mag earlier and i can't recall it being different to the last time i used it several months ago.

Lost the ability to headshot enemies.

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6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I must not be until numbers like that, because it still feels powerful to me. I don't think I would've even noticed it.

I'm not sure either.  Like @(PS4)CannaWhoopazz13 I've taken it on sorties and mopped the map with it.  

I remember the problems we were having after the introduction of the Nidus Augment Mods, but I got the impression that the hotfix it was fixed/corrected.  

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)CannaWhoopazz13 said:

Took it into a Sortie last night, still killed level 95 enemies in 2 hits.  

Console Arca Plasmor can still get a headshot damage bonus. PC Arca Plasmor can't. Last I checked, it was doing 0 damage on headshots but that parts if a bug. They might of fixed that by now.

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I do somewhat agree with the nerf (though it should have been a lot sooner as its release was a while ago.

However if possible I would actually like to see that the main projectile could still get headshots. that way you would not get it when skimming over crowds but would when you have a priority target or 2 in a line as the main bolt disappears when the punchthrough runs out.

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I don't understand DE.  The plasmor, broken as it was, was in a good place among the other shotguns and wasn't so OP that the other shotguns weren't worth using in their own ideal situations.  By nerfing the headshots super hard but not increasing the base damage to compensate it's just made it into yet another mastery fodder gun from weapons research.  It makes me think that they don't actually playtest any of these changes, they just blindly fix what looks broken.

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6 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

To be a Status Weapon its going to have More base Status than Crit. A Good example is the Nami Skyla ~ it screams Status but people still fall over them selves to make a obvious Status weapon into a crit one. The Plasmor is in that category where its very close in both but is let down overall in the Crit by the lack of a multiplier but people with a Hard on for Crits (read the unwashed masses) will try to force Crit on anything ~ Trying to find a decent riven for the Grinlok was along long process for me because it seemed Every Tenno and their Kubrow was rolling and trying to hork a Big price on a Crit based Riven for a gun with a 35% Status chance.

If the weapon doesn't have 100% status after modding, or it doesn't have the fire rate to make up for it, it becomes very hard to use it reliably for status. Even with 100%, if it is too slow, then the procs won't be able to do any good.

Let's look at the useful status effects:

  • Toxin: Stacks with itself. Only useful if you can proc it repeatedly to stack it.
  • Fire/Electric: Minor Stun CC. Must be reapplied often.
  • Cold. Minor Slow CC. Must be reapplied often.
  • Gas: See Toxin. Applies in AoE, so synergizes with AoE weapons
  • Corrosive: Stacking Armor debuff. Must be applied repeatedly to have any noticeable effect.
  • Viral: 6s Health debuff. Must be reapplied before expiring, or enemy gets back health.
  • Blast: AoE Knockdown CC. Does not need constant procs.
  • Radiaton: Confusion debuff. Lasts 12s.

Those are the useful status effects. Out of 8, only two (maybe three) of them do not need to stack or be refreshed often. And, to make it worse, you can't add two of them to a weapon at the same time. You can only have one, which means that you will have at least one useless status if you are building for full status.

Please note that this does not apply to normal shotguns, as they can proc multiple status effects against the same enemy. This only applies to slow weapons with one projectile pre-multishot, as they can only proc one status at a time unless given multishot.

Now, compare this to crit. If I build for crit on a high-damage, slow AoE weapon, then I have a higher chance of killing them in one shot, which means they aren't shooting at me while I line up another shot. Or, I can build for status, and hope that the enemies are 1: affected by a status and 2: that it is a status that makes them stop shooting long enough to kill them.

Remember, "The best status is DEAD." If they are dead, you no longer need to deal with them. On high damage weapons,

As for putting Crit on the Grinlock, it was most likely due to the Grinlock's Augment mod, which adds 200% crit. This, plus a crit chance riven, can exceed 100% Crit chance. And, once again, Crit is better than Status on low fire rate weapons.

However, I am trying to get a +CC, +SC, +CD/Damage/MS -anything riven for my Grinlock, because it can go hybrid with a riven.

And with Melee, status vs crit is really a non-issue, as Drifting Contact + Blood Rush + Weeping Wounds makes almost any melee a crit-status hybrid, as long as they have at least 15% base chance for each.

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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Mythical Warden said:

Yeah, and you stay down, Arca Plasmor! Tigris Prime still claims its power as being the super sniper shotgun that can one tap bosses and sentients. 

"Fool.. You haven't even seen my final form!"

Tigris is a shotgun now? lol

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38 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

If the weapon doesn't have 100% status after modding, or it doesn't have the fire rate to make up for it, it becomes very hard to use it reliably for status. Even with 100%, if it is too slow, then the procs won't be able to do any good.

And here i am with Slow firing status weapons and doing well with them... I guess your also the type to believe that a "crit" gun with only a 50% crit rate and a High RoF is useless

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1 minute ago, AzureTerra said:

And here i am with Slow firing status weapons and doing well with them... I guess your also the type to believe that a "crit" gun with only a 50% crit rate and a High RoF is useless

Tbh, I always felt that the Soma Prime (or the Somas in general) were always mid-tier weapons due to the low status chance. The high mag clip and RoF counterbalances the necessity for high status chance, sure, but with armor-scaling on enemy level progression and going endless ammo economy helps quite a bit.

However, ever since Hunter Munitions came into effect since the Plague Star event, guns like the Soma and Gorgon family of ARs have gotten a huge boon in stat proc’ing Bleed to bypass the predominant issue of enemy armor scaling.

If you want my opinion on this matter, regarding the Arca Plamor in its current PC state, I will never bring it to a Sortie 3 Physical and Elemental -resistant Grineer mission. Their EHP values would be too much to deal with comfortable gunplay while using this gun, and that’s slightly unsettling considering how fun this weapon is to use.

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I don’t get the change, it was fine for a while and there absolutely better weapons out there then the plasmor to justify that it was grossly overpowered.  If it’s because of the Harrow augment then they should change the augment, nerfing a weapon because of an augment to 1 Warframe is ridiculous. This reminds me of Viver where DE nerfed everything except the actual problem. :/

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

I don’t understand why these threads were combined and pushed into the General Discussions forum. The majority of us have and still are providing feedback to the Arca Plasmor change. It’s still considered weapon feedback so it should be allocated to the appropriate forum.

DE has clearly dismissed our opinions on this one. -______-

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Booooo now it's master fodder! As usual, this community is getting overly emotional.

Arca plasmor is still fine after the fix. Just not ridiculously overpowered. Get over it.

Also, those who paid thousands of plats for crit rivens did it at their own risk.

Edited by Robolaser
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and all the People that bought Arca Plasmor Rivens for ridiculous Amounts of Plat cry out loud .....and all the People that try to sell them for ridiculous amounts of Plat cry out even louder...

It's always the same Pattern in every Game. People strife for the most OP(let's call it broken) Weapon and then they are surprised the BALANCE/NERF cleaver strikes without any mercy....

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8 minutes ago, Landario said:

and all the People that bought Arca Plasmor Rivens for ridiculous Amounts of Plat cry out loud .....and all the People that try to sell them for ridiculous amounts of Plat cry out even louder...

It's always the same Pattern in every Game. People strife for the most OP(let's call it broken) Weapon and then they are surprised the BALANCE/NERF cleaver strikes without any mercy....


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1 hour ago, AzureTerra said:

And here i am with Slow firing status weapons and doing well with them... I guess your also the type to believe that a "crit" gun with only a 50% crit rate and a High RoF is useless

I will have you know that the Harpak and the Zhuge are two weapons I enjoy immensely, and they both have only 50% crit chance after modding. I run a Viral + Hunter Munitions build on my Zhuge, and it kills almost everything in just a few shots. The only thing annoying about it is the fact that you spend almost 50% of the time reloading due to it's small magazine and long reload.

In fact, with Hunter Munitions, a lot of crit-only and status-only weapons have shifted towards being hybrid weapons. This is a good thing, as it improves loadout diversity.

And note that not all slow-firing weapons are bad for status. Take the Miter, for example. It is slow, but since it can reach 100% status with just two elementals, and it has high slash, it can actually proc useful status effects. If you give it viral and multishot, you can proc viral and slash on the same target with deadly results.

The problem is mostly with weapons that don't have the right IPS spread (or any IPS at all) on top of a slow fire rate. This, and the fact the this game is a horde shooter, means that the best status effect is death, and crit is currently the fastest way to get that with slow weapons.

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