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Stop saying that Zephyr is good just because she can cross the entire Plains in a blink


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As the title says, when people say "she is good now" or is "better than before" it upset me a bit because she isn't there yet, in "the good spot" if you know what i mean, it sound like if she didn't need more tweaks. If we conform with what we have now of Zephyr, probably Oberon would be still in the "jack of all trades, master of none" zone where he was because there where players that conformed with just that before the QoL that he got.

I hope some youtuber do an analysis video or something because there still more work to do.

Clarification: I'm not a hater of Zephyr or anything, is just that her old flaws are still there and the changes need to be done now that DE is doing changes to her or will be never.

For example:

  • The charge mechanic doesn't give any real benefit in terms of bonifications. You could achieve almost the same effect of hovering with a bullet jump + RMB. If you are going to use it to "Fly" is inefficient.

Comparison in terms of energy and altitude:

Charged mechanic: 25 energy + 3 secs to jump very high(I don't know the altitude here).

Bullet Jump + 1 Air dash: 12.5 energy but your initial altitude is lower.

Bullet Jump + 2 Air dash(One vertical and one in any direction): 25 energy and you get a higher initial altitude or you cover more ground than using the charging mechanic.

  • You don't have ways to stop if you collide with a wall in other tilesets.
  • Dive Bomb still is a relic from the past and is better to use an slam attack to descend quickly or use the Air dash.
  • Tail Wind augment is very difficult to keep the bonus and is rather weird designed because is only effective if you use the dash on ground(when you tap it).
  • Air Burst is slow, the CC is good. 
  • The animation cast of Vortex is longer than before which gives to the enemy an open window to kill you.
  • Tornadoes are still difficult to control, slow, have a very low enemy retention when the tornadoes move and they don't synergize well with Air Burst, it make them higher but it have a chance to push out the enemies from the tornadoes. Making tornadoes taller doesn't give any real benefit because they still can be dropped from the tornadoes easier.

Making a warframe just good for one tileset doesn't sound good to me.

Edited by chofranc
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(I only read the title)

It's good because no other frame can do it that fast. I don't see any problems there.

If you'll talk about her other abilities better change the title. I saw some phrases on your argument and it doesn't seem to relate on crossing the plains from end to end.

IDK maybe you're correct because I have 0 plans on touching the frame. Good day. bye.


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I dont like her because she can fly through the plains in a few casts of Tailwind, i LOVE her because of her versatility and mobility, something i always loved in her and still do. Her new kit gives her even more flexibility when it comes to crowd controlling.

The hover Mechanics needs some tweaks as it doesnt give players any mobility thus locking them in place and if they dont have Turbulence active they are easy targets. Dodging wile Hovering completely locks your controls until it ends.

Her Air Burst is slow indeed, maybe double its base speed, have its speed be affected by power strength and by Jet Stream mod.

The rest of her kit im fine with.


Edited by NovusNova
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She's really fun to play now. I don't really say which frames are "good" because that depends on the situation. Ivara is good at spy missions, Valkyr is good for melee combat, Saryn and Equinox are good for defense focus farming and fissures, etc. Most frames are niche, but the most important thing is if they're fun to use. Zephyr is definitely fun to use IMO. I honestly just want her first ability looked at. Just allow us to stop flying in some way. I wish we could hold it to keep gaining speed/distance and let go to quickly slow down. Thats my only problem with her at this point. She's really fun tho. 

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1 hour ago, chofranc said:


Comparison in terms of energy and altitude:

Charged mechanic: 25 energy + 3 secs to jump very high(I don't know the altitude here).


Quick tip : The longer you charge, the higher you will fly. The lower you charge, the lower you will fly. You can choose your height by how much you charge. 

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Her 1 is fine IMO.

Her 2 needs more ragdolling. Maybe scale it with power strength...

Her 3 is the same. And is still great.

Her 4 is still has niche uses. :awkward: I would prefer a single stationary cyclone that can be redirected by pressing 4 again.


Those above are just my opinion.

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so far the main things i think should be changed/added.

her 1 should not lock us in place while we charge it.

Her 2 has a rather short range before it explodes...maybe if it only exploded on impact?

I wish her 3 was helpful against melee units...like slash/impact procs to melee enemies that come in range so they dont just come up from behind and nail you across the head (ive had that happen quite a few times today on t5 bounties lol)

Her 4....i like having the 4 tornadoes, i would prefer if her augment made it one large tornado with a large AoE that was stationary......and change the base damage type away from magnetic...its useless against literally anything but corpus....i would rather make it so maybe energy color determined the base damage type (yes im going chroma here.....but only for her 4)...OR a quiver style for damage tornado type (of the combination elements perhaps instead of just base elements?)

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37 minutes ago, Kalvorax said:

so far the main things i think should be changed/added.

her 1 should not lock us in place while we charge it.

Her 2 has a rather short range before it explodes...maybe if it only exploded on impact?

I wish her 3 was helpful against melee units...like slash/impact procs to melee enemies that come in range so they dont just come up from behind and nail you across the head (ive had that happen quite a few times today on t5 bounties lol)

Her 4....i like having the 4 tornadoes, i would prefer if her augment made it one large tornado with a large AoE that was stationary......and change the base damage type away from magnetic...its useless against literally anything but corpus....i would rather make it so maybe energy color determined the base damage type (yes im going chroma here.....but only for her 4)...OR a quiver style for damage tornado type (of the combination elements perhaps instead of just base elements?)

Her 3's great against melee enemies as it is, and even better with its augment. By letting you more-or-less completely ignore all ranged attacks you can divert more attention to not getting killed by random melee units.

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4 hours ago, chofranc said:

As the title says, when people say "she is good now" or is "better than before" it upset me a bit because she isn't there yet, in "the good spot" if you know what i mean, it sound like if she didn't need more tweaks. If we conform with what we have now of Zephyr, probably Oberon would be still in the "jack of all trades, master of none" zone where he was because there where players that conformed with just that before the QoL that he got.

I hope some youtuber do an analysis video or something because there still more work to do.

Clarification: I'm not a hater of Zephyr or anything, is just that her old flaws are still there and the changes need to be done now that DE is doing changes to her or will be never.

For example:

  • The charge mechanic doesn't give any real benefit in terms of bonifications. You could achieve almost the same effect of hovering with a bullet jump + RMB. If you are going to use it to "Fly" is inefficient.

Comparison in terms of energy and altitude:

Charged mechanic: 25 energy + 3 secs to jump very high(I don't know the altitude here).

Bullet Jump + 1 Air dash: 12.5 energy but your initial altitude is lower.

Bullet Jump + 2 Air dash(One vertical and one in any direction): 25 energy and you get a higher initial altitude or you cover more ground than using the charging mechanic.

  • You don't have ways to stop if you collide with a wall in other tilesets.
  • Dive Bomb still is a relic from the past and is better to use an slam attack to descend quickly or use the Air dash.
  • Tail Wind augment is very difficult to keep the bonus and is rather weird designed because is only effective if you use the dash on ground(when you tap it).
  • Air Burst is slow, the CC is good. 
  • The animation cast of Vortex is longer than before which gives to the enemy an open window to kill you.
  • Tornadoes are still difficult to control, slow, have a very low enemy retention when the tornadoes move and they don't synergize well with Air Burst, it make them higher but it have a chance to push out the enemies from the tornadoes. Making tornadoes taller doesn't give any real benefit because they still can be dropped from the tornadoes easier.

Making a warframe just good for one tileset doesn't sound good to me.

I really don't like to do this but - It's just a game bro , you don't have to be mad ! :crylaugh:

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She still feels very awkward. Being able to skip across PoE isnt my benchmark for a good frame. Her tornados are better, but still not really there. For me personally it feels like you are forced into her augment for them. Sure grineer soldiers flying in all different directions are fun and all, but it really just slows down the killing, the augment solves that issue. Her new skill is just annoying, ragdolling is fun, not useful. She just doesnt have anything going for her that other frames cant do alot better.

Want CC/vortexing, bring Nidus, Hydroid or Vauban for instance, all bringing either better damage or damage potential to the group during the CC/Vortex. Want a knockback/knockdown, bring Banshee with an augment, strips the armor aswell, plus she brings useful buffs and CC. Want to do air tricks while being useful, bring Titania, she even comes with a pseudo-vortex in the shape of her lantern.

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