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DE please calm down with new content and fix your game instead


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With the latest addition of Beasts of the Sanctuary came MANY game breaking bugs which there is a megathread for. 

It is clear that many many people are unsatisfied about the update and mad about losing rewards. 

I can't be the only one who thinks DE should make better content instead of more content as well as fix the older content instead. A week late good Beasts of the Sanctuary would've been much better. I know that DE needs a constant stream of content to release but I think many people would be much more satisfied with bug fixes and rebalances.

Here are a plethora of bugs and unbalances I've found throughout my years of playing.

- if you go into operator and your Warframe flies off the map, your operator and Warframe get teleported back to spawn

- one time when doing kela de thaym, after first part where you have to shoot the button to lift up the platform. I just glitched through and couldn't go up into the boss (I was stuck underneath the platform that lifts up)

- Eidolons randomly teleporting even though there are charged lures (this has been mentioned many times)

- during Eidolons hunts my screen freezes sometimes and I either dc completely or I host migrate into my own game on solo for some reason. If I disconnect and reconnect, I lose all rewards before I disconnected

- while doing kuva survival as ivara, I did a finisher which moved me into a set of stairs then I fell through the map but spawned up after the finisher animation (this didn't ruin my game but it's concerning) 

- sometimes after I return to the orbiter, I can't move or anything until I press esc and then back

- sometimes after leaving the arsenal, just the UI disappears but I can't move until I press esc and click navigation. (I assume this is because you are still in the arsenal but the UI is gone)

- just recently (on Saturday April 21) I was in a stalker beacon share. Someone used a beacon, stalker message showed, then, nothing spawned. The player lost his beacon and stalker didn't spawn. I tried using my beacon and it wouldn't work (because one beacon has already been used)

- Still bugs with kuva getting stuck on things and therefore not being able to complete it


Other than that




why discontinue raids but keep conclaive? No one plays conclaive, conclaive is unrewarding and raids are extremely fun and end game.

Kuva survival


Rewards should scale as enemies scale or else there's no point after rotation c.

15 - 80 Endo rewards in high level survival and defense missions


in missions such as Ani in the void are super unrewarding as 3 common mods equals 15 Endo.

Trash mod rewards in high level survival and defense missions


Trick mag, vitality, magazine warp in high level missions like Hydron and Akkad seems unrewarding and should be changed.

Peculiar mods

peculiar mods are just a slap in the face for end game players. It drops from elite and rotation c, at a low rate and offers no stat bonuses



Onslaught is a great place for focus and as DE stated, the focus will scale up to 16x but the thing is that I cap focus in 10 elite rounds, not being able to take advantage of the multiplier fully.

Lua rescue


Lua rescue is super dumb in public because everyone is hacking and the portal destination keeps changing.



She is still a trash(y) frame that needs some help. I don't really play her often so I don't know what she can do or what to change but she is weak from what I have played of her.



She still needs some help after her prime just came out. She's like worse than mesa but fast. And does no damage.



A great frame because of one ability and that's not good. Defy is the only reason wukong is good and used even then you can use rhino or inaros for most of the content that you would want to use wukong in and rhino has dmg buff and great cc. Inaros has great cc and team healing



Khora is just complete trash at the moment. Her 1 is a worse gara 1 or nidus 1. Her 2 is like a worse volt 1. 

Her 3

Attack - is pretty bad, doesn't do much damage doesn't have a great aoe.

Defense - disarm and knockdowns are inconsistent and venari quite often likes to stand still and afk.

Healing - a trash Oberon 3 or Trinity 4.

Her 4 is a worse vauban 3.

Feel free to leave other bugs and suggestions in the comments and I'll the thread.

Edited by Exitsignn
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I know it seems like they're releasing a lot of new content.. wait.. are they? The onslaught mode is the only new piece of content for months now, everything else this year has been fixes and changes. So it seems that they're actually working on improving the game already. And with every new thing there are bugs on release, and i'm sure DE will get to fixing those when they're back at work

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New Content? Uh... Beasts of the Sanctuary has been the first REAL content we've gotten this year. Yeah, we got Kuva Survival, but that's just survival with a twist. And Zephyr's Priming. That's it. Everything up till now has just been Tennogen and bug fixes.

Zephyr Prime is fine though.

And 22.18.x just came out last week. Let them get into the office to fix stuff today before declaring how they need to fix things. They put out 3 hotfixes before the weekend.

Some people are just never satisfied.

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Please tell me of this supposed glut of new content?
We've gotten Sanctuary Onslaught and Khora, and a few weapons.
That's it.
Everything else has been improvements or tweaks on what we've already had so don't really count as "new content".

Plus they have to release content to keep people interested and keep money flowing.
Further, they have been fixing tons of things so far this year.

Finally as to the SO bugs and Khora:
They have said in various social media that they are going to be looking at Khoras abilities, and they haven't even had one day in the office since the release of the patch.  Give them some time.
They aren't magic.  It takes a little bit of time to fix the new bugs.

Also as to your question about Raids it is very simple: Conclave doesn't break near every patch and is much easier to maintain.  They removed Raids because not enough people played them, and they broke way too often.  Conclave on the other hand may not be played much but at least its in a stable place meaning that it isn't a constant drain on resources.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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The thing is that DE gets more players by making good content not more content. The second dream made many players come back and so did POE but POE went down hill ever since. Also I see Sanctuary as a thing that no one will play after they get khora and the vandals because there are better ways to farm focus unless DE nerfs adaro.

Edited by Exitsignn
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This vicious cycle doesn't really work. 

Make more content so that people will keep playing. Instead of making good content to increase the buzz about Warframe to get more players. Which is what the second dream did

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4 hours ago, Anthraxicus said:

Don't say my Nukong is worthless. Its first ability with the augment is great.....though it still isn't capable of keeping up with the insane efficiency drop at later zones.

The augement is kind of evidence to how bad the base ability is. Increasing dmg by 500% and giving it an aoe. Imagine that on nidus 1. Aoe 100,000's of damage.

Edited by Exitsignn
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Raids were an odd removal, at least when you consider that LoR was pretty stable; would have been more understandable to just remove JV. We will most likely never see raids in the game again unfortunately (I know what they have said, but their past actions speak far louder), and so once again, arcanes are locked behind a single mode.


When it comes to Kuva Survival reward scaling, the entire game has an issue with reward scaling, there isn't any point, even in regards to Onslaught, to going beyond a full rotation. It seems DE wants people to spend more time playing multiple games than just one, there hasn't been anything since Void Keys that really gave a point to pushing beyond one rotation.


Now in regards to content... last thing really would have been the first Plague Star about 7 months ago. Everything since has either been a reskin or just a complete reuse of an existing thing, Onslaught is just Survival by a different name.

Edited by Sean
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they have big content coming the sacrifice is on its way.


they have a ton of bug fixes coming 2 hot fixes already in the past few days.

Think about it this way. they have a dev team a bug fixing team and the community they all work hard as hell to give us a decent experience but they are human. they make mistakes and unlike most big title companies they listen to us. the results might not always be instant but they fix things as they can. as they said about raids it took more maintenance than they could afford with such a small player base using it. 

just cut them some slack and keep your criticism positive. I agree khora needs some balancing and they need to get people to use her first. see how we use her and what abilities currently need buffed and how they need buffed. 

balance is needed to keep things fair. and finding that balance with intelligent player base is difficult im sure.


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3 minutes ago, VantenKiest said:

as they said about raids it took more maintenance than they could afford with such a small player base using it.  

Less than conclaive? They do conclaive bug fixes quite often but not raids?

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I still have friends that play Lunaro pretty often. while I admit I have yet to explore the conclave stuff I am getting ready to check it out. buyt watching others play even here in 2018 I havent seen them wait too long for a full on match. So I can assume SOME people still play it. 


As for bug fixes im sure balancing bugs and others are easier to fix than global networking bugs. considering I live in the USA and play with a party from Ireland often. There are going to be some things that need synced up for host migrations. its not something simple if you can do better apply to DE and kick some ass. 

but overall if you expected this much work out of a company say like EA id laugh at you. DE is so far the most involved company with their customer base. 

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I just can't take seriously this thread after reading what OP said on that titania part: " She is still a trash(y) frame that needs some help. I don't play her so I don't know what she can do or what to change but she is weak. ", so in the same sentence you complain of a frame, and then later you proceed to explain you don't even know how to play with her, and then again, AFTER admiting you don't even know how to play with her you say she is weak? :facedesk: 10/10 best feedback i've ever seen. And i'm not even gonna say anything about the rest because this isnt feedback at all, is pure ranting and pointing known bugs.

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54 minutes ago, Salenstormwing said:

New Content? Uh... Beasts of the Sanctuary has been the first REAL content we've gotten this year. Yeah, we got Kuva Survival, but that's just survival with a twist. And Zephyr's Priming. That's it. Everything up till now has just been Tennogen and bug fixes.

Zephyr Prime is fine though.

And 22.18.x just came out last week. Let them get into the office to fix stuff today before declaring how they need to fix things. They put out 3 hotfixes before the weekend.

Some people are just never satisfied.

Oh yes. How dare we think a public release should be playable? Such entitlement...

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3 hours ago, Exitsignn said:

The augement is kind of evidence to how bad the base ability is. Increasing dmg by 500% and giving it an aoe. Imagine that on nidus 1. Aoe 100,00's of damage.

It doesn't matter how bad the base ability is when, combined with its augment, you can wipe out the entire map, including enemies behind walls and cover, in a single attack.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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to you all ya'll complaining it should be working the day its released in development your working in a controlled environment online peer to peer works very well when your partners are a can toss away so maybe in the office everything was working fine and stable.

The moment your release it your subjecting it to a ton of variables that DE either tested for and tried to support and didnt test for frame combinations power usage even after simaris told you to stop distance from you and host there are alot of factors DE cant forsee  so no it cant be #*!%ing perfect the moment its released its gunna have bugs one way or another and then as they told us we are the test mice we take on a lot of the bugs so that they can be fixed

So calm your selves and idk read a book and wait for it to be fixed and bigger companies do this too hell its a tactic to get it in a decent working order and then patch it as it goes though release so your customers arnt waiting forever for it to come out with some having higher priority then others a bug where it makes say your favorite gun shoot kavats and crash your game its going to get fixed faster then the eidolon deciding it wants to stand in a tree and do a dance trying to walk around

TL:DR calm the calamity that is your mammaries and be patient for it to get fixed bugs get though the cracks and we on the pc platform are the testers of latest content and show de the bugs they couldn't see 

TRL:DR for those who choose not to read 


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6 hours ago, Exitsignn said:

I know that DE needs a constant stream of content to release but I think many people would be much more satisfied with bug fixes and rebalances.


See, people always say this, but the numbers don't bear it out. DE's gone through content droughts in the past and focused entirely on stuff like fixes for months at a stretch. When this happens, the player base inexorably shrinks. As it turns out, content is what keeps them coming back. 

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5 hours ago, Exitsignn said:

Less than conclaive? They do conclaive bug fixes quite often but not raids?

Could you point when was the last conclave bug fixed? And how long had it been since the previois one to it?

All I've seen for quite a while is a few balance changes, which is done simply by tweaking some numbers, and even then these barely ever happen.

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44 minutes ago, seprent said:

TRL:DR for those who choose not to read 


This lame, worn out excuse argument again? That may have worked 3 years ago, but it's not going to fly today.


A while back Rebecca announced they'd be scaling back on releasing new content. The objective of doing this was to lessen the work load pressure and help ensure that when stuff does get released, it's more or less polished and reasonably bug-free.

The irony is that despite supposedly taking their time with Khora, the new Zaw parts, Sanctuary Onslaught, and such, the latest update has been marred by game-breaking issues with the new game mode, an arguably lackluster, uninspired Warframe, and buggy Zaw parts (see the Sepfahn strike as a glaring example).

DE, we love you, but you're really dropping the ball as of late and it's inspiring a serious lack of confidence in your playerbase. Your BIGGEST problem is you have too many things being worked on at once. Just...pick something and really FINISH it and move onto the next thing.

5 hours ago, VantenKiest said:

they have big content coming the sacrifice is on its way.

No need to remind us...I can't wait to see how they'll screw THAT up if this last update was any indication of future QC on content.

At this point, they may as well release Excel Umbra as a skin and call it a day, considering the development limbo THAT'S been in.

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31 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

DE, we love you, but you're really dropping the ball as of late and it's inspiring a serious lack of confidence in your playerbase. Your BIGGEST problem is you have too many things being worked on at once. Just...pick something and really FINISH it and move onto the next thing.

Say what you want to say, enough with this fawning bu we wuv you, pwese give us things. It's an absolute blight on these forums. It actively detracts from any point you are trying to make.

35 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

A while back Rebecca announced they'd be scaling back on releasing new content. The objective of doing this was to lessen the work load pressure and help ensure that when stuff does get released, it's more or less polished and reasonably bug-free.

When did she say that? Was that the objective she/anyone who works at DE said or was that something the community invented?

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So let me put this out there. If you keep trashing them, and they keep seeing how negative you're being about it, how likely are they to feel like working harder when you can simply say Hey DE found this bug. I think you can fix it in this way. Can you look into it? Or hey Titania while i currently dont play it at all does not have a skill set or play style explained that I like seems to be undervalued, These changes could be made to make it better. 


I find that being constructive is better than being a jerk about it. saying that they are lazy ignorant or negligent is just flat out wrong. they do care and they do have teams working on it. They are well aware that they need to fix things if they didnt the know that the player base would leave for other things. but they have fixed things as fast as they could. You can argue where the host migration fix is. they havent been able to fix it yet. not that they arent working on it. they havent found a fix that doesnt break the rest of the game or cause them to pull servers for weeks on end to fix it. 

Compared to a lot of huge titles out there that have major bug smash sessions that take hours to update AFTER the server has been down for 4 to 15 hours and still doesnt work right I feel DE at least tries hard to keep the MAJORITY of the game playable even during hotfixes. 

this is just my opinion but I hope that they do fix the majority of the functions of the game soon. but i dont want them to fix it right this second if that means I cant use the game 60% of the time. 

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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

Say what you want to say, enough with this fawning bu we wuv you, pwese give us things. It's an absolute blight on these forums. It actively detracts from any point you are trying to make.

That's bull.

No matter how you phrase it there's always some knobhead who will say "but you didn't ask nicely enough" or "you asked too nicely," as if they ought to have some say in the matter beyond obvious violations of TOS.

Presenting it as though it has anything to do with argumentation is simply trying to disguise that your commentary here lacks any point at all.

The tone annoyed you. It's within the boundaries of TOS; deal with it.

1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

When did she say that? Was that the objective she/anyone who works at DE said or was that something the community invented?

The dialing it back on new content in favor of polish seems pretty straightforward to me, and the post even goes as far as to call out that this divergence from the standard MO was in consideration of feedback received.

Obviously, the game hasn't burned down yet for a relative lack of content so it should stand to reason that they can afford some extra polishing time pre-release.

Though to be honest I feel like people are seriously overblowing the issues with this latest update. There's simply no way for DE to effectively simulate all the hardware, networking, and software differences between players' individual rigs... Let alone when multiple drastically different machines are mixed together in a single lobby.

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