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DE is too generous on the revives...


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So, Warframe has come a long way. But something that has been bothering me is how you can revive up to 4 times plus arcane revives. To me, that just makes it too easy when the game is already easy enough for the most part. 

The number of revives are too generous per mission. I think that there should be no revives at all or if there is to be any self revives, then it should only come from an arcane revive. I want other players and myself to put forth more effort in staying alive because the mission will be all the more at stake, and come one.. it's hardly fair for the poor grineer, corpus and infested. It will bring more of an adrenaline rush for those tough fights as well anyway. And say if there is to eventually be some sort of invasion system like dark souls, well that will just make it more worth while. It would be pointless to waste your time invading to kill someone when they can just poof, self revive.

Just like how at Tennocon 2017, you would have a playable stalker kill their target, and then the target just poofs back alive while the stalker just fades away having only wasted his time and in essence accomplishing nothing. 

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No thanks. Were you here when each frame had 4 revives a day? That was hell. At least now as a squishy frame you're not punished as hard anymore for going down. It's fine as is.

Also if this is a low key beg for a playable stalker system then no thanks. That's just not what Warframe is about nor do people enjoy it and it would be completely unbalanced since most vets can one shot stalker anyways and new people would get pissed at constantly being invaded.

Edit: Ontop of that, this is a casual game if you want something more hardcore then go play Dark Souls/Bloodborne as that is a far more challenging experience.

Edit 2: Warframe cannot be a fair game... great I have your attention. Until the Devs decide to go through and rebalance damage done at every level we're meant to play at, create enemy tactics that aren't just cheesy but actually require skilled play, create enemies that challenge the player, make it so you can't just tank missions, make it so squishies aren't killed as fast in high level content, etc. We cannot have a fair challenge in here. It just cannot exist without major overhauls to every system. Removing revives won't make us "more skilled" or "require teamwork" it'll just make everyone run cheesier frames. So no warframe is not and cannot be a fair and challenging game and likely will never be.

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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back when stalker was introduced there was a ui bug that would not let you revive or abort if he killed you. you just had to wait for your squad finished the mission. sad it was only a bug i found it kind of interesting (i think they took that idea and made the consequence of getting captured by the harvester).

As for DE being generous on revives yes i agree before it was each frame gets 4 revives for that entire 24 hours. if you run out and you couldnt play that frame unless you bought them with plat. however implementing that now would mean DE would have to tone down some enemies that then to insta gib you with cheap damage..

Edited by Wevi
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2 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:
2 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

you talking about zanuka ?

yeah the zanuka hunter used to be called the harvester, i cant remember when exactly that was changed

i see... went on the wiki this is when the name was changed

 - The Zanuka Hunter, prior to Update 13, April 9th, 2014 has its own codex entry entitled "Harvester".


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While it's true that revives are a little too plentiful, I think it's nice for the game to have a casual pace and be challenging/fun rather than frustrating. The idea with having so many revives is that you can see when you're being outpaced by the enemy and leave before things get bad, rather than have to lose all your progress because you got hit by a cheap shot a couple times.

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5 hours ago, Wevi said:

As for DE being generous on revives yes i agree before it was each frame gets 4 revives for that entire 24 hours. if you run out and you couldnt play that frame unless you bought them with plat. however implementing that now would mean DE would have to tone down some enemies that then to insta gib you with cheap damage..

That was a horrible practice that only preyed on new players and DE removed it because it did two things very wrong:
-First is that it didn't touch vets at all.  After all if you have say 10 frames you have 40 revives in that 24 hours and good luck running out.  Meanwhile if you were a new player just starting out with one frame?  Good luck if you made a few mistakes early on and died before you had any mods.  Better just not play until tomorrow...
-Second is that it was a noob trap for plat that was rather scummy.  After all, it caused a bunch of new players to waste plat as they honestly thought that unless they spent money they only had four revives and then that frame was done unless they ponied up some cash.  It drove lots of new players away.

DE will never go back to that practice, they promised that in length back when they removed the 4 per day system.

5 hours ago, (PS4)xXLost-RequiemXx said:

I think that there should be no revives at all or if there is to be any self revives, then it should only come from an arcane revive.

Ok, what about the new players?
What are they supposed to do when tossed into a defense or survival mission on Earth with no mods or anything else that they need to complete in order to continue on the starchart?
I've seen tons of new players go down, and not from lack of trying, but because they have literally no mods, no endo to rank up the mods, and they aren't used to playing the game.

All this idea would do is unfairly punish new players, and heavily drive them away from the game, while having absolutely no impact on vets.
I mean I know plenty of people who can go through an entire sortie solo without coming close to going down.  It doesn't matter to us whether there is life or thirty, we'll get through the mission without ever noticing as we don't go down.
This idea wouldn't make the game harder.  It wouldn't make the game more challenging.  It wouldn't make anything more entertaining.  And players like myself would never notice the changes.

But you want to know what it would do?
It would make new players have a much more frustrating time.  It would make the game needlessly punishing (and contrary to popular belief punishing does not equal challenging or engaging) without any benefit at all.
It would drive new players away as every tiny mistake would cost them entire missions from something that they don't have the resources to fully protect themselves from.
Especially when they are losing all the mission progress, including all the mod pickups, because they made a small mistake or a shield lancer shield bashes them to death without allowing for any user input at all...after all with your idea they die once they have to try again and because they failed the mission lose quite literally everything they picked up, mods, endo, credits, mats, etc.  Good luck having new players build up mods and endo that they need when they are just being punished for no good reason and losing all of it...

The revives are there as a cushion for new players, and its a much needed cushion.

5 hours ago, (PS4)xXLost-RequiemXx said:

It will bring more of an adrenaline rush for those tough fights as well anyway.

What tough fights?
Do you mean soloing a third sortie corpus interception mission that I know lots of people like myself can sleep through solo without any difficulties?
Or do you mean hours and hours into Mot where the right frame can still solo that far without paying that much attention?

Fact is that if you're looking for "tough fights" then you should look to other games than Warframe.  Its a nice casual experience to unwind, not some uber hardcore challenge, nor does DE want it become one.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't think they're too generous with revives. They just took out all the consequence of dying. There's a difference.

Even if a team couldn't revive each other and you got one life per mission you'd still only lose 5 minutes of your time.

The only part of this game left where death has any meaning are Endurance runs cuz if you die 2 hours into a mission that's a lot of lost time. Not saying people should lose 2 hours but most games you lose something for dying and dying in Warframe means little to nothing.

Doesn't matter how many lives you get because the way the game is played now are quick 5 min exhibitions with no investment.

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 I would make it 2 revives that regenerate over time (each revive charge has its own regen timer...about 2 min).   Same goes for Arcane revives.  So with 2 arcanes you will have 4 revives that recharge over time.


According to my exp. , even tough Sorties usually take only 2 of my revives...And im pretty average.  So having 2 revives that regenerate over time is ok. 

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No, nope, nuh uh, not at all

Do you remember how the game was when you started? When you died facing vay kek for the first time? When you died to the raptor, ambulance, any boss, any napalms, any bombards, any stray osprey farts, any sapping osprey blue carpets, or just anything by surprise in this game?

Because, as someone with over 1000 hours, it still happens to me sometimes. Imagine how much it happens to new players, especially that try getting through Saturn with a lowly volt (like me). Or that get warding halo, iron skin, or any buff neutralized by a nullifier and them getting downed by level 30-40 enemies.

I would be ok with getting rid of arcane revives, but normal revives are essential and it's bad enough they take 10% of the experience you got from your weapons and frames

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I think they should make the system that if you die in game you die in real life too. That is only fair I think. It will bring more of an adrenaline rush for those tough fights as well anyway. Burn his computer at least!


I'm just like "is this guy for real or trolling, it's kinda become hard to tell these days" :crylaugh:

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If there were a reward system for choosing 1 life system, maybe obviously you shouldn't be able to group with anyone else who isn't doing this. We're Ninja and shouldn't be dieing, but I get it 'casual' gaming.

Also I think you should be able to use your 2 to join in with Ash's shadow clones.

Edited by (XB1)Evilpricetag
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On 12/03/2018 at 11:21 AM, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

If there were a reward system for choosing 1 life system, maybe obviously you shouldn't be able to group with anyone else who isn't doing this. We're Ninja and shouldn't be dieing, but I get it 'casual' gaming.

Also I think you should be able to use your 2 to join in with Ash's shadow clones.

Yeah #*!% those "casual" gamers who make up most of warframe!

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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Well I respect everyone's opinions. These forums are what makes Warframe evolve with such discussions. 

I still believe there are just too many revives though. And yeah, I do remember back then when there was a stamina system and all that where you had to buy revives. I'm not saying bring that terrible system back. Keep it how it is now. But just knock the number of revives down from 4 to like 1 or 2. 

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I like how everyone is like "It's a casual game. If you want challenge, go play dark souls." but so many complain about the game being too easy and cheesy while advocating for nerfs to certain stuff but DARE YOU to touch the revives!

Nowadays people hold X just to stand up instantly again since everyone knows, it doesn't hurt losing a revive. This my friends, is not how a death system should work when it has no existential reason.

28 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

it should probably be changed so that enemies can't 1 shot us before you suggest something that dumb

Time to get used to your surroundings for once and actually work with a team, how about that?

11 hours ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

No thanks. Were you here when each frame had 4 revives a day? That was hell

Yes i was, and so were many other 2013 tenno. The only hell i remember was when damage 2.0 rolled out and made all meta weapons to be completely bad.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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