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Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.13.3


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So I'm not sure what exactly changed with the Ignis Wraith but I think I like it


Shame about the cat nerf though. I already disliked using them due to how they tend to ruin stealth and/or walk off somewhere that will get them killed, such as under the Eidolon's feet while he's stomping. (Guess what doesn't have that problem? Sentinels.) Now the already short list of reasons to use them has become even shorter.

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Il y a 2 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :
  • Adarza Kavat’s Cat’s Eye Critical Chance Buff no longer apply to Operators.
  • Smeeta Kavat’s Charm Critical Chance and Energy recharge Buffs no longer apply to Operators.

Just why ? For once we find an utility to Adarza and can use it... Feel like you can't stop killing the player fun at every update :angry:

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     I feel like we as players focus on the large projects a bit too much and don't really give acknowledgement to some of the smaller nicer things in the game,
whoever at DE worked on the particles for changeing the set mods be it Vigilante, Augur, Gladiator, Hunter, any of them. Thank you for making that nice little
effect almost everyone will look over, I often find myself stopping when I mod just to play around with swapping those mods on and off just to see the effect
because it's those nice little touches that really make me smile. To you guys over there working on the textures and bumpmapping, and those working on lighting
and shaders, thank you for making the game just that much nicer to look at, while overlooked more often than not, it's appreciated nonetheless. You guys working
on every miniscule sound, A+ job, while I may not enjoy every sound you guys create, it's still better than I could ever hope to make and respect the hard work
you put in.

All of you at DE, thank you for this game, be it flawed, sometimes with some questionable decisions, I continue to play regardless.

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I just encountered a bug while trying to unveil a riven on the plains. My first instance, i was able to find gems and metals to mine, but every instance after that (including going to the landing craft and loading into both cetus and the plains directly) no mining spots would spawn (even in the caves). Additionally, one of the times i selected abort mission to cetus, i entered the plains through the door and people were joining my session as if it were public. 

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Beam weapons had quite the change, but the pool of weapons is much smaller, so I can't personally experience most of the changes at the moment. My only big complaint for right now is with the Quanta series of weapons.

The stats lend it to be a critical (or status) build weapon. And however, the secondary fire function, at the cost of 10 ammo, will launch and explosive round that deals around 10x the weapon's base damage. However, the status and critical chance for secondary fire are both inferior to primary fire, making it (in my opinion) an inefficient waste of ammo, that I will probably not use much.

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Okay, I'm going to test things now, but already THANK YOU FOR NOT NERFING THE RANGE ON AMPREX!!!!!!!

I'm also looking more favorably at the Flux Rifle's primarily Slash damage (what bloody little damage is there, but still) favorably.  I still beg of you to restore it to 35 base damage as it was back in Damage 1.0

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2 hours ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

While not the end of the world, I feel that I must strongly protest this. This is at least the second time that an alteration has been made that patently, negatively affects build diversity in the game overall. Adarza critical chance applying to Operators was one of the very few reasons for people to start taking companions other than Vacuum Sentinels out into the field, as the effect is neither predictable enough nor long-lasting enough to build around in non-Eidolon-based scenarios.

The first time that I can recall is when the decision was made to alter EMP Aura affecting Eidolon Shields, an aura mod that very few people have ever seriously used in any context, and usually quickly abandon when it is discovered how much of a non-issue standard Corpus shields are.

At least twice now, the decision has been made to remove the potential for usage of an otherwise never-used piece of content in niche, singular scenarios.

Why is it that, the very few times that these pieces of content work exactly as intended, in a way that the general player base would find desirable, the decision is made to make them not work at all? Because they weren't intended to work on the piece of content that people are actively using them for? Then the question must be asked, what can be done to make them desirable outside of that content? Because if they're not allowed to work at all, then there's no reason for them to exist at all. Nobody uses EMP Aura for Corpus or Corrupted, at all. Very, very, very few people use the Adarza Kavat for its unpredictable, short-lived crit buff when Sentinels exist with Vacuum.

I would very strongly suggest that rather than removing these interactions outright, that DE consider instead merely limiting their potency. Half-effectiveness, perhaps.

Why cripple something with half effectiveness when they were working as intended? DE has claimed they would like us to find a use and synergy with our equipment and gear. We did that. We found a REASON to use our pets over Sentinels, and now they decide to take that away. It was unnecessary and uncalled for. Just like the Ivara nerf last week.

I appreciate balance in a game like anyone, and for the most part DE has been going down the right path, but sometimes they get carried away with the nerf bat, swinging at anything. I wish they would stop and take stock of what they have said they would do for our community. Lesson the grind or make it bearable. We found the way, but DE has this habbit of not cooperating at times. Otherwise keep up the good work DE.


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Okay just measured the amprex against an opticor/sybaris prime. For reference my amprex has 8 forma and a riven(143 crit chance/109.3 crit dmg.) My opticor has 7 forma and a riven (264.5 dmg/132.5 electric.) My sybaris prime has 5 forma and a riven(132.5 crit chance/80.7 multishot.)

Amprex build: Riven, Serration, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Primed Cyro Rounds, Infected Clip, Heavy Caliber, Split Chamber = 8 Forma

Opticor: Serration, Split Chamber, Infected Clip, Riven, Primed Cyro Rounds, Vile Acceleration, Point Strike, Heavy Caliber = 7 Forma

Sybaris Prime: Serration, Split Chamber, Riven, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Shred, Infected Clip, Stormbringer = 5 Forma

Amprex took 12-16 ammo to kill 4 level 140 bombards with NO ARMOR . Opticor took 1 Ammo, Sybaris Prime took 14 Ammo to do the same thing. Therefore the amprex does seem to buffed a lot overall but the damage is still in scope with builds that DE is seemingly happy with. Downsides for both: Amprex you have to get close and the spread dmg is less than main target but allows for small controlled CC, with opticor you have a charge time and reload often. Sybaris Prime? You think the Sybaris Prime has a downside? Scum all of you.


This concludes my damage test hope this helpful. All Tests made with no hunters munitions due to a possibility that the mod itself might change in functionality later on even though it does stupid damage with crits. 

Signing off: Kaelstraza.




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Wait just one moment, you're telling me that Amprex is going from 50% crit to 32% crit because it's getting a reduced recoil and increased accuracy (not the fairest trade)

Now, the cat's don't work on operators, come on, just set a number of hits you want the eidolon shields to take before it does down and be down with it, you can't hide the lack of complexity with eidolons behind dmg limitation. All it boils down to is "robot kidnapping",  "shoot it", "shoot it some more", "done", If you have a problem with people does dmg, instead of removing interactions between the things at people disposal, negatively impacting other aspects of the game, understand that eidolons are a damage race and make a fight that isn't just a flashy dmg race.

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I don't understand you give us tools for terralist and delet it. Don't tell me kavat buff was not planned to work on operator or you realy are bad dev, I'm not an angry boi, I"m a veteran who cry of the direction the game take, (RIP raid).

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One thing, please care to fix this extremely annoying bug that made me a little bit angry: If you're out of revives and are talking with teammates on chat, everytime you click enter to send a message the abort message pops out asking if you want to abort the mission (Which shouldn't be happening), this annoying bug made me lose all the progress in a mission...

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