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Things I miss about Keys that Relics didn't keep


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1. Value: I never had to worry about a key becoming extinct, but because 1 relic = 1 reward (not that that's unfair or anything) I find it hard to use my vaulted relics (but these are what I have the most of after playing for so long).

2. Community: I remember days when I couldn't sleep at 4 am and I would just join random people and chat it up. Not to mention there was no limitation to helping newer players catch up and get items they've missed.

Anyone else miss any mechanics/perks the keys had?



Edited by Synpai
accidentally used key instead of relic lol
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hace 19 minutos, (PS4)lagrue dijo:

yeah except that loot was just the same handful of pieces over and over for 3 hours.  Not really that great...

But it was fun. I really miss being at 2-7am just opening keys at the Void on a survival. 

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Oh man... you know what the best part of the Key system was?

Getting Keys from Keys. Because... you know... going in a T3 Exterminate to earn a T3 Exterminate key was Soooooooooooooooo worth it.


Some of us actually remember what the old days looked like. It's better now. Unequip the Nostalgia Goggles mod.


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I really don't.  Being able to get theoretically endless rewards came along with low drop chances to keep us farming, and that's exactly what it did - kept me running the same dull mission for hours.  Especially brutal on endless types, and anything in rotation C   I don't miss being stuck in one tileset for ages every time a new PA came out.

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2 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

Oh man... you know what the best part of the Key system was?

Getting Keys from Keys. Because... you know... going in a T3 Exterminate to earn a T3 Exterminate key was Soooooooooooooooo worth it.


Some of us actually remember what the old days looked like. It's better now. Unequip the Nostalgia Goggles mod.


I remember what the old days entailed. I didn't say the keys were better, just that there were PARTS that I missed. 

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I don't miss the keys at all and would hate to see them come back.
It was so frustrating to go into a T4S and know that I'm going to be living there for the next few days with no variety because the piece I need is locked to a rotation C reward with an absurdly low drop chance that I can't do anything about other than bash my head against the T4S until one of them broke.

I actually enjoy having decent drop chances and knowing that I wont get another key, or an Orokin Cell, for going for 20 minutes in a survival mission.

Hek, I don't even miss the endless rewards from one key as I no longer feel punished for dipping out of a survival run before 60 minutes.

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On the point of value, I also miss that part of void keys

Back then, I remember occasionally we ( with friends / clanmates) would just go for >1 hour survival runs in the void for fun (T3, T4... doesn't really matter)
since the normal missions are easy and boring, and a long run is a good way to chill out, have a bit of challenge, tons of loots just for the cost of 1 key

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7 minutes ago, Synpai said:

I remember what the old days entailed. I didn't say the keys were better, just that there were PARTS that I missed. 

Oh, sure, there might be parts of the Void Key system that were better than the Relic System, but the fact that certain relics dropped certain prime parts, and so while you might get value from your Survival or Defense key, if the item you actually wanted was in a Capture key, you were SOL on "Value". Also the prime part you got was totally RNG, with no option to select someone else's drop, and you might have to wait for the B or C rotation to get a 5% chance at the one prime part you REAAAAAAAAALLLLY wanted.

Sorry, but all the "value" did was make it easier to farm materials we'd later turn into ducats under the new system. Otherwise, there was no reason to horde all those prime parts, especially if they were garbage.

The Key system was garbage with a few redeeming points. It's better off now, in the memories of those who are old enough to remember what it was like, just like The Gradivus Dilemma.

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44 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

Oh, sure, there might be parts of the Void Key system that were better than the Relic System, but the fact that certain relics dropped certain prime parts, and so while you might get value from your Survival or Defense key, if the item you actually wanted was in a Capture key, you were SOL on "Value". Also the prime part you got was totally RNG, with no option to select someone else's drop, and you might have to wait for the B or C rotation to get a 5% chance at the one prime part you REAAAAAAAAALLLLY wanted.

Sorry, but all the "value" did was make it easier to farm materials we'd later turn into ducats under the new system. Otherwise, there was no reason to horde all those prime parts, especially if they were garbage.

The Key system was garbage with a few redeeming points. It's better off now, in the memories of those who are old enough to remember what it was like, just like The Gradivus Dilemma.

I have no ill-intent when I ask this: Are you okay? Is there any way I can assist your day? It just seems like you're coming in a little hot. Warframe is always changing for better and worse. Are you certain there's nothing you missed about the old system?


To clarify missing one thing does not correlate to missing the entirety. I miss certain aspects of college, but there was a ton of bad along with it.

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2 hours ago, Synpai said:

I have no ill-intent when I ask this: Are you okay? Is there any way I can assist your day? It just seems like you're coming in a little hot. Warframe is always changing for better and worse. Are you certain there's nothing you missed about the old system?

Nah, I'm fine. I just find the notion of the old system being okay just a bit cringe-inducing. Sure, you had the "value" of only needing to spend 1 key for endless void missions, but I find the new system just a better, more realized system, that allows more choice and less pain.


And no, I understand. I just have very strong opinions on the old system is all. Not gunna say the NEW system is flawless, where I can have 70x of a single relic with no real need to open it up and no way to put it to use, but I could say similar to the old system where you could sit on a pile of 100x Tx(whatever) and never use them either, because you couldn't trade in prime parts in for ducats at the time, and since you had folks who would key-share a lot, well, that meant your keys could REALLY get spread out over a long time, causing excess keys.

I'm just not into romanticizing the old system when I remember how bad it was. Keys used only to get more Keys was literally the worst... right after having to deal with super low chance drops on B/C rotations. But yeah, not a huge fan of the Grind. Long live Relics. Now if only I could transmute spare relics into new relics, or grind them into void fragments so I could boost up the relics I do like.

Maybe I'm just more for looking forward than looking back in this regard.

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The larger community and risk is what I miss.

There's still an endurance community but it's far smaller than it was back when keys were around.

As can be expected most players are driven by progression and efficiency. To feel their time and effort is worth it. Sadly DE seems to feel a player's time is worth it but not their effort. So you get rapid spam of the same boring and trivial tasks over and over. The time you spend doing something but no intrinsic rewards, no satisfaction and certainly no challenge. Risk Vs Reward doesn't exist in Warframe any longer and that's a truly sad thing.

Does anyone remember being on their last life and questioning if they should leave a Survival or risk losing all their loot?

Perhaps you remember being on wave 80 and questioning if the Defense objective can survive the next rotation?

Real decisions with consequences are absent from Warframe and it's pretty boring as a result.

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17 minutes ago, Synpai said:

God I forgot about this one

Most important one imo 😁

seeing endless missions in the fissures alot and no time. And in the weekend you're like "yeaah. lets do some endless fissures" and they just don't show up.


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Yea. Doing Endless runs on DE's schedule instead of my own is why I don't really do fissures anymore.

It also makes it more difficult to get a pre-made group together. Another reason endurance runs aren't as popular anymore.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

I miss the times where I could go online (especially after hard days)  and decide which mission type I play, how often & how long I want... Now I always scroll through the fissure page and be like "meh not my type" .. 

I would be a really happy person if the fissure system would rotate in a way that there more missions avaible constantly.

Atleast 4 mission type per relic tier would be great.

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il y a une heure, Xzorn a dit :

Yea. Doing Endless runs on DE's schedule instead of my own is why I don't really do fissures anymore.

It also makes it more difficult to get a pre-made group together. Another reason endurance runs aren't as popular anymore.


il y a 26 minutes, Fallen_Echo a dit :

I would be a really happy person if the fissure system would rotate in a way that there more missions avaible constantly.

Atleast 4 mission type per relic tier would be great.

+1, and/or i would also love for Void nodes to be made into permanent fissures so you could both get the nostalgia "void farm" going and also always have fissures up for every tier.

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Technically the key system was a loot box that not only gave you S#&$ stuff but made you play for DAYZ to get it. The relic system is a FAR FAR better loot box, as each Relic only has so many items, and you have a far higher chance of getting what you want. If you want to gain more of them, you still can do endless missions to get them. It's not like anything really changed in terms of what you get what you want. 

On the whole 'vaulted' relics thing, eh? If you don't open them, you are kinda wasting them anyway.

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Ah yes, good old keys.

I have to remind though to all people who despise the old system a certain thing. All the junk rewards weren't there in the original implementation of the keys. Fusion cores and credits only got added around the time T4 or Baro became a thing (not sure which one).

At worst you'd get a forma BP. And IIRC they weren't on any Rot C either. Though I remember that some missions actually gave a built forma.

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