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What’s the worst Warframe you’ve ever used?


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Vauban: bastille mehhh. Vortex is just crap because enemies will get stuck around corners. (vortex is nice on small open maps)
Ember: Just press 4 anndddd your done. 
Limbo: If you know how to use him ok. But the "i dont know what this button do" is F*ing annoying. 

Harrow for the win. 

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My least favourite (and so worst) frame is Mag - with the note that I have not experienced all frames yet, with the ones actually played being: Banshee, Ember, Excalibur, Frost, Inaros (a go-to fave), Khora (enjoyable), Limbo (enjoyable, use him solo), Loki, Mag, Mesa, Nyx, Oberon, Rhino, Saryn, Valkyr (enjoyable for melee). 

Edited by Am0rph15
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A lot of hatred of warframes. Guess I’m the only one or one of the very few with an open mind. I still have every warframe except for the non primed versions that primes are available. No warframe sucks nor is any warframe better than the other. It is all a matter of perception or preference. 

“If the world was perfect. It wouldn’t be”. 

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Limbo. I just can't with the whole banish and right thing. Also, Equinox. I just can't wrap my head around his kit. I can't remember what day firm does compared to night firm so I just spam all his abilities and see what happens when enemies are around. Even then, a majority of the time I don't even know what's going on.

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I liked limbo before his re-work because now he has to swallow everyone in a round void instead of taking individual enemies into the void. I liked assassinating solo enemies. He's sqiushy and doesn't do well out of the void or without his powers :( however I did really like how they made it quick and free to go into the void. 


Vauban is one I do not like. It made it easy to level him because he can drop mines and then leave that area. I don't have his prime and keep him in case one day he'll be useful in a mission.. once I get the prime I'll replace the spot xD

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I don't like Ember, Nova and Nekros.

They are not bad frames (except Ember) but they are squishy caster frames and that's just not suitable to my playstyle.

The other caster frames at least have utility in their skills to help them survive longer or have enough stats to tank but I didn't felt like these 3 could do that when I played them.

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The Stalker! He dies fast, NEVER drops what you actually need, and even died fast as the Devs once played him on Prime Time (was it Prime time?) and just deserved beeing killed for never dropping what you need. (Wait what? Is he an actual warframe? Ah yeah, i think so, i just say so now. Until someone proves me wrong)

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this topic is pretty iffy for me. On one hand, i never really liked zephyr because he went against my play style. On the other, I dislike rhino because he's a crutch for me. But all in all, i'd have to say my least favourite would be Khora, for her lackluster ability stats and choices. The design is super hot, though.


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On 4/27/2018 at 12:23 AM, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

I don't like Ember, Nova and Nekros.

They are not bad frames (except Ember) but they are squishy caster frames and that's just not suitable to my playstyle.

The other caster frames at least have utility in their skills to help them survive longer or have enough stats to tank but I didn't felt like these 3 could do that when I played them.

Lol. Nova's 1 provides damage reduction.... up to 95% depending on how you mod. Nekros's 4 can divert damage inflicted on him to his shadows with the augment. And ember... well, cant really argue against you for ember. She all around kinda sucks rn. But the other 2 can be non-squishy, you just need the right mods.

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Worst ... is hard to say.

But most boring? There's actually quite a few of those:

Chroma - Not only is he utterly boring (since his #1 and #4 are so utterly useless), but now he is really weak as well. If I HAD to pick worst warframe, Chroma is totally up their among my top choices, if not THE choice.

Wukong - Defy is amazing (but boring). The rest of his kit is useless fluff. While Primal Fury isn't half bad, it's so unwieldy, clunky and ugly that I'd rather NOT use it. Especially when it wastes energy which is much better spent on Defy... Even so, I frequently use him for very tough sorties where his immortality comes in handy, but that's it.

Trinity - EV-build is mindnumbing beyond belief (all you do is spam that button), with her remaining skills being gutted. Link/Blessing-build is better, but still rather boring. WoL just totally stinks. Desperately in need of some tweaks to be more engaging.

Vauban - CC, CC and more CC. With zero synergy between said CC-abilities. Urgh. Due to his kit, I have dubbed him "Mr. Redundant". He is just so poorly designed, kit-wise.

Nova - Yeah, not a popular opinion I bet, but i find Nova to be really, really boring to play. While all her abilities have a use, Molecular Prime is still basicly the main ability in her kit. Overall, she is just not fun for me.

Mirage - She has a rather boring gameplay-style too. SoH is mostly detrimental to cast (due to destroying ammo), faaaar too slow casttime on Prism, and then she has 2 boring but powerful fire-and-forget selfbuffs. She is the basicly the agile version of Chroma, if you think about it. At the very least, all her skills can be used to decent effect. So, she's not the worst, but I still find her quite boring.

Nyx - She is a potentially very strong 'frame, no doubt, but she is just too boringly passive for me. The kit is just not very interactive, despite being a 'frame designed around Telepathy and partial Telekinesis (!) ...

Octavia - Similar to Nyx. Just too passive of a style, despite being a music-related 'frame. She's basicly a slightly better designed Vauban (as there is at least kit synergy, for sure), but that's not really saying much. On the other hand, Vauban is allowed to spam his traps all over the place, making him potentially feel somewhat more interactive due to that, so it's not easy to say who I find more boring.

Inaros - For me, Inaros is like a SLIGHTLY more fun Wukong. His #2 and #3 definitely needs more work, as I barely ever can see any need for those skills.
It's funny, because compared to Wukong, he is more viable to actively spend energy on, but he is the 'frame I tend to bring to low-energy or Infested Eximus sorties, heh (due to his raw tankiness, obviously). The irony.

Hydroid - While definitely not a bad Warframe, nor the most boring, what bothers me so much is how his most powerful move is something that relies on him being almost still ... The synergy in his kit is also really bad/forced, not to mention his extreme reliance on augments to have a real impact on the game with his non-Undertow-abilities. And, that ruins quite a lot of the fun for me.

All other warframes also have issues, yes, but I still find the above Warframes to be the 'frames I don't find particularly fun to play.

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Worst is hard to pinpoint, but the things I don't like is when the abilities of a frame to you "out of the game".

For example: Banshee and Nyx without augments, are totally non-interactive on their ults. Hit 4 and grab a coffee. Even Nekros is way better than this. He might be a bit boring, but once his 3 is activated you can grab your weapons, parkour around and work for your energy/health not to run out.

But when not using the ultimates Banshee and Nyx have other ways to support the game. Hit Sonar or Mass-Hysteria and do your normal work.

I think what takes me the most out of the game is Trinity: To make it feel like her abilities add something to the game, well it's either "Spam Energy Vampire" (which is pretty pointless below enemy level 60 anyways) or "spam the blessing chain", which feels tedious and needs pretty much all my attention, once we reach levels it's needed. "Link" to not get killed, "Bless" for the team and all to often "EV" so I don't run out of energy. Perhaps I'm playing it wrong, but while the rest of Warframe feels pretty loose and fast, but this? At this point I feel like I'm no longer playing Warframe but some kind of ressource-manager

Edited by thor_sten
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Given the fact it took me a year and a half to bring myself to farm and create Loki after restarting Warframe on PC, I think he's the one for me. I have him and his Prime on my console account and I just never enjoyed him.

Wukong is also a Warframe I found no enjoyment at all with. I really don't like his sticks and his kit is just ugh.

Honorable mentions, Atlas and Nezha. 

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