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My thoughts on Peculiar Mods


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7 minutes ago, RedDirtTrooper said:

Don't call warframe Anime. It pulls on lots of sources and traditions, and while there is some Anime influence there's not enough to tar it with that label. Or do I guess. >_> I can't control you. I just think 98% of anime is garbage, so I guess I kind of see it as an insult to a great game.

whatever, but, just one thing - operator, after introduction of "edgy kids" warframe officially anime, for better or worse

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31 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Equinox and Ember 4 played far differently. It's not about just getting "too many kills" it's about doing nothing to get those kills.

On low lvls missions and with the proper build equinox 4 having exactly the same results as embers 4, which is death. You dont need to have stacks and activate/deactivate it for killing in low lvls, which still requires doing nothing. Embers 4 wasnt enough for killing high lvls anyway. so i guess the problem  was about farming fast on low lvl missions with huge range. Which still remains..

Edited by One-shot-one-miss
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2 minutes ago, One-shot-one-miss said:

1) a singe random guy no. Many  community guys maybe. Thats the point of a community. Showing  what  custumers likes and what they dont. Then a company is considering changing things or not according these for making the product better for their custumers

See how many threads people make about auction house? Still haven't happened after years. Other times, a single mention would actually make a change. Hence, "reference".

5 minutes ago, One-shot-one-miss said:

2) who is trying that?

Well, the original proposal was to add some negatives so less people use it... I dunno bout you but that certainly falls in line with what i say. Imo, atleast.

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Well, the original proposal was to add some negatives so less people use it... I dunno bout you but that certainly falls in line with what i say. Imo, atleast.

It still had negative. The mod slot cost. I just change that "negative" part with something else exactly for that reason. For dont take the fun of anyone. If u consider the negative "dont having that extra regular mod the slot could offer u", then a "smaller ammount than rivens negative" is minor!

There are people  would use them, but without a slot cost, and there are  people would use them but only for a cost!  Cause they believe, that if it has a cost, then not just everyone using them,  and if everyone were using them then that would make them "less special".  

that includes both situations. 

If you ask me ( u can see it on my original post too)  i dont want these mods at all, but i still  propose DE to add them exactly cause of that, for not "gimp other people's fun" So i dont see how i want to "remove the fun" with my proposal to any of u :crylaugh:


Edited by One-shot-one-miss
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Peculiars are the ultimate reward for veterans, and I am elated. Can't wait until I see and farm them. 

I want the next level, Super Sentai transformation peculair mods. Imagine a 10-second cutscene to switch to/from Operator/Warframe mode. (invulnerable or course)

Shameless plug: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/944957-thoughts-on-peculiar-mods-and-super-sentai-transformation-peculiar-mods/

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On 14/04/2018 at 5:41 AM, NecromancerX69 said:

No, just No. Peculiar mods should not even exist.


DE better add an option to turn the visual effects of peculiar mods off...

And here comes the Fun police, what's next people quitting matches when they see those mods used.

Wow, such maturity, much adulthood, wow.

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6 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

So a few sprinkles and effects on a warframe is affecting how you play when put onto an enemy, when they're literally just cosmetics that spread to other enemies. But you're fine with people wearing and dressing up in bright outfits, have blinding colors spraying everywhere, and wearing silly skins, weapons and warframes. Seems contradictory again.

Let me explain it to you then. You can paint your fingernails and wear whatever eye killing outfit you want, and that's fine. Even if I don't like it, I'll think "look at that idiot", shrug, and go about my business. But if you start spraying glitter spray and fluorescent paint all over the place, that's not ok. No, I don't want you painting my house that way because you like it, or my car, or even the sidewalk. If that makes me an unfun curmudgeon then so be it. 

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On 4/13/2018 at 12:41 PM, NecromancerX69 said:

No, just No. Peculiar mods should not even exist.


DE better add an option to turn the visual effects of peculiar mods off...

It's fine to not like them, but there are different types of players.

Saying you don't want them doesn't mean they hold no value as a game piece.

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Meh a bit on edge with this feature

If it didnt take a mod slot maybe id look a bit forward to it to enchance a little the experience but since it takes a mod spot i supose in the end it really is hit or miss

When sprays came out i was a bit scared it could break game immersion for me but turn out people dont use the hell out of it on missions

This one will problaly be on the same rate since 1 mod slot is most of the time invaluable and could be used instead to make the gun feel betther with improved reload speed, extra magazine, quicker projectiles etc

Other then that, i dunno maybe a setting for it would be welcome 

Edited by xxfiurionxx
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1 hour ago, RedDirtTrooper said:

Let me explain it to you then. You can paint your fingernails and wear whatever eye killing outfit you want, and that's fine. Even if I don't like it, I'll think "look at that idiot", shrug, and go about my business. But if you start spraying glitter spray and fluorescent paint all over the place, that's not ok. No, I don't want you painting my house that way because you like it, or my car, or even the sidewalk. If that makes me an unfun curmudgeon then so be it. 

you should have read the full discussion. It's all a matter of opinion on the mods, and we've come to an agreement there just needs to be a menu option to turn it off for those that don't want. Nuff said.

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2 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

Quite frankly Rob from AGGP's newest video on these mods sums up my thoughts on these mods and the community in general. Here it is:



 So first, he's saying people want Mesa's augment to just be part of her ability and used that to prove warframe community is greedy about what they want, but I've literally not heard anyone asking for that at all. Usually when i see people say the warframe augment should have just been part of the ability its when the frame goes from bad to usable with the augment.

Also he says what's the point of the peculiar mods if they are attatched to mods with a use (ex peculiar serration), they wouldn't be peculiar anymore. However I think what makes the peculiar is their wacky effect, they don't necessarily have to be an active impedence. Also they are being supposedly given out for vets in a mode that's supposed to be for vets, I think an actually useful mod isn't an inappropriate as a reward. Also only some people want that, others want a special slot for it like the exsilus slot, some don't even want it in the game at all because they feel it ruins the aesthetic, some are cool with them the way they are and I've seen vets feel insulted that they are once again supposed to gimp themselves for a challenge instead of being given more challenging content. I've seen a wide range of opinions on it so I don't think it's fair to generalize the community in this matter and insinuate that they are greedy and power hungry.

Also he's basically just saying he wants to be special and use a flower mod on his gun and if everyone else got what they wanted and where using the mods he wouldn't feel as special, that's kind of a lame argument in my opinion. Anyway I don't want to turn this into a huge rant but I will just say I mostly disagree with how he frames this community and his opinion. I hope it's all legible, I'm on mobile and its a bit hard to proof read. 

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6 hours ago, One-shot-one-miss said:

It still had negative. The mod slot cost. I just change that "negative" part with something else exactly for that reason. For dont take the fun of anyone. If u consider the negative "dont having that extra regular mod the slot could offer u", then a "smaller ammount than rivens negative" is minor!

There are people  would use them, but without a slot cost, and there are  people would use them but only for a cost!  Cause they believe, that if it has a cost, then not just everyone using them,  and if everyone were using them then that would make them "less special".  

that includes both situations. 

If you ask me ( u can see it on my original post too)  i dont want these mods at all, but i still  propose DE to add them exactly cause of that, for not "gimp other people's fun" So i dont see how i want to "remove the fun" with my proposal to any of u :crylaugh:


okay, see, this i can get behind.

this is pretty much how i feel about these mods, but i just said it in  a weird way...(words are hard man)

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6 hours ago, (XB1)DerangedMime00 said:

All I want is a Pecuilar for explosive weapons that sings 'Hallelujah' on status proc so I can die happy.^^



palying with a mirage with concealed explosive kunais be like : 

HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HAAAALELU- *reloads* HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- HA- 

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6 hours ago, One-shot-one-miss said:

That would cause a lot of 'Hallelujahs' in the game :crylaugh:

Liked this idea but unfortunately I believe this will never happen.

Religion is a sensitive topic in Canada, I think the least thing DE would ever do is to make a religious joke (or related).



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3 hours ago, (PS4)FadedSpirit said:

I've literally not heard anyone asking for that at all

They have. A lot.

He characterizes the Warframe community perfectly well and his point is that the mods are no longer peculiar if you give them stats as that makes them part of the META in some way, shape, or form. Leaving them stat-less puts them firmly outside of the META in all possible ways and gives no incentive to use them except in the case that you want to be silly and have some fun.

You've misunderstood his argument in its entirety.

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2 hours ago, nerfinator6 said:

Seems like a lot of people can't grasp the concept of WHY these mods are going to be added.

seems like your comment doesn't answer that, so instead of perhaps telling people they don't know, take the time to inform them

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