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What's Your Favorite Syndicate?


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The Perrin Sequence for me, as:

1. They're honest to death, where one time Glast commited all his profits (GROFIT) in the Glast Gambit.

2. Pet Moa. DE knew that we've been had.

What's your favorite Syndicate and why?

Edited by Duality52
Incorrect Corpus Vocabulary
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Arbiters of Hexis.

Their philosophy of how the Tenno are not meant to be purely fighters is what makes me the most attached to them, because they know that by improving oneself (specifically how the Tenno ought to ascend further and gain greater powers), conflicts can be resolved by means other than war, violence, and harm against other living souls.

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None of the Syndicates hit the exact spot for me, but I love the design and attitude of the Steel Meridian leader, I smile every time she screams "HEY, ARE YOU GONNA HELP THESE PEOPLE OUT!?".

I'd love a syndicate with a goal and conduct similar to the Followers of the Appolocaplyse in Fallout New Vegas, a bunch of well-meaning regular people willing to tough it out to heal and mend rather than fight.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Red Veil all the way. best colour scheme, some great stealth weapons and in a system like ours, we cannot concern ourselves with ethics too much. the Corpus and Grineer must be punished, the system must be purged for us to start anew. we will bring the cleansing fire.

Meh, I've always had trouble getting the logic of Red Veil. They almost seem naive if they think that one purge is going to rid the system of evil beings for eternity. They seem to think of a short term solution to problems. Kind of like DE actually.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Meh, I've always had trouble getting the logic of Red Veil. They almost seem naive if they think that one purge is going to rid the system of evil beings for eternity. They seem to think of a short term solution to problems. Kind of like DE actually.

oh, I know. there'll always be something to purge, but it's better to keep up the fight than just lie down and take it IMO. Extremists might seem bad, but you can't deny they have fighting spirit. the enemy factions are also made out to be incomprehensibly vast armies, to whom a capital ship or a billion clones is chump change, I'd say at that point there probably is no long term solution, not that we're supposed to eradicate one side completely anyway.

the enemy are persistent, but the cleansing fire will always burn! :redveil: 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

oh, I know. there'll always be something to purge, but it's better to keep up the fight than just lie down and take it IMO. Extremists might seem bad, but you can't deny they have fighting spirit. the enemy factions are also made out to be incomprehensibly vast armies, to whom a capital ship or a billion clones is chump change, I'd say at that point there probably is no long term solution, not that we're supposed to eradicate one side completely anyway.

the enemy are persistent, but the cleansing fire will always burn! :redveil: 

So Red Veil are going to stop the never ending conflict, by engaging in never ending conflict? How long before they stray from the path as well and become the very thing they fight against?

If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

So Red Veil are going to stop the never ending conflict, by engaging in never ending conflict?

that's exactly right! our logic is undeniable and in no way flawed whatsoever!

but for real, this war is never gonna end, our options are to either take part in it or stay out of it. we're Edgelords with weapons and extreme views, so it's pretty clear where we stand on that one.

they will try to extinguish the flame, throw water on it, deprive it of Oxygen and heat, but our fire burns no matter what surrounds it. our fire is eternal! :redveil: 

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

that's exactly right! our logic is undeniable and in no way flawed whatsoever!

but for real, this war is never gonna end, our options are to either take part in it or stay out of it. we're Edgelords with weapons and extreme views, so it's pretty clear where we stand on that one.

they will try to extinguish the flame, throw water on it, deprive it of Oxygen and heat, but our fire burns no matter what surrounds it. our fire is eternal! :redveil: 

Meh, do what you will. I'll be over here unlocking my potential, seeking truth and cataloguing new ways to help the system. :hexis::suda:

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1.  Steel Meridian because they are the closest thing to an organization of heroic, knightly protagonists we have.

2.  Arbiters because of their mysterious motives and philosophy on transcending the coils of superpowered immortal murder kids inc. leaves the story open for growth.

3.  Red Veil and Loka for the lulz.  Their entire existence boils down to:

”Kill it with FIRE.”


”Life’s a b*tch and so am I!”


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Of the main/original Syndicates: Suda by a tiny margin. The others are petty, biased turds, though all (including Suda) are immoral. Arguably the most appealing ideal, namely "protecting those who cannot protect themselves", also includes some of the worst individuals found in the galaxy as no mention is made of well being, justice and other fundamental ethical concerns. Populism at its finest.

The six main syndicates are backwards compared to modern ethics, including Suda, as a sophisticated AI requires knowledge of subjectivity to function adequately. While the other factions hastily embrace bias, Suda discards it, as clearly demonstrated in the "meep morp I do not understand these feelings" dialogue (a reference to old sci-fi rather than modern understanding of AI potential).

Douch VS Turd Sandwich, in short. Immersion in any faction other than the Tenno, who are more or less a blank slate, didn't work for me.

My least favorite: The New Loka. Their "ideal" is a misrepresented superstition.

58 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

oh, I know. there'll always be something to purge, but it's better to keep up the fight than just lie down and take it IMO. Extremists might seem bad, but you can't deny they have fighting spirit. the enemy factions are also made out to be incomprehensibly vast armies, to whom a capital ship or a billion clones is chump change, I'd say at that point there probably is no long term solution, not that we're supposed to eradicate one side completely anyway.

the enemy are persistent, but the cleansing fire will always burn! :redveil: 

Actually, pacifism is extremism as well. Most would agree that allowing yourself or others to be abused is a very bad thing, meaning that violence is sometimes required for a desirable outcome.

The factions in WF aren't very well-developed, though. They've made no philosophical progress since our time and have even regressed significantly. They're all stupid bastards who need to be disarmed, while the Infested are simply animals - their well being matters, too.

From an ethical perspective it's probably wise for us Tenno to disarm all major factions and free the slave races, then start designing a functional system of governance which promotes collaboration, individual equality and scientific progress. From a "this is just a game" perspective it's probably best to keep chopping up hordes of slaves and innocent animals at the behest of space mom. :)

Edited by Gessie00
Removed some potentially volatile stuff
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