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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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With these buffs to the polarize shards, I'm surprised you haven't tweaked some of the other powers to make more use of them. I think it'd be a great idea to have crush pull in those shards to their nearest target if you have enough of them on the field. It's expensive, and it'd hurt.

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"WoF was her only defense" "she has low health" "you nerfed the only defense she had" "you are worst than EA" "I will uninstall this game" "Now what, you gonna nerf the tigris" "You take away all the fun of this game"

This will never end, Ember fanboys never gonna be happy unless they can melt a level 120+ eidolon.... From the other side of LUA.

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5 minutes ago, theANIMALtm said:

"WoF was her only defense" "she has low health" "you nerfed the only defense she had" "you are worst than EA" "I will uninstall this game" "Now what, you gonna nerf the tigris" "You take away all the fun of this game"

This will never end, Ember fanboys never gonna be happy unless they can melt a level 120+ eidolon.... From the other side of LUA.

and DE fanboys are going to believe that Ember is good just because DE made her. The point is, her entire movepool will be completely useless, meaning there will be no point in playing her anymore.

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

You, @xXDeadsinxX even though your assessment of the buff is as flawed as the AI system of the NPC during Deflection Sortie with high ping, no one should ever deny that both Enemy scaling and damage types need a lot more rework than "high mastery rank players killing enemies off screen in Lith".

Oh definitely.

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I see several different issues. One is with new player experience. Major changes are necessary there to not have that experience "contaminated" or "cheapened" by vastly stronger players. Ember makes this obvious but the same can be said for all high level frames. Some gating should be put in place to keep this from happening.

The second is the insane grind this game has. Do missions to max focus (banshee), do missions to max simaris standing (equinox), do syndicate missions for medallions (ember). pray there are no broken excavation missions in the rotation, do kuva farming missions(ember/rhino)... One day do missions in cetus for arcanes. I do all of these solo. Ember makes a lot of these easy because I can focus on what I am trying to accomplish vs just killing enemies or tracking down stragglers.  After all that... comes playing the game like normal people might.

The third problem is in the difficulty taking Ember into higher level content. She needs to have more defensive tools and some sort of scaling. Let her proc be changed based on energy color. That would solve the problem.

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1 minute ago, jiminatorx said:

I see several different issues. One is with new player experience. Major changes are necessary there to not have that experience "contaminated" or "cheapened" by vastly stronger players. Ember makes this obvious but the same can be said for all high level frames. Some gating should be put in place to keep this from happening.


Let me share you a secret :

The only thing this change will cause within Ember users that play "whipy whip" on low level content is that....
They will swap out Stretch for Overextended and continue as before. 
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4 minutes ago, jiminatorx said:

I see several different issues. One is with new player experience. Major changes are necessary there to not have that experience "contaminated" or "cheapened" by vastly stronger players. Ember makes this obvious but the same can be said for all high level frames. Some gating should be put in place to keep this from happening.

The second is the insane grind this game has. Do missions to max focus (banshee), do missions to max simaris standing (equinox), do syndicate missions for medallions (ember). pray there are no broken excavation missions in the rotation, do kuva farming missions(ember/rhino)... One day do missions in cetus for arcanes. I do all of these solo. Ember makes a lot of these easy because I can focus on what I am trying to accomplish vs just killing enemies or tracking down stragglers.  After all that... comes playing the game like normal people might.

The third problem is in the difficulty taking Ember into higher level content. She needs to have more defensive tools and some sort of scaling. Let her proc be changed based on energy color. That would solve the problem.


2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Let me share you a secret :

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The only thing this change will cause within Ember users that play "whipy whip" on low level content is that....
They will swap out Stretch for Overextended and continue as before. 

Get it? This change barely touches the problem it is intended to fix, and severely damages the actual high level functionality of Ember.

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Honest suggestion!


World On Fire:

- Keeps its current range.
- Has its damage output on a gradient based on how close targets are to Ember. When targets are in the outer half of the range, the damage output is minimal, and works out to around 10% of the current, unmodified damage. When targets are within the closest 20% of the range (i.e. close to Ember herself) the explosions deal 200% damage.
- Keep the Firequake Augment.



Bam. Done.

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Overall I like the direction of the changes although I would have implemented some of these changes a bit differently. 

Ember: I would have tied the damage of World on Fire to the inverse of its range, so the larger the range the weaker the power and vice-versa. This would allow us to customize her for individual missions. 

Chroma: Vex armor has always been as a single target elimination tool in my eyes because its duration isn't long enough for crowd fighting and I don't feel like casting more then fighting. I'm ok with the nerf in damage, but I would have increased it's duration by double in order to make it a viable power. 

Banshee: On a similar note as Chroma, the duration of Quake seems pretty low and the damage still high if it's meant as a cc ability. My take on it is, if you're going to allow her to run around and shoot while quake is on, then the power should be considered a pure cc ability and therefore its duration should be way higher while its damage way lower. I'd say increase the duration and the staggering of the enemy and decrease damage output. 

Zephyr: I like the changes, but the contrallability (if that's a word) is pretty meh. It doesn't seem very interesting as a mechanic and I already would like to see Nova's antimatter drop directional thing go away. 

Mag: I feel like these changes are going to make her OP like no other frame, and I'm not going to complain as she was my first and I still love her. 

Gara: Konzu has not blessed me with her helmet yet, so no clue. I would say dough that being as new of a frame as she is, I don't understand why the rework now. 

I don't really play the other frames, so I won't speak about them too much in detail. I still don't like Ash after the first rework, and I think he needs some serious changes. I would also like to see his usage stats since the targeting blade storm change. Volt now looks interesting enough for me to try him out again, and Atlas....Well I would only play him if that Lotus helmet becomes a permanent feature.  


Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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On 2/2/2018 at 2:03 PM, [DE]Connor said:

Hail Tenno!

With big plans for 2018, it seemed like an appropriate time to revisit a core element of Warframe - the Warframes themselves! We spent most of January reading your feedback and analyzing gameplay stats, and as February kicks off we have some plans to share!

Each Warframe’s stats and ability kits combine into a unique entity that offers different strengths and weaknesses. With 34 Warframes to choose from (and the 35th on the way), a Tenno may find there is no challenge they cannot overcome by making good use of the swiss army knife that their Arsenal offers. Some well-rounded frames do multiple things well, while others greatly excel in specific circumstances.

When reviewing the Arsenal over time, our developers often find themselves asking: 'is this fun?’. That's the most important question to us, from the perspective of both the active player and their three squadmates. We understand the importance of power fantasy, but overbearing abilities can make squadmates feel ineffective by seriously disrupting intended gameplay flow. Conversely, when a Warframe doesn’t do enough, players may simply choose a “better” frame, sacrificing personalization and diversity for efficiency. Neither of these situations are ideal, so let’s shake things up!

Everything you're about to read is subject to change. In response to statistics and player feedback, we are planning the following adjustments to Warframe abilities and Augments (appearing in alphabetical order!):


Bladestorm - Upon activating Bladestorm, Ash’s clones will do the stabbing, leaving the player free to act. Ash can choose to join in the execution by using Teleport on a marked enemy.

As one of three “stealth” frames that offer invisibility, Ash serves as a more offensive alternative to Ivara and Loki. In practice, his Bladestorm ultimate falls short of those expectations - although the ability is sufficiently lethal, players would be locked into cutscenes as Ash and his clones finished the job on marked targets.

With the above changes, the Ash player can continue moving and shooting after activating Bladestorm, while his clones do the dirty work! Plus, as an added feature, if a player wants to take advantage of the invincibility offered by the cutscenes (or just thinks they look cool), they can use Teleport on a marked target after activating Bladestorm to join in on the stabbing fun.



Rubble (new mechanic) - Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health.

Landslide - Does bonus damage on petrified enemies. Killing petrified enemies with Landslide generates bonus rubble. We have also increased the contact radius at max rank from 1.5m to 2m.

Petrify - Can use Petrify on Tectonics’ bulwarks to increase rolling velocity and damage. Can also be cast on Rumblers to heal them. Able to cast any ability while Petrify is active - use Landslide to move between enemies or erect rumblers and bulwarks, without Petrify ever turning off! Petrifying speed is also more effective at longer ranges now.

Rumblers - While casting, creates an AoE around Atlas that will petrify any enemy that comes close. Rumblers create rubble when they expire, based on how much health they had.

Released in late 2015, Atlas fills the role of a beefy brawler Warframe. While his first ability Landslide really packs a punch, the rest of his kit falls short in comparison to other frames. We saw this reflected in Atlas’ usage stats, where he was the generally the least-used frame that didn’t have a Prime variant.


Similar to other recent reworks, we aim to give Atlas more synergy between the abilities at his disposal. Petrify is now a versatile ability that does not limit the casting of other abilities, and can be used to buff bulwarks and heal Rumblers. Introducing the Rubble mechanic improves Atlas’ survivability, while rewarding players for taking advantage of the frame’s synergies. The instant AoE Petrify upon casting his Rumblers ultimate also helps protect players during the cast animation.



Resonating Quake (augment) - Upon cast, places a Quake that does not require channeling to maintain, meaning Banshee can move freely. Has a short duration, and does not move with the player. Has double the range of a regular Soundquake, but does more damage near the center.

Banshee’s abilities fill both offense and support roles, offering damage boosting, crowd control, and area of effect capabilities. But for many, her gameplay has become centralized around an augment for her ultimate, Resonating Quake. Since sound waves can hit through walls, the humongous area of effect can prevent enemies from getting anywhere near the objective, while the casting player is left with nothing to do but wait. From our own public play experiences, Resonating Quake is what we as creators of Warframe find to be the most unfun ability- “I want to enjoy this horde shooter, but where are the hordes?”

Instead of creating a less effective version of the same augment, Resonating Quake will now offer an alternative playstyle, providing a stationary Quake that does not restrict player movement. The augment will still lock down a very wide area, but with a short duration and less damage on the outskirts of the Quake, it should be less effective at killing enemies your squadmates cannot yet see. Effective usage will now require frequent casting and strategic placement, encouraging a more active playstyle.



Spectral Scream - Removed walk speed and jump restrictions You can now freely move while this is active! Damage output is now also affected by the Vex Armor's Fury bonus!

Vex Armor - Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.

The only change that comes with a full history lesson!

Fixed an issue where Chroma would deal no damage with Vex Armor active. While this may sound like a simple fix, if you're a Chroma user please read on!
Solving Vex Armor actually takes as back to Chroma's beginning. On original power creation, we used some less-than-ideal calculation methods to create Scorn and Fury's effects. If you are an avid Chroma user, you probably know the power maximizing this ability brings. At some point in Chroma's future we will need to revisit and use ideal methods for his Abilities; we will inform you well in advance when Chroma is under review.”


Chroma is a complex frame that players usually acquire further on in their Tenno journey. As referenced above, much of that complexity stems from some questionable back-end calculations, which caused Vex Armor to calculate damage boosts AFTER upgrades instead of before. Although the UI may indicate that damage/armor is buffed by a few hundred percent, the actual buff amounts would be much higher. Furthermore, compound elements would effectively be multiplied twice for Fury’s damage boosting, leading to some ludicrous results.

Back in April 2017, extreme damage boosting was not really a problem, so we left the ability as is. However, the Plains of Eidolon update marked a shift in community mindset by introducing Teralysts - featuring multiple large health pools on each weakpoint, damage boosting abilities became an important part of efficient hunting teams. While other damage boosting options require more team coordination, a single self-damaging Chroma could bypass the weakpoint damaging portion of the fight in an instant. At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

Chroma’s usage was already somewhat narrow, so we want him to remain a competitive option for Teralyst damage boosting, while also improving other parts of his kit. Although the magnitude of his boost will be lowered, it will still be one of the strongest boosting abilities in the game, and both damage/armor increases will now apply to all teammates in a nearby radius. Furthermore, Spectral Scream without movement restrictions allows players to be the aimgliding, fire-breathing dragon they’ve always dreamed of! We will continue to observe how these changes affect Chroma (and the Teralyst hunting squads) in the coming weeks, and consider further tweaks if needed.



World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

Ember is the original damage caster frame, offering low survivability in exchange for high offense. Her ultimate, World on Fire, is unmatched in terms of widespread lethality - while many Warframes specialize in certain mission types, Ember’s specialty is “anything under level 30”. By simply bullet jumping through levels with World on Fire active, enemies become a non-factor, making Ember a ubiquitous pick across most of the Star Chart. Like a mobile Resonating Quake, this monopoly on kills can leave squadmates struggling to keep up, in an attempt to see the enemy before they melt. These changes increase lethality at higher levels, while addressing the ability’s huge range.

World on Fire will continue working similarly to how it does now, but with changing effects over time. The gradually increasing energy cost should encourage most players to toggle the ability when needed, instead of the current “set and forget” approach. Players who can afford to run the ability at max charge may need to get more up close and personal, but the increased damage should help Ember out against higher level enemies.  World on Fire is still very capable of clearing rooms and sweeping hallways, but should now be applied more deliberately!



Mass Vitrify - Wall health scales based on health and shields of the enemies it glasses over.

Our latest Warframe Gara is a versatile frame on the cutting glass edge, with a tool for most situations. After recent changes to her Mass Vitrify, the ability is serviceable against most of the star chart, but doesn’t hold up well to higher level content.

While this is tough to showcase in a gif, in practice the wall has gotten stronger because it has covered many enemies in this cast!


To help the ability scale better, the health of Mass Vitrify’s wall will increase based on the health and shields of the enemies who are “glassed” by the ability’s cast. This added incentive for letting enemies get close to the objective should add an interesting risk/reward element to Gara’s gameplay.



Polarize - Shards created by Polarize now scale based on power strength, as well as the percentage of damage done to that specific enemy.

Crush - Each stage of crush emits a shield heal from Mag. Restores shields to nearby allies per damage instance, based on the number of enemies affected.

Mag has seen many changes over Warframe’s history - her major rework in 2016 reinforced her role as a fragile crowd control caster, widening her usability across all factions. Although she performs well in the right hands, some of the synergies introduced in that rework did not have quite the impact we wanted. Plus as a starter frame, we want new players to feel like choosing Mag is a more viable option.

Increasing the damage of shards created by Polarize should give Mag more kill power. Additional shield restore on Crush also offers a way to passively support your team while clearing crowded rooms!



Discharge - Removed the damage cap. Increased base damage output from 750 to 1200. Damage and stun duration are halved for enemies further away from Volt (affected by Mods).

Removing Discharge’s damage cap has been a common request since Volt’s rework in early 2016. We tried testing this version of the ability internally, and decided it was too much  - stunning all enemies for 20+ seconds, through walls and inside spawn closets, had a seriously disruptive effect on gameplay. However, we understand why this is a common request, and have done our best to make it work.


Lightning strikes most fierce at the center. To accompany the damage cap removal, Discharge is now less effective at medium to long range, doing less damage and stunning for less time. The damage reduction is mostly offset by an increased base damage on the ability, but the reduced stun at long range should keep mission flow in check.



Some of Zephyr's abilities are cheaper to cast while airborne - details in progress.

Tail Wind - Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down.

Air Burst - New ability replacing Dive Bomb. A projectile that causes an AoE burst on contact, ragdolling enemies. Can be fired into Tornadoes to make them bigger.

Tornado - Now spawn where player is aiming and can be steered. The closest tornado will move to your aimpoint, meaning you can move them around. Tornado damage type now determined by largest amount of elemental damage absorbed, instead of last type absorbed. Tornadoes do a better job of keeping enemies captured, and shooting Tornadoes will do damage to enemies trapped inside.

Zephyr, the warrior of the skies, has seen little change since being introduced in early 2014. Four years later, her ability kit is showing its age - Parkour 2.0 improved mobility across all Warframes, making her reduced gravity and Tail Wind less useful by comparison. Turbulence is consistently useful, but all other abilities leave something to be desired.

To give Zephyr new wind beneath her wings, her Tail Wind and Dive Bomb will now be the same ability, cast depending on which direction the player is looking. This makes room for her new ability Air Burst, which gives Zephyr new ways to rain death from the skies. We do not have a gif ready for this yet. Combined with Tornado tweaks intended to make the ability more consistent and useful, Zephyr’s more well-rounded kit should help reassert her air superiority.


We believe these changes make our wide Warframe roster more diverse and fun to play. We will be listening to your responses, so please keep feedback respectful and constructive. While not final, these changes will likely go out in a state very close to what is listed above. Once players have had a chance to try the changes themselves, we will consider further actions.

Thanks Tenno!

TL;DR, if you don't want to read all this, we're doing an impromptu livestream at twitch.tv/warframe to walk you through it live! 
Stream over now, thanks to everybody who tuned in! The VOD can be found here, once it's done processing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDzUK17NkVk



EDIT: I've answered some FAQs in a spoiler tag below - will continue to update as more questions arise!

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Q: Does casting Teleport to join in on Bladestorm cost energy?
A: Nope! It's completely free.

Q: Can Ash's clones still proc Arcane Trickery?
A: Yes they can!


Q: More info on Atlas' Rubble, please!
A: Sure! When you collect rubble while at full health, you gain 75 armor for a period of time. Multiple pieces of rubble can stack, but each stack has its own duration.


Q: Will enemies far away be affected by less stun, or only less damage?
A: Stun is still consistent at any point on the Quake. First hit has changed to a ragdoll as well!


Q: What is the new formula for damage and armor calculation?
A: Instead of [(Base * Mods) * Vex Armor], it is now [Base * (Vex + Mods)], like all other damage boosting abilities.

Q: Do Chroma's damage buffs stack with other Chromas?
A: Yes, right now they do!

Q: Do allies need to take damage in order to benefit from Vex Armor?
A: Nope! The benefit from Chroma's damage taken is automatically spread to all teammates in range.


Q: Is the charge time affected by power duration mods?
A: No it is not - you will reach max charge after 15 seconds regardless of mods.


Q: Will Crush provide overshields?
A: Yes!

Q: Are you increasing Mag's energy pool?
A: Yes! 125 energy on the base Mag, 175 energy on her Prime.


Q: Will shooting into Tornado act like shooting into Hydroid's Undertow currently does?
A: Yes! Currently the difference is Hydroid Undertow does 50% damage divided evenly among all targets inside, whereas Tornado will do 100% of the damage to every target.

Q: How will the Dive Bomb augment work, now that it is part of Tail Wind?
A: The augment will be changed - stay tuned!



These sound like excellent, well thought out changes. Nerfs, yes, to some things. But necessary ones, and even then, with positive trade off involved (WoF damage buff, with decrease in range, especially).

And well done on Gara and Atlas. Nice changes, I look forward to them.

My only concern: Ash. I think it's time he just throws it surrounds himself with, a storm of Kunai, dealing slash procs, as his Ult. 

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:

These sound like excellent, well thought out changes. Nerfs, yes, to some things. But necessary ones, and even then, with positive trade off involved (WoF damage buff, with decrease in range, especially).

And well done on Gara and Atlas. Nice changes, I look forward to them.

As people have been pointing out for the entire duration of this thread, the change to WOF is nothing but a huge nerf to Ember's CC and survivability. Doubling WOF's damage but more than halving its range is...not an improvement. The double damage is pointless, because it's basically an extra couple of thousand Heat damage every few seconds. At high levels, that is nothing. Just, nothing.


You're seeing Ember mains saying "Dudes, we would prefer if you made it so that WOF did literally no damage but kept its range and CC," right?

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3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

As people have been pointing out for the entire duration of this thread, the change to WOF is nothing but a huge nerf to Ember's CC and survivability. Doubling WOF's damage but more than halving its range is...not an improvement. The double damage is pointless, because it's basically an extra couple of thousand Heat damage every few seconds. At high levels, that is nothing. Just, nothing.


You're seeing Ember mains saying "Dudes, we would prefer if you made it so that WOF did literally no damage but kept its range and CC," right?

I'd be fine with WoF keeping CC and losing damage, too. But one or the other, had to happen. Ember as she is negates game play.

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

As people have been pointing out for the entire duration of this thread, the change to WOF is nothing but a huge nerf to Ember's CC and survivability. Doubling WOF's damage but more than halving its range is...not an improvement. The double damage is pointless, because it's basically an extra couple of thousand Heat damage every few seconds. At high levels, that is nothing. Just, nothing.


You're seeing Ember mains saying "Dudes, we would prefer if you made it so that WOF did literally no damage but kept its range and CC," right?

The only thing that's nerfing to me is the shrinking of the range dynamically. I think it would be much better if the range was inversely tied to the damage, so you could control if you wanted CC or damage mode. However I do welcome the change (maybe not as his right now) because low level missions where completely overtaken by Ember users. 

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В 03.02.2018 в 01:03, [DE]Connor сказал:

Hail Tenno!

With big plans for 2018, it seemed like an appropriate time to revisit a core element of Warframe - the Warframes themselves! We spent most of January reading your feedback and analyzing gameplay stats, and as February kicks off we have some plans to share!

Each Warframe’s stats and ability kits combine into a unique entity that offers different strengths and weaknesses. With 34 Warframes to choose from (and the 35th on the way), a Tenno may find there is no challenge they cannot overcome by making good use of the swiss army knife that their Arsenal offers. Some well-rounded frames do multiple things well, while others greatly excel in specific circumstances.

When reviewing the Arsenal over time, our developers often find themselves asking: 'is this fun?’. That's the most important question to us, from the perspective of both the active player and their three squadmates. We understand the importance of power fantasy, but overbearing abilities can make squadmates feel ineffective by seriously disrupting intended gameplay flow. Conversely, when a Warframe doesn’t do enough, players may simply choose a “better” frame, sacrificing personalization and diversity for efficiency. Neither of these situations are ideal, so let’s shake things up!

Everything you're about to read is subject to change. In response to statistics and player feedback, we are planning the following adjustments to Warframe abilities and Augments (appearing in alphabetical order!):


Bladestorm - Upon activating Bladestorm, Ash’s clones will do the stabbing, leaving the player free to act. Ash can choose to join in the execution by using Teleport on a marked enemy.

As one of three “stealth” frames that offer invisibility, Ash serves as a more offensive alternative to Ivara and Loki. In practice, his Bladestorm ultimate falls short of those expectations - although the ability is sufficiently lethal, players would be locked into cutscenes as Ash and his clones finished the job on marked targets.

With the above changes, the Ash player can continue moving and shooting after activating Bladestorm, while his clones do the dirty work! Plus, as an added feature, if a player wants to take advantage of the invincibility offered by the cutscenes (or just thinks they look cool), they can use Teleport on a marked target after activating Bladestorm to join in on the stabbing fun.


Hello. about the alternative ulta asha. pressed, noted, pressed the button and you in the ulte clones began to attack the mobs. why not add the possibility of using hidden cliches of the echoes, while the clones will kill the marked mobs. Ulta will eat mana in one second of a second while the combo of hidden blades will have attacking kicks and kicks with finishing strokes like in the ulhe esha. while the further mark of the enemy will eat mana for each mob. and the other one will be traditional with the clones of the thunderstorms pressed and flew to the Ulta watching the movie. but at the same time the build on energy efficiency and strength will be relevant for the one and the other ultra


Edited by .B3PblBOTEXHuK.
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9 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

These sound like excellent, well thought out changes. Nerfs, yes, to some things. But necessary ones, and even then, with positive trade off involved (WoF damage buff, with decrease in range, especially).

And well done on Gara and Atlas. Nice changes, I look forward to them.

My only concern: Ash. I think it's time he just throws it surrounds himself with, a storm of Kunai, dealing slash procs, as his Ult. 

Please use Spoilers to cut down on the huge length of quotes. Thanks. 

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Just now, BlackCoMerc said:

I'd be fine with WoF keeping CC and losing damage, too. But one or the other, had to happen. Ember as she is negates game play.

The issue is that the way that DE have chosen to address it massively reduces Ember's high level viability, but only somewhat reduces the efficiency of the annoying low level stomp clear Ember.


The problem needed to be addressed, even if just to shut people up about it, but the way they're doing it is just awful, and people have already proposed half a dozen better ideas or better compensatory mechanics.

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

The issue is that the way that DE have chosen to address it massively reduces Ember's high level viability, but only somewhat reduces the efficiency of the annoying low level stomp clear Ember.


The problem needed to be addressed, even if just to shut people up about it, but the way they're doing it is just awful, and people have already proposed half a dozen better ideas or better compensatory mechanics.

This is not without truth. Especially your concern over low level stomp. That's a good point.

Perhaps DE are looking to curb CC Cheese. I hope so. but ONLY if they ALSO curb enemy cheese, like Auras, bubbles, control robbing, etc. Otherwise, yes, these are straight player nerfs, moving their game toward an unplayable state.

Still...going to wait and hope there's a long term plan here...

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2 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:


Having a civil conversation is always good. I’m not going to lie, I agree with you. The real issue at hand is how the armor system works in the game, not Ember herself, as some players think. Ember’s WoF shouldn’t get the blame, where armor scaling should. It also should be addressed by DE on how broken system functions in the game. Once that is eventually fixed (doubt it will be changed) World of Fire will deal enough damage to higher level enemies, which will resolve the damage issue. I can see DE going the normal route they go to and just leave the current armor scaling system in-game and buff WoF damage output even more. Which sadly won’t fix the issue.

The energy consumption of WoF is being increased, and hopefully that will be resolved and cut in half to a reasonable energy amount, otherwise the ability will be just be plain not fun.


Since ember is a caster frame instead of just nerfing WoF they should get ways to improve gameplay by weaving in skills together,  ember's passive is too lackluster  and should be addressed too not only her 1-3 abilities hence a way to get more damage or have better survivality would be much appreciated for example an 1% max hp damage  on the target ramping up to 15% max per each fire related status inflicted on target (accelerant not being an damage or status inducing would only add 1-3% per cast)  keeping track of what was the last skill or source of damage that triggered the passive:

Lets say that you have a ignis, a cycron or an atomos and an silva and aegis on your ember soeach one can and will be able to deal fire damage or fire related statuses that would synergise with ember's proposed pasive making you weave in skills to reach damage cap and finish enemies faster.  Since this is also %damage it would also help Ember on endgame


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48 minutes ago, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

and DE fanboys are going to believe that Ember is good just because DE made her. The point is, her entire movepool will be completely useless, meaning there will be no point in playing her anymore.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that.  I won't know for sure just yet, but it heavily seems that my playstyle with Ember won't be effected that much by the change.  I say this because use a more Flash Accelerant style and tactic.  Saying that, I do see exactly how the changes can effect Ember's effectiveness in higher level and endless play.  Which doesn't look very good at the moment.  

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

I wouldn't go as far as saying that.  I won't know for sure just yet, but it heavily seems that my playstyle with Ember won't be effected that much by the change.  I say this because use a more Flash Accelerant style and tactic.  Saying that, I do see exactly how the changes can effect Ember's effectiveness in higher level and endless play.  Which doesn't look very good at the moment.  

Could you private message me your build? I have actually been attempting this build, but am not sure what to put on it.

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Overall I like the direction of the changes although I would have implemented some of these changes a bit differently. 

Ember: I would have tied the damage of World on Fire to the inverse of its range, so the larger the range the weaker the power and vice-versa. 

Chroma: Vex armor has always been as a single target elimination tool in my eyes because its duration isn't long enough for crowd fighting and I don't feel like casting more then fighting. I'm ok with the nerf in damage, but I would have increased it's duration by double in order to make it a viable power. 

Banshee: On a similar note as Chroma, the duration of Quake seems pretty low and the damage still high if it's meant as a cc ability. My take on it is, if you're going to allow her to run around and shoot while quake is on, then the power should be considered a pure cc ability and therefore its duration should be way higher while its damage way lower. I'd say increase the duration and the staggering of the enemy and decrease damage output. 

Zephyr: I like the changes, but the contrallability (if that's a word) is pretty meh. It doesn't seem very interesting as a mechanic and I already would like to see Nova's antimatter drop directional thing go away. 

Mag: I feel like these changes are going to make her OP like no other frame, and I'm not going to complain as she was my first and I still love her. 

Gara: Konzu has not blessed me with her helmet yet, so no clue. I would say dough that being as new of a frame as she is, I don't understand why the rework now. 

I don't really play the other frames, so I won't speak about them too much in detail. I still don't like Ash after the first rework, and I think he needs some serious changes. I would also like to see his usage stats since the targeting blade storm change. Volt now looks interesting enough for me to try him out again, and Atlas....Well I would only play him if that Lotus helmet becomes a permanent feature.  


I'm sorry but I have to ask- how are these changes going to make Mag OP? Her shards are finally not going to be useless and she's  getting Shield restore for a terrible ability when she already had it for her other terrible ability. She needs much more than this honestly.

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1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Honest suggestion!


World On Fire:

- Keeps its current range.
- Has its damage output on a gradient based on how close targets are to Ember. When targets are in the outer half of the range, the damage output is minimal, and works out to around 10% of the current, unmodified damage. When targets are within the closest 20% of the range (i.e. close to Ember herself) the explosions deal 200% damage.
- Keep the Firequake Augment.



Bam. Done.

Yes please!

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with accelerant, 200% pwr str and 100% more with that new "change" wof does 8k dmg: 400x2x(2.5x2)x2=8000
8k *fire* dmg.
a L80 arid hvy gunner has .8mil ehp which means it'll take 100 ticks to kill it.
ember is all about cc in the end game. Her dps goes way down endgame because armor is a thing. You might say she's not that good at cc since only 5 enemies. And I would agree she is not a good cc frame. But in the end game, it is the only way of ember to survive.


change all her abilities not just 4: make accelerant a passive that scales with power strength. Make fireball do significant dmg and make wof and fireblast (wof on fireblasted enemies) "burn" armor in some way, so a fireball on burnt armor is fatal to the enemies. make a new ability


Edited by SpyGhostOtissss
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