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Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.13.3


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Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.13.3

Beam Weapon Changes:
Beam Weapons & Warframe. Depending on how long you've played our game you've either only known them to function as they currently do (calculating per second), or remember a time when they calculated damage much differently. Perhaps 5 year-veterans speak of a different era of Beam Weapons.

Beam Weapon behavior was originally changed to help with performance but as we've made optimizations to the game over time, we can return them to their original status of hitscan weapons with pinpoint accuracy and zero recoil. Or at least we think we can.

Perfect accuracy and high fire rate is balanced by limited range and damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping. To help with ammo economy, Beam Weapons consume 0.5 ammo per trace - unless they are Flamethrowers.

Once this launches (hopefully this week on PC), we're hoping for some practical feedback on the changes and your thoughts! It's a bit tricky to grasp the behaviour changes on paper, but in practice it's something you'll be able to detect quickly. Please bear that in mind when replying - practical feedback will be the needle mover for any tweaks to come. 

With such a huge change in behavior, comparing new stats with old is like apples to oranges so they are presented on their own below from our designer:




Master Rank 4-6

Flux Rifle

  • Damage 22 Physical, 22% Puncture and 78% Slash
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 24%
  • Critical Chance 10%
  • Converted to Battery with 50 capacity, 1 sec recharge delay and 40 regen rate
  • 30m Range from 25m
  • 0.5m Punch Through
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.8x


  • Mastery Rank 5
  • Damage 33 Heat
  • Fire Rate 8
  • Status Chance 27%
  • Critical Chance 11%
  • Magazine 150/750 Capacity
  • 20m Range (unchanged)
  • 0.15m beam thickness expanding to 3m at end point
  • Flame passes through all avatars damaging them but will now be stopped by level geometry and require Punch Through Mods to penetrate
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.2x


  • Damage 20 Electricity
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 16%
  • Critical Chance 16%
  • Critical Damage 2.2x
  • Magazine 60/540 Capacity
  • 50m Range (unchanged)
  • Alt Fire Explosion Radius 6m
  • Alt Fire Explosion Damage 600
  • .5 Ammo requirement

Master Rank 7-9


  • Mastery Rank 8
  • Damage 26 Freeze
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 34%
  • Critical Chance 8%
  • Reload Time 2.2secs
  • Magazine 80/720 Capacity
  • 24m Range (unchanged)
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.8x

Ignis Wraith

  • Mastery Rank 9
  • Damage 35 Heat
  • Fire Rate 8
  • Status Chance 29%
  • Critical Chance 17%
  • Critical Damage 2.5x
  • Magazine 200/800 Capacity
  • 27m Range from 20m
  • 0.15m beam thickness expanding to 3m at end point
  • Flame passes through all avatars damaging them but will now be stopped by level geometry and require Punch Through Mods to penetrate
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.2x


  • Mastery Rank 7
  • Damage 24 Physical
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 24%
  • Critical Chance 18%
  • Critical Damage 2.2x
  • 30m Range from 25m
  • Magazine 70/700 Capacity
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.4x

Panthera (Alt Fire Only)

  • Damage 100 Physical
  • Fire Rate 2
  • Range 6m from 5m
  • 4 ammo consumed per hit (Not intended consumption - will be changing to 1 in next Hotfix)
    • Please note that Ammo will be consumed when hitting surfaces other than enemies at the moment. We are aware and will fix as soon as we can!

Master Rank 10-12


  • Mastery Rank 11
  • Damage 18 Corrosive
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 13%
  • Critical Chance 39%
  • Critical Damage 2.7x
  • 20m Range from 18m
  • Magazine 70/560 Capacity
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Additional 20% Damage on headshots
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.5x


  • Mastery Rank 10
  • Damage 24 Electricity
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 22%
  • Critical Chance 32%
  • Critical Damage 2.2x
  • 18m Range (unchanged)
  • Magazine 100/700 Capacity
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.4x

Quanta Vandal

  • Damage 26 Electricity
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 30%
  • Critical Chance 22%
  • Critical Damage 2.4x
  • Reload 1.8 secs
  • 50m Range (unchanged)
  • Magazine 80/560 Capacity
  • Alt Fire Explosion Radius 6m
  • Alt Fire Explosion Damage 600
  • .5 Ammo requirement


  • Mastery Rank 11
  • Damage 30 Viral
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 31%
  • Critical Chance 19%
  • Magazine 90/720 Capacity
  • 25m Range (unchanged)
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.7x





Master Rank 0-3


  • Damage 16 Magnetic
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Status Chance 20%
  • Critical Chance 8%
  • Critical Damage 1.8x
  • Reload 1.4 secs
  • 25m Range (unchanged)
  • Magazine 60/240 Capacity
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.6x

Master Rank 4-6


  • Mastery Rank 5
  • Fire Rate 8
  • Damage 29 Fire
  • Status Chance 21%
  • Critical Chance 15%
  • Critical Damage 1.7x
  • Magazine 70/300 Capacity
  • 15m Range (unchanged)
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.2x


  • Fire Rate 10
  • Damage 22 Radiation
  • Status Chance 29%
  • Critical Chance 3%
  • 25m Range (unchanged)
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.7x


  • Fire Rate 12
  • Damage 18 Physical (42% Puncture, 58% Slash)
  • Status Chance 22%
  • Critical Chance 14%
  • Reload 1.8secs
  • Magazine 60/360 Capacity
  • 0.5m Punch Through
  • 18m Range from 15m
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.6x

Master Rank 7-9


  • Mastery Rank 8
  • Fire Rate 12
  • Damage 23 (25% Puncture, 25% Slash, 50% Radiation)
  • Status Chance 30%
  • Critical Chance 12%
  • Critical Damage 1.8x
  • Battery Capacity 60, regen delay 1 secs, regen rate 40
  • 20m Range  (unchanged)
  • 1m Punch Through
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.8x


  • Mastery Rank 9
  • Fire Rate 8
  • Damage 35 Toxin
  • Status Chance 41%
  • Critical Chance 3%
  • Reload 1.3secs
  • 9m Range from 6m
  • 1m Radius at beam end point
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.1x

Synoid Gammacor

  • Mastery Rank 7
  • Damage 20 Magnetic
  • Status Chance 28%
  • Critical Chance 20%
  • Reload 1.8 secs
  • Magazine 80/400 Capacity
  • 30m Range from 25m
  • .5 Ammo requirement
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.6x


General Beam Weapon Changes:

  • Beam weapons now state "STATUS" instead of "STATUS / SEC" in the Arsenal because they can now Status Effect more than once per second (like all other weapons).
  • The Flux Rifle has a new battery charge up and fully charged sound to go with it’s beam rework!
  • Minor tweaks to reload timing on Glaxion and Gammacor.
  • Tweaked the Synapse beam to better represent it’s Corrosive Damage. 

Beam Weapon FAQ:

  • Currently Multishot Mods do not increase Status chance. Multishot works like all other weapons except the affect is in the same spot as the base occurrence. We are monitoring this closely!

Non-Beam Weapon Changes:

  • Cernos Prime Alt Fire is now silent as intended.
  • Increased the Fire Rate of the Zenith's Alt Fire.
  • Made the additional projectiles of Talons and Castanas from Multishot spread in a more uniform/predictable pattern.

Sound Changes:

*(Turns out we decided not to put this live just yet! Sorry for the confusion.)

Advanced Plains Map Changes for Controller Interactions:

  • Map can now be panned halfway off screen
  • When opening Advanced Map, the player position will be centered on the screen
  • The controller reticle will no longer be movable, instead the right analog stick will pan the Map around
  • Left analog stick now controls Map zoom
  • Panning leeway will now scale with zoom level (so the Map can't be dragged far beyond the panning limit when zoomed in too much)


  • Increased the Endo awarded by Simaris’ Daily Synthesis Target by 2x.
  • Hold-to-Charge Abilities (Ember’s Fireball, Zephyr’s Tail Wind, etc) no longer auto cast when full. Cast now occurs on Charge release.
    • Also, if Energy drops below Charge cost, it will auto cast at the appropriate Charge level.
  • Critical Chance, Critical Multiple, and Status Effect Chance now all apply to enemies inside Zephyr’s Tornado.
  • Lowered particle burst, opacity and particle count on numerous Gantulyst and Hydrolyst abilities in an attempt to alleviate performance issues and reduce visual clutter.
  • Lowered particle burst for Vomvalyst charge up attacks to alleviate performance issues.
  • Tweaked Kavat wall attack behaviours to prevent ‘supercat’. 
  • Adarza Kavat’s Cat’s Eye Critical Chance Buff no longer apply to Operators.
  • Smeeta Kavat’s Charm Critical Chance and Energy recharge Buffs no longer apply to Operators.
  • Updated description of the Mod "Entropy Burst" to read "Base Status Chance" instead of "Status Chance".
  • Picking up a Syndicate Medallion, Exceptional Sentient Core, or Flawless Sentient Core will now display the same special UI message like when you pick up an Argon Crystal.
  • Talking to Onkko will now make all other Operators invisible, just like when you talk to Konzu with a busy crowd closeby. 
  • When customizing your Warframe under the Appearance tab, your Warframe will appear unarmed and idling to make customization easier without going into a blocking/armed stance. 
  • The message that appears when you are over the Riven capacity limit will now have options to open the Dissolve screen, purchase Slots, or defer to later instead of having to go into the Dissolve screen first.
  • Corrected a texture on the Repala Syandana to make it fully opaque instead of slightly transparent.
  • Tweaked the Saryn Nita’s Moda Skin to have a more pronounced ‘pulsating’ effect as requested by the creator.  


  • Fixed the End of Mission screen both breaking (i.e. UI hang) and not showing the Nightmare Mod you earned when completing Nightmare Defense missions.
  • Fixed Sentient Cores from Vomalysts disappearing if another player joins the squad when a Core is on the ground in the Plains.
  • More fixes towards not being able to take pickups after a Host migration occurred if the new Host picked up the item before the Clients finish loading in.
  • Fixed Nidus’ Undying passive not working if an Oberon casts Renewal on him.
  • Fixed a script error when Client opens the Advanced Plains Map right after entering the Plains.
  • Fixed Warframe Abilities being inaccessible after equipping Archwing before accessing the Plains.
  • Fixed Syndicate Status Effect Buffs failing if one expired while you were the Operator.
  • Fixed Client Inaros’ able to become invincible by casting Devour on a target next to them and going straight into the devouring phase.
  • Fixed Amps and Zaws not being properly tracked in your Profile due to Gilded required before it is considered ‘Mastered’. 
  • Fixed a decoration causing AI navigation issues in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed an AI navigation path in the Grineer Galleon tileset that was leading AI to spawn outside of the level bounds. 
  • Fixed AI navigation troubles in the Eris Corpus Ship Defense tileset. 
  • Fixed the Advanced Plains Map getting stuck when reaching the edge of the map using WASD or a controller.
  • Fixed Advanced Plains Map inverting WS or AD controls when sufficiently zoomed.  These keys now move the entire Map in the opposite direction (thus moving the focus of the Map in the same direction as the key).
  • Fixed 'convert all Shards' Focus UI option not updating to show the total Focus that will be received.
  • Fixed Simaris’ Daily Endo reward not displaying.
  • Fixed pressing Esc when viewing the Options menu causing the screen to close too early.
  • Fixed the scroll mouse wheel not highlighting the currently selected Warframe Ability.
  • Fixed Bullet Attractor Status Effect of Void Damage (Operators and Amps) becoming visually solid when frozen/petrified.
  • Fixed not being able to see Warframe Speed stat in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed changing your Warframe’s Energy color resulting in the Energy color of the Uru Prime Syandana also changing. 
  • Fixed the Sabotage core appearing completely black in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed a crash when Transferring to the Operator. 
  • Fixed Ember’s Fireball charging sound looping.
  • Fixed Ember’s Fireball missing fire FX when holding it fully charged.
  • Fixed dark lighting in the Frost Harka diorama.
  • Fixed a script error when accessing the Arsenal in a Relay/Cetus. 
  • Fixed Credit Icons not displaying the appropriate color.
  • Fixed gamepad/keyboard button Icons changing color in the Chat window.
  • Fixed incorrect Emoji color choice in Chat.
  • Fixed the Junction UI disappearing behind the Star Chart as reported here:
  • Fixed the right Syrinx Shoulder Plate attachment clipping with the Mirage Mithra Skin. 

Conclave Changes and Fixes:

  • Ignis and Ignis Wraith are now usable in Conclave.
  • Fixed players not seeing the ‘killfeed’ when a player has been killed in Conclave.
  • Fixed not being able to equip the Knightess and Corpra Helmets in Conclave.
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Thanks for the fixes and the beam weapon changes. Hope some of them get to the meta and be remembered once again (the ignis changes though, that hurts)

Anyway, off to my arcane hunting. Need to get my daily Energize set today.

Edit: Wait what? No more kitty buffs for my operator?!


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Big chunk of bugs I've experienced since the last hotfix that still exist (or potentially new) or seen others experience;


- Eidolons still teleport all over the place randomly and don't stop, causing you to have to restart the instance (most commonly the teralyst at the start, causing you to have to restart, as I said) but also sometimes they'll teleport after destroying a synovia even when you have lures attatched to them, or sometimes just after taking down their shields and not even destroying a synovia at all, then they come back with full shields.

- Shrine randomly becomes uninteractable for all players between killing Eidolons forcing you to restart your triple Eidolon bounty.

- Can't self revive randomly during Eidolon fights if you go down.

- If you're midway through reviving someone with multiple people, if one of those people die or go down it cancels the revive for everyone.

- Randomly stop being able to use abilities or go into transference mode after being in transference mode and going back to Warframe, also stops you from being able to aim glide and roll after bullet jumping.

- During the Hydrolyst fight Vomvalyst's can become invunerable even when there are no Vomvalyst Blooms left or around (often resulting in just one or two Voms left which no one can damage, keeping you from being able to attack the Hydrolyst until its shields are completely refilled) which wastes a huge amount of time or causes you to fail completely because of the time loss.

- Void Strike can sometimes stop working after you die/revive as a client.

- Damage numbers and waypoints can randomly stop showing as a client (only noticed this happening during Eidolon hunts).

- Atlas's rubble can sometimes be consumed but give no armour (even when health and shields are full) as client. Very often at the start of a mission as well.

- As a client you can still often have desync issues with the actual location of your Warframe and where you are visually seeing it (often from going from transference mode quickly as a client) causing issues like not being able to pass through doors and everyone else seeing your Warframe static in one location or often not moving but seeing their jump, roll, bullet jump, shooting etc animations. (This can often be fixed by going back into transference mode and "updating/refreshing" the position of your Warframe and it corrects itself, or sometimes it doesn't correct itself and the only way to get through doors and such is to go into operator mode). This only started happening after The War Within and the operator mode that comes with it was introduced.

- Clients can still get stuck in the infinite loading upon trying to exit the plains with a host.

- Getting locked up at end of mission reward screen when back on your orbiter.

- If you lose connection during an endless fissure mission the "Items Recovery" can often give you the item your relic had rather than the item(s) you picked. Also if you have collected 10 reactant and lose connection after that moment you get neither reward or your relic back. So you just waste/lose a relic.

And please do something about lures being constantly in your face, it's incredibly annoying having 50% of your shots blocked by the giant lure hitbox which is flying around infront of your aiming reticle and damaging/killing yourself with your own amp because they keep blocking that as well.

Also the hitboxes on the synovias are awful, especially the two new ones at the back and more so the arms when the Eidolon is in an animation (which they're impossible to shoot during so). You can very often be shooting them with nothing seemingly blocking it and it being a clear shot but it doesn't register the hit until you are super finicky with it and get the right angle.    

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25 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Credit Icons not displaying the appropriate color.

Actually thought that was on purpose :]

Since the above was fixed I thought I'd post this bug (AW icons are broken):


Thanks for the update :)

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Just going to leave this here...


Some idea's for further Chroma tweaks:

Reducing the energy cost or the armor penalty for Chroma's fourth ability.

Chroma's effigy creates a second instance of his vex armor aura to act as a rallying point for his allies.

Changing Chroma's first ability to factor in the new beam weapon changes in terms of damage calculation, providing more consistent status procs and damage. 

Changing the effect on Chroma's fire elemental ward so it does not obstruct one's view when in the air.

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