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Warframe Pay-2-Win? Riven Black Market!


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10 hours ago, superaquafin said:

Rivens where once an innovative addition to Warframe but now they're the bases of a thriving underground black market.

Step One
Creating a demand for Rivens via high efficiency Eidolon Hunting and the best mods currently available in-game.  

Step Two
Make the desired Rivens near impossible to obtain in game;
- Random drop chance via daily sortie missions 
- Random Weapon type
- Random Attributes which require Kuva to cycle. 
- Random Riven challenges ranging in various difficulty 

Step Three
Make the gameplay unenjoyable by introducing Plains Of Eidolon Riven challenges; 
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Mining 
- Archwing Launcher, which requires a steady supply of the aformentioned resources. 

I think you fail to grasp the concept of what "Pay to Win" is.

Pay to Win is when a developer locks gear or items (that are better than what you can get through normal game play) behind the requirement of giving them money for said item/gear.(Which are generally doubled down with being limited use)

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On ‎27‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 7:03 AM, SilvaDreams said:

I think you fail to grasp the concept of what "Pay to Win" is.

Pay to Win is when a developer locks gear or items (that are better than what you can get through normal game play) behind the requirement of giving them money for said item/gear.(Which are generally doubled down with being limited use)

Agreed - I actually think people don't understand what pay to win is. This game is far from it, it is just pay if you have more money than time to speed things up.

Play a mobile game and then you will really understand pay2win.

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23 hours ago, IfritKajiTora said:

I see so many cancers here, not making a normal comment explaining why it's not pay2win, just typing like Hahahaha Thahaha hehehehe or gifs with laughing faces..... seriously what is wrong with those people? I feel like I'm on Warframe reddit right now.

Because no one wants to acknowledge such a petty attempt at knocking on a OPTIONAL feature of the game.

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Well since your opinion is biased let me retort. Rivens are a good and bad thing. On the one hand rivens bring new life into weapons you would never and I mean ever think of using. On the other power creep becomes a thing due to rivens. I don't know what caused you to attempt such a brash post but please think of the bigger picture when it comes to rivens.

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On 2018-03-26 at 9:08 PM, superaquafin said:

Rivens where once an innovative addition to Warframe but now they're the bases of a thriving underground black market.

Step One
Creating a demand for Rivens via high efficiency Eidolon Hunting and the best mods currently available in-game.  

Step Two
Make the desired Rivens near impossible to obtain in game;
- Random drop chance via daily sortie missions 
- Random Weapon type
- Random Attributes which require Kuva to cycle. 
- Random Riven challenges ranging in various difficulty 

Step Three
Make the gameplay unenjoyable by introducing Plains Of Eidolon Riven challenges; 
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Mining 
- Archwing Launcher, which requires a steady supply of the aformentioned resources. 

What exactly does your list of steps try to point out?

Step one is so off it belongs in another solar system. Rivens matter extremely little on Eidolons, the weapons that are already useful at the fights are strong enough without rivens. The rivens do help, nothing more.

Step two I'm not sure what it has to do with anything if you try to argue P2W (in a PvE game at that). Stuff has random drop rates and can be traded for? Where is the P2W in that? Kuva is a P2W item? Wut? "Hard" riven challenges are P2W? I'm not sure what you are on about.

Step three is even more of a straw grasping list. How are PoE riven challenges at all involved in anything near P2W? You cant buy your way to succeeding on them, you play and grind the game to complete them. Fishing, Hunting and Mining... what do they even have to do with rivens? They arent even connected, neither is the AWL. Or is fishing along with the other activites somehow your idea of P2W even though they cost nothing to do (like most things in the game)?

I've seen plenty of P2W arguments in games, but this one really takes the price.

pee.ess. There are 3 really easy ways to ignore rivens. 1) Pick a frame suited for Eidolon fights. 2) Build a Lanka. 3) Pick an exalted weapon user for everything else. No need for rivens ever since the Lanka with the right frame (and even with the wrong one) is strong enough for Eidolons, and for everything else you'll have the exalted weapon that doesnt benefit from rivens to begin with.

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On 27/03/2018 at 4:01 AM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

people need to stop throwing the term "pay-2-win" around, or at the very least learn what it means before using it.

"you keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means" - Inigo Montoya

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yeah, I have like no memes on here.


Allow me to help:


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lolwut rivens should be nothing to your plat-pocket, do sorties and/or buy veiled rivens, all you need to do is build up a loadout of rivens for underpowered/favored weapons and sell duplicates, you can make a lot of plat just by selling junk rivens too.

who'd thought one of my most powerful weapons would end up being my ogris?

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On 3/26/2018 at 3:08 PM, superaquafin said:

Rivens where once an innovative addition to Warframe but now they're the bases of a thriving underground black market.

Step One
Creating a demand for Rivens via high efficiency Eidolon Hunting and the best mods currently available in-game.  

Step Two
Make the desired Rivens near impossible to obtain in game;
- Random drop chance via daily sortie missions 
- Random Weapon type
- Random Attributes which require Kuva to cycle. 
- Random Riven challenges ranging in various difficulty 

Step Three
Make the gameplay unenjoyable by introducing Plains Of Eidolon Riven challenges; 
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Mining 
- Archwing Launcher, which requires a steady supply of the aformentioned resources. 

funny they sucked when they came out and they suck now (dont get me wrong i love my vectis riven) alot of us saw the problem when they came out and people are just starting to realize that rivens are killing the  games market like i actually wanna know how much plat the average player has at all times i like to sit around 300p on average but people charge like 1000 for a riven. I had my vectis riven before the buffs were announced i just liked it as a sniper even if it was bad but after the buff and eidolon hunting i didnt want to replace my riven so i though maybe i can get another one for like 100p like i got my first one nope like 1500p or more.

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On 27.3.2018 at 12:45 PM, IfritKajiTora said:

I see so many cancers here, not making a normal comment explaining why it's not pay2win, just typing like Hahahaha Thahaha hehehehe or gifs with laughing faces..... seriously what is wrong with those people? I feel like I'm on Warframe reddit right now.

- No content in this game is balanced around Rivens, and never will be. Rivens will always remain an optional mechanic to make low-tier weapons more viable and an endgame-thing for those who want to minmax their weapons.

- DE doesn't sell Rivens or dictate their prices. The market is entirely player-controlled. Sure, >1k plat for any Riven is f-ing stupid IMO but it's the players themselves who decided that it's an acceptable price.

I kinda agree that Rivens are kinda crappy mechanic in their current state but calling them P2W is just absurd.



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This game in the sense pay to win because you must buy platinum if you wish to buy slots otherwise your playing experience will be bad and you need to sell constantly your items and frames to get new ones. If they just give slots for playing the game (not mean the anniversary events) but certain mastery ranks give you weapon and frame slots then it would be more better.

Trading platinum is not solution since someone should buy platinum to keep your leechy life fun for you. This game could call only free to play when it is not force you to buy slots at all only just charging skins and other cosmetical items which we have right now then this game could call itself free to play. Many peoples misunderstand the concept of free to play and this is the only point why this game pay to win. Rivens and other stuffs are not necessary but the slots cost the most in this game. A collecting game where you pay for collecting.

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On 3/26/2018 at 11:11 AM, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Huh?????!!!! How is giving plat to some other person P2W? Riven prices are set by the willingness of players to pay for them, not a price tag dictated by the developer. 

This ^

The community did this to themselves. Willing to pay 1k - 15k plat for A mod.
Doesn't make WF p2w, especially since you don't even need rivens to get to end-game content provided. 

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